A basic `POST` can be used for any of the default test suites for the various {{ rc.prod }} media that are made available. The following examples show some of these standard `POST`s that are commonly used by our team and will be used to demonstrate how some minor variations.
This first `POST` is the most basic, simply providing the minimal set of variables required to trigger the standard test suite for the {{ rc.prod }} 9.1 boot ISO on openqa workers for the `x86_64` architecture. All tests of the test suite are predetermined and configure on the openQA server. Since the boot ISO doesn't contain any packages this test suite is effectively a network install from standard {{ rc.prod }} repository servers and/or mirrors.
$ openqa-cli api -X POST isos ISO=Rocky-9.1-x86_64-boot.iso ARCH=x86_64 \
This `POST` demonstrates how a different media type, in this case the minimal ISO, for an alternate {{ rc.prod }} version, in this case {{ rc.prod }} 8.7, can be triggered. As can be seen by this and the previous `POST` the `BUILD` variable will typically be designate the date, version and architecture of the test suite. Since the minimal ISO contains all packages required to conduct a ***minimal*** install of {{ rc.prod }} that is the behavior of this test suite.
This `POST` demonstrates specification of the final normal media type, the dvd ISO, along with what is called a `FLAVOR`, in this case `package-set` for the `x86_64` architecture and {{ rc.prod }} 9.1. Since the dvd ISO contains all of the packages available at release of a specific version or {{ rc.prod }} the `package-set` test suite will test installation of all primary installation types of {{ rc.prod }} not included in the `minimal-iso` test suite above.
$ openqa-cli api -X POST isos ISO=Rocky-9.1-20221214.1-x86_64-dvd.iso ARCH=x86_64 \
These three test suites provide for the minimal testing of all ISOs produced for a given release of {{ rc.prod }}.
## Advanced POST
In addition to the [Basic POSTs](#basic-post) described above there are additional default test suites that use the dvd ISO media and include substantially more test cases. Those include:
- installing in graphical, text and serial console
- installation for standard BIOS and UEFI
- validation of the Anaconda help system
- disk layout variations including LVM, RAID, partition shrink and/or grow, iSCSI and LUKS
- PXE installation from various network sources
- installation in various languages
Standard `POST`s for these test suites is very similar to the basic POSTs above and are shown below...
### FLAVOR=dvd-iso
$ openqa-cli api -X POST isos ISO=Rocky-9.1-20221214.1-x86_64-dvd.iso ARCH=x86_64 \
A feature of openQA is that for a given job group test suites which use the same `BUILD` identifier are collected into a single view in the web UI.
![openQA Home View...](/assets/images/openqa_home_view.png){ loading=lazy }
Thus, the examples show above which all use `BUILD=20230409-Rocky-9.1-x86_64.0` are all shown in a single view. Additionally, that view is accessible via a predictable URI, for example [`https://openqa.rockylinux.org/tests/overview?build=20230409-Rocky-9.1-x86_64.0`](https://openqa.rockylinux.org/tests/overview?build=20230409-Rocky-9.1-x86_64.0) as shown below...