#!/bin/bash # helps build a quick live image. that way a user doesn't have to use emapandas # nor livemedia-creator. mock is probably not necessary, but it's up to you. # label@resf.org set -o errexit set -o pipefail YELLOW=$(tput setaf 3) NORMAL=$(tput sgr0) SCRNAME="$(basename "$0")" SCRDIR="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" export __usage __usage=" usage: $SCRNAME [OPTIONS] Options: -o, --output-dir DIR -l, --live-image NAME -m, --minor NUM -p, --peridot ID # optional. will use peridot repos. -d, --debug # optional " OPTS=$(getopt -a -n live-build -o l:,o:,p:,m:,d,h \ -l live-image:,output-dir:,peridot:,minor:,debug,help -- "$@") function is_in_path() { builtin type -P "${1}" &> /dev/null } function usage() { echo "$__usage" } eval set -- "$OPTS" while :; do case "$1" in -l | --live-image) LIVE="$2" ; shift 2 ;; -o | --output-dir) OUTPUTDIR="$2" ; shift 2 ;; -p | --peridot) PERIDOTID="$2" ; shift 2 ;; -m | --minor) MINOR="$2" ; shift 2 ;; -d | --debug) DEBUG="--debug" ; shift ;; -h | --help) usage ;; --) shift ; break ;; esac done if [ -z "$LIVE" ] || [ -z "$OUTPUTDIR" ]; then echo "Options are not set properly." usage exit 12 fi if [ -e "/sys/fs/selinux/enforce" ]; then enforce_check="$(cat /sys/fs/selinux/enforce)" if [ "$enforce_check" -eq "1" ]; then printf "%sWARNING:%s Running with selinux enforcing may cause issues with the final image.\n" "${YELLOW}" "${NORMAL}" printf "Proceed at your own risk.\n" fi fi set +e is_in_path kiwi-ng ret_val=$? set -e if [ "$ret_val" -ne "0" ]; then echo "kiwi-ng not found. kiwi packages are likely not installed on this system." exit 32 fi function switch_repo_to_peridot() { ID="$1" # https://yumrepofs.build.resf.org/v1/projects/${ID}/repo/ pushd repositories || { echo "not found"; exit 1; } sed -i "s;ZZ_INTERNAL_BaseOS_REPO_URL_ZZ;https://yumrepofs.build.resf.org/v1/projects/${ID}/repo/BaseOS/\$basearch;g" core-peridot.xml sed -i "s;ZZ_INTERNAL_AppStream_REPO_URL_ZZ;https://yumrepofs.build.resf.org/v1/projects/${ID}/repo/AppStream/\$basearch;g" core-peridot.xml sed -i "s;ZZ_INTERNAL_CRB_REPO_URL_ZZ;https://yumrepofs.build.resf.org/v1/projects/${ID}/repo/CRB/\$basearch;g" core-peridot.xml sed -i "s;ZZ_INTERNAL_extras_REPO_URL_ZZ;https://yumrepofs.build.resf.org/v1/projects/${ID}/repo/extras/\$basearch;g" core-peridot.xml rm core.xml ln -sf core-peridot.xml core.xml popd } function main() { /bin/rm config.xml if [ ! -f "configs/rocky-live-${LIVE,,}.xml" ]; then echo "${LIVE} was not found. Is it supported?" exit 42 fi ln -sf "configs/rocky-live-${LIVE,,}.xml" config.xml if [ -n "$PERIDOTID" ]; then switch_repo_to_peridot "${PERIDOTID}" fi if [ -n "$MINOR" ]; then sed -i "s/Rocky-9-/Rocky-9-$MINOR-/g" components/live/*.xml sed -i "s/Rocky-9-/Rocky-9.$MINOR-/g" configs/rocky-live-*.xml fi kiwi-ng $DEBUG --type="iso" --profile="$LIVE-Live" --color-output system build --description="$SCRDIR" --target-dir "$OUTPUTDIR" } main