2022-03-27 17:53:47 -07:00

43 lines
829 B

# Install gitea
# name: "Installing Gitea from COPR"
# dnf:
# name: gitea
# state: present
# Install web front end
# name: "Installing httpd package and configuration"
# dnf:
# name: gitea-httpd
# state: present
# when:
# - gitea_web_install == "httpd"
# - gitea_web_config|bool
# name: "Installing nginx package and configuration"
# dnf:
# name: gitea-nginx
# state: present
# when:
# - gitea_web_install == "nginx"
# - gitea_web_config|bool
# name: "Installing caddy package and configuration"
# dnf:
# name: gitea-caddy
# state: present
# when:
# - gitea_web_install == "caddy"
# - gitea_web_config|bool
# Setup CSS Themes
- name:
path: "/var/lib/gitea/custom/public/css"
owner: git
group: git
mode: '0755'
state: directory
recurse: true