--- # This playbook is meant to be used with callable variables, like adhoc or AWX. # Special thanks to @remyabel for assisting in improving this playbook with # extended security posture # What: Pulls keytabs for a kerberos service # What is expected: # -> host: The host in the inventory # -> ipa_service: using this format: SVC/hostname.rockylinux.org@ROCKYLINUX.ORG # Note: This service MUST exist # -> ipa_keytab_fullpath: The full path to the keytab. Example: /etc/gitlab/gitlab.keytab # -> ipa_server: This needs to be one of the IPA servers # -> ipa_owner: If applicable, the local account that can read this keytab (eg apache) # -> ipa_admin: The admin user that has kerberos management capabilities (default is admin) # -> ipaadmin_password: This should be the password of the admin user - name: Pull keytab from IPA hosts: "{{ host|default('all') }}" become: true gather_facts: false collections: - freeipa.ansible_freeipa tasks: - name: "Checking for user variables" ansible.builtin.assert: that: - ipa_admin | mandatory - ipaadmin_password | mandatory - ipa_service | mandatory - ipa_keytab_fullpath | mandatory - ipa_server | mandatory success_msg: "Required variables provided" fail_msg: "We are missing required information" - name: "Check that a keytab doesn't already exist" ansible.builtin.stat: path: "{{ ipa_keytab_fullpath }}" register: keytab_status check_mode: false changed_when: "1 != 1" - name: "Verify keytab existence" ansible.builtin.assert: that: - "not keytab_status.stat.exists" success_msg: "Keytab doesn't exist, moving on..." fail_msg: "Keytab with that name already exists, skipping." - name: "Grant {{ host }} and {{ ipa_admin }} access to the service keytab" delegate_to: "{{ ipa_server }}" freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipaservice: ipaadmin_principal: "{{ ipa_admin }}" ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}" name: "{{ ipa_service }}" allow_retrieve_keytab_user: - "{{ ipa_admin }}" allow_retrieve_keytab_host: - "{{ host }}" action: member - name: "Grant {{ host }} and {{ ipa_admin }} access to the host keytab" delegate_to: "{{ ipa_server }}" freeipa.ansible_freeipa.ipahost: ipaadmin_principal: "{{ ipa_admin }}" ipaadmin_password: "{{ ipaadmin_password }}" name: "{{ host }}" state: present allow_retrieve_keytab_user: - "{{ ipa_admin }}" managedby_host: "{{ host }}" action: member - name: "Get kerberos ticket" delegate_to: "{{ ipa_server }}" ansible.builtin.shell: "set -o pipefail && echo \"{{ ipaadmin_password }}\" | kinit {{ ipa_admin }}" check_mode: false changed_when: "1 != 1" when: not keytab_status.stat.exists - name: "Attempt to retrieve keytab" delegate_to: "{{ ipa_server }}" ansible.builtin.command: "ipa-getkeytab -r -s {{ ipa_server }} -p {{ ipa_service }} -k /tmp/{{ host }}.kt" register: ret_result check_mode: false changed_when: "1 != 1" failed_when: "not ('Keytab successfully retrieved' in ret_result.stderr or 'krbPrincipalKey not found' in ret_result.stderr)" - name: "Create keytab if it didn't exist, based on the last task" delegate_to: "{{ ipa_server }}" ansible.builtin.command: "ipa-getkeytab -s {{ ipa_server }} -p {{ ipa_service }} -k /tmp/{{ host }}.kt" when: "'krbPrincipalKey not found' in ret_result.stderr" - name: "Destroy admin ticket" delegate_to: "{{ ipa_server }}" ansible.builtin.command: "kdestroy -A" register: kdestroy_result changed_when: "kdestroy_result.rc == 0" - name: "Put the keytab into a register" delegate_to: "{{ ipa_server }}" ansible.builtin.command: "base64 /tmp/{{ host }}.kt" register: keytab check_mode: false changed_when: "keytab.rc == 0" - name: "Destroy local keytab" delegate_to: "{{ ipa_server }}" ansible.builtin.file: path: "/tmp/{{ host }}.kt" state: absent - name: "Deploy keytab to {{ host }} from register" ansible.builtin.copy: dest: "{{ ipa_keytab_fullpath }}.b64" content: "{{ keytab.stdout }}" owner: "{{ ipa_owner|default('root') }}" group: "{{ ipa_owner|default('root') }}" mode: '0600' - name: "Decode keytab" ansible.builtin.shell: "umask 077 && base64 -d {{ ipa_keytab_fullpath }}.b64 > {{ ipa_keytab_fullpath }}" changed_when: "1 != 1" - name: "Destroy encoded keytab" ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ ipa_keytab_fullpath }}.b64" state: absent - name: "Set ownership if applicable, otherwise it's root owned" ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ ipa_keytab_fullpath }}" owner: "{{ ipa_owner|default('root') }}" group: "{{ ipa_owner|default('root') }}" mode: '0600' state: file tags: - keytab ...