--- - name: Install required software to build python libs and run netbox become: true ansible.builtin.package: name: "{{ netbox_pkg }}" state: present - name: Setup initial netbox user become: true ansible.builtin.user: name: netbox comment: "NetBox" system: true uid: "2001" - name: Configuring SELinux booleans ansible.posix.seboolean: name: "{{ item }}" persistent: true state: true with_items: "{{ netbox_selinux_booleans }}" - name: Setup firewalld services ansible.posix.firewalld: service: "{{ item }}" permanent: true state: enabled loop: - http - https - name: Setup firewalld port because of netbox's weird setup ansible.posix.firewalld: port: "8000/tcp" permanent: true state: enabled - name: Download netbox ansible.builtin.get_url: url: "https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/archive/refs/tags/v{{ netbox_version }}.tar.gz" dest: "/tmp/netbox-{{ netbox_version }}.tar.gz" checksum: "{{ netbox_checksum }}" - name: Unpack netbox ansible.builtin.unarchive: src: "/tmp/netbox-{{ netbox_version }}.tar.gz" dest: "/opt" owner: netbox group: netbox mode: '0644' remote_src: true ...