--- # Default OpenQA user and group openqa_user: geekotest openqa_group: geekotest # OpenQA data directory openqa_homedir: /var/lib/openqa # URL for the repository containing the RockyLinux test automation openqa_rocky_testing_repo: "https://github.com/rocky-linux/os-autoinst-distri-rocky.git" # The RockyLinux version to fetch for testing rocky_version: 8.5 # The RockyLinux architecture to fetch for testing rocky_arch: x86_64 # Public download URL for RockyLinux ISOs rocky_iso_download_url: "https://download.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/8.5/isos/{{ rocky_arch }}" # Rocky Linux ISOs openqa_isos: - name: "Rocky-{{ rocky_version }}-{{ rocky_arch }}-boot.iso" checksum: "sha256:5a0dc65d1308e47b51a49e23f1030b5ee0f0ece3702483a8a6554382e893333c" - name: "Rocky-{{ rocky_version }}-{{ rocky_arch }}-dvd1.iso" checksum: "sha256:0081f8b969d0cef426530f6d618b962c7a01e71eb12a40581a83241f22dfdc25" - name: "Rocky-{{ rocky_version }}-{{ rocky_arch }}-minimal.iso" checksum: "sha256:4eb2ae6b06876205f2209e4504110fe4115b37540c21ecfbbc0ebc11084cb779" # The host the openqa-cli should access when it runs. # Change this if you want to access your OpenQA via an # alternative URL openqa_host: localhost # These are the default client credentials. # They will expire 24 hours after installation and must # be replaced with new ones. openqa_client_key: 1234567890ABCDEF openqa_client_secret: 1234567890ABCDEF # The number of workers to enable on this system openqa_worker_count: 1 # Port range to open for VNC access to local workers. # The max port should be 5990 + n where n is the total # number of workers you want to enable on your system. openqa_min_vnc_port: 5991 openqa_max_vnc_port: "{{ 5990 + openqa_worker_count|int }}" # Packages to install openqa_packages: - git - vim-enhanced - openqa - openqa-httpd - openqa-worker - fedora-messaging - guestfs-tools - libguestfs-xfs - python3-fedfind - python3-libguestfs - libvirt-daemon-config-network - virt-install - withlock - postgresql-server - perl-REST-Client # Services to start and enable openqa_services: - sshd - httpd - openqa-gru - openqa-scheduler - openqa-websockets - openqa-webui - fm-consumer@fedora_openqa_scheduler ...