--- # Initial hardening ideas from CIS - name: sysctl hardening and limits block: - name: create combined sysctl-dict if overwrites are defined set_fact: sysctl_config: '{{ sysctl_config | combine(sysctl_overwrite) }}' when: sysctl_overwrite | default() - name: Kernel parameters sysctl: name: "{{ item.key }}" value: "{{ item.value }}" state: present ignoreerrors: true sysctl_set: true sysctl_file: /etc/sysctl.d/99-ansible.conf with_dict: "{{ sysctl_config }}" tags: - harden - kernel - name: Security limits pam_limits: dest: "/etc/security/limits.d/cis.conf" domain: "{{ item.domain }}" limit_type: "{{ item.limit_type }}" limit_item: "{{ item.limit_item }}" value: "{{ item.value }}" with_items: "{{ limits }}" tags: - harden - name: Standard login settings block: - name: useradd defaults lineinfile: line: "INACTIVE=30" regexp: "^INACTIVE=.*" path: "/etc/login.defs" tags: - harden - name: login defs maximum days replace: path: /etc/login.defs regexp: '(PASS_MAX_DAYS).*\d+' replace: '\1\t{{ login_max_days }}' tags: - harden - name: login defs minimum days replace: path: /etc/login.defs regexp: '(PASS_MIN_DAYS).*\d+' replace: '\1\t{{ login_min_days }}' tags: - harden - name: login defs minimum length replace: path: /etc/login.defs regexp: '(PASS_MIN_LEN).*\d+' replace: '\1\t{{ login_min_len }}' tags: - harden - name: login defs warn age replace: path: /etc/login.defs regexp: '(PASS_WARN_AGE).*\d+' replace: '\1\t{{ login_warn_age }}' tags: - harden - name: cron directories permissions file: path: '{{ item }}' owner: root group: root mode: '0700' state: directory loop: '{{ login_cron_directories }}' tags: - harden - name: Create cron/at allows file: path: '{{ item }}' owner: root group: root mode: '0600' state: touch loop: '{{ login_cron_allows }}' tags: - harden - name: Remove cron/at denies file: path: '{{ item }}' state: absent loop: '{{ login_cron_denies }}' tags: - harden # TODO: Use pamd module to establish password policy - name: pwquality - minlen lineinfile: line: "minlen = 14" regexp: "^# minlen =.*" path: "/etc/security/pwquality.conf" tags: - harden - name: pwquality - dcredit lineinfile: line: "dcredit = -1" regexp: "^# dcredit =.*" path: "/etc/security/pwquality.conf" tags: - harden - name: pwquality - ucredit lineinfile: line: "ucredit = -1" regexp: "^# ucredit =.*" path: "/etc/security/pwquality.conf" tags: - harden - name: pwquality - lcredit lineinfile: line: "lcredit = -1" regexp: "^# lcredit =.*" path: "/etc/security/pwquality.conf" tags: - harden - name: pwquality - ocredit lineinfile: line: "ocredit = -1" regexp: "^# ocredit =.*" path: "/etc/security/pwquality.conf" tags: - harden - name: Remove packages not allowed by CIS package: name: "{{ remove_packages }}" state: absent tags: - harden - name: Disable Services service: name: "{{ item }}" enabled: false state: stopped loop: "{{ disable_svc }}" register: service_check failed_when: service_check is failed and not 'Could not find the requested service' in service_check.msg tags: - services - harden - name: modprobe settings block: - name: remove vfat from filesystem list if we are EFI set_fact: modprobe_unused_filesystems: "{{ modprobe_unused_filesystems | difference('vfat') }}" when: - efi_installed.stat.isdir is defined - efi_installed.stat.isdir tags: - efi - name: disable unused filesystems template: src: "etc/modprobe.d/cis.conf.j2" dest: "/etc/modprobe.d/cis.conf" owner: 'root' group: 'root' mode: '0644' tags: - harden - name: Set init umask lineinfile: dest: /etc/sysconfig/init state: present regexp: ^umask line: "umask 027" create: true owner: root group: root mode: '0644' when: ansible_distribution_major_version == '7' tags: - harden - name: CIS sudoers configuration copy: src: "etc/sudoers.d/cis" dest: "/etc/sudoers.d/cis" owner: root group: root mode: '0440' tags: - harden - name: Remove packages not allowed by CIS package: name: "{{ remove_packages }}" state: absent tags: - harden ...