--- # Requires amazon-efs-utils; included, but should probably be split out? # - name: "Installing amazon-efs-utils" become: true become_user: root ansible.builtin.dnf: name: 'https://kojidev.rockylinux.org/kojifiles/packages/amazon-efs-utils/1.31.3/1.5c58a2f.el8/noarch/amazon-efs-utils-1.31.3-1.5c58a2f.el8.noarch.rpm' disable_gpg_check: true validate_certs: true state: present tags: - amazon_efs_utils - packages - mounts - name: "Gathering ec2 facts" amazon.aws.ec2_metadata_facts: tags: - mounts # "you can use /etc/hosts" https://github.com/aws/efs-utils/issues/1 - name: "Install custom hosts file because fmlC-w amazon said so." become: true become_user: root ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: /etc/hosts line: "{{ item.ip_map[ansible_ec2_placement_availability_zone] }} {{ item.fsid }}.efs.{{ ansible_ec2_placement_region }}.amazonaws.com" create: true tags: - mounts - name: "Creating and mounting {{ item.fsid }} at {{ item.mount_point }}" become: true become_user: root ansible.posix.mount: path: "{{ item.mount_point }}" src: "{{ item.fsid }}:/" fstype: "{{ item.fstype }}" opts: "{{ item.fsopts | join(',') }}" state: "{{ item.state | default('mounted') }}" tags: - mounts ...