Go to file
2022-02-26 22:52:38 -07:00
collections init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
defaults init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
files init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
handlers init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
roles init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
tasks init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
templates init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
tests init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
vars init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
.ansible-lint init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
.pre-commit-config.yaml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
.yamllint init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
adhoc-facts-refresh.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
adhoc-rabbitmqqueue.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
adhoc-rabbitmquser.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
init-rocky-account-services.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
init-rocky-ansible-host.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
init-rocky-bugzilla.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
init-rocky-chrony.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
init-rocky-install-kvm-hosts.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
init-rocky-mantisbt.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
init-rocky-noggin-theme.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
init-rocky-noggin.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
init-rocky-openqa-developer-host.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
init-rocky-postfix-relay.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
init-rocky-repo-servers.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
init-rocky-system-config.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
local-ansible.cfg init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
README.md init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
role-rocky-bootstrap_staging.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
role-rocky-graylog.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
role-rocky-mirrormanager.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
role-rocky-monitoring.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
role-rocky-mqtt.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
role-rocky-node_exporter.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
role-rocky-pinnwand.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
role-rocky-rabbitmq.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00
role-rocky-repopool.yml init 2022-02-26 20:19:20 -07:00

Ansible AWX Template: Ops Management

Ansible AWX is the method used for the Rocky Linux infrastructure, as a replacement for using the CLI. This template is used specifically for management of systems and infrastructure and takes bits and pieces from the original infrastructure git repository on GitHub.

This repository may include duplicate playbooks from other ansible management repositories. Some pieces may also be removed and put into their own repository.

Notes on local runs and playbooks for local development systems

There are some playbooks that are meant to be ran locally. There are also cases where AWX is not feasible. To run said playbooks, these are things to keep in mind:

  • local-ansible.cfg will need to be used
  • init-rocky-ansible-host.yml will need to be ran using that configuration file (if there are roles/collections needed)

Provides / Information

This repository is for Infrastructure operations.

├── README.md
├── defaults
│   └── main.yml
├── files
│   └── README.md
├── handlers
│   └── main.yml
├── tasks
│   └── main.yml
├── templates
│   └── README.md
├── tests
│   ├── README.md
│   ├── inventory
│   └── test.yml
└── vars
    └── main.yml