#!/bin/bash # This script will take care of the certificate process for IPA. # There may be more than one request done based on the vars of the playbook. {% for ipahosts in ipa_getcert_requested_hostnames %} {% if ipa_getcert_nss %} nss_db_path="{{ ipahosts.nss_db_dir | default(ipa_getcert_nss_default_location) }}" if [ ! -d "${nss_db_path}" && ! -L "${nss_db_path}" ]; then mkdir -p "${nss_db_path}" fi {% endif %} /usr/bin/ipa-getcert request -r -w \ -I "{{ ipahosts.name }}" \ -N "CN={{ ipahosts.name }}" \ -D "{{ ipahosts.name }}" \ {% if ipahosts.cnames is defined %} {% for cname in ipahosts.cnames %} -D "{{ cname }}" \ {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if ipa_getcert_nss %} -d "${nss_db_path}" \ -n {{ ipahosts.nss_nickname | default(ansible_fqdn) }} \ {% else %} -k "{{ ipahosts.key_location | default(ipa_getcert_key_default_location) }}" \ -f "{{ ipahosts.cert_location | default(ipa_getcert_cert_default_location) }}" \ {% endif %} {% if ipahosts.postcmd is defined %} -C "{{ ipahosts.postcmd }}" \ {% endif %} {% if ipahosts.owner is defined %} -O "{{ ipahosts.owner }}" \ -o "{{ ipahosts.owner }}" \ {% endif %} -K "host/{{ ipahosts.name }}" {% endfor %}