#test policy file #earlier = higher precedence! [main] ; Kerberos Auth principal = {{ koji_gc_principal }} keytab = {{ koji_gc_keytab }} krb_rdns = False #key_aliases = # 30C9ECF8 fedora-test # 4F2A6FD2 fedora-gold # 897DA07A redhat-beta # 1AC70CE6 fedora-extras #unprotected_keys = # fedora-test # fedora-extras # redhat-beta server = {{ koji_hub_url }} weburl = {{ koji_web_url }} # We don't know what we're doing with SSL CA's yet #serverca = # The domain name that will be appended to Koji usernames # when creating email notifications #email_domain = fedoraproject.org # SMTP user and pass (uncomment and fill in if your smtp server requires authentication) #smtp_user=user@example.com #smtp_pass=CHANGEME [prune] policy = #stuff to protect #note that tags with master lock engaged are already protected tag *-updates :: keep age < 1 day :: skip #stuff to chuck semi-rapidly tag *-testing *-candidate :: { # nested rules order >= 2 :: untag order > 0 && age > 6 weeks :: untag } #closing braces must be on a line by themselves (modulo comments/whitespace) tag *-candidate && age > 60 weeks :: untag #default: keep the last 3 order > 2 :: untag