Ansible Role: Matterbridge ========================== Ansible role to deploy [Matterbridge]( server on CentOS/RHEL 7.x systems Requirements ------------ No special requirements. Note this role requires root access; either run it in a playbook with a global `become: yes` or invoke the role in your playbook: ```yaml - hosts: servers roles: - role: jwflory.matterbridge become: yes ``` Role Variables -------------- ### main.yml To be written once this role is more stable. ### vault.yml To be written once this role is more stable. Dependencies ------------ None. Example Playbook ---------------- ```yaml - hosts: matterbridge-host roles: - role: jwflory.matterbridge ``` License ------- [BSD-3-Clause]( "The 3-Clause BSD License") Author Information ------------------ This role was first created in 2019 by [Justin W. Flory]( Find him on [GitHub]( "Check out other things I'm working on!") and [LinkedIn]( "See what I'm doing out in the world…").