# Nebula Configuration ({{ ansible_managed }}) # PKI pki: ca: {{ nebula_config_dir }}/ca.crt cert: {{ nebula_config_dir }}/{{ nebula_nodename }}.crt key: {{ nebula_config_dir }}/{{ nebula_nodename }}.key {% if nebula_pki_disconnect_invalid %} disconnect_invalid: {{ nebula_pki_disconnect_invalid }} {% endif %} {% if nebula_pki_blocklist|length >= 1 %} blocklist: {{ nebula_pki_blocklist | to_nice_yaml(indent=2) | indent(width=4) }} {% endif %} # static host map static_host_map: {% for host in ansible_play_hosts_all %} {% if (hostvars[host]['nebula_am_lighthouse']|default(false)) and (hostvars[host]['nebula_is_member']|default(true)) %} "{{ hostvars[host]['nebula_ip'].split('/')[0] }}": ["{{ hostvars[host]['nebula_routable_ip']|default('NONE') }}:{{ hostvars[host]['nebula_listen_port']|default('4242') }}"] {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if nebula_static_map %} static_map: {% if nebula_static_map_cadence is defined %} cadence: {{ nebula_static_map_cadence }} {% endif %} {% if nebula_static_map_network is defined %} network: {{ nebula_static_map_network }} {% endif %} {% if nebula_static_map_network is defined %} lookup_timeout: {{ nebula_static_map_lookup_timeout }} {% endif %} {% endif %} # lighthouse configuration lighthouse: am_lighthouse: {{ nebula_am_lighthouse }} interval: {{ nebula_lighthouse_interval }} hosts: {% if not nebula_am_lighthouse %} {% for host in ansible_play_hosts_all %} {% if (hostvars[host]['nebula_am_lighthouse']|default(false)) and (hostvars[host]['nebula_is_member']|default(true)) %} - '{{ hostvars[host]['nebula_ip'].split('/')[0] }}' {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} # listen configuration listen: host: {{ nebula_listen_host }} port: {{ nebula_listen_port }} {% if nebula_listen_batch is defined %} batch: {{ nebula_listen_batch }} {% endif %} {% if nebula_listen_read_buffer is defined %} read_buffer: {{ nebula_listen_read_buffer }} {% endif %} {% if nebula_listen_write_buffer is defined %} write_buffer: {{ nebula_listen_write_buffer }} {% endif %} {% if nebula_listen_send_recv_error is defined %} send_recv_error: {{ nebula_listen_send_recv_error }} {% endif %} # punchy punchy: punch: {{ nebula_punchy_punch }} {% if nebula_punchy_respond is defined %} repond: {{ nebula_punchy_respond }} {% endif %} {% if nebula_punchy_respond_delay is defined %} repond_delay: {{ nebula_punchy_respond_delay }} {% endif %} {% if nebula_punchy_delay is defined %} delay: {{ nebula_punchy_delay }} {% endif %} {% if nebula_cipher is defined %} # cipher cipher: {{ nebula_cipher }} {% endif %} {% if nebula_preferred_ranges|length >= 1 %} preferred_ranges: {{ nebula_preferred_ranges }} {% endif %} {% if nebula_routines is defined %} routines: {{ nebula_routines }} {% endif %} # tun tun: disabled: {{ nebula_tun_disabled }} dev: {{ nebula_tun_dev }} drop_local_broadcast: {{ nebula_tun_drop_local_broadcast }} drop_multicast: {{ nebula_tun_drop_multicast }} tx_queue: {{ nebula_tun_tx_queue }} mtu: {{ nebula_tun_mtu }} {% if nebula_use_system_route_table %} use_system_route_table: {{ nebula_use_system_route_table }} {% if nebula_routes|length >= 1 %} routes: {{ nebula_routes|to_nice_yaml(indent=2)|indent(width=4) }} {% else %} routes: {% endif %} {% if nebula_unsafe_routes|length >= 1 %} unsafe_routes: {{ nebula_unsafe_routes|to_nice_yaml(indent=2)|indent(width=4) }} {% else %} unsafe_routes: {% endif %} # logging logging: level: {{ nebula_logging_level }} format: {{ nebula_logging_format }} disable_timestamp: {{ nebula_logging_disable_timestamp }} firewall: {% if nebula_firewall_outbound_action is defined %} outbound_action: {{ nebula_firewall_outbound_action }} {% endif %} {% if nebula_firewall_inbound_action is defined %} inbound_action: {{ nebula_firewall_inbound_action }} {% endif %} conntrack: tcp_timeout: {{ nebula_firewall_conntrack_tcp_timeout }} udp_timeout: {{ nebula_firewall_conntrack_udp_timeout }} default_timeout: {{ nebula_firewall_conntrack_default_timeout }} inbound: {{ nebula_firewall_inbound_rules | to_nice_yaml(indent=2) | indent(width=4) }} outbound: {{ nebula_firewall_outbound_rules | to_nice_yaml(indent=2) | indent(width=4) }}