CI Badge # Ansible template role basic Role to use going forward because I forget pieces ## Getting started Ensure all dependencies are installed and then follow the below process 1. `git clone repo` Get the development repository 2. `pre-commit install` Install the pre-commit hooks 3. Make edits as explained in the customization section 4. `pre-commit` Make sure existing code is good 5. `do development` Dont ask me :D 6. `pre-commit` Make sure the edits are good to go 7. `molecule converge` ## Dependencies This repo expects 3 things installed on the local machine 1. [pre-commit]( Methodology to test yaml style 2. [ansible-lint]( lint ansible code for best practices 3. [yamllint]( Ensures all yaml is well formed ### Customization There are a few files that are required to be updated when using this template 1. [molecule/requirements.yml](molecule/requirements.yml) - Update with any required roles or collections 2. [molecule/default/converge.yml](molecule/default/converge.yml) - update with new role name 3. [molecule/default/molecule.yml](molecule/default/molecule.yml) - update with desired distributions and extra playbooks 4. [github](github) - Rename to `.github` and push, this will set up yamllint, ansible-lint and a CI check job for the `main` branch 1. NOTE: If you are using a SAML token this may fail. You can created the files within the Github web app ### Optional The github actions are configured to automatically run the molecule tests but if you want to load them locally you will also need molecule installed on the development machine ## Advanced There are numerous other options within the [defaults/main.yml](./defaults/main.yml) that can change other parts of the behavior of the system ## Changelog The [changelog](./ is stored externally