[Mattermost]: make matterbridge not spit html into irc #56

opened 2024-03-08 23:13:31 +00:00 by neil · 0 comments
11:00 <rlc> <r​ocky-calendar> <span><br>Fortnightly meeting of the Rocky Linux Alternate Architectures Special Interest Group</span>

@brian notes that the bridge bot is using the wrong parameter in the message, as it should use the plaintext description instead of the formatted one, probably.

``` 11:00 <rlc> <r​ocky-calendar> <span><br>Fortnightly meeting of the Rocky Linux Alternate Architectures Special Interest Group</span> ``` @brian notes that the bridge bot is using the wrong parameter in the message, as it should use the plaintext description instead of the formatted one, probably.
neil added the
labels 2024-03-08 23:13:44 +00:00
label changed title from make matterbridge not spit html into irc to [Mattermost]: make matterbridge not spit html into irc 2024-03-25 16:57:20 +00:00
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