RESF / Boards Mailing Lists Creation #7

opened 2023-01-22 04:40:56 +00:00 by brian · 1 comment

On, we need the following mailing lists:

  • resf (public)
  • resf-announce (public, post from selected users only)
  • resf-board (private)
  • rocky-board (private)

I require permissions to

  • add users directly to all the above mention lists
  • post and read messages to all the above lists
On, we need the following mailing lists: * resf (public) * resf-announce (public, post from selected users only) * resf-board (private) * rocky-board (private) I require permissions to * add users directly to all the above mention lists * post and read messages to all the above lists

This ticket has been resolved by @neil

This ticket has been resolved by @neil
brian closed this issue 2023-01-22 04:41:13 +00:00
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