--- # rabbitmq settings rabbitmq_tls_ca_cert: "/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt" rabbitmq_tls_cert: "/etc/pki/tls/certs/{{ ansible_fqdn }}.crt" rabbitmq_tls_key: "/etc/pki/tls/private/{{ ansible_fqdn }}.key" # These should be in a vault, with a different value. Generated by: # dd if=/dev/urandom bs=30 count=1 | base64 #rabbitmq_cookie: ... # Admin passwords - these should be in a vault #rabbitmq_admin_password: ... # rabbitmq cluster list and information should be defined in hostvars to ensure # that the configuration is idempotent. #rabbitmq_cluster_name: #rabbitmq_env: # Federation / Public Queues rabbitmq_enable_public: false #pubsub_federation_pass: # THIS IS DYNAMIC. IT'S ADVISED IT NOT BE STATIC. # This should be changed depending on how inventory is managed. For example, if # it's not possible to have "staging inventory" as opposed to a "production" # inventory, you would likely have a different name than just "rabbitmq". It is # also possible there will be more than one cluster, so these must be taken # into account when setting this variable. rabbitmq_cluster_list: "{{ groups['rabbitmq'] }}" rabbitmq_ldap_servers: "{{ rocky_ipaserver_list }}" # Messaging queues are generally private rabbitmq_private: true ipa_getcert_requested_hostnames: - name: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}" owner: rabbitmq key_location: "{{ rabbitmq_tls_key }}" cert_location: "{{ rabbitmq_tls_cert }}" postcmd: "/bin/systemctl restart rabbitmq-server"