--- # This playbook is meant to be used with callable variables, like adhoc or AWX. # What: Creates RabbitMQ Users # Required parameters: # -> username: The username to create in RabbitMQ, which should match an LDAP # name or the CN of a certificate. Note that if it's a hostname # it must be the FQDN. # -> queue_name: Name of the queue to create. This should be setup with a # prefix_suffix name, where prefix is the username, and # the suffix is a service name. # -> routing_keys: A list to be used as routing keys. # Optional: # -> write_queues: A list of queues name prefixes that which the user will # be allowed to publish. # -> thresholds: A dictionary with two keys "warning" and "critical" - The # values are numbers. In the event we have a monitoring system # this can be a number of messages that could cause an alert. # -> vhost: The vhost this queue will be part of. The default is /pubsub. - name: Create a User hosts: rabbitmq become: false gather_facts: false vars_files: - vars/vaults/encpass.yml - vars/rabbitmq.yml tasks: - name: "Checking for user variables" assert: that: - username != "admin" - username != "guest" - username != "mq-monitoring" success_msg: "Required variables provided" fail_msg: "Username is reserved" tags: - rabbitmq - name: "Validate username queue name" assert: that: - "queue_name.startswith(username)" tags: - rabbitmq - name: "Creating User Account" community.rabbitmq.rabbitmq_user: user: "{{ username }}" vhost: "{{ vhost|default('/pubsub') }}" read_priv: "^(zmq\\.topic)|^(amq\\.topic)|({{ username }}.*)$" write_priv: "^(amq\\.topic)|({{ username }}.*){% for queue in write_queues|default([]) %}|({{ queue }}.*){% endfor %}$" configure_priv: "^$" state: present tags: - rabbitmq - name: "Create {{ queue_name }}" delegate_to: "{{ rabbitmq_cluster_list[0] }}" community.rabbitmq.rabbitmq_queue: name: "{{ queue_name }}" vhost: "{{ vhost|default('/pubsub') }}" auto_delete: false durable: true message_ttl: "{{ message_ttl|default('null') }}" state: present login_user: admin login_password: "{{ rabbitmq_admin_password }}" tags: - rabbitmq - name: "Bind {{ queue_name }} to amq.topic exchange" delegate_to: "{{ rabbitmq_cluster_list[0] }}" community.rabbitmq.rabbitmq_binding: name: "amq.topic" destination: "{{ queue_name }}" destination_type: queue routing_key: "{{ routing_item }}" vhost: "{{ vhost|default('/pubsub') }}" state: present login_user: admin login_password: "{{ rabbitmq_admin_password }}" loop: "{{ routing_keys }}" loop_control: loop_var: routing_item tags: - rabbitmq