nazunalika fcdf86b31c
Linting and Formatting
This commit appends the to state that yaml files should start
with `---` and end with `...`. This also addresses some linting
warnings that were not appearing during pre-commit on local system.
2021-08-29 22:02:24 -07:00

43 lines
942 B

# monitoring
- port: 80/tcp
permanent: true
state: enabled
- port: 443/tcp
permanent: true
state: enabled
- port: 9100/tcp
permanent: true
state: enabled
- port: 3000/tcp
permanent: true
state: enabled
- port: 9090/tcp
permanent: true
state: enabled
- port: 9093/tcp
permanent: true
state: enabled
monitoring_tls_ca_cert: "/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt"
monitoring_tls_cert: "/etc/pki/tls/certs/{{ ansible_fqdn }}.crt"
monitoring_tls_key: "/etc/pki/tls/private/{{ ansible_fqdn }}.key"
- name: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
owner: grafana
key_location: "{{ monitoring_tls_key }}"
cert_location: "{{ monitoring_tls_cert }}"
postcmd: "/bin/systemctl restart grafana"
# prometheus_targets:
# node:
# - targets:
# - host1
# - host2
# labels:
# env: production