#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*-:python; coding:utf-8; -*- # author: Louis Abel # pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring # # This script acts as an auditor for a FreeIPA domain. It's primary uses are # for providing information of a client system and auditing policies, but can # also be used as a simple query tool. When in audit mode, it will communicate # with the IPA domain and attempt to get information such as HBAC and SUDO. # Note that the auditor functionality may require an account with specialized # privileges. # Changelog: # * Wed Nov 08 2023 # - Initial version import os import sys import configparser import socket import subprocess import argparse ################################################################################ # This is specifically for audit operations where the client system running the # audit is not a direct client of the IPA domain. This is either used as a # fallback if ipalib is not available or if called during "audit". This library # is installable from EPEL (for RHEL-like machines), or the default Fedora # repos. try: from python_freeipa import ClientMeta except ImportError: ClientMeta = None ################################################################################ # A system with the (free)ipa-client packages will have this library by # default. If the system is enrolled, this will work without much of an issue. # This is the default method of interacting with the API. try: from ipalib import api as libapi except ImportError: libapi = None if not libapi and not ClientMeta: print('No IPA python modules are available') sys.exit(1) ################################################################################ # The argument parser should allow us to use sub parsers. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='IPA Auditor and Infolets', epilog='Use this with a wrapper to gather client or general IPA audit information') subparser = parser.add_subparsers(dest='cmd') subparser.required = True info_parser = subparser.add_parser('info', epilog='Use this to get IPA client information.') query_parser = subparser.add_parser('query', epilog='Use this to perform simple IPA queries.') audit_parser = subparser.add_parser('audit', epilog='Use this to perform audits of IPA policies') parser.add_argument('--library', type=str, default='ipalib', help='Choose the ipa library to use for the auditor', choices=('ipalib', 'python_freeipa')) audit_parser.add_argument('--type', type=str, required=True, help='Type of audit: hbac, rbac, group, user', choices=('hbac', 'rbac', 'group', 'user')) audit_parser.add_argument('--name', type=str, default='', help='Name of the object you want to audit') audit_parser.add_argument('--deep', action='store_true', help='Name of the object you want to audit') # all query related subparsers # pylint: disable=line-too-long query_subparser = query_parser.add_subparsers(dest='query_cmd') user_query_parser = query_subparser.add_parser('user', epilog="Use this to get user information.") user_query_parser.add_argument('-A', '--all', action='store_true', help='Get everything about the user') user_query_parser.add_argument('name', nargs='?', help='User name') group_query_parser = query_subparser.add_parser('group', epilog="Use this to get group information.") group_query_parser.add_argument('-A', '--all', action='store_true', help='Get everything about the group') group_query_parser.add_argument('name', nargs='?', help='Group name') known = parser.parse_known_args() results = parser.parse_args() command = parser.parse_args().cmd ################################################################################ # Generic classes. These are the classes for very generic operations and # getting information, usually about the host. # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class EtcIPADefault: """ Reads just the /etc/ipa/default.conf file that is generated """ @staticmethod def read(): """ Attempt to read the config file """ if not os.path.exists('/etc/ipa/default.conf'): print('File does not exist (/etc/ipa/default.conf)', sys.stderr) print('Is this system enrolled to a domain?', sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) __config = configparser.ConfigParser() __config.read('/etc/ipa/default.conf') outter_info = {} outter_info['local_host_name'] = socket.gethostname() outter_info['ipa_joined_name'] = __config['global']['host'] outter_info['ipa_domain'] = __config['global']['domain'] outter_info['ipa_realm'] = __config['global']['realm'] outter_info['registered_dc'] = __config['global']['host'] if not __config['global'].get('server', None) else __config['global']['server'] return outter_info class SssctlInfo: """ Uses sssctl to gather minimum required information. Most current distributions that support IPA should have this binary available. """ @staticmethod def domain_status(ipa_domain): """ Gets the status from sssctl """ sssctl_cmd = f'/usr/sbin/sssctl domain-status -o {ipa_domain}' if not os.path.exists('/usr/sbin/sssctl'): return 'sssctl command not found' if not os.getuid() == 0: return 'Unknown; root required' if sys.version_info[:2] <= (3, 6): processor = subprocess.run(args=sssctl_cmd, shell=True, check=False, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: processor = subprocess.run(args=f'/usr/sbin/sssctl domain-status -o {ipa_domain}', check=False, capture_output=True, text=True, shell=True) domain_status_out = processor.stdout.strip().split(':')[1].strip() return domain_status_out @staticmethod def current_dc(ipa_domain): """ Gets the current connected DC """ sssctl_cmd = f'/usr/sbin/sssctl domain-status -a {ipa_domain} | grep IPA' if not os.path.exists('/usr/sbin/sssctl'): return 'sssctl command not found' if not os.getuid() == 0: return 'Unknown; root required' if sys.version_info[:2] <= (3, 6): processor = subprocess.run(args=sssctl_cmd, shell=True, check=False, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: # pylint: disable=line-too-long processor = subprocess.run(args=f'/usr/sbin/sssctl domain-status -a {ipa_domain} | grep IPA', check=False, capture_output=True, text=True, shell=True) current_dc_out = processor.stdout.strip().split(':')[1].strip() return current_dc_out class IPACalls: """ IPA specific API calls. info, query, audit should all call in this. """ ################################################################################ # Kerberos @staticmethod def quick_host_kinit(): """ brings in the host kerb ticket """ etc_ipa_default = EtcIPADefault.read() # pylint: disable=line-too-long kinit_cmd = f"/usr/bin/kinit -kt /etc/krb5.keytab host/{etc_ipa_default['local_host_name']}@{etc_ipa_default['ipa_realm']}" err_code = subprocess.run(args=kinit_cmd, shell=True, check=False) if err_code.returncode != 0: print('We could not run kdestroy on the host.', sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) @staticmethod def quick_host_kdestroy(): """ destroys the host kerb ticket """ etc_ipa_default = EtcIPADefault.read() # pylint: disable=line-too-long kdestroy_cmd = f"/usr/bin/kdestroy -p host/{etc_ipa_default['local_host_name']}@{etc_ipa_default['ipa_realm']}" err_code = subprocess.run(args=kdestroy_cmd, shell=True, check=False) if err_code.returncode != 0: print('We could not run kinit as the host.', sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # End kerberos ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # Static IPA calls @staticmethod def get_host_groups(api, host): """ Gets the list of hostgroups this client is a part of """ if api: api_results = api.host_show(host, all=True)['result']['memberof_hostgroup'] return api_results return ['Unknown, no kerb ticket'] # End static IPA calls ################################################################################ class IPAInfo: """ Get IPA specific information for a client. """ @staticmethod def get_basic_ipa_info(api): """ Gets the actual info """ etc_ipa_default = EtcIPADefault.read() domain_status = SssctlInfo.domain_status(etc_ipa_default['ipa_domain']) current_dc = SssctlInfo.current_dc(etc_ipa_default['ipa_domain']) current_hostname = etc_ipa_default['local_host_name'] hostgroups = '\n '.join(IPACalls.get_host_groups(api, current_hostname)) output_dict = { 'Local host name:': etc_ipa_default['local_host_name'], 'Joined to domain:': etc_ipa_default['ipa_domain'], 'Joined as:': etc_ipa_default['ipa_joined_name'], 'Registered DC:': etc_ipa_default['registered_dc'], 'Current DC:': current_dc, 'Domain status:': domain_status, 'Host Group(s):': hostgroups, } for key, value in output_dict.items(): print(f'{key: <20}{value}') @staticmethod def basic_ipa_info(api): """ Basic IPA info (aka ipainfo). """ IPAInfo.get_basic_ipa_info(api) ################################################################################ # Specific classes. These are for classes with a very specific use case. Mainly # for working with the auditor or query system. class IPAAudit: """ This is for getting audit data RBAC, HBAC. "deep" option should recurse down groups and users """ @staticmethod def entry(api, control, name, deep): """ Gets us started on the audit """ if control == 'hbac': IPAAudit.hbac_pull(api, name, deep) if control == 'rbac': IPAAudit.rbac_pull(api, name, deep) if control == 'user': IPAAudit.user_pull(api, name, deep) if control == 'group': IPAAudit.group_pull(api, name, deep) @staticmethod def user_pull(api, name, deep): """ Gets requested user info """ try: user_results = IPAQuery.user_data(api, name) except: print(f'Could not find {name}', sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) user_first = '' if not user_results.get('givenname', None) else user_results['givenname'][0] user_last = '' if not user_results.get('sn', None) else user_results['sn'][0] user_uid = '' if not user_results.get('uid', None) else user_results['uid'][0] user_uidnum = '' if not user_results.get('uidnumber', None) else user_results['uidnumber'][0] user_gidnum = '' if not user_results.get('gidnumber', None) else user_results['gidnumber'][0] user_groups = '' if not user_results.get('memberof_group', None) else '\n '.join(user_results['memberof_group']) user_hbachosts = '' if not user_results.get('memberof_hbacrule', None) else '\n '.join(user_results['memberof_hbacrule']) user_indhbachosts = '' if not user_results.get('memberofindirect_hbacrule', None) else '\n '.join(user_results['memberofindirect_hbacrule']) starter_user = { 'User name': user_uid, 'First name': user_first, 'Last name': user_last, 'UID': user_uidnum, 'GID': user_gidnum, 'Groups': user_groups, } print('User Information') print('----------------------------------------') for key, value in starter_user.items(): if len(value) > 0: print(f'{key: <16}{value}') print('') if deep: group_list = [] if not user_results.get('memberof_group', None) else user_results['memberof_group'] IPAAudit.user_deep_list(api, name, group_list) @staticmethod def group_pull(api, name, deep): """ Gets requested rbac info """ print() @staticmethod def hbac_pull(api, name, deep): """ Gets requested rbac info """ try: hbac_results = IPAQuery.hbac_data(api, name) except: print(f'Could not find {name}', sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) hbac_description = '' if not hbac_results.get('description', None) else hbac_results['description'][0] hbac_svcs = '' if not hbac_results.get('memberservice_hbacsvc', None) else '\n '.join(hbac_results['memberservice_hbacsvc']) hbac_svcs_groups = '' if not hbac_results.get('memberservice_hbacsvcgroup', None) else '\n '.join(hbac_results['memberservice_hbacsvcgroup']) users = '' if not hbac_results.get('memberuser_user', None) else '\n '.join(hbac_results['memberuser_user']) hosts = '' if not hbac_results.get('memberhost_host', None) else '\n '.join(hbac_results['memberhost_host']) groups = '' if not hbac_results.get('memberuser_group', None) else '\n '.join(hbac_results['memberuser_group']) hostgroups = '' if not hbac_results.get('memberhost_hostgroup', None) else '\n '.join(hbac_results['memberhost_hostgroup']) @staticmethod def rbac_pull(api, name, deep): """ Gets requested rbac info """ try: rbac_results = IPAQuery.role_data(api, name) except: print(f'Could not find {name}', sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # pylint: disable=line-too-long rbac_description = '' if not rbac_results.get('description', None) else rbac_results['description'][0] rbac_privs = '' if not rbac_results.get('memberof_privilege', None) else '\n '.join(rbac_results['memberof_privilege']) users = '' if not rbac_results.get('member_user', None) else '\n '.join(rbac_results['member_user']) hosts = '' if not rbac_results.get('member_host', None) else '\n '.join(rbac_results['member_host']) groups = '' if not rbac_results.get('member_group', None) else '\n '.join(rbac_results['member_group']) hostgroups = '' if not rbac_results.get('member_hostgroup', None) else '\n '.join(rbac_results['member_hostgroup']) starter_rbac = { 'Role Name:': name, 'Description:': rbac_description, 'Privileges:': rbac_privs, 'Users:': users, 'Groups:': groups, 'Hosts:': hosts, 'Hosts Groups:': hostgroups, } print('RBAC Information') print('----------------------------------------') for key, value in starter_rbac.items(): if len(value) > 0: print(f'{key: <16}{value}') print('') if deep: user_list = [] if not rbac_results.get('member_user', None) else rbac_results['member_user'] group_list = [] if not rbac_results.get('member_group', None) else rbac_results['member_group'] priv_list = [] if not rbac_results.get('memberof_privilege', None) else rbac_results['memberof_privilege'] IPAAudit.role_deep_list(api, user_list, group_list, priv_list) @staticmethod # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value def hbac_deep_list(api, users, groups, privs): """ Does recursive digging on the control provided """ print() @staticmethod # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value def role_deep_list(api, users, groups, privs): """ Does recursive digging on the users provided """ starting_perms = [] for priv in privs: data = IPAQuery.priv_data(api, priv) description = '' if not data.get('description', None) else data['description'][0] permlist = '' if not data.get('memberof_permission', None) else data['memberof_permission'] if len(permlist) > 0: for perm in permlist: if perm not in starting_perms: starting_perms.append(perm) print('Permissions Applied to this Role') print('----------------------------------------') for item in starting_perms: print(item) print('') starting_user_list = users for group in groups: data = IPAQuery.group_data(api, group) description = '' if not data.get('description', None) else data['description'][0] userlist = '' if not data.get('member_user', None) else data['member_user'] ind_userlist = '' if not data.get('memberindirect_user', None) else data['memberindirect_user'] grouplist = '' if not data.get('member_group', None) else '\n '.join(data['member_group']) user_list = [] ind_user_list = [] if len(userlist) > 0: for user in userlist: user_list.append(f'{user}') if user not in starting_user_list: starting_user_list.append(user) if len(ind_userlist) > 0: for user in ind_userlist: ind_user_list.append(f'{user}') if user not in starting_user_list: starting_user_list.append(user) user_list_join = '\n '.join(user_list) ind_user_list_join = '\n '.join(ind_user_list) group_dict = { 'Description:': description, 'Users:': user_list_join, 'Indirect Users:': ind_user_list_join, 'Groups:': grouplist, } print(f'Group: {group}') print('----------------------------------------') for key, value in group_dict.items(): if len(value) > 0: print(f'{key: <16}{value}') print('') final_user_list = {} for user in starting_user_list: data = IPAQuery.user_data(api, user) this_user = IPAQuery.user_data(api, user) fullname = f"{this_user['givenname'][0]} {this_user['sn'][0]}" final_user_list[user] = fullname if len(starting_user_list) > 0: print('Full List of Users for this role') print('----------------------------------------') for key, value in final_user_list.items(): if len(value) > 0: print(f'{key: <24}{value}') @staticmethod def user_deep_list(api, user, groups): """ Does a recursive dig on a user """ hbac_rule_list = [] host_list = [] hostgroup_list = [] for group in groups: group_results = IPAQuery.group_data(api, group) hbac_list = [] if not group_results.get('memberof_hbacrule', None) else group_results['memberof_hbacrule'] hbacind_list = [] if not group_results.get('memberofindirect_hbacrule', None) else group_results['memberofindirect_hbacrule'] hbac_rule_list.extend(hbac_list) hbac_rule_list.extend(hbacind_list) # TODO: Add HBAC list (including services) # TODO: Add RBAC list hbac_hosts = [] for hbac in hbac_rule_list: hbac_results = IPAQuery.hbac_data(api, hbac) hbac_host_list = [] if not hbac_results.get('memberhost_host', None) else hbac_results['memberhost_host'] hbac_hostgroup_list = [] if not hbac_results.get('memberhost_hostgroup', None) else hbac_results['memberhost_hostgroup'] for host in hbac_host_list: hbac_hosts.append(host) for hostgroup in hbac_hostgroup_list: hostgroup_data = IPAQuery.hostgroup_data(api, hostgroup) host_list = [] if not hostgroup_data.get('member_host', None) else hostgroup_data['member_host'] hbac_hosts.extend(host_list) new_hbac_hosts = sorted(set(hbac_hosts)) print('User Has Access To These Hosts') print('----------------------------------------') for hhost in new_hbac_hosts: print(hhost) @staticmethod def group_deep_list(api, group): """ Does a recursive dig on a group """ class IPAQuery: """ This is for getting query data """ @staticmethod def entry(api, control, name, deep): """ Gets us started on the query """ if control == 'user': IPAQuery.user_pull(api, name, deep) if control == 'group': IPAQuery.group_pull(api, name, deep) @staticmethod def user_pull(api, name, deep): """ Gets requested user info """ user_results = IPAQuery.user_data(api, name) uid = user_results['uid'][0] uid_number = user_results['uidnumber'][0] gid_number = user_results['gidnumber'][0] first_name = user_results['givenname'][0] last_name = user_results['sn'][0] homedir = user_results['homedirectory'][0] loginshell = user_results['loginshell'][0] full_name = f'{first_name} {last_name}' krbprincipal = user_results['krbprincipalname'][0] groups = ','.join(user_results['memberof_group']) getent_string = f'{uid}:x:{uid_number}:{gid_number}:{full_name}:{homedir}:{loginshell}' if not deep: print(getent_string) else: outter = f""" unixname:{uid} uid:{uid_number} gid:{gid_number} gecos:{full_name} displayName:{full_name} home:{homedir} shell:{loginshell} userPrincipalName:{krbprincipal} memberOf:{groups} """ print(outter) @staticmethod def group_pull(api, name, deep): """ Gets requested group info """ group_results = IPAQuery.group_data(api, name) gid = group_results['cn'][0] gid_number = group_results['gidnumber'][0] description = group_results['description'][0] users_list = list(group_results['member_user']) users_indirect = [] if 'memberindirect_user' in group_results: users_indirect = list(group_results['memberindirect_user']) users_list = users_list + users_indirect users_list_names = [] for x in users_list: user_results = IPAQuery.user_data(api, x) first_name = '' if 'givenname' in user_results: first_name = user_results['givenname'][0] last_name = user_results['sn'][0] full_name = f'{first_name} {last_name}' users_list_names.append(full_name) users = ','.join(users_list) users_names = "\n".join(users_list_names) getent_string = f'{gid}:x:{gid_number}:{users}' if not deep: print(getent_string) else: print(users_names) @staticmethod def user_data(api, user): """ Returns all user data """ return api.user_show(user)['result'] @staticmethod def group_data(api, group): """ Returns all group data """ return api.group_show(group)['result'] @staticmethod def hostgroup_data(api, group): """ Returns all group data """ return api.hostgroup_show(group)['result'] @staticmethod def role_data(api, role): """ Returns all role data """ return api.role_show(role)['result'] @staticmethod def priv_data(api, priv): """ Returns all role data """ return api.privilege_show(priv)['result'] @staticmethod def hbac_data(api, hbac): """ Returns all hbac data """ return api.hbacrule_show(hbac)['result'] @staticmethod def hbacsvcgroup_data(api, hbacsvcgroup): """ Returns all hbac service group data """ return api.hbacsvcgroup_show(hbacsvcgroup)['result'] # start main def get_api(ipa_library='ipalib'): """ Gets and returns the right API entrypoint """ # This is unfortunately hacky. if ipa_library == 'ipalib': # When root, use the hostkeytab if os.getuid() == 0: IPACalls.quick_host_kinit() api = libapi try: api.bootstrap(context="custom") api.finalize() api.Backend.rpcclient.connect() command_api = api.Command except: print('WARNING: No kerberos credentials\n') command_api = None elif ipa_library == 'python_freeipa': print() else: print('Unsupported ipa library', sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) return command_api def main(): """ Main function entrypoint """ command_api = get_api() if command == 'audit': IPAAudit.entry(command_api, results.type, results.name, results.deep) elif command == 'info': IPAInfo.basic_ipa_info(command_api) elif command == 'query': IPAQuery.entry(command_api, results.query_cmd, results.name, results.all) # When root, kdestroy the host keytab if os.getuid() == 0: IPACalls.quick_host_kdestroy() if __name__ == '__main__': main()