do ISO work in the compose before pushing

This commit is contained in:
Louis Abel 2022-11-10 13:14:49 -07:00
parent ebeff58040
commit ee7a0a0d2b
Signed by untrusted user: label
GPG key ID: B37E62D143879B36

View file

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# Performs a full on sync of a minor release, directories and all. It calls the
# other scripts in this directory to assist where necessary.
# Note that this is EL8 specific
# Source common variables
# shellcheck disable=SC2046,1091,1090
source $(dirname "$0")/common
@ -13,6 +15,32 @@ for COMPOSE in "${NONSIG_COMPOSE[@]}"; do
echo "${COMPOSE}: Syncing"
pushd "/mnt/compose/${MAJ}/latest-${COMPOSE}-${MAJ}/compose" || { echo "${COMPOSE}: Failed to change directory"; break; }
if [[ "${COMPOSE}" == "Rocky" ]]; then
# ISO Work before syncing
mkdir -p isos/{x86_64,aarch64}
# Sort the ISO's
for ARCH in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do
for x in BaseOS Minimal; do
echo "${x} ${ARCH}: Moving ISO images"
mv "${x}/${ARCH}/iso/*" "isos/${ARCH}/"
pushd "isos/${ARCH}" || { echo "${ARCH}: Failed to change directory"; break; }
ln -s "Rocky-${REVISION}-${ARCH}-boot.iso" "Rocky-${ARCH}-boot.iso"
ln -s "Rocky-${REVISION}-${ARCH}-dvd1.iso" "Rocky-${ARCH}-dvd1.iso"
ln -s "Rocky-${REVISION}-${ARCH}-dvd1.iso" "Rocky-${ARCH}-dvd.iso"
ln -s "Rocky-${REVISION}-${ARCH}-minimal.iso" "Rocky-${ARCH}-minimal.iso"
for file in *.iso; do
printf "# %s: %s bytes\n%s\n" \
"${file}" \
"$(stat -c %s ${file})" \
"$(sha256sum --tag ${file})" \
| sudo tee -a CHECKSUM;
popd || { echo "Could not change directory"; break; }
mkdir -p "${TARGET}"
# disabling because none of our files should be starting with dashes. If they
@ -29,61 +57,21 @@ for COMPOSE in "${NONSIG_COMPOSE[@]}"; do
# Return back to where we started
popd || { echo "${COMPOSE}: Failed to change back"; break; }
# Create extra stuff
pushd "${TARGET}" || { echo "${COMPOSE}: Failed to change directory"; break; }
mkdir -p Live/x86_64
ln -s Live live
popd || { echo "${COMPOSE}: Failed to change back"; break; }
# sync all sig stuff
# Only enabled for giving preferential treatment.
#for SIG in "${!SIG_COMPOSE[@]}"; do
# echo "${SIG}: Syncing"
# cd "/mnt/compose/${MAJ}/latest-${SIG}-${MAJ}/compose" || { echo "${COMPOSE}: Failed to change directory"; break; }
# mkdir -p "${TARGET}"
# # disabling because none of our files should be starting with dashes. If they
# # are something is *seriously* wrong here.
# # shellcheck disable=SC2035
# sudo -l && find **/* -maxdepth 0 -type d | parallel --will-cite -j 18 sudo rsync -av --chown=10004:10005 --progress --relative --human-readable \
# {} "${TARGET}"
# Create symlinks for repos that were once separate from the main compose
for LINK in "${LINK_REPOS[@]}"; do
# copy around the ISOs a bit, make things comfortable
for ARCH in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do
# who knows if EL10 will change the name of baseos
for x in BaseOS Minimal; do
echo "${x} ${ARCH}: Copying ISO images"
# Hardcoding this for now
mkdir -p "${TARGET}"
#mkdir -p "${SOURCE}" "${TARGET}" "${TARGET_ARCH}"
# Copy the ISO and manifests into their target architecture
#cp -n "${SOURCE}"/*.iso "${TARGET_ARCH}/"
#cp -n "${SOURCE}"/*.iso.manifest "${TARGET_ARCH}/"
# Copy the ISO and manifests into the main isos target
cp "${SOURCE}"/*.iso "${TARGET}/"
cp "${SOURCE}"/*.iso.manifest "${TARGET}/"
pushd "${TARGET}" || { echo "Could not change directory"; break; }
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
for file in *.iso; do
printf "# %s: %s bytes\n%s\n" \
"${file}" \
"$(stat -c %s ${file})" \
"$(sha256sum --tag ${file})" \
| sudo tee -a CHECKSUM;
popd || { echo "Could not change directory"; break; }
# make a kickstart directory
for ARCH in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do
for REPO in "${MODS_REPOS[@]}"; do