#!/bin/bash r_log "findutils" "Testing basic find stuff" TMPDIR=/var/tmp/find [ -e $TMPDIR ] && rm -rf "$TMPDIR" mkdir -p "$TMPDIR" || { r_log "findutils" "Can't create $TMPDIR"; exit $FAIL; } touch "$TMPDIR/file1" touch "$TMPDIR/file with a space" r_log "findutils" "Check that find just works(tm)" find "$TMPDIR" &> /dev/null r_checkExitStatus $? r_log "findutils" "Check that find fails for something that doesn't exist" find "$TMPDIR/doesntexit" &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 1 ]; then r_log "findutils" "Something wrong happened. Was the file there?" else r_checkExitStatus 0 fi r_log "findutils" "Prepare for xargs test" LINES=$(find "$TMPDIR" -print0 | wc -l) if [ $LINES -eq 0 ]; then r_checkExitStatus 0 else r_checkExitStatus 1 fi r_log "findutils" "Perform for xargs test" find "$TMPDIR" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ls &> /dev/null r_checkExitStatus $? r_log "findutils" "Perform for xargs test: fails with spaces in the name" find "$TMPDIR" -type f | xargs ls &> /dev/null && { r_log "findutils" "Why did this get a 0 exit?"; exit $FAIL; } if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then r_checkExitStatus $? fi rm -rf "$TMPDIR"