[Peridot] clone swap 9.3 project to 9.4
[Peridot] clone swap 9.3 project to 9.4
- Setup external repo
- setup project gpg key
- setup project authentication creds for Gitlab
- added releng group to admin
- made public
[Peridot] clone swap 9.3 project to 9.4
"target_project_id": "df5bcbfc-ba83-4da8-84d6-ae0168921b4d",
[POC][Upstream]: Investigate the use of osbuild or kiwi to build live images
Note: the Fedora Cloud SIG has a Change in progress for F40 to build those artifacts with Kiwi; https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/KiwiBuiltCloudImages - It's possible this will expand to…
[Peridot] clone swap 9.3 project to 9.4
If I am reading this correctly, we do not currently have the ability to clone swap and move an NEVRA between repositories, so this would need to be done as a post-processing step. I will…
[Issue] Mirrormanager returns mirrors w/o IPv6 support for requests from IPv6 hosts
Merge pull request 'issues/CVE-2024-1086.md: Hopefully fix mitigations list formatting' (#28) from solardiz-patch-26 into main
issues/CVE-2024-1086.md: Hopefully fix mitigations list formatting
issues/CVE-2024-1086.md: Hopefully fix mitigations list formatting
Merge pull request 'Add issues/CVE-2024-1086.md' (#27) from solardiz-patch-25 into main
Add issues/CVE-2024-1086.md
Rocky Linux 8.10 Beta - Build and Test
add meeting minutes for 2024-03-21
Merge pull request 'add meeting minutes for 2024-03-21' (#27) from meeting/2024-03-21 into main
add meeting minutes for 2024-03-21
add meeting minutes for 2024-03-21