from typing import Annotated from base64 import b64encode, b64decode from json import loads import rekor_sdk from fastapi import APIRouter, Form, File, Request, HTTPException from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession from mothership.models.entry import Entry router = APIRouter(prefix="/upload_srpm")"/", response_model=Entry) async def upload_srpm( file: Annotated[bytes, File()], os_release: Annotated[str, Form()], req: Request, ) -> Entry: entry = { "kind": "rpm", "apiVersion": "0.0.1", "spec": { "package": {"content": b64encode(file).decode()}, "publicKey": {"content":}, }, } try: res: rekor_sdk.LogEntry = except as exc: err = loads(exc.body.decode()) raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail=err["message"]) # Entry uuid is the key entry_uuid: str = list(res.keys())[0] # Res should have one value val: dict = list(res.values())[0] # Get base64 encoded RPM body body = loads(b64decode(val.get("body")).decode()) # From body get the headers (spec.package.headers) headers = body.get("spec").get("package").get("headers") # Get the name, version, release, and epoch from the headers name = headers.get("Name") version = headers.get("Version") release = headers.get("Release") epoch = headers.get("Epoch") entry_db = Entry( id=None, entry_uuid=entry_uuid, package_name=name, package_version=version, package_release=release, package_epoch=epoch, os_release=os_release, ) async with AsyncSession(, expire_on_commit=False) as session: session.add(entry_db) await session.commit() return entry_db