mirror of
synced 2024-12-06 19:36:26 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
package mothershipadmin_rpc
@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ go_library(
srcs = [
@ -28,5 +27,6 @@ go_library(
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ func (s *State) setInputVals(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, body hcl.Body, input map[stri
return nil
// evalReferences evaluates data blocks.
// evalReferences evaluates local and data blocks.
func (s *State) evalReferences(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, body *hclsyntax.Body) error {
type node struct {
addr [3]string
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ func (s *State) evalReferences(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, body *hclsyntax.Body) error
for _, b := range body.Blocks {
switch b := b; {
case b.Type == dataBlock:
case b.Type == BlockData:
if len(b.Labels) < 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("data block %q must have exactly 2 labels", b.Type)
@ -96,18 +96,18 @@ func (s *State) evalReferences(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, body *hclsyntax.Body) error
// Data references are combined from
// "data", "source" and "name" labels.
addr := [3]string{dataBlock, b.Labels[0], b.Labels[1]}
addr := [3]string{RefData, b.Labels[0], b.Labels[1]}
nodes[addr] = &node{
addr: addr,
value: func() (cty.Value, error) { return h(ctx, b) },
edges: func() []hcl.Traversal { return bodyVars(b.Body) },
case b.Type == localsBlock:
case b.Type == BlockLocals:
for k, v := range b.Body.Attributes {
k, v := k, v
// Local references are combined from
// "local" and "name" labels.
addr := [3]string{localRef, k, ""}
addr := [3]string{RefLocal, k, ""}
nodes[addr] = &node{
addr: addr,
edges: func() []hcl.Traversal { return hclsyntax.Variables(v.Expr) },
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ func (s *State) evalReferences(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, body *hclsyntax.Body) error
var (
visit func(n *node) error
visit func(*node) error
visited = make(map[*node]bool)
progress = make(map[*node]bool)
@ -160,10 +160,10 @@ func (s *State) evalReferences(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, body *hclsyntax.Body) error
for _, e := range n.edges() {
var addr [3]string
switch root := e.RootName(); {
case root == localRef && len(e) == 2:
addr = [3]string{localRef, e[1].(hcl.TraverseAttr).Name, ""}
case root == dataBlock && len(e) > 2:
addr = [3]string{dataBlock, e[1].(hcl.TraverseAttr).Name, e[2].(hcl.TraverseAttr).Name}
case root == RefLocal && len(e) > 1:
addr = [3]string{RefLocal, e[1].(hcl.TraverseAttr).Name, ""}
case root == RefData && len(e) > 2:
addr = [3]string{RefData, e[1].(hcl.TraverseAttr).Name, e[2].(hcl.TraverseAttr).Name}
case s.config.initblk[root] != nil && len(e) == 1:
addr = [3]string{root, "", ""}
@ -181,9 +181,9 @@ func (s *State) evalReferences(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, body *hclsyntax.Body) error
return err
switch n.addr[0] {
case dataBlock:
case RefData:
data := make(map[string]cty.Value)
if vv, ok := ctx.Variables[dataBlock]; ok {
if vv, ok := ctx.Variables[RefData]; ok {
data = vv.AsValueMap()
src := make(map[string]cty.Value)
@ -192,14 +192,14 @@ func (s *State) evalReferences(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, body *hclsyntax.Body) error
src[n.addr[2]] = v
data[n.addr[1]] = cty.ObjectVal(src)
ctx.Variables[dataBlock] = cty.ObjectVal(data)
case localRef:
ctx.Variables[RefData] = cty.ObjectVal(data)
case RefLocal:
locals := make(map[string]cty.Value)
if vv, ok := ctx.Variables[localRef]; ok {
if vv, ok := ctx.Variables[RefLocal]; ok {
locals = vv.AsValueMap()
locals[n.addr[1]] = v
ctx.Variables[localRef] = cty.ObjectVal(locals)
ctx.Variables[RefLocal] = cty.ObjectVal(locals)
ctx.Variables[n.addr[0]] = v
@ -212,7 +212,25 @@ func (s *State) evalReferences(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, body *hclsyntax.Body) error
return err
dataref := dataRefs(body)
for _, n := range nodes {
// Evaluate data sources only if they were referenced by other top-level
// blocks/attributes or if they reference other evaluated data sources.
if n.addr[0] == BlockData {
exists := func() bool {
for _, r := range dataref {
t, ok1 := r[1].(hcl.TraverseAttr)
l, ok2 := r[2].(hcl.TraverseAttr)
if ok1 && ok2 && t.Name == n.addr[1] && l.Name == n.addr[2] {
return true
return false
if !exists {
if err := visit(n); err != nil {
return err
@ -221,15 +239,15 @@ func (s *State) evalReferences(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, body *hclsyntax.Body) error
return nil
func mergeCtxVar(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, vals map[string]cty.Value) {
v, ok := ctx.Variables[varRef]
func mergeCtxVar(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, values map[string]cty.Value) {
v, ok := ctx.Variables[RefVar]
if ok {
v.ForEachElement(func(key cty.Value, val cty.Value) (stop bool) {
vals[key.AsString()] = val
values[key.AsString()] = val
return false
ctx.Variables[varRef] = cty.ObjectVal(vals)
ctx.Variables[RefVar] = cty.ObjectVal(values)
func setBlockVars(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, b *hclsyntax.Body) (*hcl.EvalContext, error) {
@ -273,6 +291,10 @@ func blockVars(blocks hclsyntax.Blocks, parentAddr string, defs *blockDef) (map[
self := addr(parentAddr, name, blkName, qualifier)
attrs["__ref"] = cty.StringVal(self)
// Skip naming blocks with "name" attribute.
if _, ok := blk.Body.Attributes["name"]; !ok {
attrs["name"] = cty.StringVal(blkName)
varMap, err := blockVars(blk.Body.Blocks, self, def)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -374,15 +396,23 @@ var (
// Built-in blocks.
const (
varBlock = "variable"
dataBlock = "data"
localsBlock = "locals"
forEachAttr = "for_each"
eachRef = "each"
varRef = "var"
localRef = "local"
BlockData = "data"
BlockLocals = "locals"
BlockVariable = "variable"
RefData = "data"
RefVar = "var"
RefLocal = "local"
AttrName = "name"
forEachAttr = "for_each"
eachRef = "each"
// Variables represents the dynamic variables used in a body.
type Variables struct {
Var, Local map[string]bool
Data map[string]map[string]bool
// defRegistry returns a tree of blockDef structs representing the schema of the
// blocks in the *hclsyntax.Body. The returned fields and children of each type
// are an intersection of all existing blocks of the same type.
@ -393,7 +423,7 @@ func defRegistry(b *hclsyntax.Body) *blockDef {
for _, blk := range b.Blocks {
// variable definition blocks are available in the HCL source but not reachable by reference.
if blk.Type == varBlock {
if blk.Type == BlockVariable {
reg.child(extractDef(blk, reg))
@ -430,6 +460,7 @@ func (t *blockDef) asCty() cty.Type {
for attr := range t.fields {
f[attr] = ctyNilType
f["name"] = cty.String
f["__ref"] = cty.String
for _, c := range t.children {
f[c.name] = c.asCty()
@ -454,11 +485,28 @@ func extractDef(blk *hclsyntax.Block, parent *blockDef) *blockDef {
func bodyVars(b *hclsyntax.Body) (vars []hcl.Traversal) {
for _, attr := range b.Attributes {
vars = append(vars, hclsyntax.Variables(attr.Expr)...)
for _, a := range b.Attributes {
vars = append(vars, hclsyntax.Variables(a.Expr)...)
for _, b := range b.Blocks {
vars = append(vars, bodyVars(b.Body)...)
// dataRefs returns all data source referenced in the body.
func dataRefs(b *hclsyntax.Body) (refs []hcl.Traversal) {
for _, a := range b.Attributes {
for _, v := range hclsyntax.Variables(a.Expr) {
if v.RootName() == RefData {
refs = append(refs, v)
for _, b := range b.Blocks {
if b.Type != BlockData {
refs = append(refs, dataRefs(b.Body)...)
@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ func scanPtr(key string, r *Resource, field reflect.Value) error {
t, err := gocty.ImpliedType(e)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("schemahcl: cannot infer type for field %q when scaning pointer: %w", key, err)
return fmt.Errorf("schemahcl: cannot infer type for field %q when scanning pointer: %w", key, err)
attr.V, err = gocty.ToCtyValue(e, t)
if err != nil {
@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2021-present The Atlas Authors. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license found
// in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
package schemahcl
import (
type (
// Config configures an unmarshaling.
Config struct {
types []*TypeSpec
newCtx func() *hcl.EvalContext
pathVars map[string]map[string]cty.Value
pathFuncs map[string]map[string]function.Function
datasrc, initblk map[string]func(*hcl.EvalContext, *hclsyntax.Block) (cty.Value, error)
// Option configures a Config.
Option func(*Config)
// New returns a State configured with options.
func New(opts ...Option) *State {
cfg := &Config{
pathVars: make(map[string]map[string]cty.Value),
pathFuncs: make(map[string]map[string]function.Function),
newCtx: func() *hcl.EvalContext {
return stdTypes(&hcl.EvalContext{
Functions: stdFuncs(),
Variables: make(map[string]cty.Value),
for _, opt := range opts {
return &State{config: cfg}
// WithScopedEnums configured a list of allowed ENUMs to be used in
// the given context, block or attribute. For example, the following
// option allows setting HASH or BTREE to the "using" attribute in
// "index" block.
// WithScopedEnums("table.index.type", "HASH", "BTREE")
// table "t" {
// ...
// index "i" {
// type = HASH // Allowed.
// type = INVALID // Not Allowed.
// }
// }
func WithScopedEnums(path string, enums ...string) Option {
return func(c *Config) {
vars := make(map[string]cty.Value, len(enums))
for i := range enums {
vars[enums[i]] = cty.StringVal(enums[i])
c.pathVars[path] = vars
// WithVariables registers a list of variables to be injected into the context.
func WithVariables(vars map[string]cty.Value) Option {
return func(c *Config) {
c.newCtx = func() *hcl.EvalContext {
return stdTypes(&hcl.EvalContext{
Functions: stdFuncs(),
Variables: vars,
// WithDataSource registers a data source name and its corresponding handler.
// e.g., the example below registers a data source named "text" that returns
// the string defined in the data source block.
// WithDataSource("text", func(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, b *hclsyntax.Block) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
// attrs, diags := b.Body.JustAttributes()
// if diags.HasErrors() {
// return cty.NilVal, diags
// }
// v, diags := attrs["value"].Expr.Value(ctx)
// if diags.HasErrors() {
// return cty.NilVal, diags
// }
// return cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{"output": v}), nil
// })
// data "text" "hello" {
// value = "hello world"
// }
func WithDataSource(name string, h func(*hcl.EvalContext, *hclsyntax.Block) (cty.Value, error)) Option {
return func(c *Config) {
if c.datasrc == nil {
c.datasrc = make(map[string]func(*hcl.EvalContext, *hclsyntax.Block) (cty.Value, error))
c.datasrc[name] = h
// WithInitBlock registers a block that evaluates (first) to a cty.Value,
// has no labels, and can be defined only once. For example:
// WithInitBlock("atlas", func(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, b *hclsyntax.Block) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
// attrs, diags := b.Body.JustAttributes()
// if diags.HasErrors() {
// return cty.NilVal, diags
// }
// v, diags := attrs["modules"].Expr.Value(ctx)
// if diags.HasErrors() {
// return cty.NilVal, diags
// }
// return cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{"modules": v}), nil
// })
func WithInitBlock(name string, h func(*hcl.EvalContext, *hclsyntax.Block) (cty.Value, error)) Option {
return func(c *Config) {
if c.initblk == nil {
c.initblk = make(map[string]func(*hcl.EvalContext, *hclsyntax.Block) (cty.Value, error))
c.initblk[name] = h
// WithTypes configures the given types as identifiers in the unmarshal
// context. The path controls where the usage of this type is allowed.
func WithTypes(path string, typeSpecs []*TypeSpec) Option {
vars := make(map[string]cty.Value)
funcs := make(map[string]function.Function)
for _, ts := range typeSpecs {
typeSpec := ts
// If no required args exist, register the type as a variable in the HCL context.
if len(typeFuncReqArgs(typeSpec)) == 0 {
typ := &Type{T: typeSpec.T}
vars[typeSpec.Name] = cty.CapsuleVal(ctyTypeSpec, typ)
// If func args exist, register the type as a function in HCL.
if len(typeFuncArgs(typeSpec)) > 0 {
funcs[typeSpec.Name] = typeFuncSpec(typeSpec)
return func(c *Config) {
c.types = append(c.types, typeSpecs...)
c.pathVars[path] = vars
c.pathFuncs[path] = funcs
func rawExprImpl() function.Function {
return function.New(&function.Spec{
Params: []function.Parameter{
{Name: "def", Type: cty.String, AllowNull: false},
Type: function.StaticReturnType(ctyRawExpr),
Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
x := args[0].AsString()
if len(x) == 0 {
return cty.NilVal, errors.New("empty expression")
t := &RawExpr{X: x}
return cty.CapsuleVal(ctyRawExpr, t), nil
// typeFuncSpec returns the HCL function for defining the type in the spec.
func typeFuncSpec(typeSpec *TypeSpec) function.Function {
spec := &function.Spec{
Type: function.StaticReturnType(ctyTypeSpec),
for _, arg := range typeFuncArgs(typeSpec) {
if arg.Kind == reflect.Slice || !arg.Required {
spec.VarParam = &function.Parameter{
Name: "args",
Type: cty.DynamicPseudoType,
p := function.Parameter{
Name: arg.Name,
AllowNull: !arg.Required,
switch arg.Kind {
case reflect.String:
p.Type = cty.String
case reflect.Int, reflect.Float32, reflect.Int64:
p.Type = cty.Number
case reflect.Bool:
p.Type = cty.Bool
spec.Params = append(spec.Params, p)
spec.Impl = typeFuncSpecImpl(spec, typeSpec)
return function.New(spec)
// typeFuncSpecImpl returns the function implementation for the HCL function spec.
func typeFuncSpecImpl(_ *function.Spec, typeSpec *TypeSpec) function.ImplFunc {
return func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
t := &Type{
T: typeSpec.T,
if len(args) > len(typeSpec.Attributes) && typeSpec.Attributes[len(typeSpec.Attributes)-1].Kind != reflect.Slice {
return cty.NilVal, fmt.Errorf("too many arguments for type definition %q", typeSpec.Name)
// TypeRegistry enforces that:
// 1. Required attrs come before optionals
// 2. Slice attrs can only be last
for _, attr := range typeFuncArgs(typeSpec) {
// If the attribute is a slice, read all remaining args into a list value.
if attr.Kind == reflect.Slice {
t.Attrs = append(t.Attrs, &Attr{K: attr.Name, V: cty.ListVal(args)})
if len(args) == 0 {
t.Attrs = append(t.Attrs, &Attr{K: attr.Name, V: args[0]})
args = args[1:]
return cty.CapsuleVal(ctyTypeSpec, t), nil
// typeFuncArgs returns the type attributes that are configured via arguments to the
// type definition, for example precision and scale in a decimal definition, i.e `decimal(10,2)`.
func typeFuncArgs(spec *TypeSpec) []*TypeAttr {
var args []*TypeAttr
for _, attr := range spec.Attributes {
// TODO(rotemtam): this should be defined on the TypeSpec.
if attr.Name == "unsigned" {
args = append(args, attr)
return args
// typeFuncReqArgs returns the required type attributes that are configured via arguments.
// for instance, in MySQL a field may be defined as both `int` and `int(10)`, in this case
// it is not a required parameter.
func typeFuncReqArgs(spec *TypeSpec) []*TypeAttr {
var args []*TypeAttr
for _, arg := range typeFuncArgs(spec) {
if arg.Required {
args = append(args, arg)
return args
vendor/ariga.io/atlas/schemahcl/hcl.go → vendor/ariga.io/atlas/schemahcl/schemahcl.go
vendor/ariga.io/atlas/schemahcl/hcl.go → vendor/ariga.io/atlas/schemahcl/schemahcl.go
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ package schemahcl
import (
@ -20,6 +21,198 @@ import (
type (
// Config configures an unmarshaling.
Config struct {
types []*TypeSpec
vars map[string]cty.Value
funcs map[string]function.Function
pathVars map[string]map[string]cty.Value
pathFuncs map[string]map[string]function.Function
datasrc, initblk map[string]func(*hcl.EvalContext, *hclsyntax.Block) (cty.Value, error)
validator func() SchemaValidator
// Option configures a Config.
Option func(*Config)
// New returns a State configured with options.
func New(opts ...Option) *State {
cfg := &Config{
vars: make(map[string]cty.Value),
funcs: make(map[string]function.Function),
pathVars: make(map[string]map[string]cty.Value),
pathFuncs: make(map[string]map[string]function.Function),
for _, opt := range opts {
for n, f := range stdFuncs() {
cfg.funcs[n] = f
return &State{
config: cfg,
newCtx: func() *hcl.EvalContext {
return stdTypes(&hcl.EvalContext{
Variables: cfg.vars,
Functions: cfg.funcs,
// WithScopedEnums configured a list of allowed ENUMs to be used in
// the given context, block or attribute. For example, the following
// option allows setting HASH or BTREE to the "using" attribute in
// "index" block.
// WithScopedEnums("table.index.type", "HASH", "BTREE")
// table "t" {
// ...
// index "i" {
// type = HASH // Allowed.
// type = INVALID // Not Allowed.
// }
// }
func WithScopedEnums(path string, enums ...string) Option {
return func(c *Config) {
vars := make(map[string]cty.Value, len(enums))
for i := range enums {
vars[enums[i]] = cty.StringVal(enums[i])
c.pathVars[path] = vars
// WithVariables registers a list of variables to be injected into the context.
func WithVariables(vars map[string]cty.Value) Option {
return func(c *Config) {
if c.vars == nil {
c.vars = make(map[string]cty.Value)
for n, v := range vars {
c.vars[n] = v
// WithFunctions registers a list of functions to be injected into the context.
func WithFunctions(funcs map[string]function.Function) Option {
return func(c *Config) {
if c.funcs == nil {
c.funcs = make(map[string]function.Function)
for n, f := range funcs {
c.funcs[n] = f
// WithDataSource registers a data source name and its corresponding handler.
// e.g., the example below registers a data source named "text" that returns
// the string defined in the data source block.
// WithDataSource("text", func(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, b *hclsyntax.Block) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
// attrs, diags := b.Body.JustAttributes()
// if diags.HasErrors() {
// return cty.NilVal, diags
// }
// v, diags := attrs["value"].Expr.Value(ctx)
// if diags.HasErrors() {
// return cty.NilVal, diags
// }
// return cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{"output": v}), nil
// })
// data "text" "hello" {
// value = "hello world"
// }
func WithDataSource(name string, h func(*hcl.EvalContext, *hclsyntax.Block) (cty.Value, error)) Option {
return func(c *Config) {
if c.datasrc == nil {
c.datasrc = make(map[string]func(*hcl.EvalContext, *hclsyntax.Block) (cty.Value, error))
c.datasrc[name] = h
// WithInitBlock registers a block that evaluates (first) to a cty.Value,
// has no labels, and can be defined only once. For example:
// WithInitBlock("atlas", func(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, b *hclsyntax.Block) (cty.Value, hcl.Diagnostics) {
// attrs, diags := b.Body.JustAttributes()
// if diags.HasErrors() {
// return cty.NilVal, diags
// }
// v, diags := attrs["modules"].Expr.Value(ctx)
// if diags.HasErrors() {
// return cty.NilVal, diags
// }
// return cty.ObjectVal(map[string]cty.Value{"modules": v}), nil
// })
func WithInitBlock(name string, h func(*hcl.EvalContext, *hclsyntax.Block) (cty.Value, error)) Option {
return func(c *Config) {
if c.initblk == nil {
c.initblk = make(map[string]func(*hcl.EvalContext, *hclsyntax.Block) (cty.Value, error))
c.initblk[name] = h
// WithTypes configures the given types as identifiers in the unmarshal
// context. The path controls where the usage of this type is allowed.
func WithTypes(path string, typeSpecs []*TypeSpec) Option {
vars := make(map[string]cty.Value)
funcs := make(map[string]function.Function)
for _, ts := range typeSpecs {
typeSpec := ts
// If no required args exist, register the type as a variable in the HCL context.
if len(typeFuncReqArgs(typeSpec)) == 0 {
typ := &Type{T: typeSpec.T}
vars[typeSpec.Name] = cty.CapsuleVal(ctyTypeSpec, typ)
// If func args exist, register the type as a function in HCL.
if len(typeFuncArgs(typeSpec)) > 0 {
funcs[typeSpec.Name] = typeFuncSpec(typeSpec)
return func(c *Config) {
c.types = append(c.types, typeSpecs...)
c.pathVars[path] = vars
c.pathFuncs[path] = funcs
type (
// SchemaValidator is the interface used for validating HCL documents.
SchemaValidator interface {
Err() error
ValidateBody(*hcl.EvalContext, *hclsyntax.Body) (func() error, error)
ValidateBlock(*hcl.EvalContext, *hclsyntax.Block) (func() error, error)
ValidateAttribute(*hcl.EvalContext, *hclsyntax.Attribute, cty.Value) error
nopValidator struct{}
func (nopValidator) Err() error { return nil }
func (nopValidator) ValidateBody(*hcl.EvalContext, *hclsyntax.Body) (func() error, error) {
return func() error { return nil }, nil
func (nopValidator) ValidateBlock(*hcl.EvalContext, *hclsyntax.Block) (func() error, error) {
return func() error { return nil }, nil
func (nopValidator) ValidateAttribute(*hcl.EvalContext, *hclsyntax.Attribute, cty.Value) error {
return nil
// WithSchemaValidator registers a schema validator to be used during unmarshaling.
func WithSchemaValidator(v func() SchemaValidator) Option {
return func(c *Config) {
c.validator = v
// Marshal returns the Atlas HCL encoding of v.
var Marshal = MarshalerFunc(New().MarshalSpec)
@ -27,6 +220,7 @@ type (
// State is used to evaluate and marshal Atlas HCL documents and stores a configuration for these operations.
State struct {
config *Config
newCtx func() *hcl.EvalContext
// Evaluator is the interface that wraps the Eval function.
Evaluator interface {
@ -69,7 +263,7 @@ func (s *State) EvalFiles(paths []string, v any, input map[string]cty.Value) err
// Eval evaluates the parsed HCL documents using the input variables and populates v
// using the result.
func (s *State) Eval(parsed *hclparse.Parser, v any, input map[string]cty.Value) error {
ctx := s.config.newCtx()
ctx := s.newCtx()
reg := &blockDef{
fields: make(map[string]struct{}),
children: make(map[string]*blockDef),
@ -90,7 +284,7 @@ func (s *State) Eval(parsed *hclparse.Parser, v any, input map[string]cty.Value)
for _, b := range body.Blocks {
switch {
// Variable blocks are not reachable by reference.
case b.Type == varBlock:
case b.Type == BlockVariable:
// Semi-evaluate blocks with the for_each meta argument.
case b.Body != nil && b.Body.Attributes[forEachAttr] != nil:
@ -121,15 +315,23 @@ func (s *State) Eval(parsed *hclparse.Parser, v any, input map[string]cty.Value)
sort.Slice(fileNames, func(i, j int) bool {
return fileNames[i] < fileNames[j]
for _, fn := range fileNames {
file := files[fn]
r, err := s.resource(ctx, file)
vr := SchemaValidator(&nopValidator{})
if s.config.validator != nil {
vr = s.config.validator()
for _, name := range fileNames {
file := files[name]
r, err := s.resource(ctx, vr, file)
if err != nil {
return err
spec.Children = append(spec.Children, r.Children...)
spec.Attrs = append(spec.Attrs, r.Attrs...)
// Validators can fail fast or accumulate errors.
if err := vr.Err(); err != nil {
return err
if err := patchRefs(spec); err != nil {
return err
@ -208,12 +410,16 @@ func (r addrRef) load(res *Resource, track string) addrRef {
// resource converts the hcl file to a schemahcl.Resource.
func (s *State) resource(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, file *hcl.File) (*Resource, error) {
func (s *State) resource(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, vr SchemaValidator, file *hcl.File) (*Resource, error) {
body, ok := file.Body.(*hclsyntax.Body)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("schemahcl: expected remainder to be of type *hclsyntax.Body")
attrs, err := s.toAttrs(ctx, body.Attributes, nil)
closeScope, err := vr.ValidateBody(ctx, body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
attrs, err := s.toAttrs(ctx, vr, body.Attributes, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -222,19 +428,22 @@ func (s *State) resource(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, file *hcl.File) (*Resource, error
for _, blk := range body.Blocks {
// variable blocks may be included in the document but are skipped in unmarshaling.
if blk.Type == varBlock {
if blk.Type == BlockVariable {
ctx, err := setBlockVars(ctx.NewChild(), blk.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resource, err := s.toResource(ctx, blk, []string{blk.Type})
resource, err := s.toResource(ctx, vr, blk, []string{blk.Type})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res.Children = append(res.Children, resource)
if err := closeScope(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
@ -270,25 +479,38 @@ func (s *State) mayScopeContext(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, scope []string) *hcl.EvalC
return nctx
func (s *State) toAttrs(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, hclAttrs hclsyntax.Attributes, scope []string) ([]*Attr, error) {
func (s *State) toAttrs(ctx *hcl.EvalContext, vr SchemaValidator, hclAttrs hclsyntax.Attributes, scope []string) ([]*Attr, error) {
var attrs []*Attr
for _, hclAttr := range hclAttrs {
scope := append(scope, hclAttr.Name)
value, diag := hclAttr.Expr.Value(s.mayScopeContext(ctx, scope))
var (
scope = append(scope, hclAttr.Name)
nctx = s.mayScopeContext(ctx, scope)
value, diag := hclAttr.Expr.Value(nctx)
if diag.HasErrors() {
return nil, s.typeError(diag, scope)
if err := vr.ValidateAttribute(ctx, hclAttr, value); err != nil {
return nil, err
at := &Attr{K: hclAttr.Name}
switch t := value.Type(); {
case isRef(value):
at.V = cty.CapsuleVal(ctyRefType, &Ref{V: value.GetAttr("__ref").AsString()})
case (t.IsTupleType() || t.IsListType() || t.IsSetType()) && value.LengthInt() > 0:
values := make([]cty.Value, 0, value.LengthInt())
var (
vt cty.Type
values = make([]cty.Value, 0, value.LengthInt())
for it := value.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
_, v := it.Element()
if isRef(v) {
v = cty.CapsuleVal(ctyRefType, &Ref{V: v.GetAttr("__ref").AsString()})
if vt != cty.NilType && vt != v.Type() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: mixed list types used in %q attribute", hclAttr.SrcRange, hclAttr.Name)
vt = v.Type()
values = append(values, v)
at.V = cty.ListVal(values)
@ -331,16 +553,16 @@ func (s *State) typeError(diag hcl.Diagnostics, scope []string) error {
return diag
// isRef checks if the given value is a reference or a list of references.
// Exists here for backward compatibility, use isOneRef and isRefList instead.
func isRef(v cty.Value) bool {
t := v.Type()
if !t.IsObjectType() {
if !v.Type().IsObjectType() {
return false
if t.HasAttribute("__ref") {
if isOneRef(v) {
return true
it := v.ElementIterator()
for it.Next() {
for it := v.ElementIterator(); it.Next(); {
if _, v := it.Element( |