syntax = "proto3"; package resf.peridot.v1; import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; import "third_party/peridot/proto/v1/import.proto"; import "third_party/peridot/proto/v1/task.proto"; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; option go_package = ";peridotpb"; // PackageService provides methods to list, search and edit packages in a project service PackageService { // ListPackages returns all packages with filters applied rpc ListPackages(ListPackagesRequest) returns (ListPackagesResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v1/projects/{project_id=*}/packages" }; } // GetPackage returns a package by its id or name rpc GetPackage(GetPackageRequest) returns (GetPackageResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v1/projects/{project_id=*}/packages/{field=*}/{value=*}" }; } } // PackageType helps determine what method of import/build should be used // for a specific package enum PackageType { // Unknown value. Should never be used PACKAGE_TYPE_DEFAULT = 0; // Normal packages from downstream dist-git // The repos are imported as-is // This will never be used as PACKAGE_TYPE_NORMAL_FORK // accomplishes the same task without duplicate work PACKAGE_TYPE_NORMAL = 1; // Normal packages from upstream dist-git // The repos are first imported into target dist-git using srpmproc (with eventual patches) // and then imported as-is into Peridot PACKAGE_TYPE_NORMAL_FORK = 2; // Source packages from downstream src-git // The sources are packaged into tarballs and uploaded into lookaside, // and the repo with sources removed is then pushed into dist-git with a // following metadata file. // This package type enables an automatic src-git packaging workflow, but // a manual workflow may be adapted as well with manual packaging. // The package should then be set to PACKAGE_TYPE_NORMAL if manual packaging // is desired. PACKAGE_TYPE_NORMAL_SRC = 3; // todo(mustafa): Document rest // PACKAGE_TYPE_MODULE = 4; // PACKAGE_TYPE_MODULE_COMPONENT = 5; PACKAGE_TYPE_MODULE_FORK = 6; PACKAGE_TYPE_MODULE_FORK_COMPONENT = 7; // A package may be both a normally forked package and a module // So we need to differentiate between the two PACKAGE_TYPE_NORMAL_FORK_MODULE = 8; // A package may also be a module component and a normal package // So we need to differentiate between the two PACKAGE_TYPE_NORMAL_FORK_MODULE_COMPONENT = 9; // A package may be both a module and a module component PACKAGE_TYPE_MODULE_FORK_MODULE_COMPONENT = 10; } // Package is an importable, buildable and publishable RPM package // Packages are globally scoped but interaction with package related actions // are done within project scoped methods. // A global scope ensures that builds and imports can be freely shared between // projects and makes it easier to freeze, clone and develop projects. // Going from a minor release to the next should be easier // Maintaining beta releases and backporting them after release is also a huge plus message Package { // Unique identifier of type UUID v4 string id = 1; // Name of package // Does not have to be unique (globally scoped) string name = 2; // Since names does not have to be unique (in the case of multi-version, cross-project packages) // a distinction must be added to each package. // For example when moving a point release to extended support mode, the package will be cloned // but will be recognized by this distinction // string distinction = 3; // todo(mustafa): May re-add later but packages can have multiple versions used in different projects now // todo(mustafa): so removing this for now reserved 3; // Type of package. Fork/dist/src types are all scoped by package and not project. // This means that a project may contain both forked and original packages PackageType type = 4; // Last time the package was imported (for the active version in project) google.protobuf.Timestamp last_import_at = 5; // Last time the package was built (for the active version in project) google.protobuf.Timestamp last_build_at = 6; } // PackageVersion is a collection of metadata on import and package versions within // a project. Also indicates whether the version is active or not for a given project message PackageVersion { ImportRevision import_revision = 1; repeated Subtask import_tasks = 2; // Whether this is the active package version for the project bool active = 3; // Whether this is the version active in yumrepofs, not necessarily // the active version. As there is a transition workflow of // import -> active (in project) -> build (while older version is active in REPO) -> active (in project and repo) bool active_in_repo = 4; } // DetailedPackage includes extra details that a broad list/search of // Packages do not include. Useful for single package queries message DetailedPackage { Package package = 1; PackageVersion active_version = 2; } // PackageFilters is values the requester can use to narrow // down on list/search results for Package queries message PackageFilters { google.protobuf.StringValue id = 1; google.protobuf.StringValue name = 2; // When true, modular packages will be returned google.protobuf.BoolValue modular = 3; // Only matches exact name google.protobuf.StringValue name_exact = 4; // Matches if no imports are present google.protobuf.BoolValue no_imports = 5; // Matches if no builds for latest import google.protobuf.BoolValue no_builds = 6; } // ListPackagesRequest is the request message for PackageService.ListPackages message ListPackagesRequest { // The page to request int32 page = 1; // Maximum amount of results to return // Minimum: 1 // Maximum: 100 int32 limit = 2; // Project ID that should be queried string project_id = 3; // Filters to narrow down on results PackageFilters filters = 4; } // ListPackagesResponse is the response message for PackageService.ListPackages message ListPackagesResponse { // Packages returned from server repeated Package packages = 1; // Total packages from server int64 total = 2; // Limit from request int32 size = 3; // Current page int32 page = 4; } message PackageOperationMetadata { // Name of the package string package_name = 1; // Whether the package is modular bool modular = 2; // Calling task type TaskType task_type = 3; // Extra information about the task google.protobuf.Any task_metadata = 4; } message GetPackageRequest { string project_id = 1; string field = 2; string value = 3; } message GetPackageResponse { Package package = 1; }