# -*-:python; coding:utf-8; -*- # author: Louis Abel """ All constants """ __all__ = [ 'RpmConstants', 'ErrorConstants', 'MockConstants' ] # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class RpmConstants: """ All RPM constants are here. These are used mainly in the rpm utility but could be used elsewhere. """ RPM_HEADER_MAGIC = b'\xed\xab\xee\xdb' RPM_TAG_HEADERSIGNATURES = 62 RPM_TAG_FILEDIGESTALGO = 5011 RPM_SIGTAG_DSA = 267 RPM_SIGTAG_RSA = 268 RPM_SIGTAG_PGP = 1002 RPM_SIGTAG_MD5 = 1004 RPM_SIGTAG_GPG = 1005 RPM_FILEDIGESTALGO_IDS = { None: 'MD5', 1: 'MD5', 2: 'SHA1', 3: 'RIPEMD160', 8: 'SHA256', 9: 'SHA384', 10: 'SHA512', 11: 'SHA224' } MOCK_CLONE_DIRECTORY = '/var/peridot/peridot__rpmbuild_content' # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class ErrorConstants: """ All error codes as constants. 9000-9099: Generic Errors, this means not entirely specific to a process or component. 9100-9199: Mock errors, any error that can occur in mock. """ # General errors ERR_GENERAL = 9000 ERR_PROVIDED_VALUE = 9001 ERR_VALUE_EXISTS = 9002 ERR_MISSING_VALUE = 9003 ERR_CONFIGURATION = 9004 ERR_NOTFOUND = 9005 # Error in spec file MOCK_ERR_SPEC = 9100 # Error trying to get dependencies for a build MOCK_ERR_DEP = 9101 # Architecture is excluded - there should be no reason this appears normally. MOCK_ERR_ARCH_EXCLUDED = 9102 # A build hung up during build MOCK_ERR_BUILD_HUP = 9103 # Build ran out of disk space MOCK_ERR_NO_SPACE = 9104 # Missing file error MOCK_ERR_ENOENT = 9105 # Files were installed but not packaged MOCK_ERR_UNPACKED_FILES = 9106 # Error in repository MOCK_ERR_REPO = 9107 # Timeout MOCK_ERR_ETIMEDOUT = 9108 # Changelog is not in chronological order MOCK_ERR_CHLOG_CHRONO = 9109 # Invalid conf MOCK_ERR_CONF_INVALID = 9110 # DNF Error MOCK_ERR_DNF_ERROR = 9111 # Result dir generic error MOCK_ERR_RESULTDIR_GENERIC = 9180 # Unexpected error MOCK_ERR_UNEXPECTED = 9198 # Generic error MOCK_ERR_GENERIC = 9199 # Git Generic Error GIT_ERR_GENERAL = 9300 GIT_ERR_COMMIT = 9301 GIT_ERR_PUSH = 9302 GIT_ERR_INIT = 9303 GIT_ERR_CHECKOUT = 9304 # RPM errors RPM_ERR_OPEN = 9400 RPM_ERR_SIG = 9401 RPM_ERR_INFO = 9402 # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class MockConstants: """ All mock constants, usually for defaults """ # I'm aware this line is too long MOCK_DEFAULT_CHROOT_BUILD_PKGS = [ 'bash', 'bzip2', 'coreutils', 'cpio', 'diffutils', 'findutils', 'gawk', 'glibc-minimal-langpack', 'grep', 'gzip', 'info', 'make', 'patch', 'redhat-rpm-config', 'rpm-build', 'sed', 'shadow-utils', 'system-release', 'tar', 'unzip', 'util-linux', 'which', 'xz' ] MOCK_DEFAULT_CHROOT_SRPM_PKGS = [ 'bash', "glibc-minimal-langpack", "gnupg2", "rpm-build", "shadow-utils", "system-release" ] MOCK_DEFAULT_CHROOT_SETUP_CMD = 'install' # Mock architecture related MOCK_X86_64_LEGAL_ARCHES = ('x86_64',) MOCK_I686_LEGAL_ARCHES = ('i386', 'i486', 'i586', 'i686', 'x86_64',) MOCK_AARCH64_LEGAL_ARCHES = ('aarch64',) MOCK_ARMV7HL_LEGAL_ARCHES = ('armv7hl',) MOCK_PPC64LE_LEGAL_ARCHES = ('ppc64le',) MOCK_S390X_LEGAL_ARCHES = ('s390x',) MOCK_RISCV64_LEGAL_ARCHES = ('riscv64',) # pylint: disable=line-too-long MOCK_NOARCH_LEGAL_ARCHES = ('i386', 'i486', 'i586', 'i686', 'x86_64', 'aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'noarch') # Mock general config related MOCK_DNF_BOOL_OPTIONS = ('assumeyes', 'best', 'enabled', 'gpgcheck', 'install_weak_deps', 'keepcache', 'module_hotfixes', 'obsoletes') MOCK_DNF_STR_OPTIONS = ('debuglevel', 'retries', 'metadata_expire') MOCK_DNF_LIST_OPTIONS = ('syslog_device', 'protected_packages') MOCK_RPM_VERBOSITY = ('critical', 'debug', 'emergency', 'error', 'info', 'warn') # Most mock error codes MOCK_EXIT_SUCCESS = 0 MOCK_EXIT_ERROR = 1 MOCK_EXIT_SETUID = 2 MOCK_EXIT_INVCONF = 3 MOCK_EXIT_CMDLINE = 5 MOCK_EXIT_INVARCH = 6 MOCK_EXIT_BUILD_PROBLEM = 10 MOCK_EXIT_CMDTMOUT = 11 MOCK_EXIT_ERROR_IN_CHROOT = 20 MOCK_EXIT_DNF_ERROR = 30 MOCK_EXIT_EXTERNAL_DEP = 31 MOCK_EXIT_PKG_ERROR = 40 MOCK_EXIT_MOCK_CMDLINE = 50 MOCK_EXIT_BUILDROOT_LOCKED = 60 MOCK_EXIT_RESULTDIR_NOT_CREATED = 70 MOCK_EXIT_WEAK_DEP_NOT_INSTALLED = 120 MOCK_EXIT_SIGHUP_RECEIVED = 129 MOCK_EXIT_SIGPIPE_RECEIVED = 141 MOCK_EXIT_SIGTERM_RECEIVED = 143