{"config":{"lang":["en"],"separator":"[\\s\\-]+","pipeline":["stopWordFilter"]},"docs":[{"location":"","title":"SIG/Core Wiki","text":""},{"location":"#about","title":"About","text":"<p>The Rocky Linux Core Special Interest Group (SIG/Core) dedicates themselves to the development, building, management, production, and release of Rocky Linux for the Enterprise Linux community and the many users around the world. This group is a mixture of core Rocky Linux developers and infrastructure and the members of this group are also members of other groups within the Rocky Linux community (such as SIG/AltArch) as well as the Enterprise Linux community as a whole.</p>"},{"location":"#mission","title":"Mission","text":"<p>SIG/Core strives to ensure a stable distribution is developed, built, tested, and provided to the community from the RESF as a compatible derivative of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. To achieve this goal, some of the things we do are:</p> <ul> <li>Ensuring a quality and fully compatible release product</li> <li>Developing and iterating on the build systems and architecture</li> <li>Developing all code in the open</li> <li>Setting the technical direction for the build system architecture</li> <li>Release of beta and final products to the end users and mirrors</li> <li>Release of timely updates to the end users and mirrors</li> </ul> <p>See the What We Do page for a more detailed explanation of our activities.</p>"},{"location":"#getting-in-touch-contributing","title":"Getting In Touch / Contributing","text":"<p>There are various ways to get in touch with SIG/Core and provide help, assistance, or even just ideas that can benefit us or the entire community.</p> <ul> <li> <p>Chat</p> <ul> <li>Mattermost: ~development on Mattermost</li> <li>IRC: #rockylinux and #rockylinux-devel on libera.chat</li> <li>Matrix: Rocky Linux General / Support and Rocky Linux Development</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>RESF SIG/Core Issue Tracker</p> </li> <li>Mail List</li> </ul> <p>For a list of our members, see the Members page.</p>"},{"location":"#resources-and-rocky-linux-policies","title":"Resources and Rocky Linux Policies","text":"<ul> <li>RESF Git Service</li> <li>Rocky Linux GitHub</li> <li>Rocky Linux GitLab</li> <li>Rocky Linux Image Guide</li> <li>Rocky Linux Repository Guide</li> <li>Rocky Linux Release Version Guide/Policy</li> <li>Special Interest Groups.</li> </ul>"},{"location":"#general-packaging-resources","title":"General Packaging Resources","text":"<ul> <li>RPM Packaging Guide</li> <li>Fedora Packaging Guidelines</li> <li>Basic Packaging Tutorial</li> </ul>"},{"location":"members/","title":"Members","text":"<p>SIG/Core is a mix of Release Engineering and Infrastructure members to ensure a high quality release of Rocky Linux as well as the uptime of the services provided to the community. The current members of this group are listed in the table below.</p> Role Name Email Mattermost Name IRC Name Release Engineering Co-Lead and Infrastructure Louis Abel label@rockylinux.org @nazunalika Sokel/label/Sombra Release Engineering Co-Lead Mustafa Gezen mustafa@rockylinux.org @mustafa mstg Release Engineering and Development Skip Grube skip@rockylinux.org @skip77 Release Engineering and Development Sherif Nagy sherif@rockylinux.org @sherif Release Engineering and Development Pablo Greco pgreco@rockylinux.org @pgreco pgreco Infrastructure Lead Neil Hanlon neil@resf.org @neil neil Infrastructure Lead Taylor Goodwill tg@resf.org @tgo tg"},{"location":"what_we_do/","title":"What We Do","text":"<p>SIG/Core(orReleaseEngineering)wasbroughttogetherasacombinationofvaryingexpertise(developmentandinfrastructure)totrytofillingapsofknowledgebuttoalsotoensuretheprimarygoalofhavingastablereleaseofRockyLinuxisreached.</p><p>Someofthethingswedoinpursuitofourmissiongoals:</p><ul><li>Continuouspreparationforupcomingchangesfromupstream(FedoraandCentOSStream)</li><li>Distributionreleaseandmaintenance</li><li>Designanddevelopmentworktointegrateallcomponentstogether</li><li>Maintenan