commit 6d955c99250fbeb40a59deb2421c5e6a5b448e25 Author: Mustafa Gezen Date: Wed Feb 1 22:37:16 2023 +0100 Initial commit diff --git a/.bazelignore b/.bazelignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b512c09 --- /dev/null +++ b/.bazelignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +node_modules \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.bazelrc b/.bazelrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3f894c --- /dev/null +++ b/.bazelrc @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# Java +test --test_env='LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8' +test --test_env='LANG=en_US.UTF-8' +test --jvmopt='-Dsun.jnu.encoding=UTF-8' +test --jvmopt='-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8' +build --test_env='LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8' +build --jvmopt='-Dsun.jnu.encoding=UTF-8' +build --jvmopt='-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8' +build --test_env='LANG=en_US.UTF-8' +test --test_env=PATH + +build --java_language_version=11 +test --java_language_version=11 + +# C++ +build --client_env=CC=clang +build --copt=-DGRPC_BAZEL_BUILD +build --cxxopt='-std=c++14' +build --action_env=GRPC_BAZEL_RUNTIME=1 +build --define=use_fast_cpp_protos=true + +# Just build tests when testing +test --build_tests_only + +build --incompatible_strict_action_env=true + +# Minimize what is downloaded +build:inmemory --experimental_inmemory_jdeps_files +build:inmemory --experimental_inmemory_dotd_files + +# Minimize what is downloaded +build:toplevel --config=inmemory +build:toplevel --experimental_remote_download_outputs=toplevel + +build --stamp=true \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.bazelversion b/.bazelversion new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e20ec3 --- /dev/null +++ b/.bazelversion @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +5.4.0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2593ef5 --- /dev/null +++ b/.clang-format @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +BasedOnStyle: Google \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.env b/.env new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53c736d --- /dev/null +++ b/.env @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +DATABASE_URL="postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/apollo2development?sslmode=disable" diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87f3f8f --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +.idea +.ijwb +/.*.venv +.venv +*.pyc +bazel-* +__pycache__ +node_modules \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.npmrc b/.npmrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84ff079 --- /dev/null +++ b/.npmrc @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +hoist=false diff --git a/.prettierrc b/.prettierrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1fb73bc --- /dev/null +++ b/.prettierrc @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +{ + "tabWidth": 2, + "singleQuote": true +} diff --git a/.pylintrc b/.pylintrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..36e12fa --- /dev/null +++ b/.pylintrc @@ -0,0 +1,432 @@ +# This Pylint rcfile contains a best-effort configuration to uphold the +# best-practices and style described in the Google Python style guide: +# +# +# Its canonical open-source location is: +# + +[MASTER] + +# Files or directories to be skipped. They should be base names, not paths. +ignore-paths=third_party + +# Files or directories matching the regex patterns are skipped. The regex +# matches against base names, not paths. +ignore-patterns=^third_party/.*$, + ^generated/.*$ + +# Pickle collected data for later comparisons. +persistent=no + +# List of plugins (as comma separated values of python modules names) to load, +# usually to register additional checkers. +load-plugins=tortoise.contrib.pylint + +# Use multiple processes to speed up Pylint. +jobs=4 + +# Allow loading of arbitrary C extensions. Extensions are imported into the +# active Python interpreter and may run arbitrary code. +unsafe-load-any-extension=no + + +[MESSAGES CONTROL] + +# Only show warnings with the listed confidence levels. Leave empty to show +# all. Valid levels: HIGH, INFERENCE, INFERENCE_FAILURE, UNDEFINED +confidence= + +# Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can +# either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option +# multiple time (only on the command line, not in the configuration file where +# it should appear only once). See also the "--disable" option for examples. +#enable= + +# Disable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You +# can either give multiple identifiers separated by comma (,) or put this +# option multiple times (only on the command line, not in the configuration +# file where it should appear only once).You can also use "--disable=all" to +# disable everything first and then reenable specific checks. For example, if +# you want to run only the similarities checker, you can use "--disable=all +# --enable=similarities". If you want to run only the classes checker, but have +# no Warning level messages displayed, use"--disable=all --enable=classes +# --disable=W" +disable=abstract-method, + apply-builtin, + arguments-differ, + attribute-defined-outside-init, + backtick, + bad-option-value, + basestring-builtin, + buffer-builtin, + c-extension-no-member, + consider-using-enumerate, + cmp-builtin, + cmp-method, + coerce-builtin, + coerce-method, + delslice-method, + div-method, + duplicate-code, + eq-without-hash, + execfile-builtin, + file-builtin, + filter-builtin-not-iterating, + fixme, + getslice-method, + global-statement, + hex-method, + idiv-method, + implicit-str-concat, + import-error, + import-self, + import-star-module-level, + inconsistent-return-statements, + input-builtin, + intern-builtin, + invalid-str-codec, + locally-disabled, + long-builtin, + long-suffix, + map-builtin-not-iterating, + misplaced-comparison-constant, + missing-function-docstring, + missing-module-docstring, + missing-class-docstring, + metaclass-assignment, + next-method-called, + next-method-defined, + no-absolute-import, + no-else-break, + no-else-continue, + no-else-raise, + no-else-return, + no-init, # added + no-member, + no-name-in-module, + no-self-use, + nonzero-method, + oct-method, + old-division, + old-ne-operator, + old-octal-literal, + old-raise-syntax, + parameter-unpacking, + print-statement, + raising-string, + range-builtin-not-iterating, + raw_input-builtin, + rdiv-method, + reduce-builtin, + relative-import, + reload-builtin, + round-builtin, + setslice-method, + signature-differs, + standarderror-builtin, + suppressed-message, + sys-max-int, + too-few-public-methods, + too-many-ancestors, + too-many-arguments, + too-many-boolean-expressions, + too-many-branches, + too-many-instance-attributes, + too-many-locals, + too-many-nested-blocks, + too-many-public-methods, + too-many-return-statements, + too-many-statements, + trailing-newlines, + unichr-builtin, + unicode-builtin, + unnecessary-pass, + unpacking-in-except, + useless-else-on-loop, + useless-object-inheritance, + useless-suppression, + using-cmp-argument, + wrong-import-order, + xrange-builtin, + zip-builtin-not-iterating, + + +[REPORTS] + +# Set the output format. Available formats are text, parseable, colorized, msvs +# (visual studio) and html. You can also give a reporter class, eg +# mypackage.mymodule.MyReporterClass. +output-format=text + +# Tells whether to display a full report or only the messages +reports=no + +# Python expression which should return a note less than 10 (10 is the highest +# note). You have access to the variables errors warning, statement which +# respectively contain the number of errors / warnings messages and the total +# number of statements analyzed. This is used by the global evaluation report +# (RP0004). +evaluation=10.0 - ((float(5 * error + warning + refactor + convention) / statement) * 10) + +# Template used to display messages. This is a python new-style format string +# used to format the message information. See doc for all details +#msg-template= + + +[BASIC] + +# Good variable names which should always be accepted, separated by a comma +good-names=main,_ + +# Bad variable names which should always be refused, separated by a comma +bad-names= + +# Colon-delimited sets of names that determine each other's naming style when +# the name regexes allow several styles. +name-group= + +# Include a hint for the correct naming format with invalid-name +include-naming-hint=no + +# List of decorators that produce properties, such as abc.abstractproperty. Add +# to this list to register other decorators that produce valid properties. +property-classes=abc.abstractproperty,cached_property.cached_property,cached_property.threaded_cached_property,cached_property.cached_property_with_ttl,cached_property.threaded_cached_property_with_ttl + +# Regular expression matching correct function names +function-rgx=^(?:(?PsetUp|tearDown|setUpModule|tearDownModule)|(?P_?[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)|(?P_?[a-z][a-z0-9_]*))$ + +# Regular expression matching correct variable names +variable-rgx=^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$ + +# Regular expression matching correct constant names +const-rgx=^(_?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*|__[a-z0-9_]+__|_?[a-z][a-z0-9_]*)$ + +# Regular expression matching correct attribute names +attr-rgx=^_{0,2}[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$ + +# Regular expression matching correct argument names +argument-rgx=^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$ + +# Regular expression matching correct class attribute names +class-attribute-rgx=^(_?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*|__[a-z0-9_]+__|_?[a-z][a-z0-9_]*)$ + +# Regular expression matching correct inline iteration names +inlinevar-rgx=^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$ + +# Regular expression matching correct class names +class-rgx=^_?[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ + +# Regular expression matching correct module names +module-rgx=^(_?[a-z][a-z0-9_]*|__init__|__main__)$ + +# Regular expression matching correct method names +method-rgx=(?x)^(?:(?P_[a-z0-9_]+__|runTest|setUp|tearDown|setUpTestCase|tearDownTestCase|setupSelf|tearDownClass|setUpClass|(test|assert)_*[A-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*|next)|(?P_{0,2}[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)|(?P_{0,2}[a-z][a-z0-9_]*))$ + +# Regular expression which should only match function or class names that do +# not require a docstring. +no-docstring-rgx=(__.*__|main|test.*|.*test|.*Test)$ + +# Minimum line length for functions/classes that require docstrings, shorter +# ones are exempt. +docstring-min-length=10 + + +[TYPECHECK] + +# List of decorators that produce context managers, such as +# contextlib.contextmanager. Add to this list to register other decorators that +# produce valid context managers. +contextmanager-decorators=contextlib.contextmanager,contextlib2.contextmanager + +# Tells whether missing members accessed in mixin class should be ignored. A +# mixin class is detected if its name ends with "mixin" (case insensitive). +ignore-mixin-members=yes + +# List of module names for which member attributes should not be checked +# (useful for modules/projects where namespaces are manipulated during runtime +# and thus existing member attributes cannot be deduced by static analysis. It +# supports qualified module names, as well as Unix pattern matching. +ignored-modules= + +# List of class names for which member attributes should not be checked (useful +# for classes with dynamically set attributes). This supports the use of +# qualified names. +ignored-classes=optparse.Values,thread._local,_thread._local + +# List of members which are set dynamically and missed by pylint inference +# system, and so shouldn't trigger E1101 when accessed. Python regular +# expressions are accepted. +generated-members= + + +[FORMAT] + +# Maximum number of characters on a single line. +max-line-length=160 + +# TODO( Direct pylint to exempt +# lines made too long by directives to pytype. + +# Regexp for a line that is allowed to be longer than the limit. +ignore-long-lines=(?x)( + ^\s*(\#\ )??$| + ^\s*(from\s+\S+\s+)?import\s+.+$) + +# Allow the body of an if to be on the same line as the test if there is no +# else. +single-line-if-stmt=yes + +# Maximum number of lines in a module +max-module-lines=99999 + +# String used as indentation unit. The internal Google style guide mandates 2 +# spaces. Google's externaly-published style guide says 4, consistent with +# PEP 8. Here, we use 2 spaces, for conformity with many open-sourced Google +# projects (like TensorFlow). +indent-string=' ' + +# Number of spaces of indent required inside a hanging or continued line. +indent-after-paren=4 + +# Expected format of line ending, e.g. empty (any line ending), LF or CRLF. +expected-line-ending-format= + + +[MISCELLANEOUS] + +# List of note tags to take in consideration, separated by a comma. +notes=TODO + + +[STRING] + +# This flag controls whether inconsistent-quotes generates a warning when the +# character used as a quote delimiter is used inconsistently within a module. +check-quote-consistency=yes + + +[VARIABLES] + +# Tells whether we should check for unused import in __init__ files. +init-import=no + +# A regular expression matching the name of dummy variables (i.e. expectedly +# not used). +dummy-variables-rgx=^\*{0,2}(_$|unused_|dummy_) + +# List of additional names supposed to be defined in builtins. Remember that +# you should avoid to define new builtins when possible. +additional-builtins= + +# List of strings which can identify a callback function by name. A callback +# name must start or end with one of those strings. +callbacks=cb_,_cb + +# List of qualified module names which can have objects that can redefine +# builtins. +redefining-builtins-modules=six,six.moves,past.builtins,future.builtins,functools + + +[LOGGING] + +# Logging modules to check that the string format arguments are in logging +# function parameter format +logging-modules=logging,absl.logging, + + +[SIMILARITIES] + +# Minimum lines number of a similarity. +min-similarity-lines=4 + +# Ignore comments when computing similarities. +ignore-comments=yes + +# Ignore docstrings when computing similarities. +ignore-docstrings=yes + +# Ignore imports when computing similarities. +ignore-imports=no + + +[SPELLING] + +# Spelling dictionary name. Available dictionaries: none. To make it working +# install python-enchant package. +spelling-dict= + +# List of comma separated words that should not be checked. +spelling-ignore-words= + +# A path to a file that contains private dictionary; one word per line. +spelling-private-dict-file= + +# Tells whether to store unknown words to indicated private dictionary in +# --spelling-private-dict-file option instead of raising a message. +spelling-store-unknown-words=no + + +[IMPORTS] + +# Deprecated modules which should not be used, separated by a comma +deprecated-modules=regsub, + TERMIOS, + Bastion, + rexec, + sets + +# Create a graph of every (i.e. internal and external) dependencies in the +# given file (report RP0402 must not be disabled) +import-graph= + +# Create a graph of external dependencies in the given file (report RP0402 must +# not be disabled) +ext-import-graph= + +# Create a graph of internal dependencies in the given file (report RP0402 must +# not be disabled) +int-import-graph= + +# Force import order to recognize a module as part of the standard +# compatibility libraries. +known-standard-library= + +# Force import order to recognize a module as part of a third party library. +known-third-party=enchant, absl + +# Analyse import fallback blocks. This can be used to support both Python 2 and +# 3 compatible code, which means that the block might have code that exists +# only in one or another interpreter, leading to false positives when analysed. +analyse-fallback-blocks=no + + +[CLASSES] + +# List of method names used to declare (i.e. assign) instance attributes. +defining-attr-methods=__init__, + __new__, + setUp + +# List of member names, which should be excluded from the protected access +# warning. +exclude-protected=_asdict, + _fields, + _replace, + _source, + _make + +# List of valid names for the first argument in a class method. +valid-classmethod-first-arg=cls, + class_ + +# List of valid names for the first argument in a metaclass class method. +valid-metaclass-classmethod-first-arg=mcs + + +[EXCEPTIONS] + +# Exceptions that will emit a warning when being caught. Defaults to +# "Exception" +overgeneral-exceptions=StandardError, + Exception, + BaseException \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.style.yapf b/.style.yapf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ca1dfc --- /dev/null +++ b/.style.yapf @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +[style] +based_on_style = facebook +indent_width = 4 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c51e800 --- /dev/null +++ b/.vscode/settings.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "python.analysis.extraPaths": [ + "bazel-bin", + ".venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages" + ], + "protoc": { + "options": ["--proto_path=third_party/googleapis"] + }, + "python.linting.enabled": true, + "python.linting.pylintEnabled": true, + "python.formatting.provider": "yapf", + "editor.tabSize": 2, + "editor.insertSpaces": true, + "editor.formatOnSave": true, + "[python]": { + "editor.tabSize": 4 + } +} diff --git a/.yapfignore b/.yapfignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f90d6ad --- /dev/null +++ b/.yapfignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +generated/**/*.py +third_party/**/*.py \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/BUILD.bazel b/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ceacb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +load("@bazel_gazelle//:def.bzl", "gazelle", "gazelle_binary") +load("@pypi//:requirements.bzl", "all_whl_requirements") +load("@rules_python_gazelle_plugin//:def.bzl", "GAZELLE_PYTHON_RUNTIME_DEPS") +load("@rules_python_gazelle_plugin//manifest:defs.bzl", "gazelle_python_manifest") +load("@rules_python_gazelle_plugin//modules_mapping:def.bzl", "modules_mapping") +load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", "py_runtime", "py_runtime_pair") +load("@rules_python//python/pip_install:requirements.bzl", "compile_pip_requirements") +load("@npm//:defs.bzl", "npm_link_all_packages") + +# gazelle:prefix +# gazelle:go_generate_proto false + +# gazelle:python_library_naming_convention $package_name$_lib +# gazelle:python_binary_naming_convention $package_name$ +# gazelle:map_kind py_binary py_binary @aspect_rules_py//py:defs.bzl +# gazelle:map_kind py_library py_library @aspect_rules_py//py:defs.bzl + +# gazelle:exclude *.venv +# gazelle:exclude third_party/googleapis + +# gazelle:resolve py grpc @pypi_grpcio//:pkg +# gazelle:resolve py apollo.proto.v1.apollo_pb2_grpc //apollo/proto/v1:apollopb_py_pb2_grpc + +gazelle_python_manifest( + name = "gazelle_python_manifest", + modules_mapping = ":modules_map", + pip_repository_name = "pypi", + requirements = "requirements_lock.txt", +) + +gazelle_binary( + name = "gazelle_bin", + languages = [ + "@bazel_gazelle//language/go", + "@bazel_gazelle//language/proto", + "@rules_python_gazelle_plugin//python", + ], +) + +gazelle( + name = "gazelle", + data = GAZELLE_PYTHON_RUNTIME_DEPS, + gazelle = ":gazelle_bin", +) + +compile_pip_requirements( + name = "requirements", + extra_args = ["--allow-unsafe"], + requirements_in = "requirements.txt", + requirements_txt = "requirements_lock.txt", +) + +modules_mapping( + name = "modules_map", + wheels = all_whl_requirements, +) + +py_runtime( + name = "container_py3_runtime", + interpreter_path = "/usr/bin/python3", + python_version = "PY3", +) + +py_runtime_pair( + name = "container_py_runtime_pair", + py2_runtime = None, + py3_runtime = ":container_py3_runtime", +) + +toolchain( + name = "container_py_toolchain", + exec_compatible_with = [ + "@io_bazel_rules_docker//platforms:run_in_container", + ], + toolchain = ":container_py_runtime_pair", + toolchain_type = "@bazel_tools//tools/python:toolchain_type", +) + +npm_link_all_packages(name = "node_modules") diff --git a/WORKSPACE b/WORKSPACE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ada909e --- /dev/null +++ b/WORKSPACE @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +workspace( + name = "depot", +) + +load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") + +# Aspect Bazel Lib +http_archive( + name = "aspect_bazel_lib", + sha256 = "79623d656aa23ad3fd4692ab99786c613cd36e49f5566469ed97bc9b4c655f03", + strip_prefix = "bazel-lib-1.23.3", + url = "", +) + +load("@aspect_bazel_lib//lib:repositories.bzl", "aspect_bazel_lib_dependencies", "register_copy_directory_toolchains", "register_copy_to_directory_toolchains") + +aspect_bazel_lib_dependencies() + +# Python +load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") + +http_archive( + name = "aspect_rules_py", + sha256 = "66da30b09cf47ee40f2ae1c46346cc9a412940965d04899bd68d06a9d3380085", + strip_prefix = "rules_py-0.1.0", + url = "", +) + +# Fetches the rules_py dependencies. +# If you want to have a different version of some dependency, +# you should fetch it *before* calling this. +# Alternatively, you can skip calling this function, so long as you've +# already fetched all the dependencies. +load("@aspect_rules_py//py:repositories.bzl", "rules_py_dependencies") + +http_archive( + name = "rules_python", + patch_args = ["-p1"], + patch_cmds = ["""\ +cat >> python/BUILD.bazel < list[PortalProduct]: + if self.__products: + return self.__products + + self.__products = [] + for product in self.portal_product_filter: + try: + if product.startswith("Red Hat Enterprise Linux"): + variant, name, version, arch = product.split("|") + major_version = version + if "." in version: + version_split = version.split(".") + major_version = int(version_split[0]) + minor_version = int(version_split[1]) + else: + major_version = int(version) + minor_version = None + self.__products.append( + PortalProduct( + variant, name, major_version, minor_version, arch + ) + ) + except ValueError: + pass + + return self.__products + + def affects_rhel_version_arch( + self, major_version: int, minor_version: int | None, arch: Architecture + ) -> bool: + """ + Returns whether this advisory affects the given RHEL version and architecture. + """ + for product in self.get_products(): + if product.variant == "Red Hat Enterprise Linux" and product.major_version == major_version and product.minor_version == minor_version and product.arch == arch.value: + return True + + return False + + +class API: + """ + The Red Hat Errata API. + """ + + url = None + + def __init__(self, url=DEFAULT_URL): + if not url: + url = DEFAULT_URL + self.url = url + + async def search( + self, + kind: DocumentKind = DocumentKind.ERRATA, + sort_asc: bool = False, + rows: int = 10, + query: str = "*:*", + distro: str = "Red%5C+Hat%5C+Enterprise%5C+Linux%7C%2A%7C%2A%7C%2A", + detected_product: str = "rhel", + from_date: str = None + ) -> list[Advisory]: + params = "" + + # Set query + params += f"q={query}" + + # Set rows + params += f"&rows={rows}" + + # Set sorting + sorting = "portal_publication_date+asc" if sort_asc else "portal_publication_date+desc" + params += f"&sort={sorting}" + + # Set start + params += "&start=0" + + # Set distribution + params += f"&fq=portal_product_filter:{distro}" + + # Set from-to + if from_date: + params += f"&fq=portal_publication_date%3A%5B{quote(from_date)}%20TO%20NOW%5D" + + # Set document kind + params += f"&fq=documentKind:{kind.value}" + + # Set detected product + if detected_product: + params += f"&fq=detectedProducts:{detected_product}" + + async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: + async with session.get( + URL(f"{self.url}?{params}", encoded=True) + ) as response: + body = await response.json() + if response.status != 200: + raise Exception((await response.text())) + elif body.get("response", {}).get("numFound", 0) == 0: + return [] + return Advisory.from_list(list(body["response"]["docs"])) diff --git a/apollo/rherrata/ b/apollo/rherrata/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d97fa9 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/rherrata/ @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +import asyncio +import datetime +from __init__ import API, Architecture + + +async def main(): + api = API() + res = await + detected_product="rhel", + rows=1000, + from_date="2019-05-05T22:00:00Z", + sort_asc=True + ) + contains_9 = 0 + contains_8 = 0 + contains_90eus = 0 + for advisory in res: + if advisory.affects_rhel_version_arch(9, None, Architecture.X86_64): + print(f"{} affects RHEL 9 x86_64") + contains_9 += 1 + elif advisory.affects_rhel_version_arch(9, 0, Architecture.X86_64): + print(f"{} affects RHEL 9.0 EUS x86_64") + contains_90eus += 1 + elif advisory.affects_rhel_version_arch(8, None, Architecture.X86_64): + print(f"{} affects RHEL 8 x86_64") + contains_8 += 1 + print(f"Found {contains_9} advisories that affect RHEL 9 x86_64") + print(f"Found {contains_8} advisories that affect RHEL 8 x86_64") + print(f"Found {contains_90eus} advisories that affect RHEL 9.0 EUS x86_64") + print(f"Found {len(res)} advisories in total") + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + diff --git a/apollo/rhwebscraper/BUILD.bazel b/apollo/rhwebscraper/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b891d6e --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/rhwebscraper/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +load("@aspect_rules_py//py:defs.bzl", "py_library") + +# gazelle:exclude + +py_library( + name = "rhwebscraper_lib", + srcs = [""], + imports = ["../.."], + visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], + deps = [ + "@pypi_aiohttp//:pkg", + "@pypi_beautifulsoup4//:pkg", + ], +) diff --git a/apollo/rhwebscraper/ b/apollo/rhwebscraper/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4334071 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/rhwebscraper/ @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +from typing import Optional +from dataclasses import dataclass + +import aiohttp +from bs4 import BeautifulSoup + + +@dataclass +class RHWebAdvisoryFix: + id: str + description: str + + +@dataclass +class PartialRHWebAdvisory: + name: str + topic: Optional[str] + fixes: Optional[list[RHWebAdvisoryFix]] + + +async def get_advisory_topic_and_fixes( + advisory_name: str +) -> Optional[PartialRHWebAdvisory]: + async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: + async with session.get( + f"{advisory_name}" + ) as response: + if response.status == 200: + html = await response.text() + soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") + + topic ="div#topic > p") + if topic: + topic = "\n\n".join([p.text for p in topic]) + + parsed_fixes = [] + fixes ="div#fixes > ul > li") + if fixes: + for fix in fixes: + bugzilla_id = fix.find("a").attrs.get("href" + ).split("id=")[1] + description = fix.find("a").next_sibling.text.strip( + ).removeprefix("- ") + parsed_fixes.append( + RHWebAdvisoryFix(bugzilla_id, description) + ) + + return PartialRHWebAdvisory(advisory_name, topic, parsed_fixes) + else: + return None diff --git a/apollo/rhwebscraper/ b/apollo/rhwebscraper/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67624dd --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/rhwebscraper/ @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +import asyncio + +from __init__ import get_advisory_topic_and_fixes + + +async def main(): + advisory = await get_advisory_topic_and_fixes("RHSA-2023:0536") + print(advisory) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + diff --git a/apollo/rhworker/BUILD.bazel b/apollo/rhworker/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c2d6349 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/rhworker/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +load("@aspect_rules_py//py:defs.bzl", "py_binary", "py_library") + +py_binary( + name = "rhworker", + srcs = [""], + imports = ["../.."], + main = "", + visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], + deps = [ + ":rhworker_lib", + "//common:common_lib", + "@pypi_click//:pkg", + "@pypi_temporalio//:pkg", + ], +) + +py_library( + name = "rhworker_lib", + srcs = [ + "", + "", + "", + ], + imports = ["../.."], + visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], + deps = [ + "//apollo/db:db_lib", + "//apollo/rherrata:rherrata_lib", + "//apollo/rhwebscraper:rhwebscraper_lib", + "//common:common_lib", + "@pypi_aiohttp//:pkg", + "@pypi_temporalio//:pkg", + "@pypi_tortoise_orm//:pkg", + ], +) diff --git a/apollo/rhworker/ b/apollo/rhworker/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..254b74c --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/rhworker/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +""" +Apollo RH Temporal Worker + +This worker only executes tasks that are related to Red Hat. +""" +import asyncio + +from temporalio.worker import Worker +import click + +from common.database import Database +from import Info +from common.logger import Logger +from common.temporal import Temporal + +from apollo.rhworker.temporal import TASK_QUEUE +from apollo.rhworker.poll_rh_workflow import PollRHAdvisoriesWorkflow +from apollo.rhworker.poll_rh_activities import get_last_indexed_date, get_rh_advisories + + +async def run(): + db = Database(True) + await db.init(["apollo.db"]) + + temporal = Temporal(True) + await temporal.connect() + + worker = Worker( + temporal.client, + task_queue=TASK_QUEUE, + workflows=[ + PollRHAdvisoriesWorkflow, + ], + activities=[ + get_last_indexed_date, + get_rh_advisories, + ] + ) + + await + + +@click.command() +def main(): + Info("apollorhworker", "apollo2") + Logger() + + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + main() diff --git a/apollo/rhworker/ b/apollo/rhworker/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..666aeff --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/rhworker/ @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +import datetime +import re +import bz2 +from typing import Optional +from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET + +import aiohttp +from temporalio import activity +from tortoise.transactions import in_transaction + +from apollo.db import RedHatIndexState, RedHatAdvisory, RedHatAdvisoryPackage +from apollo.db import RedHatAdvisoryBugzillaBug, RedHatAdvisoryAffectedProduct, RedHatAdvisoryCVE +from apollo.rherrata import API + +from common.logger import Logger + +OVAL_NS = {"": ""} +bz_re = re.compile(r"BZ#([0-9]+)") + + +def parse_red_hat_date(rhdate: str) -> datetime.datetime: + return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(rhdate.removesuffix("Z")) + + +@activity.defn +async def get_last_indexed_date() -> Optional[str]: + state = await RedHatIndexState.get_or_none() + return re.sub( + r"\+\d\d:\d\d", "", + state.last_indexed_at.isoformat("T") + "Z" + ) if state else None + + +async def fetch_mapped_oval() -> dict[str, ET.ElementTree]: + # Download the oval_url using aiohttp, decompress using bzip and parse + oval_url = "" + async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: + async with session.get(oval_url) as response: + if response.status == 200: + data = await + tree = ET.fromstring(bz2.decompress(data)) + + # Index by advisory name + def_map = {} + definitions = tree.findall("definitions/definition", OVAL_NS) + for definition in definitions: + def_id = definition.attrib["id"] + id_split = def_id.split(":") + name = f"{id_split[1].split('.')[2].upper()}-{id_split[3][0:4]}:{id_split[3][4:]}" + def_map[name] = definition + + return def_map + else: + raise Exception("Failed to fetch OVAL data") + + +@activity.defn +async def get_rh_advisories(from_timestamp: str = None) -> None: + logger = Logger() + advisories = await API().search( + from_date=from_timestamp, rows=10000, sort_asc=True + ) + oval = await fetch_mapped_oval() + + for advisory in advisories: + async with in_transaction(): + advisory_last_indexed_at = parse_red_hat_date( + advisory.portal_publication_date + ) + state = await RedHatIndexState.first() + if state: + state.last_indexed_at = advisory_last_indexed_at + await + else: + await RedHatIndexState().create( + last_index_at=advisory_last_indexed_at + ) + +"Processing advisory %s", + + existing_advisory = await RedHatAdvisory.filter( + ).get_or_none() + if existing_advisory: +"Advisory %s already exists, skipping", + continue + + kind = "Security" + if "Enhancement" in advisory.portal_advisory_type: + kind = "Enhancement" + elif "Bug Fix" in advisory.portal_advisory_type: + kind = "Bug Fix" + + issued_at = parse_red_hat_date(advisory.portal_publication_date) + severity = advisory.portal_severity + if not severity or severity == "": + severity = "None" + + ra = await RedHatAdvisory.create( +, + red_hat_issued_at=issued_at, + synopsis=advisory.portal_synopsis, + description=advisory.portal_description, + kind=kind, + severity=severity, + topic="", + ) + + if advisory.portal_package: + await RedHatAdvisoryPackage.bulk_create( + [ + RedHatAdvisoryPackage( + **{ + "red_hat_advisory_id":, + "nevra": nevra + } + ) for nevra in advisory.portal_package + ], + ignore_conflicts=True + ) + + if advisory.portal_CVE: + cves_to_save = [] + + definition = oval.get( + if not definition: + # Fill in CVEs from Errata + for advisory_cve in advisory.portal_CVE: + cves_to_save.append( + RedHatAdvisoryCVE( + **{ + "red_hat_advisory_id":, + "cve": advisory_cve, + "cvss3_scoring_vector": "UNKNOWN", + "cvss3_base_score": "UNKNOWN", + "cwe": "UNKNOWN", + } + ) + ) + else: + # Fetch CVEs from the OVAL + cves = definition.findall("metadata/advisory/cve", OVAL_NS) + for cve in cves: + cvss3_scoring_vector = "UNKNOWN" + cvss3_base_score = "UNKNOWN" + + cvss3 = cve.attrib.get("cvss3") + if cvss3: + cvss3_raw = cvss3.split("/", 1) + cvss3_scoring_vector = cvss3_raw[ + 1] if cvss3_raw else "UNKNOWN" + cvss3_base_score = cvss3_raw[ + 0] if cvss3_raw else "UNKNOWN" + + cwe = cve.attrib.get("cwe") + if not cwe: + cwe = "UNKNOWN" + + cves_to_save.append( + RedHatAdvisoryCVE( + **{ + "red_hat_advisory_id": +, + "cve": + cve.text, + "cvss3_scoring_vector": + cvss3_scoring_vector, + "cvss3_base_score": + cvss3_base_score, + "cwe": + cwe, + } + ) + ) + + if not cves_to_save: + raise Exception(f"Failed to find CVEs for {}") + + await RedHatAdvisoryCVE.bulk_create( + cves_to_save, + ignore_conflicts=True, + ) + + if advisory.portal_BZ: + bz_map = {} + if advisory.portal_description: + for line in advisory.portal_description.splitlines(): + search = + if search: + bz_id = + bz_line = line.removeprefix("* ") + bz_line = line.removeprefix("* ") + bz_line = line.removeprefix("- ") + bz_line = line.replace(f"(BZ#{bz_id})", "") + bz_line = bz_line.strip() + bz_map[bz_id] = bz_line + + await RedHatAdvisoryBugzillaBug.bulk_create( + [ + RedHatAdvisoryBugzillaBug( + **{ + "red_hat_advisory_id":, + "bugzilla_bug_id": bugzilla_bug_id, + "description": bz_map.get(bugzilla_bug_id, ""), + } + ) for bugzilla_bug_id in advisory.portal_BZ + ], + ignore_conflicts=True + ) + + affected_products = advisory.get_products() + if affected_products: + await RedHatAdvisoryAffectedProduct.bulk_create( + [ + RedHatAdvisoryAffectedProduct( + **{ + "red_hat_advisory_id":, + "variant": product.variant, + "name":, + "major_version": product.major_version, + "minor_version": product.minor_version, + "arch": product.arch + } + ) for product in affected_products + ], + ignore_conflicts=True + ) + +"Processed advisory %s", + + return None diff --git a/apollo/rhworker/ b/apollo/rhworker/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c303cfd --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/rhworker/ @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +import datetime + +from temporalio import workflow + + +@workflow.defn +class PollRHAdvisoriesWorkflow: + """ + Polls Red Hat Errata for new advisories. + """ + + async def run(self) -> None: + from_timestamp = await workflow.execute_activity( + "get_last_indexed_date", + start_to_close_timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=20), + ) + + await workflow.execute_activity( + "get_rh_advisories", + from_timestamp, + start_to_close_timeout=datetime.timedelta(hours=2), + ) + + return None diff --git a/apollo/rhworker/ b/apollo/rhworker/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3816928 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/rhworker/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +TASK_QUEUE = "v2-rhworker" diff --git a/apollo/rpmworker/BUILD.bazel b/apollo/rpmworker/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8dafce7 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/rpmworker/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +load("@aspect_rules_py//py:defs.bzl", "py_binary", "py_library") + +py_library( + name = "rpmworker_lib", + srcs = [ + "", + "", + "", + "", + ], + imports = ["../.."], + visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], + deps = [ + "//apollo/db:db_lib", + "//common:common_lib", + "@pypi_aiohttp//:pkg", + "@pypi_pyyaml//:pkg", + "@pypi_temporalio//:pkg", + "@pypi_tortoise_orm//:pkg", + ], +) + +py_binary( + name = "rpmworker", + srcs = [""], + imports = ["../.."], + main = "", + visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], + deps = [ + ":rpmworker_lib", + "//common:common_lib", + "@pypi_click//:pkg", + "@pypi_temporalio//:pkg", + ], +) diff --git a/apollo/rpmworker/ b/apollo/rpmworker/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e0e0b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/rpmworker/ @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +""" +Apollo RPM Temporal Worker + +This worker only executes tasks that are related to RPMs. +""" +import asyncio + +from temporalio.worker import Worker +import click + +from apollo.rpmworker.rh_matcher_workflows import RhMatcherWorkflow, RhDefunctWorkflow +from apollo.rpmworker.rh_matcher_activities import get_supported_products_with_rh_mirrors, match_rh_repos, block_remaining_rh_advisories +from apollo.rpmworker.temporal import TASK_QUEUE + +from common.database import Database +from import Info +from common.temporal import Temporal + + +async def run(): + db = Database(True) + await db.init(["apollo.db"]) + + temporal = Temporal(True) + await temporal.connect() + + worker = Worker( + temporal.client, + task_queue=TASK_QUEUE, + workflows=[ + RhMatcherWorkflow, + RhDefunctWorkflow, + ], + activities=[ + get_supported_products_with_rh_mirrors, + match_rh_repos, + block_remaining_rh_advisories, + ] + ) + + await + + +@click.command() +def main(): + Info("apollorpmworker", "apollo2") + + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + main() diff --git a/apollo/rpmworker/ b/apollo/rpmworker/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da8165b --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/rpmworker/ @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +import gzip +import lzma +import re +from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET +from urllib.parse import urlparse +from os import path + +import aiohttp +import yaml + +from common.logger import Logger + +NVRA_RE = re.compile( + r"^(\S+)-([\w~%.+]+)-(\w+(?:\.[\w~%+]+)+?)(?:\.(\w+))?(?:\.rpm)?$" +) +DIST_RE = re.compile(r"(\.el\d(?:_\d|))") +MODULE_DIST_RE = re.compile(r"\.module.+$") + + +def clean_nvra_pkg(matching_pkg: ET.Element) -> str: + name = matching_pkg.find("{}name").text + version = matching_pkg.find( + "{}version" + ).attrib["ver"] + release = matching_pkg.find( + "{}version" + ).attrib["rel"] + arch = matching_pkg.find("{}arch").text + + clean_release = MODULE_DIST_RE.sub("", DIST_RE.sub("", release)) + return f"{name}-{version}-{clean_release}.{arch}" + + +def clean_nvra(nvra_raw: str) -> str: + nvra = + name = + version = + release = + arch = + + clean_release = MODULE_DIST_RE.sub("", DIST_RE.sub("", release)) + return f"{name}-{version}-{clean_release}.{arch}" + + +async def download_xml( + url: str, gz: bool = False, xz: bool = False +) -> ET.Element: + async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: + async with session.get(url) as resp: + if resp.status != 200: + raise Exception(f"Failed to get {url}: {resp.status}") + # Do an in memory gzip decompression if gz is set + if gz: + return ET.fromstring( + gzip.decompress(await"utf-8") + ) + elif xz: + return ET.fromstring( + lzma.decompress(await"utf-8") + ) + return ET.fromstring(await resp.text()) + + +async def download_yaml(url: str, gz: bool = False, xz: bool = False) -> any: + async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: + async with session.get(url) as resp: + if resp.status != 200: + raise Exception(f"Failed to get {url}: {resp.status}") + # Do an in memory gzip decompression if gz is set + if gz: + return yaml.full_load_all( + gzip.decompress(await"utf-8") + ) + elif xz: + return yaml.full_load_all( + lzma.decompress(await"utf-8") + ) + + return yaml.full_load_all(await resp.text()) + + +async def get_data_from_repomd( + url: str, + data_type: str, + el: ET.Element, + is_yaml=False, +): + # There is a top-most repomd element in repomd + # Under there is revision and multiple data elements + # We want the data element with type="data_type" + # Under that is location with href + # That href is the location of the data + for data in el.findall("{}data"): + if data.attrib["type"] == data_type: + location = data.find( + "{}location" + ) + parsed_url = urlparse(url) + new_path = path.abspath( + path.join(parsed_url.path, "../..", location.attrib["href"]) + ) + data_url = parsed_url._replace(path=new_path).geturl() + + if is_yaml: + return await download_yaml( + data_url, + gz=data_url.endswith(".gz"), + xz=data_url.endswith(".xz"), + ) + return await download_xml( + data_url, + gz=data_url.endswith(".gz"), + xz=data_url.endswith(".xz"), + ) + + return None diff --git a/apollo/rpmworker/ b/apollo/rpmworker/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01aa5f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/rpmworker/ @@ -0,0 +1,562 @@ +import datetime +from dataclasses import dataclass +from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET + +from temporalio import activity +from tortoise.transactions import in_transaction + +from apollo.db import SupportedProduct, SupportedProductsRhMirror, SupportedProductsRpmRepomd, SupportedProductsRpmRhOverride, SupportedProductsRhBlock +from apollo.db import RedHatAdvisory, Advisory, AdvisoryAffectedProduct, AdvisoryCVE, AdvisoryFix, AdvisoryPackage +from apollo.rpmworker import repomd + +from common.logger import Logger + + +@dataclass +class NewPackage: + nevra: str + checksum: str + checksum_type: str + module_context: str + module_name: str + module_stream: str + module_version: str + repo_name: str + package_name: str + mirror_id: int + supported_product_id: int + product_name: str + + +@activity.defn +async def get_supported_products_with_rh_mirrors() -> list[int]: + """ + Get supported product IDs that has an RH mirror configuration + """ + rh_mirrors = await SupportedProductsRhMirror.all().prefetch_related( + "rpm_repomds", + ) + + ret = [] + for rh_mirror in rh_mirrors: + if rh_mirror.supported_product_id not in ret and rh_mirror.rpm_repomds: + ret.append(rh_mirror.supported_product_id) + + return ret + + +async def get_matching_rh_advisories( + mirror: SupportedProductsRhMirror +) -> list[RedHatAdvisory]: + # First get advisories that matches the mirrored product + # And also the overrides + # Also exclude blocked advisories and advisories without packages + advisories = await RedHatAdvisory.filter( + affected_products__variant=mirror.match_variant, + affected_products__major_version=mirror.match_major_version, + affected_products__minor_version=mirror.match_minor_version, + affected_products__arch=mirror.match_arch, + ).order_by("red_hat_issued_at").prefetch_related( + "packages", "cves", "bugzilla_tickets" + ) + + override_ids = [] + overrides = await SupportedProductsRpmRhOverride.filter( + + ).prefetch_related("red_hat_advisory") + for override in overrides: + override_ids.append(override.red_hat_advisory_id) + advisories.append(override.red_hat_advisory) + + blocked = await SupportedProductsRhBlock.filter( +, + ).all() + blocked_ids = [] + now = + for b in blocked: + delta = now - b.created_at + if delta.days >= 14: + blocked_ids.append(b.red_hat_advisory_id) + + # Remove all advisories without packages and blocked advisories + final = [] + for advisory in advisories: + if advisory.packages and ( + not in blocked_ids and not in override_ids + ): + final.append(advisory) + + return final + + +async def clone_advisory( + product: SupportedProduct, + mirrors: list[SupportedProductsRhMirror], + advisory: RedHatAdvisory, + all_pkgs: list[ET.ElementTree], + module_pkgs: dict, + published_at: datetime.datetime, +): + logger = Logger() +"Cloning advisory %s to %s",, + + acceptable_arches = list(set([x.match_arch for x in mirrors])) + acceptable_arches.extend(["src", "noarch"]) + for mirror in mirrors: + if mirror.match_arch == "x86_64": + acceptable_arches.append("i686") + break + + clean_advisory_nvras = {} + for advisory_pkg in advisory.packages: + nvra = + if not in acceptable_arches: + continue + cleaned = repomd.clean_nvra(advisory_pkg.nevra) + if cleaned not in clean_advisory_nvras: + clean_advisory_nvras[cleaned] = True + + if not clean_advisory_nvras: + + "Blocking advisory %s, no packages match arches", +, + ) + await SupportedProductsRhBlock.bulk_create( + [ + SupportedProductsRhBlock( + **{ + "supported_products_rh_mirror_id":, + "red_hat_advisory_id":, + } + ) for mirror in mirrors + ], + ignore_conflicts=True, + ) + overrides = await SupportedProductsRpmRhOverride.filter( + supported_products_rh_mirror_id__in=[ for x in mirrors], +, + ).all() + if overrides: + for override in overrides: + await override.delete() + return + + pkg_nvras = {} + for pkgs in all_pkgs: + for pkg in pkgs: + cleaned = repomd.clean_nvra_pkg(pkg) + if cleaned not in pkg_nvras: + pkg_nvras[cleaned] = [pkg] + else: + pkg_nvras[cleaned].append(pkg) + + async with in_transaction(): + # Create advisory + name = f"{product.code.code}{'RH')}" + synopsis = advisory.synopsis.replace( + "Red Hat Enterprise Linux", + ) + synopsis = synopsis.replace("RHEL", + synopsis = synopsis.replace("Red Hat", product.vendor) + synopsis = synopsis.replace(, name) + description = advisory.description.replace( + "Red Hat Enterprise Linux", + ) + description = description.replace("RHEL", + description = description.replace("Red Hat", product.vendor) + description = description.replace(, name) + + existing_advisory = await Advisory.filter(name=name).get_or_none() + if not existing_advisory: + new_advisory = await Advisory.create( + name=name, + synopsis=synopsis, + description=description, + kind=advisory.kind, + severity=advisory.severity, +, + published_at=published_at, + topic=advisory.topic, + ) + else: + new_advisory = existing_advisory + + # Clone packages + new_pkgs = [] + for advisory_nvra, _ in clean_advisory_nvras.items(): + if advisory_nvra not in pkg_nvras: + continue + + pkgs_to_process = pkg_nvras[advisory_nvra] + for pkg in pkgs_to_process: + pkg_name = pkg.find( + "{}name" + ).text + version_tree = pkg.find( + "{}version" + ) + version = version_tree.attrib["ver"] + release = version_tree.attrib["rel"] + epoch = version_tree.attrib["epoch"] + arch = pkg.find( + "{}arch" + ).text + nevra = f"{pkg_name}-{epoch}:{version}-{release}.{arch}.rpm" + + source_rpm = pkg.find( + "{}format" + ).find("{}sourcerpm") + + # This means we're checking a source RPM + if advisory_nvra.endswith(".src.rpm" + ) or advisory_nvra.endswith(".src"): + source_nvra = + package_name = + else: + source_nvra = + package_name = + + checksum_tree = pkg.find( + "{}checksum" + ) + checksum = checksum_tree.text + checksum_type = checksum_tree.attrib["type"] + + module_context = None + module_name = None + module_stream = None + module_version = None + + if ".module+" in release: + for module_pkg, data in module_pkgs.items(): + if module_pkg == nevra.removesuffix(".rpm"): + module_name = data[0] + module_stream = data[1] + module_version = data[2] + module_context = data[3] + + for mirror in mirrors: + if pkg.attrib["mirror_id"] != str( + continue + + new_pkgs.append( + NewPackage( + nevra=nevra, + checksum=checksum, + checksum_type=checksum_type, + module_context=module_context, + module_name=module_name, + module_stream=module_stream, + module_version=module_version, + repo_name=pkg.attrib["repo_name"], + package_name=package_name, +, + supported_product_id=mirror.supported_product_id, +, + ) + ) + + if not new_pkgs: + + "Blocking advisory %s, no packages", +, + ) + if not existing_advisory: + await new_advisory.delete() + await SupportedProductsRhBlock.bulk_create( + [ + SupportedProductsRhBlock( + **{ + "supported_products_rh_mirror_id":, + "red_hat_advisory_id":, + } + ) for mirror in mirrors + ], + ignore_conflicts=True, + ) + overrides = await SupportedProductsRpmRhOverride.filter( + supported_products_rh_mirror_id__in=[ for x in mirrors], +, + ).all() + if overrides: + for override in overrides: + await override.delete() + return + + await AdvisoryPackage.bulk_create( + [ + AdvisoryPackage( + **{ + "advisory_id":, + "nevra": pkg.nevra, + "checksum": pkg.checksum, + "checksum_type": pkg.checksum_type, + "module_context": pkg.module_context, + "module_name": pkg.module_name, + "module_stream": pkg.module_stream, + "module_version": pkg.module_version, + "repo_name": pkg.repo_name, + "package_name": pkg.package_name, + "supported_products_rh_mirror_id": pkg.mirror_id, + "supported_product_id": pkg.supported_product_id, + "product_name": pkg.product_name, + } + ) for pkg in new_pkgs + ], + ignore_conflicts=True, + ) + + # Clone CVEs + if advisory.cves: + await AdvisoryCVE.bulk_create( + [ + AdvisoryCVE( + **{ + "advisory_id":, + "cve": cve.cve, + "cvss3_scoring_vector": cve.cvss3_scoring_vector, + "cvss3_base_score": cve.cvss3_base_score, + "cwe": cve.cwe, + } + ) for cve in advisory.cves + ], + ignore_conflicts=True, + ) + + # Clone fixes + if advisory.bugzilla_tickets: + await AdvisoryFix.bulk_create( + [ + AdvisoryFix( + **{ + "advisory_id": +, + "ticket_id": + fix.bugzilla_bug_id, + "source": + f"{fix.bugzilla_bug_id}", + "description": + fix.description, + } + ) for fix in advisory.bugzilla_tickets + ], + ignore_conflicts=True, + ) + + # Add affected products + await AdvisoryAffectedProduct.bulk_create( + [ + AdvisoryAffectedProduct( + **{ + "advisory_id":, + "variant":, + "name":, + "major_version": mirror.match_major_version, + "minor_version": mirror.match_minor_version, + "arch": mirror.match_arch, + "supported_product_id": mirror.supported_product_id, + } + ) for mirror in mirrors + ], + ignore_conflicts=True, + ) + + # Check if topic is empty, if so construct it + if not new_advisory.topic: + package_names = list(set([p.package_name for p in new_pkgs])) + affected_products = list( + set( + [ + f"{} {mirror.match_major_version}" + for mirror in mirrors + ] + ) + ) + topic = f"""An update is available for {', '.join(package_names)}. +This update affects {', '.join(affected_products)}. +A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability from the CVE list""" + new_advisory.topic = topic + + await + + # Block advisory from being attempted to be mirrored again + await SupportedProductsRhBlock.bulk_create( + [ + SupportedProductsRhBlock( + **{ + "supported_products_rh_mirror_id":, + "red_hat_advisory_id":, + } + ) for mirror in mirrors + ], + ignore_conflicts=True, + ) + + +async def process_repomd( + mirror: SupportedProductsRhMirror, + rpm_repomd: SupportedProductsRpmRepomd, + advisories: list[RedHatAdvisory], +): + logger = Logger() + + all_pkgs = [] + urls_to_fetch = [ + rpm_repomd.url, rpm_repomd.debug_url, rpm_repomd.source_url + ] + module_packages = {} + for url in urls_to_fetch: +"Fetching %s", url) + repomd_xml = await repomd.download_xml(url) + primary_xml = await repomd.get_data_from_repomd( + url, "primary", repomd_xml + ) + pkgs = primary_xml.findall( + "{}package" + ) + all_pkgs.extend(pkgs) + + module_yaml_data = await repomd.get_data_from_repomd( + url, + "modules", + repomd_xml, + is_yaml=True, + ) + if module_yaml_data: +"Found modules.yaml") + for module_data in module_yaml_data: + if module_data.get("document") != "modulemd": + continue + data = module_data.get("data") + if not data.get("artifacts"): + continue + for nevra in data.get("artifacts").get("rpms"): + module_packages[nevra] = ( + data.get("name"), + data.get("stream"), + data.get("version"), + data.get("context"), + ) + + ret = {} + + pkg_nvras = {} + for pkg in all_pkgs: + cleaned = repomd.clean_nvra_pkg(pkg) + if cleaned not in pkg_nvras: + pkg_nvras[cleaned] = pkg + + check_pkgs = [] + + # Now check against advisories, and see if we're matching any + # If we match, that means we can start creating the supporting + # mirror advisories + for advisory in advisories: + clean_advisory_nvras = {} + for advisory_pkg in advisory.packages: + cleaned = repomd.clean_nvra(advisory_pkg.nevra) + if cleaned not in clean_advisory_nvras: + clean_advisory_nvras[cleaned] = True + + if not clean_advisory_nvras: + continue + + did_match_any = False + + for nevra, _ in clean_advisory_nvras.items(): + if nevra in pkg_nvras: + pkg = pkg_nvras[nevra] + # Set repo name as an attribute to packages + pkg.set("repo_name", rpm_repomd.repo_name) + pkg.set("mirror_id", str( + check_pkgs.append(pkg) + did_match_any = True + + if did_match_any: + ret.update( + { + + { + "advisory": advisory, + "packages": [check_pkgs], + "module_packages": module_packages, + } + } + ) + + return ret + + +@activity.defn +async def match_rh_repos(supported_product_id: int) -> None: + """ + Process the repomd files for the supported product + """ + logger = Logger() + + supported_product = await SupportedProduct.filter( + id=supported_product_id + ).first().prefetch_related("rh_mirrors", "rh_mirrors__rpm_repomds", "code") + + all_advisories = {} + + for mirror in supported_product.rh_mirrors: +"Processing mirror: %s", + advisories = await get_matching_rh_advisories(mirror) + for rpm_repomd in mirror.rpm_repomds: + if rpm_repomd.arch != mirror.match_arch: + continue + published_at = None + if rpm_repomd.production: + published_at = + advisory_map = await process_repomd(mirror, rpm_repomd, advisories) + if advisory_map: + for advisory_name, obj in advisory_map.items(): + if advisory_name in all_advisories: + all_advisories[advisory_name]["packages"].extend( + obj["packages"] + ) + all_advisories[advisory_name]["mirrors"].append(mirror) + + for key, val in obj["module_packages"].items(): + all_advisories[advisory_name]["module_packages"][ + key] = val + else: + new_obj = dict(obj) + new_obj["published_at"] = published_at + new_obj["mirrors"] = [mirror] + all_advisories.update({advisory_name: new_obj}) + + for advisory_name, obj in all_advisories.items(): + await clone_advisory( + supported_product, + list(set(obj["mirrors"])), + obj["advisory"], + obj["packages"], + obj["module_packages"], + obj["published_at"], + ) + + +@activity.defn +async def block_remaining_rh_advisories(supported_product_id: int) -> None: + supported_product = await SupportedProduct.filter( + id=supported_product_id + ).first().prefetch_related("rh_mirrors") + for mirror in supported_product.rh_mirrors: + mirrors = await SupportedProductsRhMirror.filter( + supported_product_id=supported_product_id + ) + for mirror in mirrors: + advisories = await get_matching_rh_advisories(mirror) + await SupportedProductsRhBlock.bulk_create( + [ + SupportedProductsRhBlock( + **{ + "supported_products_rh_mirror_id":, + "red_hat_advsiory_id":, + } + ) for advisory in advisories + ], + ignore_conflicts=True + ) diff --git a/apollo/rpmworker/ b/apollo/rpmworker/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b9ae5e --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/rpmworker/ @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +import datetime +from dataclasses import dataclass + +from temporalio import workflow + + +@dataclass +class RhDefunctWorkflowInput: + supported_product_id: int + + +@workflow.defn +class RhMatcherWorkflow: + + async def run(self) -> list[int]: + supported_product_ids = await workflow.execute_activity( + "get_supported_products_with_rh_mirrors", + start_to_close_timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=20), + ) + + for supported_product_id in supported_product_ids: + await workflow.execute_activity( + "match_rh_repos", + supported_product_id, + start_to_close_timeout=datetime.timedelta(hours=12), + ) + + return supported_product_ids + + +@workflow.defn +class RhDefunctWorkflow: + + async def run(self, wf_in: RhDefunctWorkflowInput) -> None: + await workflow.execute_activity( + "block_remaining_rh_advisories", + wf_in.supported_product_id, + start_to_close_timeout=datetime.timedelta(hours=12), + ) diff --git a/apollo/rpmworker/rocky_linux.sql b/apollo/rpmworker/rocky_linux.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b71b5db --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/rpmworker/rocky_linux.sql @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +insert into supported_products_rpm_repomds +(supported_products_rh_mirror_id, production, arch, url, debug_url, source_url, repo_name) +values +(2, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'BaseOS'), +(2, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'AppStream'), +(2, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'HighAvailability'), +(2, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'NFV'), +(2, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'PowerTools'), +(2, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'RT'), +(2, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'ResilientStorage'), +(3, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'BaseOS'), +(3, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'AppStream'), +(3, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'HighAvailability'), +(3, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'NFV'), +(3, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'PowerTools'), +(3, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'ResilientStorage'), +(4, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'BaseOS'), +(4, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'AppStream'), +(4, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'HighAvailability'), +(4, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'NFV'), +(4, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'CRB'), +(4, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'RT'), +(4, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'ResilientStorage'), +(4, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'SAP'), +(4, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'SAPHANA'), +(5, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'BaseOS'), +(5, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'AppStream'), +(5, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'HighAvailability'), +(5, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'NFV'), +(5, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'CRB'), +(5, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'ResilientStorage'), +(5, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'SAP'), +(5, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'SAPHANA'), +(6, true, 's390x', '', '', '', 'BaseOS'), +(6, true, 's390x', '', '', '', 'AppStream'), +(6, true, 's390x', '', '', '', 'HighAvailability'), +(6, true, 's390x', '', '', '', 'NFV'), +(6, true, 's390x', '', '', '', 'CRB'), +(6, true, 's390x', '', '', '', 'ResilientStorage'), +(6, true, 's390x', '', '', '', 'SAP'), +(6, true, 's390x', '', '', '', 'SAPHANA'), +(7, true, 'ppc64le', '', '', '', 'BaseOS'), +(7, true, 'ppc64le', '', '', '', 'AppStream'), +(7, true, 'ppc64le', '', '', '', 'HighAvailability'), +(7, true, 'ppc64le', '', '', '', 'NFV'), +(7, true, 'ppc64le', '', '', '', 'CRB'), +(7, true, 'ppc64le', '', '', '', 'ResilientStorage'), +(7, true, 'ppc64le', '', '', '', 'SAP'), +(7, true, 'ppc64le', '', '', '', 'SAPHANA'); diff --git a/apollo/rpmworker/rocky_linux_older.sql b/apollo/rpmworker/rocky_linux_older.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000..506dff3 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/rpmworker/rocky_linux_older.sql @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +insert into supported_products_rpm_repomds +(supported_products_rh_mirror_id, production, arch, url, debug_url, source_url, repo_name) +values +(8, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'BaseOS'), +(8, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'AppStream'), +(8, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'HighAvailability'), +(8, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'NFV'), +(8, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'PowerTools'), +(8, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'RT'), +(8, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'ResilientStorage'), +(9, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'BaseOS'), +(9, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'AppStream'), +(9, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'HighAvailability'), +(9, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'NFV'), +(9, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'PowerTools'), +(9, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'ResilientStorage'), +(10, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'BaseOS'), +(10, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'AppStream'), +(10, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'HighAvailability'), +(10, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'NFV'), +(10, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'PowerTools'), +(10, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'RT'), +(10, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'ResilientStorage'), +(11, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'BaseOS'), +(11, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'AppStream'), +(11, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'HighAvailability'), +(11, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'NFV'), +(11, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'PowerTools'), +(11, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'ResilientStorage'), +(12, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'BaseOS'), +(12, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'AppStream'), +(12, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'HighAvailability'), +(12, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'NFV'), +(12, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'PowerTools'), +(12, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'RT'), +(12, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'ResilientStorage'), +(13, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'BaseOS'), +(13, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'AppStream'), +(13, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'HighAvailability'), +(13, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'NFV'), +(13, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'PowerTools'), +(13, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'ResilientStorage'), +(14, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'BaseOS'), +(14, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'AppStream'), +(14, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'HighAvailability'), +(14, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'NFV'), +(14, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'CRB'), +(14, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'RT'), +(14, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'ResilientStorage'), +(14, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'SAP'), +(14, true, 'x86_64', '', '', '', 'SAPHANA'), +(15, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'BaseOS'), +(15, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'AppStream'), +(15, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'HighAvailability'), +(15, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'NFV'), +(15, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'CRB'), +(15, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'ResilientStorage'), +(15, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'SAP'), +(15, true, 'aarch64', '', '', '', 'SAPHANA'), +(16, true, 's390x', '', '', '', 'BaseOS'), +(16, true, 's390x', '', '', '', 'AppStream'), +(16, true, 's390x', '', '', '', 'HighAvailability'), +(16, true, 's390x', '', '', '', 'NFV'), +(16, true, 's390x', '', '', '', 'CRB'), +(16, true, 's390x', '', '', '', 'ResilientStorage'), +(16, true, 's390x', '', '', '', 'SAP'), +(16, true, 's390x', '', '', '', 'SAPHANA'), +(17, true, 'ppc64le', '', '', '', 'BaseOS'), +(17, true, 'ppc64le', '', '', '', 'AppStream'), +(17, true, 'ppc64le', '', '', '', 'HighAvailability'), +(17, true, 'ppc64le', '', '', '', 'NFV'), +(17, true, 'ppc64le', '', '', '', 'CRB'), +(17, true, 'ppc64le', '', '', '', 'ResilientStorage'), +(17, true, 'ppc64le', '', '', '', 'SAP'), +(17, true, 'ppc64le', '', '', '', 'SAPHANA'); diff --git a/apollo/rpmworker/ b/apollo/rpmworker/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3ff9af --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/rpmworker/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +TASK_QUEUE = "v2-rpmworker" diff --git a/apollo/schema.sql b/apollo/schema.sql new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1c1141 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/schema.sql @@ -0,0 +1,591 @@ +SET statement_timeout = 0; +SET lock_timeout = 0; +SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0; +SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; +SET standard_conforming_strings = on; +SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false); +SET check_function_bodies = false; +SET xmloption = content; +SET client_min_messages = warning; +SET row_security = off; + +SET default_tablespace = ''; + +SET default_table_access_method = heap; + +-- +-- Name: codes; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE TABLE ( + id text NOT NULL, + created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, + updated_at timestamp with time zone, + archived_at timestamp without time zone, + description text NOT NULL +); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisories; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE TABLE public.red_hat_advisories ( + id bigint NOT NULL, + created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, + updated_at timestamp with time zone, + red_hat_issued_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, + name text NOT NULL, + synopsis text NOT NULL, + description text NOT NULL, + kind text NOT NULL, + severity text NOT NULL +); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisories_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE SEQUENCE public.red_hat_advisories_id_seq + START WITH 1 + INCREMENT BY 1 + NO MINVALUE + NO MAXVALUE + CACHE 1; + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisories_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER SEQUENCE public.red_hat_advisories_id_seq OWNED BY; + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_affected_products; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE TABLE public.red_hat_advisory_affected_products ( + id bigint NOT NULL, + red_hat_advisory_id bigint, + variant text NOT NULL, + name text NOT NULL, + major_version numeric NOT NULL, + minor_version numeric, + arch text NOT NULL +); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_affected_products_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE SEQUENCE public.red_hat_advisory_affected_products_id_seq + START WITH 1 + INCREMENT BY 1 + NO MINVALUE + NO MAXVALUE + CACHE 1; + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_affected_products_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER SEQUENCE public.red_hat_advisory_affected_products_id_seq OWNED BY; + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE TABLE public.red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs ( + id bigint NOT NULL, + red_hat_advisory_id bigint, + bugzilla_bug_id text NOT NULL +); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE SEQUENCE public.red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs_id_seq + START WITH 1 + INCREMENT BY 1 + NO MINVALUE + NO MAXVALUE + CACHE 1; + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER SEQUENCE public.red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs_id_seq OWNED BY; + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_cves; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE TABLE public.red_hat_advisory_cves ( + id bigint NOT NULL, + red_hat_advisory_id bigint, + cve text NOT NULL +); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_cves_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE SEQUENCE public.red_hat_advisory_cves_id_seq + START WITH 1 + INCREMENT BY 1 + NO MINVALUE + NO MAXVALUE + CACHE 1; + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_cves_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER SEQUENCE public.red_hat_advisory_cves_id_seq OWNED BY; + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_packages; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE TABLE public.red_hat_advisory_packages ( + id bigint NOT NULL, + red_hat_advisory_id bigint, + nevra text NOT NULL +); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_packages_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE SEQUENCE public.red_hat_advisory_packages_id_seq + START WITH 1 + INCREMENT BY 1 + NO MINVALUE + NO MAXVALUE + CACHE 1; + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_packages_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER SEQUENCE public.red_hat_advisory_packages_id_seq OWNED BY; + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_index_state; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE TABLE public.red_hat_index_state ( + id bigint NOT NULL, + last_indexed_at timestamp with time zone +); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_index_state_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE SEQUENCE public.red_hat_index_state_id_seq + START WITH 1 + INCREMENT BY 1 + NO MINVALUE + NO MAXVALUE + CACHE 1; + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_index_state_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER SEQUENCE public.red_hat_index_state_id_seq OWNED BY; + + +-- +-- Name: schema_migrations; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE TABLE public.schema_migrations ( + version character varying(255) NOT NULL +); + + +-- +-- Name: supported_products; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE TABLE public.supported_products ( + id bigint NOT NULL, + created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, + updated_at timestamp with time zone, + eol_at timestamp with time zone, + name text NOT NULL, + rhel_major_version numeric, + rhel_minor_version numeric +); + + +-- +-- Name: supported_products_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE SEQUENCE public.supported_products_id_seq + START WITH 1 + INCREMENT BY 1 + NO MINVALUE + NO MAXVALUE + CACHE 1; + + +-- +-- Name: supported_products_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER SEQUENCE public.supported_products_id_seq OWNED BY; + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisories id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisories ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.red_hat_advisories_id_seq'::regclass); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_affected_products id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisory_affected_products ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.red_hat_advisory_affected_products_id_seq'::regclass); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs_id_seq'::regclass); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_cves id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisory_cves ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.red_hat_advisory_cves_id_seq'::regclass); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_packages id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisory_packages ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.red_hat_advisory_packages_id_seq'::regclass); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_index_state id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_index_state ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.red_hat_index_state_id_seq'::regclass); + + +-- +-- Name: supported_products id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.supported_products ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.supported_products_id_seq'::regclass); + + +-- +-- Name: codes codes_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY + ADD CONSTRAINT codes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisories red_hat_advisories_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisories + ADD CONSTRAINT red_hat_advisories_name_key UNIQUE (name); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisories red_hat_advisories_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisories + ADD CONSTRAINT red_hat_advisories_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_affected_products red_hat_advisory_affected_pro_red_hat_advisory_id_variant_n_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisory_affected_products + ADD CONSTRAINT red_hat_advisory_affected_pro_red_hat_advisory_id_variant_n_key UNIQUE (red_hat_advisory_id, variant, name, major_version, minor_version, arch); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_affected_products red_hat_advisory_affected_products_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisory_affected_products + ADD CONSTRAINT red_hat_advisory_affected_products_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bug_red_hat_advisory_id_bugzilla__key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs + ADD CONSTRAINT red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bug_red_hat_advisory_id_bugzilla__key UNIQUE (red_hat_advisory_id, bugzilla_bug_id); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs + ADD CONSTRAINT red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_cves red_hat_advisory_cves_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisory_cves + ADD CONSTRAINT red_hat_advisory_cves_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_cves red_hat_advisory_cves_red_hat_advisory_id_cve_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisory_cves + ADD CONSTRAINT red_hat_advisory_cves_red_hat_advisory_id_cve_key UNIQUE (red_hat_advisory_id, cve); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_packages red_hat_advisory_packages_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisory_packages + ADD CONSTRAINT red_hat_advisory_packages_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_packages red_hat_advisory_packages_red_hat_advisory_id_nevra_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisory_packages + ADD CONSTRAINT red_hat_advisory_packages_red_hat_advisory_id_nevra_key UNIQUE (red_hat_advisory_id, nevra); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_index_state red_hat_index_state_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_index_state + ADD CONSTRAINT red_hat_index_state_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); + + +-- +-- Name: schema_migrations schema_migrations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.schema_migrations + ADD CONSTRAINT schema_migrations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (version); + + +-- +-- Name: supported_products supported_products_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.supported_products + ADD CONSTRAINT supported_products_name_key UNIQUE (name); + + +-- +-- Name: supported_products supported_products_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.supported_products + ADD CONSTRAINT supported_products_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisories_kindx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE INDEX red_hat_advisories_kindx ON public.red_hat_advisories USING btree (kind); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisories_namex; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE INDEX red_hat_advisories_namex ON public.red_hat_advisories USING btree (name); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisories_red_hat_issued_atx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE INDEX red_hat_advisories_red_hat_issued_atx ON public.red_hat_advisories USING btree (red_hat_issued_at); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisories_severityx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE INDEX red_hat_advisories_severityx ON public.red_hat_advisories USING btree (severity); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisories_synopsisx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE INDEX red_hat_advisories_synopsisx ON public.red_hat_advisories USING btree (synopsis); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_affected_products_archx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE INDEX red_hat_advisory_affected_products_archx ON public.red_hat_advisory_affected_products USING btree (arch); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_affected_products_major_versionx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE INDEX red_hat_advisory_affected_products_major_versionx ON public.red_hat_advisory_affected_products USING btree (major_version); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_affected_products_minor_versionx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE INDEX red_hat_advisory_affected_products_minor_versionx ON public.red_hat_advisory_affected_products USING btree (minor_version); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_affected_products_namex; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE INDEX red_hat_advisory_affected_products_namex ON public.red_hat_advisory_affected_products USING btree (name); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_affected_products_variantx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE INDEX red_hat_advisory_affected_products_variantx ON public.red_hat_advisory_affected_products USING btree (variant); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs_bugzilla_bug_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE INDEX red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs_bugzilla_bug_idx ON public.red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs USING btree (bugzilla_bug_id); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_cvex; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE INDEX red_hat_advisory_cvex ON public.red_hat_advisory_cves USING btree (cve); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_packages_nevrax; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE INDEX red_hat_advisory_packages_nevrax ON public.red_hat_advisory_packages USING btree (nevra); + + +-- +-- Name: supported_products_eol_atx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE INDEX supported_products_eol_atx ON public.supported_products USING btree (eol_at); + + +-- +-- Name: supported_products_namex; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE INDEX supported_products_namex ON public.supported_products USING btree (name); + + +-- +-- Name: supported_products_rhel_major_versionx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE INDEX supported_products_rhel_major_versionx ON public.supported_products USING btree (rhel_major_version); + + +-- +-- Name: supported_products_rhel_minor_versionx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +CREATE INDEX supported_products_rhel_minor_versionx ON public.supported_products USING btree (rhel_minor_version); + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_affected_products red_hat_advisory_affected_products_red_hat_advisory_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisory_affected_products + ADD CONSTRAINT red_hat_advisory_affected_products_red_hat_advisory_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (red_hat_advisory_id) REFERENCES public.red_hat_advisories(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs_red_hat_advisory_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs + ADD CONSTRAINT red_hat_advisory_bugzilla_bugs_red_hat_advisory_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (red_hat_advisory_id) REFERENCES public.red_hat_advisories(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_cves red_hat_advisory_cves_red_hat_advisory_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisory_cves + ADD CONSTRAINT red_hat_advisory_cves_red_hat_advisory_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (red_hat_advisory_id) REFERENCES public.red_hat_advisories(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; + + +-- +-- Name: red_hat_advisory_packages red_hat_advisory_packages_red_hat_advisory_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: - +-- + +ALTER TABLE ONLY public.red_hat_advisory_packages + ADD CONSTRAINT red_hat_advisory_packages_red_hat_advisory_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (red_hat_advisory_id) REFERENCES public.red_hat_advisories(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; + + +-- +-- PostgreSQL database dump complete +-- + + +-- +-- Dbmate schema migrations +-- + +INSERT INTO public.schema_migrations (version) VALUES + ('20230128201227'); diff --git a/apollo/server/BUILD.bazel b/apollo/server/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dfa8b6d --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +load("@aspect_rules_py//py:defs.bzl", "py_library") +load("//build/macros:fastapi.bzl", "fastapi_binary") + +py_library( + name = "server_lib", + srcs = [ + "", + "routes/", + "routes/", + "routes/", + "routes/", + "routes/", + "routes/", + "routes/", + "routes/", + "routes/", + "", + "", + "", + ], + data = [ + ":assets", + ":templates", + "//apollo/server/static", + ], + imports = ["../.."], + visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], + deps = [ + "//apollo/db:db_lib", + "//apollo/db/serialize:serialize_lib", + "//common:common_lib", + "@pypi_fastapi//:pkg", + "@pypi_fastapi_pagination//:pkg", + "@pypi_itsdangerous//:pkg", + "@pypi_jinja2//:pkg", + "@pypi_passlib//:pkg", + "@pypi_python_multipart//:pkg", + "@pypi_starlette//:pkg", + "@pypi_tortoise_orm//:pkg", + ], +) + +fastapi_binary( + name = "server", + imports = ["../.."], + path = "apollo.server.server", + port = "9999", +) diff --git a/apollo/server/assets/pd-logo-np.svg b/apollo/server/assets/pd-logo-np.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..caa1daa --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/assets/pd-logo-np.svg @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/apollo/server/ b/apollo/server/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89bad11 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +ADMIN = "admin" +ELEVATED = "elevated" diff --git a/apollo/server/routes/ b/apollo/server/routes/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fbed5af --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/routes/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +from fastapi import APIRouter, Request +from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse + +from apollo.server.utils import templates + +router = APIRouter(tags=["non-api"]) + + +@router.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse) +async def admin_general(request: Request): + return templates.TemplateResponse( + "admin_index.jinja", { + "request": request, + } + ) diff --git a/apollo/server/routes/ b/apollo/server/routes/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..293f380 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/routes/ @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +from math import ceil + +from tortoise import connections + +from fastapi import APIRouter, Request, Depends +from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse +from fastapi_pagination import Params +from fastapi_pagination.ext.tortoise import paginate, create_page + +from apollo.db import Advisory +from apollo.server.utils import templates + +router = APIRouter(tags=["non-api"]) + + +@router.get( + "/", + response_class=HTMLResponse, +) +async def list_advisories( + request: Request, + params: Params = Depends(), + search: str = None, +): + params.size = 50 + if search: + a = """ + with vars (search, size, page_offset) as ( + values ($1 :: text, $2 :: bigint, $3 :: bigint) + ) + select +, + a.created_at, + a.updated_at, + a.published_at, +, + a.synopsis, + a.description, + a.kind, + a.severity, + a.red_hat_advisory_id, + count(a.*) over () as total + from + advisories a + left outer join advisory_affected_products ap on ap.advisory_id = + left outer join advisory_cves c on c.advisory_id = + left outer join advisory_fixes f on f.advisory_id = + where + (select search from vars) is null or + ilike '%' || (select search from vars) || '%' or + a.synopsis ilike '%' || (select search from vars) || '%' or + a.description ilike '%' || (select search from vars) || '%' or + exists (select cve from advisory_cves where advisory_id = and cve ilike '%' || (select search from vars) || '%') or + exists (select ticket_id from advisory_fixes where advisory_id = and ticket_id ilike '%' || (select search from vars) || '%') or + ilike '%' || (select search from vars) || '%' + group by + order by a.published_at desc + limit (select size from vars) offset (select page_offset from vars) + """ + + connection = connections.get("default") + results = await connections.execute_query( + a, [search, params.size, params.size * ( - 1)] + ) + count = 0 + if results: + if results[1]: + count = results[1][0]["total"] + + advisories = create_page( + results[1], + count, + params, + ) + else: + advisories = await paginate( + Advisory.all().order_by("-published_at"), + params=params, + ) + return templates.TemplateResponse( + "advisories.jinja", { + "request": request, + "params": params, + "search": search if search else "", + "advisories": advisories, + "advisories_pages": ceil( / advisories.size) + } + ) + + +@router.get( + "/{advisory_name}", + response_class=HTMLResponse, +) +async def get_advisory(request: Request, advisory_name: str): + advisory = await Advisory.get_or_none(name=advisory_name, + ).prefetch_related( + "red_hat_advisory", + "packages", + "cves", + "fixes", + "affected_products", + ) + if advisory is None: + return templates.TemplateResponse( + "error.jinja", { + "request": request, + "message": "Requested advisory not found", + } + ) + + package_map = {} + for package in advisory.packages: + name = f"{package.product_name} - {package.repo_name}" + if name not in package_map: + package_map[name] = [] + + package_map[name].append(package.nevra) + + return templates.TemplateResponse( + "advisory.jinja", { + "request": request, + "title": f"Advisory {}", + "advisory": advisory, + "package_map": package_map, + } + ) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apollo/server/routes/ b/apollo/server/routes/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9bd34b --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/routes/ @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +from typing import TypeVar, Generic + +from fastapi import APIRouter, Request +from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException +from fastapi_pagination.links import Page +from fastapi_pagination.ext.tortoise import paginate + +from apollo.db import Advisory +from apollo.db.serialize import Advisory_Pydantic + +router = APIRouter(tags=["advisories"]) + +T = TypeVar("T") + + +class Pagination(Page[T], Generic[T]): + class Config: + allow_population_by_field_name = True + fields = {"items": {"alias": "advisories"}} + + +@router.get( + "/", + response_model=Pagination[Advisory_Pydantic], +) +async def list_advisories(): + advisories = await paginate( + Advisory.all().prefetch_related( + "red_hat_advisory", + "packages", + "cves", + "fixes", + "affected_products", + ).order_by("-published_at"), + ) + + return advisories + + +@router.get( + "/{advisory_name}", + response_model=Advisory_Pydantic, +) +async def get_advisory(advisory_name: str): + advisory = await Advisory.filter(name=advisory_name).prefetch_related( + "packages", + "cves", + "fixes", + "affected_products", + "red_hat_advisory", + ).first() + + if advisory is None: + raise HTTPException(404) + + return await Advisory_Pydantic.from_tortoise_orm(advisory) diff --git a/apollo/server/routes/ b/apollo/server/routes/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7b2dd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/routes/ @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ +""" +This module implements the compatibility API for Apollo V2 advisories +""" + +import datetime +from typing import TypeVar, Generic, Optional + +from tortoise import connections + +from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, Query +from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException +from fastapi_pagination.links import Page +from fastapi_pagination import Params +from fastapi_pagination.ext.tortoise import create_page + +from apollo.db import Advisory, RedHatIndexState +from apollo.db.serialize import Advisory_Pydantic_V2, Advisory_Pydantic_V2_CVE, Advisory_Pydantic_V2_Fix + +from common.fastapi import RenderErrorTemplateException + +router = APIRouter(tags=["v2_compat"]) + +T = TypeVar("T") + + +class Pagination(Page[T], Generic[T]): + lastUpdated: Optional[str] # noqa # pylint: disable=invalid-name + + class Config: + allow_population_by_field_name = True + fields = {"items": {"alias": "advisories"}} + + +def v3_advisory_to_v2( + advisory: Advisory, + include_rpms=True, +) -> Advisory_Pydantic_V2: + kind = "TYPE_SECURITY" + if advisory.kind == "Bug Fix": + kind = "TYPE_BUGFIX" + elif advisory.kind == "Enhancement": + kind = "TYPE_ENHANCEMENT" + + affected_products = list( + set( + [ + f"{ap.variant} {ap.major_version}" + for ap in advisory.affected_products + ] + ) + ) + + cves = [] + for cve in advisory.cves: + cves.append( + Advisory_Pydantic_V2_CVE( + name=cve.cve, + cvss3ScoringVector=cve.cvss3_scoring_vector, + cvss3BaseScore=cve.cvss3_base_score, + cwe=cve.cwe, + sourceBy="Red Hat", + sourceLink= + f"{cve.cve}.json", + ) + ) + + fixes = [] + for fix in advisory.fixes: + fixes.append( + Advisory_Pydantic_V2_Fix( + ticket=fix.ticket_id, + sourceBy="Red Hat", + sourceLink=fix.source, + description=fix.description, + ) + ) + + rpms = {} + if include_rpms: + for pkg in advisory.packages: + name = f"{pkg.supported_product.variant} {pkg.supported_products_rh_mirror.match_major_version}" + if name not in rpms: + rpms[name] = [] + rpms[name].append(pkg.nevra) + + return Advisory_Pydantic_V2( +, + publishedAt=advisory.published_at, +, + synopsis=advisory.synopsis, + description=advisory.description, + type=kind, + severity=f"SEVERITY_{advisory.severity.upper()}", +[0:2], + topic=advisory.topic if advisory.topic else "", + solution=None, + rpms=rpms, + affectedProducts=affected_products, + references=[], + rebootSuggested=False, + buildReferences=[], + fixes=fixes, + cves=cves, + ) + + +@router.get( + "/", + response_model=Pagination[Advisory_Pydantic_V2], +) +async def list_advisories_compat_v2( + params: Params = Depends(), + product: str = Query(default=None, alias="filters.product"), + before_raw: str = Query(default=None, alias="filters.before"), + after_raw: str = Query(default=None, alias="filters.after"), + cve: str = Query(default=None, alias="filters.cve"), + synopsis: str = Query(default=None, alias="filters.synopsis"), + keyword: str = Query(default=None, alias="filters.keyword"), + severity: str = Query(default=None, alias="filters.severity"), + kind: str = Query(default=None, alias="filters.type"), +): + before = None + after = None + + try: + if before_raw: + before = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat( + before_raw.removesuffix("Z") + ) + except: + raise RenderErrorTemplateException("Invalid before date", 400) + + try: + if after_raw: + after = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(after_raw.removesuffix("Z")) + except: + raise RenderErrorTemplateException("Invalid after date", 400) + + state = await RedHatIndexState.first() + + a = """ + with vars (search, size, page_offset, product, before, after, cve, synopsis, severity, kind) as ( + values ($1 :: text, $2 :: bigint, $3 :: bigint, $4 :: text, $5 :: timestamp, $6 :: timestamp, $7 :: text, $8 :: text, $9 :: text, $10 :: text) + ) + select +, + a.created_at, + a.updated_at, + a.published_at, +, + a.synopsis, + a.description, + a.kind, + a.severity, + a.topic, + a.red_hat_advisory_id, + count(a.*) over () as total + from + advisories a + left outer join advisory_affected_products ap on ap.advisory_id = + left outer join advisory_cves c on c.advisory_id = + left outer join advisory_fixes f on f.advisory_id = + where + ((select product from vars) is null or ilike '%' || (select product from vars) || '%') + and ((select before from vars) is null or a.published_at < (select before from vars)) + and ((select after from vars) is null or a.published_at > (select after from vars)) + and (a.published_at is not null) + and ((select cve from vars) is null or exists (select cve from advisory_cves where advisory_id = and cve ilike '%' || (select cve from vars) || '%')) + and ((select synopsis from vars) is null or a.synopsis ilike '%' || (select synopsis from vars) || '%') + and ((select severity from vars) is null or a.severity = (select severity from vars)) + and ((select kind from vars) is null or a.kind = (select kind from vars)) + and ((select search from vars) is null or + ilike '%' || (select search from vars) || '%' or + a.synopsis ilike '%' || (select search from vars) || '%' or + a.description ilike '%' || (select search from vars) || '%' or + exists (select cve from advisory_cves where advisory_id = and cve ilike '%' || (select search from vars) || '%') or + exists (select ticket_id from advisory_fixes where advisory_id = and ticket_id ilike '%' || (select search from vars) || '%') or + ilike '%' || (select search from vars) || '%') + group by + order by a.published_at desc + limit (select size from vars) offset (select page_offset from vars) + """ + + connection = connections.get("default") + results = await connection.execute_query( + a, [ + keyword, params.size, params.size * ( - 1), product, + before, after, cve, synopsis, severity, kind + ] + ) + + count = 0 + if results: + if results[1]: + count = results[1][0]["total"] + + advisories = [] + for adv in results[1]: + advisory = Advisory(**adv) + await advisory.fetch_related( + "packages", + "cves", + "fixes", + "affected_products", + "packages", + "packages__supported_product", + "packages__supported_products_rh_mirror", + ) + advisories.append(advisory) + + v2_advisories: list[Advisory_Pydantic_V2] = [] + for advisory in advisories: + v2_advisories.append(v3_advisory_to_v2(advisory)) + + page = create_page(v2_advisories, count, params) + page.lastUpdated = state.last_indexed_at.isoformat("T").replace( + "+00:00", "" + ) + "Z" + + return page + + +@router.get( + "/{advisory_name}", + response_model=Advisory_Pydantic_V2, +) +async def get_advisory_compat_v2(advisory_name: str): + advisory = await Advisory.filter(name=advisory_name).prefetch_related( + "packages", + "cves", + "fixes", + "affected_products", + "packages", + "packages__supported_product", + "packages__supported_products_rh_mirror", + ).get_or_none() + + if not advisory: + raise HTTPException(404) + + return Advisory_Pydantic_V2.from_orm(v3_advisory_to_v2(advisory)) diff --git a/apollo/server/routes/ b/apollo/server/routes/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab75cf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/routes/ @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +from typing import TypeVar, Generic + +from fastapi import APIRouter, Request +from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException +from fastapi_pagination.links import Page +from fastapi_pagination.ext.tortoise import paginate + +from apollo.db import RedHatAdvisory +from apollo.db.serialize import RedHatAdvisory_Pydantic + +router = APIRouter(tags=["red_hat"]) + +T = TypeVar("T") + + +class Pagination(Page[T], Generic[T]): + class Config: + allow_population_by_field_name = True + fields = {"items": {"alias": "advisories"}} + + +@router.get( + "/advisories", + response_model=Pagination[RedHatAdvisory_Pydantic], +) +async def list_red_hat_advisories(request: Request): + if not request.state.settings.serve_rh_advisories: + raise HTTPException(404) + + advisories = await paginate( + RedHatAdvisory.all().prefetch_related( + "packages", + "cves", + "bugzilla_tickets", + "affected_products", + ).order_by("-red_hat_issued_at") + ) + return advisories + + +@router.get( + "/advisories/{advisory_name}", + response_model=RedHatAdvisory_Pydantic, +) +async def get_red_hat_advisory(request: Request, advisory_name: str): + if not request.state.settings.serve_rh_advisories: + raise HTTPException(404) + + advisory = await RedHatAdvisory.filter(name=advisory_name).prefetch_related( + "packages", + "cves", + "bugzilla_tickets", + "affected_products", + ).first() + + if advisory is None: + raise HTTPException(404) + + return RedHatAdvisory_Pydantic.from_orm(advisory) diff --git a/apollo/server/routes/ b/apollo/server/routes/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..176a9ec --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/routes/ @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +from fastapi import APIRouter, Request, Form +from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse, RedirectResponse +from tortoise.expressions import Q + +from apollo.server.utils import templates +from apollo.server.roles import ADMIN +from apollo.server.utils import pwd_context +from apollo.server.settings import OIDC_PROVIDER_NAME, OIDC_PROVIDER, OIDC_CLIENT_ID, OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET +from apollo.db import User, Settings + +router = APIRouter(tags=["non-api"]) + + +@router.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse) +async def login_page(request: Request): + if request.session.get("user"): + return RedirectResponse("/", status_code=302) + + user_count = await User.all().count() + should_show_setup = user_count == 0 + + ctx = { + "request": request, + "should_show_setup": should_show_setup, + } + if not should_show_setup: + # Check if we have OIDC_PROVIDER, OIDC_CLIENT_ID and OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET set + # If so, show the OIDC login button + # If OIDC_PROVIDER_NAME is set, use that as the button text + # Otherwise, use "Login with OIDC" + settings = await Settings.filter( + Q(name=OIDC_PROVIDER_NAME) | Q(name=OIDC_PROVIDER) | + Q(name=OIDC_CLIENT_ID) | Q(name=OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET) + ).all() + if len(settings) >= 3: + provider_name = "Login with OIDC" + # Check if we have OIDC_PROVIDER_NAME set + for setting in settings: + if == OIDC_PROVIDER_NAME: + provider_name = setting.value + break + ctx["oidc_provider_name"] = provider_name + + return templates.TemplateResponse("login.jinja", ctx) + +"/", response_class=HTMLResponse) +async def do_login( + request: Request, + email: str = Form(default=None), + password: str = Form(default=None) +): + if request.session.get("user"): + return RedirectResponse("/", status_code=302) + if not email or not password: + return templates.TemplateResponse( + "login.jinja", { + "request": request, + "error": "Email and password are required", + } + ) + + user = await User.get(email=email) + if not user: + return templates.TemplateResponse( + "login.jinja", { + "request": request, + "error": "Invalid email or password", + } + ) + + if not pwd_context.verify(password, user.password): + return templates.TemplateResponse( + "login.jinja", { + "request": request, + "error": "Invalid email or password", + } + ) + + request.session["user"] = + request.session[""] = + request.session["user.role"] = user.role + return RedirectResponse("/", status_code=302) + + + "/setup", + response_class=HTMLResponse, +) +async def setup_page( + request: Request, + name: str = Form(default=None), + email: str = Form(default=None), + password: str = Form(default=None), + confirm_password: str = Form(default=None), +): + user_count = await User.all().count() + if user_count > 0: + return RedirectResponse("/") + + error = None + if not name: + error = "Name is required" + elif not email: + error = "Email is required" + elif "@" not in email: + error = "Email is invalid" + elif not password: + error = "Password is required" + elif not confirm_password: + error = "Confirm password is required" + elif password != confirm_password: + error = "Passwords do not match" + + if error: + return templates.TemplateResponse( + "login.jinja", { + "request": request, + "should_show_setup": True, + "error": error, + } + ) + + await User.create( + name=name, email=email, password=pwd_context.hash(password), role=ADMIN + ) + return templates.TemplateResponse( + "login.jinja", { + "request": request, + "should_show_setup_success": True, + } + ) diff --git a/apollo/server/routes/ b/apollo/server/routes/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb064e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/routes/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +from fastapi import APIRouter, Request +from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse + +router = APIRouter(tags=["non-api"]) + + +@router.get("/") +async def logout(request: Request): + if request.session.get("user"): + request.session.pop("user") + if request.session.get(""): + request.session.pop("") + if request.session.get("user.role"): + request.session.pop("user.role") + + return RedirectResponse("/", status_code=302) diff --git a/apollo/server/routes/ b/apollo/server/routes/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42b07b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/routes/ @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +from math import ceil + +from fastapi import APIRouter, Request, Depends, Form +from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse +from fastapi_pagination import Params +from fastapi_pagination.ext.tortoise import paginate + +from apollo.db import RedHatAdvisory +from apollo.server.utils import admin_user_scheme, templates + +from common.fastapi import RenderErrorTemplateException + +router = APIRouter(tags=["non-api"]) + + +@router.get( + "/advisories", + response_class=HTMLResponse, +) +async def list_red_hat_advisories(request: Request, params: Params = Depends()): + if not request.state.settings.serve_rh_advisories: + raise RenderErrorTemplateException() + + params.size = 50 + advisories = await paginate( + RedHatAdvisory.all().order_by("-red_hat_issued_at"), + params=params, + ) + return templates.TemplateResponse( + "red_hat_advisories.jinja", { + "request": request, + "advisories": advisories, + "advisories_pages": ceil( / advisories.size), + } + ) + + +@router.get( + "/advisories/{advisory_name}", + response_class=HTMLResponse, +) +async def get_red_hat_advisory(request: Request, advisory_name: str): + if not request.state.settings.serve_rh_advisories: + raise RenderErrorTemplateException() + + advisory = await RedHatAdvisory.get_or_none( + name=advisory_name, + ).prefetch_related( + "packages", + "cves", + "bugzilla_tickets", + "affected_products", + "rpm_rh_overrides", + "rpm_rh_overrides__supported_products_rh_mirror", + "published_advisories", + ) + if advisory is None: + return templates.TemplateResponse( + "error.jinja", { + "request": request, + "message": "Requested advisory not found", + } + ) + + return templates.TemplateResponse( + "red_hat_advisory.jinja", { + "request": request, + "advisory": advisory, + "title": f"Red Hat Advisory {}", + } + ) + + + "/advisories/{advisory_name}", + response_class=HTMLResponse, + dependencies=[Depends(admin_user_scheme)], +) +async def execute_red_hat_advisory_action( + request: Request, + advisory_name: str, + action: str = Form(), + data: str = Form() +): + pass diff --git a/apollo/server/routes/ b/apollo/server/routes/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06fe58a --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/routes/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +from fastapi import APIRouter, Request +from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse +from apollo.db import RedHatAdvisory, Advisory + +from apollo.server.utils import templates + +router = APIRouter(tags=["non-api"]) + + +@router.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse) +async def statistics(request: Request): + rh_advisory_count = await RedHatAdvisory.all().count() + advisory_count = await Advisory.all().count() + return templates.TemplateResponse( + "index.jinja", { + "request": request, + "rh_advisory_count": rh_advisory_count, + "advisory_count": advisory_count, + } + ) diff --git a/apollo/server/ b/apollo/server/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..999cc7b --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/ @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +import secrets + +from tortoise import Tortoise + +Tortoise.init_models(["apollo.db"], "models") # noqa # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position + +from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, Depends +from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse +from starlette.middleware.sessions import SessionMiddleware +from fastapi_pagination import add_pagination + +from apollo.server.routes.statistics import router as statistics_router +from apollo.server.routes.login import router as login_router +from apollo.server.routes.logout import router as logout_router +from apollo.server.routes.admin_index import router as admin_index_router +from apollo.server.routes.api_advisories import router as api_advisories_router +from apollo.server.routes.api_compat import router as api_compat_router +from apollo.server.routes.api_red_hat import router as api_red_hat_router +from apollo.server.routes.advisories import router as advisories_router +from apollo.server.routes.red_hat_advisories import router as red_hat_advisories_router +from apollo.server.settings import SECRET_KEY, SettingsMiddleware, get_setting +from apollo.server.utils import admin_user_scheme, templates +from apollo.db import Settings + +from import Info +from common.logger import Logger +from common.database import Database +from common.fastapi import StaticFilesSym, RenderErrorTemplateException + +app = FastAPI() + +app.mount( + "/static", StaticFilesSym(directory="apollo/server/static"), name="static" +) +app.mount( + "/assets", StaticFilesSym(directory="apollo/server/assets"), name="assets" +) + +app.add_middleware(SettingsMiddleware) + +app.include_router(advisories_router) +app.include_router(statistics_router, prefix="/statistics") +app.include_router(login_router, prefix="/login") +app.include_router(logout_router, prefix="/logout") +app.include_router( + admin_index_router, + prefix="/admin", + dependencies=[Depends(admin_user_scheme)] +) +app.include_router(red_hat_advisories_router, prefix="/red_hat") +app.include_router(api_advisories_router, prefix="/api/v3/advisories") +app.include_router(api_compat_router, prefix="/v2/advisories") +app.include_router(api_red_hat_router, prefix="/api/v3/red_hat") + +add_pagination(app) + +Info("apollo2") +Logger() +Database(True, app, ["apollo.db"]) + + +@app.exception_handler(404) +async def not_found_handler(request, exc): + if request.url.path.startswith("/api" + ) or request.url.path.startswith("/v2"): + return JSONResponse({"error": "Not found"}, status_code=404) + return await render_template_exception_handler(request, None) + + +@app.exception_handler(RenderErrorTemplateException) +async def render_template_exception_handler( + request: Request, exc: RenderErrorTemplateException +): + if request.url.path.startswith("/api" + ) or request.url.path.startswith("/v2"): + return JSONResponse( + {"error": exc.msg if exc and exc.msg else "Not found"}, + status_code=exc.status_code if exc and exc.status_code else 404, + ) + return templates.TemplateResponse( + "error.jinja", { + "request": request, + "message": exc.msg if exc and exc.msg else "Page not found", + }, + status_code=exc.status_code if exc and exc.status_code else 404 + ) + + +@app.on_event("startup") +async def startup(): + # Generate secret-key if it does not exist in the database + secret_key = await get_setting(SECRET_KEY) + if not secret_key: + # Generate random secret key + secret_key = secrets.token_hex(32) + await Settings.create(name=SECRET_KEY, value=secret_key) + + # Mount SessionMiddleware + app.add_middleware( + SessionMiddleware, + secret_key=secret_key, + max_age=60 * 60 * 24 * 7, # 1 week + ) diff --git a/apollo/server/ b/apollo/server/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f324192 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/ @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +from typing import Optional +from dataclasses import dataclass + +from fastapi import Request, Response +from starlette.middleware.base import BaseHTTPMiddleware, RequestResponseEndpoint + +from apollo.db import Settings +from apollo.server.utils import is_admin_user + +SECRET_KEY = "secret-key" +OIDC_PROVIDER_NAME = "oidc-provider-name" +OIDC_PROVIDER = "oidc-provider" +OIDC_CLIENT_ID = "oidc-client-id" +OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET = "oidc-client-secret" +OIDC_ADMIN_ROLE = "oidc-admin-role" +OIDC_ELEVATED_ROLE = "oidc-elevated-role" +RH_MATCH_STALE = "rh-match-stale" +DISABLE_SERVING_RH_ADVISORIES = "disable-serving-rh-advisories" + + +async def get_setting(name: str) -> Optional[str]: + setting = await Settings.filter(name=name).get_or_none() + if setting is None: + return None + return setting.value + + +async def get_setting_bool(name: str) -> Optional[bool]: + setting = await Settings.filter(name=name).get_or_none() + if setting is None: + return None + return setting.value == "True" + + +async def should_serve_red_hat_advisories(request: Request) -> bool: + setting = await get_setting_bool(DISABLE_SERVING_RH_ADVISORIES) + admin_user = await is_admin_user(request) + + if setting and not admin_user: + return False + + return True + + +@dataclass +class SettingsContext: + serve_rh_advisories: bool + is_admin: bool + + +class SettingsMiddleware(BaseHTTPMiddleware): + async def dispatch( + self, request: Request, call_next: RequestResponseEndpoint + ) -> Response: + should_serve_rh_advisories = await should_serve_red_hat_advisories( + request + ) + + request.state.settings = SettingsContext( + serve_rh_advisories=should_serve_rh_advisories, + is_admin=await is_admin_user(request), + ) + + return await call_next(request) diff --git a/apollo/server/static/BUILD.bazel b/apollo/server/static/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75e4255 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/static/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +load("@aspect_rules_esbuild//esbuild:defs.bzl", "esbuild") + +srcs = glob([ + "*.ts", + "*.scss", +]) + +esbuild( + name = "static", + srcs = srcs + [ + "//:node_modules/@carbon/themes", + "//:node_modules/@carbon/web-components", + "//:node_modules/carbon-components", + "//:node_modules/esbuild-sass-plugin", + ], + config = ":esbuild.config.mjs", + entry_point = "index.ts", + output_css = "static.css", + visibility = ["//visibility:public"], +) diff --git a/apollo/server/static/esbuild.config.mjs b/apollo/server/static/esbuild.config.mjs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0672758 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/static/esbuild.config.mjs @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +import { sassPlugin } from 'esbuild-sass-plugin'; + +export default { + keepNames: true, + resolveExtensions: ['.ts', '.js', '.tsx', '.jsx'], + plugins: [sassPlugin()], + define: { + 'process.env.NODE_ENV': '"production"', + 'window.process.env.DEBUG': 'undefined', + }, +}; diff --git a/apollo/server/static/index.ts b/apollo/server/static/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..387a619 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/static/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +import './theme.scss'; +import '@carbon/web-components/es/components/ui-shell'; +import '@carbon/web-components/es/components/structured-list'; +import '@carbon/web-components/es/components/data-table'; +import '@carbon/web-components/es/components/pagination'; +import '@carbon/web-components/es/components/form'; +import '@carbon/web-components/es/components/input'; +import '@carbon/web-components/es/components/button'; +import '@carbon/web-components/es/components/notification'; +import '@carbon/web-components/es/components/tag'; +import '@carbon/web-components/es/components/list'; + +function fixForm() { + const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('bx-btn'); + buttons.forEach((button) => { + if (!button.getAttribute('form_id')) { + return; + } + + const form: any = document.querySelector( + 'form#' + button.getAttribute('form_id') + ); + if (form) { + button.addEventListener('click', () => { + form.submit(); + }); + } + }); + + // Also do the same for bx-input and enter key + const inputs = document.querySelectorAll('bx-input'); + inputs.forEach((input) => { + input.addEventListener('keydown', (evt: any) => { + if (!input.getAttribute('form_id')) { + return; + } + + if (evt.key === 'Enter') { + const form: any = document.querySelector( + 'form#' + input.getAttribute('form_id') + ); + if (form) { + form.submit(); + } + } + }); + }); +} + +document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { + document.querySelectorAll('bx-pagination').forEach((el) => { + el.addEventListener('bx-pagination-changed-current', function (evt: any) { + const pageSize = parseInt(el.getAttribute('page-size') || '0'); + const newPage = Math.ceil(evt.detail.start / pageSize) + 1; + + const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(; + searchParams.set('page', newPage.toString()); + = searchParams.toString(); + }); + }); + + // Add "active" if location has prefix, e.g. /admin/ -> /admin + // For / only we need to check if the location is exactly / + const pathname = window.location.pathname; + document.querySelectorAll('bx-side-nav-link').forEach((el) => { + const href = el.getAttribute('href'); + if (href === '/') { + if (pathname === '/') { + el.setAttribute('active', ''); + } + } else if (pathname.startsWith(href || '')) { + el.setAttribute('active', ''); + } + }); + + // Change "search" query parameter when the search field encounters Enter + const searchToolbar: any = document.querySelector('bx-table-toolbar-search'); + if (searchToolbar) { + const searchBar: any = + searchToolbar.shadowRoot.querySelector('.bx--search-input'); + if (searchBar) { + searchBar.addEventListener('keydown', (evt: any) => { + if (evt.key === 'Enter') { + const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(; + searchParams.set('search', searchBar.value); + searchParams.set('page', '1'); + = searchParams.toString(); + } + }); + } + } + + fixForm(); +}); diff --git a/apollo/server/static/theme.scss b/apollo/server/static/theme.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11e0a93 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/static/theme.scss @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +$feature-flags: ( + enable-css-custom-properties: true, + grid-columns-16: true, +); + +@use 'carbon-components/scss/globals/scss/vendor/@carbon/elements/scss/themes/generated/themes'; +@import 'carbon-components/scss/globals/scss/styles.scss'; + +:root { + @include carbon--theme($carbon--theme--g90, true); +} + +a { + color: map-get($carbon--theme--g90, 'link-01'); +} + +.bx--inline-notification__text-wrapper { + width: 100%; +} diff --git a/apollo/server/templates/BUILD.bazel b/apollo/server/templates/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/apollo/server/templates/admin_index.jinja b/apollo/server/templates/admin_index.jinja new file mode 100644 index 0000000..930d413 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/templates/admin_index.jinja @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +{% extends "admin_layout.jinja" %} + +{% block admin_content %} +test +{% endblock %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apollo/server/templates/admin_layout.jinja b/apollo/server/templates/admin_layout.jinja new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d55a2b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/templates/admin_layout.jinja @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +{% extends "layout.jinja" %} + +{% block head %} + +{% endblock %} + +{% block content %} + + + General + Users + OIDC + + + +{% block admin_content %}{% endblock %} +{% endblock %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apollo/server/templates/advisories.jinja b/apollo/server/templates/advisories.jinja new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d328ed --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/templates/advisories.jinja @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +{% extends "layout.jinja" %} + +{% block content %} +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Name + Synopsis + Created at + Issued at + Kind + Severity + + + + {% for advisory in advisories.items -%} + + {{ }} + {{ advisory.synopsis }} + {{ }} + {{ }} + {{ advisory.kind }} + {{ advisory.severity }} + + {% endfor %} + + + +{% endblock %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apollo/server/templates/advisory.jinja b/apollo/server/templates/advisory.jinja new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb92270 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/templates/advisory.jinja @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +{% extends "layout.jinja" %} + +{% block content %} +

{{ }}

+ {% if advisory.kind == "Security" %} + {% set advisory_tag_type = "red" %} + {% elif advisory.kind == "Bug Fix" %} + {% set advisory_tag_type = "purple" %} + {% elif advisory.kind == "Enhancement" %} + {% set advisory_tag_type = "teal" %} + {% endif %} + {{ advisory.kind }} + {% if advisory.red_hat_advisory_id %} + + Mirrored from + {% if request.state.settings.serve_rh_advisories %} + + {{ }} + + {% else %} + + {{ }} + + {% endif %} + + {% endif %} +
+ Issued at: {{ }} +
Updated at: {{ }}
+ +



{{ advisory.synopsis }}


+ +


+ {% set description = advisory.description.split("\n") %} + {% for line in description %} +

{{ line }}

+ {% endfor %} +

+ +

Affected products

+ + {% for product in advisory.affected_products %} + {{ }} + {% endfor %} + +

+ +


+ + {% for fix in advisory.fixes %} + + {{ fix.ticket_id }} + + {% endfor %} + +

+ +


+ + {% for cve in advisory.cves %} + + + {{ cve.cve }} + + + {% endfor %} + +

Affected packages

+ {% for product_repo_name, nevras in package_map.items() %} +

{{ product_repo_name }}

+ + {% for nevra in nevras %} + + {{ nevra }} + + {% endfor %} + + + {% endfor %} +
+{% endblock %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apollo/server/templates/error.jinja b/apollo/server/templates/error.jinja new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33c3903 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/templates/error.jinja @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +{% extends "layout.jinja" %} + +{% block content %} +

{{ message }}

+{% endblock %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apollo/server/templates/index.jinja b/apollo/server/templates/index.jinja new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a388ae --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/templates/index.jinja @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +{% extends "layout.jinja" %} + +{% block content %} +


+ + + + + Service + Resource + Value + + + + + rpmworker + Advisories + {{ advisory_count }} + + + rhworker + Red Hat Advisories + {{ rh_advisory_count }} + + + +{% endblock %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apollo/server/templates/launch_icon.jinja b/apollo/server/templates/launch_icon.jinja new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b8be62 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/templates/launch_icon.jinja @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + + launch + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apollo/server/templates/layout.jinja b/apollo/server/templates/layout.jinja new file mode 100644 index 0000000..200a13f --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/templates/layout.jinja @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ + + + + + + + + + {% block title %}Peridot Apollo{% endblock %} + + + + + + + + + {% if notification %} + {% if notification.get("kind") == "error" %} + + {% elif notification.get("kind") == "success" %} + + {% elif notification.get("kind") == "warning" %} + + {% else %} + + {% endif %} + {% endif %} + + {% block head %}{% endblock %} + + + + + + [Apollo] + + Advisories + {% if request.state.settings.serve_rh_advisories %} + Red Hat Advisories + {% endif %} + Statistics + {% if request.state.settings.is_admin %} + Admin + {% endif %} + + + {% if request.session.get("") %} + {{ request.session.get("") }} + Logout + {% else %} + Login + {% endif %} + + + +
+ {% block outer_content %}{% endblock %} + {% if title %} + + + {% endif %} + {% if notification %} +
+ +
+ {% endif %} +
+ +
+ {% block content %}{% endblock %} +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apollo/server/templates/login.jinja b/apollo/server/templates/login.jinja new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e01d647 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/templates/login.jinja @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ + + + + + + + + Peridot Apollo + + + + + + + + +
+ Peridot logo

Errata Management

+ + + {% if error %} +
+ {{ error }} +
+ {% endif %} + {% if should_show_setup_success %} +
+ Admin user created successfully. Please login. +
+ {% endif %} + +
+ {% if should_show_setup %} +
+ + + Name + + + Email + + + Password + + + Confirm Password + +
+ Create + admin user +
+ {% else %} +
+ + + Email + + + Password + +
+ Login + {% if oidc_provider_name %} + {{ oidc_provider_name }} + {% endif %} +
+ {% endif %} +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apollo/server/templates/red_hat_advisories.jinja b/apollo/server/templates/red_hat_advisories.jinja new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0de796 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/templates/red_hat_advisories.jinja @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +{% extends "layout.jinja" %} + +{% block content %} +

Red Hat Advisories

+ + + + + + + + + + + + Name + Synopsis + Issued at + Indexed at + Kind + Severity + + + + {% for advisory in advisories.items -%} + + {{ }} + {{ advisory.synopsis }} + {{ }} + {{ }} + {{ advisory.kind }} + {{ advisory.severity }} + + {% endfor %} + + + +{% endblock %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apollo/server/templates/red_hat_advisory.jinja b/apollo/server/templates/red_hat_advisory.jinja new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99e0d21 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/templates/red_hat_advisory.jinja @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +{% extends "layout.jinja" %} + +{% block content %} +

{{ }}

+ {% if advisory.kind == "Security" %} + {% set advisory_tag_type = "red" %} + {% elif advisory.kind == "Bug Fix" %} + {% set advisory_tag_type = "purple" %} + {% elif advisory.kind == "Enhancement" %} + {% set advisory_tag_type = "teal" %} + {% endif %} + {{ advisory.kind }} + {% for override in advisory.rpm_rh_overrides %} + + Override for {{ }} + + {% endfor %} +
+ Issued at: {{ }} +
+ + {% include "launch_icon.jinja" %} +
+ Open original +
+ +
+ + Override + +
+ +
+ +



{{ advisory.synopsis }}


+ +


+ {% set description = advisory.description.split("\n") %} + {% for line in description %} +

{{ line }}

+ {% endfor %} +

+ +

Affected products

+ + {% for product in advisory.affected_products %} + + {{ }} - {{ product.major_version }}{% if product.minor_version %}.{{ product.minor_version }}{% + endif %} + + {% endfor %} + +

+ +


+ + {% for ticket in advisory.bugzilla_tickets %} + + + {{ ticket.bugzilla_bug_id }} + + + {% endfor %} + +

+ +


+ + {% for cve in advisory.cves %} + + + {{ cve.cve }} + + + {% endfor %} + +
+ {% set pkg_list = {} %} + {% for pkg in advisory.packages %} + {% if pkg.repo_name in pkg_list %} + {% set x=pkg_list.__getitem__(pkg.repo_name).append(pkg) %} + {% else %} + {% set x=pkg_list.__setitem__(pkg.repo_name, [pkg]) %} + {% endif %} + {% endfor %} + +

Affected packages

+ {% for repo_name, pkg in pkg_list.items() %} +

{{ repo_name }}

+ + {% for p in pkg %} + + {{ p.nevra }} + + {% endfor %} + + + {% endfor %} +
+{% endblock %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/apollo/server/ b/apollo/server/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca09f88 --- /dev/null +++ b/apollo/server/ @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +from fastapi import Request +from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates +from passlib.context import CryptContext + +from apollo.db import User +from apollo.server.roles import ADMIN + +from common.fastapi import RenderErrorTemplateException + +# Do not remove import (for gazelle) +import jinja2 # noqa # pylint: disable=unused-import +import multipart # noqa # pylint: disable=unused-import +import itsdangerous # noqa # pylint: disable=unused-import + +templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="apollo/server/templates") + +pwd_context = CryptContext(schemes=["bcrypt"], deprecated="auto") + + +async def admin_user_scheme(request: Request) -> User: + user = await user_scheme(request, raise_exc=False) + if not user: + raise RenderErrorTemplateException( + "You need to log in to access this page", + status_code=401, + ) + elif user.role != ADMIN: + raise RenderErrorTemplateException( + "You are not authorized to view this page", + status_code=403, + ) + return user + + +async def user_scheme(request: Request, raise_exc=True) -> User: + user_id = request.session.get("user") + if not user_id: + if raise_exc: + raise RenderErrorTemplateException( + "You need to log in to access this page", + status_code=401, + ) + else: + return None + return await User.get(id=user_id) + + +async def is_admin_user(request: Request) -> bool: + user = await user_scheme(request, raise_exc=False) + return user.role == ADMIN if user else False diff --git a/build/BUILD.bazel b/build/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/build/macros/BUILD.bazel b/build/macros/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/build/macros/fastapi.bzl b/build/macros/fastapi.bzl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fef7e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/build/macros/fastapi.bzl @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +load("@aspect_rules_py//py:defs.bzl", "py_binary") + +def fastapi_binary(name, path, port, deps = [], tags = [], **kwargs): + py_binary( + name = name, + srcs = ["@pypi_hypercorn//"], + args = ["{}:app".format(path), "--reload", "--bind{}".format(port)], + visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], + deps = deps + [ + ":{}_lib".format(name), + "@pypi_hypercorn//:pkg", + ], + tags = tags + [ + "ibazel_notify_changes", + ], + **kwargs + ) + + py_binary( + name = "{}.prod".format(name), + srcs = ["@pypi_hypercorn//"], + args = ["{}:app".format(path), "--reload", "--bind{}".format(port)], + visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], + deps = deps + [ + ":{}_lib".format(name), + "@pypi_hypercorn//:pkg", + ], + tags = tags + [ + "ibazel_notify_changes", + ], + **kwargs + ) diff --git a/build/patches/0001-Fix-Quart-and-Hypercorn-failing-to-install-with-rule.patch b/build/patches/0001-Fix-Quart-and-Hypercorn-failing-to-install-with-rule.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51b1d0c --- /dev/null +++ b/build/patches/0001-Fix-Quart-and-Hypercorn-failing-to-install-with-rule.patch @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +From e0c49b576595abdfa5167fa7726e604701f79cd8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Mustafa Gezen +Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2023 05:54:58 +0100 +Subject: [PATCH] Fix Quart and Hypercorn failing to install with rules_python + +--- + .../tools/wheel_installer/ | 15 +++++++++++++++ + 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+) + +diff --git a/python/pip_install/tools/wheel_installer/ b/python/pip_install/tools/wheel_installer/ +index 1f6eaf2..3bbaaaf 100644 +--- a/python/pip_install/tools/wheel_installer/ ++++ b/python/pip_install/tools/wheel_installer/ +@@ -422,6 +422,21 @@ def main() -> None: + extras = {name: extras_for_pkg} if extras_for_pkg and name else dict() + + whl = next(iter(glob.glob("*.whl"))) ++ ++ # If wheel starts with "Quart" then rename it to "quart" ++ # For some reason the quart package publishes a wheel with a capital Q ++ # but internally it is referenced as "quart". ++ # This leads to the "installer" package failing to read the WHEEL file ++ # Ugly hack, but it is what it is. ++ # The same problem is also present with "Hypercorn". ++ # This developer is definitely doing something weird but whatever. ++ if whl.startswith("Quart"): ++ os.rename(whl, whl.replace("Quart", "quart")) ++ whl = whl.replace("Quart", "quart") ++ if whl.startswith("Hypercorn"): ++ os.rename(whl, whl.replace("Hypercorn", "hypercorn")) ++ whl = whl.replace("Hypercorn", "hypercorn") ++ + _extract_wheel( + wheel_file=whl, + extras=extras, +-- +2.32.0 (Apple Git-132) + diff --git a/build/patches/BUILD.bazel b/build/patches/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac801d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/build/patches/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +exports_files(["0001-Fix-Quart-and-Hypercorn-failing-to-install-with-rule.patch"]) diff --git a/common/BUILD.bazel b/common/BUILD.bazel new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0da893 --- /dev/null +++ b/common/BUILD.bazel @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +load("@aspect_rules_py//py:defs.bzl", "py_library") + +py_library( + name = "common_lib", + srcs = [ + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + ], + imports = [".."], + visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"], + deps = [ + "@pypi_fastapi//:pkg", + "@pypi_temporalio//:pkg", + "@pypi_tortoise_orm//:pkg", + ], +) diff --git a/common/ b/common/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..149a075 --- /dev/null +++ b/common/ @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +""" +Database helper methods +""" +from tortoise import Tortoise +from tortoise.contrib.fastapi import register_tortoise + +from import Info + + +class Database(object): + """ + Database connection singleton class + """ + + initialized = False + + def __init__(self, initialize=False, tortoise_app=None, models=None): + if not Database.initialized and not initialize: + raise Exception("Database connection not initialized") + + if tortoise_app: + register_tortoise( + tortoise_app, + db_url=self.conn_str(), + modules={"models": models}, + add_exception_handlers=True, + ) + self.initialized = True + + def conn_str(self): + info = Info() + + return f"postgres://{info.dbuser()}:{info.dbpassword()}@{info.dbhost()}:{info.dbport()}/{info.dbname()}" + + async def init(self, models): + if Database.initialized: + return + await Tortoise.init( + db_url=self.conn_str(), use_tz=True, modules={"models": models} + ) + + self.initialized = True diff --git a/common/ b/common/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9782afe --- /dev/null +++ b/common/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +""" +Environment variables +""" +import os + + +def get_env(): + return os.environ.get("ENV", "development") + + +def is_prod(): + return get_env() == "1" + + +def is_k8s(): + return os.environ.get("KUBERNETES", "0") == "1" diff --git a/common/ b/common/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15d9ef6 --- /dev/null +++ b/common/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +import os + +from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles + + +class StaticFilesSym(StaticFiles): + "subclass StaticFiles middleware to allow symlinks" + def lookup_path(self, path): + for directory in self.all_directories: + full_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(directory, path)) + try: + stat_result = os.stat(full_path) + return (full_path, stat_result) + except FileNotFoundError: + pass + return ("", None) + + +class RenderErrorTemplateException(Exception): + def __init__(self, msg=None, status_code=404): + self.msg = msg + self.status_code = status_code diff --git a/common/ b/common/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5013759 --- /dev/null +++ b/common/ @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +""" +Application information +""" +import os + +from common.env import get_env, is_k8s + + +class Info: + """ + Application information singleton class + """ + + _name = None + _dbname = None + + def __init__(self, name=None, dbname=None): + if not self._name and not name: + raise ValueError(" is not set") + if self._name and name: + raise ValueError(" is already set") + if name: + Info._name = name + Info._dbname = dbname if dbname else name + + self._name = Info._name + + def name(self): + return self._name + + def dbname(self): + return f"{self._dbname}{get_env()}" + + def dbuser(self): + return os.environ.get("DB_USER", "postgres") + + def dbpassword(self): + return os.environ.get("DB_PASSWORD", "postgres") + + def dbhost(self): + return os.environ.get("DB_HOST", "localhost") + + def dbport(self): + return os.environ.get("DB_PORT", "5432") + + def dbsslmode(self): + return os.environ.get("DB_SSLMODE", "disable") + + def temporal_host(self): + if is_k8s(): + return "workflow-temporal-frontend.workflow.svc.cluster.local:7233" + else: + return os.environ.get("TEMPORAL_HOSTPORT", "localhost:7233") + + def temporal_namespace(self): + return os.environ.get("TEMPORAL_NAMESPACE", "default") diff --git a/common/ b/common/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a496665 --- /dev/null +++ b/common/ @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +""" +This module provides a logger class that +can be used to log messages to the console. +""" +import logging + +from common.env import is_prod +from import Info + + +class Logger(object): + """ + This class provides a logger that can be used to log messages to the console. + """ + + logger = None + + def __init__(self): + info = Info() + + if Logger.logger is None: + level = logging.INFO + if not is_prod(): + level = logging.DEBUG + logging.basicConfig( + level=level, + format="[%(name)s:%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s] %(message)s" + ) + Logger.logger = logging.getLogger( + + self.logger = Logger.logger + + def warning(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): + self.logger.warning(msg, *args, **kwargs) + + def error(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): + self.logger.error(msg, *args, **kwargs) + + def info(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): +, *args, **kwargs) + + def debug(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): + self.logger.debug(msg, *args, **kwargs) + + def exception(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): + self.logger.exception(msg, *args, **kwargs) + + def critical(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): + self.logger.critical(msg, *args, **kwargs) + + def fatal(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): + self.logger.fatal(msg, *args, **kwargs) diff --git a/common/ b/common/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d5b721 --- /dev/null +++ b/common/ @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +""" +Temporal helper methods +""" + +from temporalio.client import Client + +from import Info + + +class Temporal(object): + """ + Temporal helper singleton class + """ + + client = None + + def __init__(self, initialize=False): + if Temporal.client is None and not initialize: + raise Exception("Temporal client not initialized") + + self.client = Temporal.client + + async def connect(self): + info = Info() + Temporal.client = await Client.connect( + info.temporal_host(), + namespace=info.temporal_namespace(), + ) + self.client = Temporal.client diff --git a/gazelle_python.yaml b/gazelle_python.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f794c71 --- /dev/null +++ b/gazelle_python.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,1500 @@ +# GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT! +# +# To update this file, run: +# bazel run //:gazelle_python_manifest.update + +manifest: + modules_mapping: + aiohttp: aiohttp + aiohttp + aiohttp.base_protocol: aiohttp + aiohttp.client: aiohttp + aiohttp.client_exceptions: aiohttp + aiohttp.client_proto: aiohttp + aiohttp.client_reqrep: aiohttp + aiohttp.client_ws: aiohttp + aiohttp.connector: aiohttp + aiohttp.cookiejar: aiohttp + aiohttp.formdata: aiohttp + aiohttp.hdrs: aiohttp + aiohttp.helpers: aiohttp + aiohttp.http: aiohttp + aiohttp.http_exceptions: aiohttp + aiohttp.http_parser: aiohttp + aiohttp.http_websocket: aiohttp + aiohttp.http_writer: aiohttp + aiohttp.locks: aiohttp + aiohttp.log: aiohttp + aiohttp.multipart: aiohttp + aiohttp.payload: aiohttp + aiohttp.payload_streamer: aiohttp + aiohttp.pytest_plugin: aiohttp + aiohttp.resolver: aiohttp + aiohttp.streams: aiohttp + aiohttp.tcp_helpers: aiohttp + aiohttp.test_utils: aiohttp + aiohttp.tracing: aiohttp + aiohttp.typedefs: aiohttp + aiohttp.web: aiohttp + aiohttp.web_app: aiohttp + aiohttp.web_exceptions: aiohttp + aiohttp.web_fileresponse: aiohttp + aiohttp.web_log: aiohttp + aiohttp.web_middlewares: aiohttp + aiohttp.web_protocol: aiohttp + aiohttp.web_request: aiohttp + aiohttp.web_response: aiohttp + aiohttp.web_routedef: aiohttp + aiohttp.web_runner: aiohttp + aiohttp.web_server: aiohttp + aiohttp.web_urldispatcher: aiohttp + aiohttp.web_ws: aiohttp + aiohttp.worker: aiohttp + aiosignal: aiosignal + aiosqlite: aiosqlite + aiosqlite.context: aiosqlite + aiosqlite.core: aiosqlite + aiosqlite.cursor: aiosqlite + aiosqlite.tests: aiosqlite + aiosqlite.tests.helpers: aiosqlite + aiosqlite.tests.perf: aiosqlite + aiosqlite.tests.smoke: aiosqlite + anyio: anyio + anyio + anyio.from_thread: anyio + anyio.lowlevel: anyio + anyio.pytest_plugin: anyio + anyio.streams: anyio + anyio.streams.buffered: anyio + anyio.streams.file: anyio + anyio.streams.memory: anyio + anyio.streams.stapled: anyio + anyio.streams.text: anyio + anyio.streams.tls: anyio + anyio.to_process: anyio + anyio.to_thread: anyio + astroid: astroid + astroid.arguments: astroid + astroid.astroid_manager: astroid + astroid.bases: astroid + astroid.brain: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_argparse: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_attrs: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_boto3: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_builtin_inference: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_collections: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_crypt: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_ctypes: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_curses: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_dataclasses: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_dateutil: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_fstrings: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_functools: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_gi: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_hashlib: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_http: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_hypothesis: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_io: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_mechanize: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_multiprocessing: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_namedtuple_enum: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_nose: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_numpy_core_einsumfunc: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_numpy_core_fromnumeric: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_numpy_core_function_base: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_numpy_core_multiarray: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_numpy_core_numeric: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_numpy_core_numerictypes: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_numpy_core_umath: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_numpy_ma: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_numpy_ndarray: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_numpy_random_mtrand: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_numpy_utils: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_pathlib: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_pkg_resources: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_pytest: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_qt: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_random: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_re: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_regex: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_responses: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_scipy_signal: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_signal: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_six: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_sqlalchemy: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_ssl: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_subprocess: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_threading: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_type: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_typing: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_unittest: astroid + astroid.brain.brain_uuid: astroid + astroid.brain.helpers: astroid + astroid.builder: astroid + astroid.const: astroid + astroid.constraint: astroid + astroid.context: astroid + astroid.decorators: astroid + astroid.exceptions: astroid + astroid.filter_statements: astroid + astroid.helpers: astroid + astroid.inference: astroid + astroid.inference_tip: astroid + astroid.interpreter: astroid + astroid.interpreter.dunder_lookup: astroid + astroid.interpreter.objectmodel: astroid + astroid.manager: astroid + astroid.mixins: astroid + astroid.modutils: astroid + astroid.node_classes: astroid + astroid.nodes: astroid + astroid.nodes.as_string: astroid + astroid.nodes.const: astroid + astroid.nodes.node_classes: astroid + astroid.nodes.node_ng: astroid + astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes: astroid + astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.mixin: astroid + astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.scoped_nodes: astroid + astroid.nodes.scoped_nodes.utils: astroid + astroid.nodes.utils: astroid + astroid.objects: astroid + astroid.protocols: astroid + astroid.raw_building: astroid + astroid.rebuilder: astroid + astroid.scoped_nodes: astroid + astroid.test_utils: astroid + astroid.transforms: astroid + astroid.typing: astroid + astroid.util: astroid + async_timeout: async_timeout + asyncpg: asyncpg + asyncpg.cluster: asyncpg + asyncpg.compat: asyncpg + asyncpg.connect_utils: asyncpg + asyncpg.connection: asyncpg + asyncpg.connresource: asyncpg + asyncpg.cursor: asyncpg + asyncpg.exceptions: asyncpg + asyncpg.introspection: asyncpg + asyncpg.pgproto: asyncpg + asyncpg.pgproto.pgproto: asyncpg + asyncpg.pgproto.types: asyncpg + asyncpg.pool: asyncpg + asyncpg.prepared_stmt: asyncpg + asyncpg.protocol: asyncpg + asyncpg.protocol.codecs: asyncpg + asyncpg.protocol.protocol: asyncpg + asyncpg.serverversion: asyncpg + asyncpg.transaction: asyncpg + asyncpg.types: asyncpg + asyncpg.utils: asyncpg + attr: attrs + attr.converters: attrs + attr.exceptions: attrs + attr.filters: attrs + attr.setters: attrs + attr.validators: attrs + attrs: attrs + attrs.converters: attrs + attrs.exceptions: attrs + attrs.filters: attrs + attrs.setters: attrs + attrs.validators: attrs + autoflake: autoflake + bcrypt: bcrypt + black: black + black.brackets: black + black.cache: black + black.comments: black + black.concurrency: black + black.const: black + black.debug: black + black.files: black + black.handle_ipynb_magics: black + black.linegen: black + black.lines: black + black.mode: black + black.nodes: black + black.numerics: black + black.output: black + black.parsing: black + black + black.rusty: black + black.strings: black + black.trans: black + blackd: black + blackd.middlewares: black + blib2to3: black + blib2to3.pgen2: black + blib2to3.pgen2.conv: black + blib2to3.pgen2.driver: black + blib2to3.pgen2.grammar: black + blib2to3.pgen2.literals: black + blib2to3.pgen2.parse: black + blib2to3.pgen2.pgen: black + blib2to3.pgen2.token: black + blib2to3.pgen2.tokenize: black + blib2to3.pygram: black + blib2to3.pytree: black + bs4: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.builder: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.dammit: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.diagnose: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.element: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.formatter: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.tests: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.tests.test_builder: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.tests.test_builder_registry: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.tests.test_dammit: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.tests.test_docs: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.tests.test_element: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.tests.test_formatter: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.tests.test_html5lib: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.tests.test_htmlparser: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.tests.test_lxml: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.tests.test_navigablestring: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.tests.test_pageelement: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.tests.test_soup: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.tests.test_tag: beautifulsoup4 + bs4.tests.test_tree: beautifulsoup4 + certifi: certifi + certifi.core: certifi + charset_normalizer: charset_normalizer + charset_normalizer.api: charset_normalizer + charset_normalizer.assets: charset_normalizer + charset_normalizer + charset_normalizer.cli: charset_normalizer + charset_normalizer.cli.normalizer: charset_normalizer + charset_normalizer.constant: charset_normalizer + charset_normalizer.legacy: charset_normalizer + charset_normalizer + charset_normalizer.models: charset_normalizer + charset_normalizer.utils: charset_normalizer + charset_normalizer.version: charset_normalizer + click: click + click.core: click + click.decorators: click + click.exceptions: click + click.formatting: click + click.globals: click + click.parser: click + click.shell_completion: click + click.termui: click + click.testing: click + click.types: click + click.utils: click + dataclass_wizard: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.abstractions: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.bases: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.bases_meta: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.class_helper: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.constants: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.decorators: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.dumpers: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.enums: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.errors: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.lazy_imports: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.loaders: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.log: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.models: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.parsers: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.property_wizard: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.serial_json: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.type_def: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.utils: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.utils.dict_helper: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.utils.lazy_loader: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.utils.string_conv: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.utils.type_conv: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.utils.typing_compat: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.utils.wrappers: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.wizard_cli: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.wizard_cli.cli: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.wizard_cli.schema: dataclass_wizard + dataclass_wizard.wizard_mixins: dataclass_wizard + dateutil: python_dateutil + dateutil.easter: python_dateutil + dateutil.parser: python_dateutil + dateutil.parser.isoparser: python_dateutil + dateutil.relativedelta: python_dateutil + dateutil.rrule: python_dateutil + python_dateutil + python_dateutil + python_dateutil + dateutil.tzwin: python_dateutil + dateutil.utils: python_dateutil + dateutil.zoneinfo: python_dateutil + dateutil.zoneinfo.rebuild: python_dateutil + dill: dill + dill.detect: dill + dill.logger: dill + dill.objtypes: dill + dill.pointers: dill + dill.session: dill + dill.settings: dill + dill.source: dill + dill.temp: dill + dill.tests: dill + dill.tests.test_check: dill + dill.tests.test_classdef: dill + dill.tests.test_dataclasses: dill + dill.tests.test_detect: dill + dill.tests.test_dictviews: dill + dill.tests.test_diff: dill + dill.tests.test_extendpickle: dill + dill.tests.test_fglobals: dill + dill.tests.test_file: dill + dill.tests.test_functions: dill + dill.tests.test_functors: dill + dill.tests.test_logger: dill + dill.tests.test_mixins: dill + dill.tests.test_module: dill + dill.tests.test_moduledict: dill + dill.tests.test_nested: dill + dill.tests.test_objects: dill + dill.tests.test_properties: dill + dill.tests.test_pycapsule: dill + dill.tests.test_recursive: dill + dill.tests.test_registered: dill + dill.tests.test_restricted: dill + dill.tests.test_selected: dill + dill.tests.test_session: dill + dill.tests.test_source: dill + dill.tests.test_temp: dill + dill.tests.test_weakref: dill + fastapi: fastapi + fastapi.applications: fastapi + fastapi.background: fastapi + fastapi.concurrency: fastapi + fastapi.datastructures: fastapi + fastapi.dependencies: fastapi + fastapi.dependencies.models: fastapi + fastapi.dependencies.utils: fastapi + fastapi.encoders: fastapi + fastapi.exception_handlers: fastapi + fastapi.exceptions: fastapi + fastapi.logger: fastapi + fastapi.middleware: fastapi + fastapi.middleware.asyncexitstack: fastapi + fastapi.middleware.cors: fastapi + fastapi.middleware.gzip: fastapi + fastapi.middleware.httpsredirect: fastapi + fastapi.middleware.trustedhost: fastapi + fastapi.middleware.wsgi: fastapi + fastapi.openapi: fastapi + fastapi.openapi.constants: fastapi + fastapi + fastapi.openapi.models: fastapi + fastapi.openapi.utils: fastapi + fastapi.param_functions: fastapi + fastapi.params: fastapi + fastapi.requests: fastapi + fastapi.responses: fastapi + fastapi.routing: fastapi + fastapi + fastapi + fastapi + fastapi + fastapi + fastapi + fastapi + fastapi.staticfiles: fastapi + fastapi.templating: fastapi + fastapi.testclient: fastapi + fastapi.types: fastapi + fastapi.utils: fastapi + fastapi.websockets: fastapi + fastapi_pagination: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.api: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.bases: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.cursor: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.default: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.async_sqlalchemy: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.async_sqlmodel: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.asyncpg: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.beanie: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.cassandra: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.databases: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.django: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.gino: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.mongoengine: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.motor: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.orm: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.ormar: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.piccolo: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.pony: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.pymongo: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.sqlalchemy: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.sqlalchemy_future: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.sqlmodel: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.tortoise: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.ext.utils: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.iterables: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.limit_offset: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.links: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.links.bases: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.links.default: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.links.limmit_offset: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.paginator: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.types: fastapi_pagination + fastapi_pagination.utils: fastapi_pagination + frozenlist: frozenlist + google.protobuf: protobuf + google.protobuf.any_pb2: protobuf + google.protobuf.api_pb2: protobuf + google.protobuf.compiler: protobuf + google.protobuf.compiler.plugin_pb2: protobuf + google.protobuf.descriptor: protobuf + google.protobuf.descriptor_database: protobuf + google.protobuf.descriptor_pb2: protobuf + google.protobuf.descriptor_pool: protobuf + google.protobuf.duration_pb2: protobuf + google.protobuf.empty_pb2: protobuf + google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.api_implementation: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.builder: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.containers: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.decoder: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.descriptor_database_test: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.descriptor_pool_test: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.descriptor_test: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.encoder: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.enum_type_wrapper: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.extension_dict: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.generator_test: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.import_test: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.import_test_package: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.json_format_test: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.keywords_test: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.message_factory_test: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.message_listener: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.message_test: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.proto_builder_test: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.python_message: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.reflection_test: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.service_reflection_test: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.symbol_database_test: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.test_util: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.testing_refleaks: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.text_encoding_test: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.text_format_test: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.type_checkers: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.unknown_fields_test: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.well_known_types: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.well_known_types_test: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.wire_format: protobuf + google.protobuf.internal.wire_format_test: protobuf + google.protobuf.json_format: protobuf + google.protobuf.message: protobuf + google.protobuf.message_factory: protobuf + google.protobuf.proto_builder: protobuf + google.protobuf.pyext: protobuf + google.protobuf.pyext.cpp_message: protobuf + google.protobuf.reflection: protobuf + google.protobuf.service: protobuf + google.protobuf.service_reflection: protobuf + google.protobuf.source_context_pb2: protobuf + google.protobuf.struct_pb2: protobuf + google.protobuf.symbol_database: protobuf + google.protobuf.text_encoding: protobuf + google.protobuf.text_format: protobuf + google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2: protobuf + google.protobuf.type_pb2: protobuf + google.protobuf.unknown_fields: protobuf + google.protobuf.util: protobuf + google.protobuf.wrappers_pb2: protobuf + h11: h11 + h11.tests: h11 + h11.tests.helpers: h11 + h11.tests.test_against_stdlib_http: h11 + h11.tests.test_connection: h11 + h11.tests.test_events: h11 + h11.tests.test_headers: h11 + h11.tests.test_helpers: h11 + h11.tests.test_io: h11 + h11.tests.test_receivebuffer: h11 + h11.tests.test_state: h11 + h11.tests.test_util: h11 + h2: h2 + h2.config: h2 + h2.connection: h2 + h2.errors: h2 + h2 + h2.exceptions: h2 + h2.frame_buffer: h2 + h2.settings: h2 + h2 + h2.utilities: h2 + h2 + hpack: hpack + hpack.exceptions: hpack + hpack.hpack: hpack + hpack.huffman: hpack + hpack.huffman_constants: hpack + hpack.huffman_table: hpack + hpack.struct: hpack + hpack.table: hpack + httpcore: httpcore + httpcore.backends: httpcore + httpcore.backends.asyncio: httpcore + httpcore + httpcore.backends.base: httpcore + httpcore.backends.mock: httpcore + httpcore.backends.sync: httpcore + httpcore.backends.trio: httpcore + httpx: httpx + hypercorn: hypercorn + hypercorn.app_wrappers: hypercorn + hypercorn.asyncio: hypercorn + hypercorn.asyncio.lifespan: hypercorn + hypercorn + hypercorn.asyncio.statsd: hypercorn + hypercorn.asyncio.task_group: hypercorn + hypercorn.asyncio.tcp_server: hypercorn + hypercorn.asyncio.udp_server: hypercorn + hypercorn.asyncio.worker_context: hypercorn + hypercorn.config: hypercorn + hypercorn + hypercorn.logging: hypercorn + hypercorn.middleware: hypercorn + hypercorn.middleware.dispatcher: hypercorn + hypercorn.middleware.http_to_https: hypercorn + hypercorn.middleware.wsgi: hypercorn + hypercorn.protocol: hypercorn + hypercorn + hypercorn.protocol.h11: hypercorn + hypercorn.protocol.h2: hypercorn + hypercorn.protocol.h3: hypercorn + hypercorn.protocol.http_stream: hypercorn + hypercorn.protocol.quic: hypercorn + hypercorn.protocol.ws_stream: hypercorn + hypercorn + hypercorn.statsd: hypercorn + hypercorn.trio: hypercorn + hypercorn.trio.lifespan: hypercorn + hypercorn + hypercorn.trio.statsd: hypercorn + hypercorn.trio.task_group: hypercorn + hypercorn.trio.tcp_server: hypercorn + hypercorn.trio.udp_server: hypercorn + hypercorn.trio.worker_context: hypercorn + hypercorn.typing: hypercorn + hypercorn.utils: hypercorn + hyperframe: hyperframe + hyperframe.exceptions: hyperframe + hyperframe.flags: hyperframe + hyperframe.frame: hyperframe + idna: idna + idna.codec: idna + idna.compat: idna + idna.core: idna + idna.idnadata: idna + idna.intranges: idna + idna.package_data: idna + idna.uts46data: idna + iso8601: iso8601 + iso8601.iso8601: iso8601 + iso8601.test_iso8601: iso8601 + isort: isort + isort.api: isort + isort.comments: isort + isort.core: isort + isort.deprecated: isort + isort.deprecated.finders: isort + isort.exceptions: isort + isort.files: isort + isort.format: isort + isort.hooks: isort + isort.identify: isort + isort + isort.literal: isort + isort.logo: isort + isort.main: isort + isort.output: isort + isort.parse: isort + isort + isort.profiles: isort + isort.pylama_isort: isort + isort.sections: isort + isort.settings: isort + isort.setuptools_commands: isort + isort.sorting: isort + isort.stdlibs: isort + isort.stdlibs.all: isort + isort.stdlibs.py2: isort + isort.stdlibs.py27: isort + isort.stdlibs.py3: isort + isort.stdlibs.py310: isort + isort.stdlibs.py311: isort + isort.stdlibs.py36: isort + isort.stdlibs.py37: isort + isort.stdlibs.py38: isort + isort.stdlibs.py39: isort + isort.utils: isort + isort.wrap: isort + isort.wrap_modes: isort + itsdangerous: itsdangerous + itsdangerous.encoding: itsdangerous + itsdangerous.exc: itsdangerous + itsdangerous.serializer: itsdangerous + itsdangerous.signer: itsdangerous + itsdangerous.timed: itsdangerous + itsdangerous.url_safe: itsdangerous + jinja2: Jinja2 + jinja2.async_utils: Jinja2 + jinja2.bccache: Jinja2 + jinja2.compiler: Jinja2 + jinja2.constants: Jinja2 + jinja2.debug: Jinja2 + jinja2.defaults: Jinja2 + jinja2.environment: Jinja2 + jinja2.exceptions: Jinja2 + jinja2.ext: Jinja2 + jinja2.filters: Jinja2 + jinja2.idtracking: Jinja2 + jinja2.lexer: Jinja2 + jinja2.loaders: Jinja2 + jinja2.meta: Jinja2 + jinja2.nativetypes: Jinja2 + jinja2.nodes: Jinja2 + jinja2.optimizer: Jinja2 + jinja2.parser: Jinja2 + jinja2.runtime: Jinja2 + jinja2.sandbox: Jinja2 + jinja2.tests: Jinja2 + jinja2.utils: Jinja2 + jinja2.visitor: Jinja2 + lazy_object_proxy: lazy_object_proxy + lazy_object_proxy.cext: lazy_object_proxy + lazy_object_proxy.compat: lazy_object_proxy + lazy_object_proxy.simple: lazy_object_proxy + lazy_object_proxy.slots: lazy_object_proxy + lazy_object_proxy.utils: lazy_object_proxy + markupsafe: MarkupSafe + mccabe: mccabe + multidict: multidict + multipart: python_multipart + multipart.decoders: python_multipart + multipart.exceptions: python_multipart + multipart.multipart: python_multipart + multipart.tests: python_multipart + multipart.tests.compat: python_multipart + multipart.tests.test_multipart: python_multipart + mypy_extensions: mypy_extensions + openapi_python_client: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.cli: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.config: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.parser: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.parser.errors: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.parser.openapi: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.parser.responses: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.data_type: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.callback: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.components: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.discriminator: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.encoding: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.example: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.external_documentation: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.header: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.license: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.media_type: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.oauth_flow: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.oauth_flows: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.open_api: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.operation: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.parameter: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.path_item: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.paths: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.reference: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.request_body: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.response: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.responses: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.schema: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.security_requirement: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.security_scheme: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.server: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.server_variable: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.tag: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.openapi_schema_pydantic.xml: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.schema.parameter_location: openapi_python_client + openapi_python_client.utils: openapi_python_client + passlib: passlib + passlib.apache: passlib + passlib.apps: passlib + passlib.context: passlib + passlib.crypto: passlib + passlib.crypto.des: passlib + passlib.crypto.digest: passlib + passlib.crypto.scrypt: passlib + passlib.exc: passlib + passlib.ext: passlib + passlib.ext.django: passlib + passlib.ext.django.models: passlib + passlib.ext.django.utils: passlib + passlib.handlers: passlib + passlib.handlers.argon2: passlib + passlib.handlers.bcrypt: passlib + passlib + passlib.handlers.des_crypt: passlib + passlib.handlers.digests: passlib + passlib.handlers.django: passlib + passlib.handlers.fshp: passlib + passlib.handlers.ldap_digests: passlib + passlib.handlers.md5_crypt: passlib + passlib.handlers.misc: passlib + passlib.handlers.mssql: passlib + passlib.handlers.mysql: passlib + passlib + passlib.handlers.pbkdf2: passlib + passlib.handlers.phpass: passlib + passlib.handlers.postgres: passlib + passlib.handlers.roundup: passlib + passlib.handlers.scram: passlib + passlib.handlers.scrypt: passlib + passlib.handlers.sha1_crypt: passlib + passlib.handlers.sha2_crypt: passlib + passlib.handlers.sun_md5_crypt: passlib + passlib + passlib.hash: passlib + passlib.hosts: passlib + passlib.ifc: passlib + passlib.pwd: passlib + passlib.registry: passlib + passlib.tests: passlib + passlib.tests.backports: passlib + passlib.tests.test_apache: passlib + passlib.tests.test_apps: passlib + passlib.tests.test_context: passlib + passlib.tests.test_context_deprecated: passlib + passlib.tests.test_crypto_builtin_md4: passlib + passlib.tests.test_crypto_des: passlib + passlib.tests.test_crypto_digest: passlib + passlib.tests.test_crypto_scrypt: passlib + passlib.tests.test_ext_django: passlib + passlib.tests.test_ext_django_source: passlib + passlib.tests.test_handlers: passlib + passlib.tests.test_handlers_argon2: passlib + passlib.tests.test_handlers_bcrypt: passlib + passlib.tests.test_handlers_cisco: passlib + passlib.tests.test_handlers_django: passlib + passlib.tests.test_handlers_pbkdf2: passlib + passlib.tests.test_handlers_scrypt: passlib + passlib.tests.test_hosts: passlib + passlib.tests.test_pwd: passlib + passlib.tests.test_registry: passlib + passlib.tests.test_totp: passlib + passlib.tests.test_utils: passlib + passlib.tests.test_utils_handlers: passlib + passlib.tests.test_utils_md4: passlib + passlib.tests.test_utils_pbkdf2: passlib + passlib.tests.test_win32: passlib + passlib.tests.tox_support: passlib + passlib.tests.utils: passlib + passlib.totp: passlib + passlib.utils: passlib + passlib.utils.binary: passlib + passlib.utils.compat: passlib + passlib.utils.decor: passlib + passlib.utils.des: passlib + passlib.utils.handlers: passlib + passlib.utils.md4: passlib + passlib.utils.pbkdf2: passlib + passlib.win32: passlib + pathspec: pathspec + pathspec.gitignore: pathspec + pathspec.pathspec: pathspec + pathspec.pattern: pathspec + pathspec.patterns: pathspec + pathspec.patterns.gitwildmatch: pathspec + pathspec.util: pathspec + pkg_resources: setuptools + pkg_resources.extern: setuptools + setuptools + platformdirs: platformdirs + platformdirs + platformdirs.api: platformdirs + platformdirs.macos: platformdirs + platformdirs.unix: platformdirs + platformdirs.version: platformdirs + platformdirs + priority: priority + priority.priority: priority + pydantic: pydantic + pydantic.annotated_types: pydantic + pydantic.class_validators: pydantic + pydantic.color: pydantic + pydantic.config: pydantic + pydantic.dataclasses: pydantic + pydantic.datetime_parse: pydantic + pydantic.decorator: pydantic + pydantic.env_settings: pydantic + pydantic.error_wrappers: pydantic + pydantic.errors: pydantic + pydantic.fields: pydantic + pydantic.generics: pydantic + pydantic.json: pydantic + pydantic.main: pydantic + pydantic.mypy: pydantic + pydantic.networks: pydantic + pydantic.parse: pydantic + pydantic.schema: pydantic + pydantic + pydantic.types: pydantic + pydantic.typing: pydantic + pydantic.utils: pydantic + pydantic.validators: pydantic + pydantic.version: pydantic + pyflakes: pyflakes + pyflakes.api: pyflakes + pyflakes.checker: pyflakes + pyflakes.messages: pyflakes + pyflakes.reporter: pyflakes + pyflakes.scripts: pyflakes + pyflakes.scripts.pyflakes: pyflakes + pyflakes.test: pyflakes + pyflakes.test.harness: pyflakes + pyflakes.test.test_api: pyflakes + pyflakes.test.test_builtin: pyflakes + pyflakes.test.test_code_segment: pyflakes + pyflakes.test.test_dict: pyflakes + pyflakes.test.test_doctests: pyflakes + pyflakes.test.test_imports: pyflakes + pyflakes.test.test_is_literal: pyflakes + pyflakes.test.test_match: pyflakes + pyflakes.test.test_other: pyflakes + pyflakes.test.test_type_annotations: pyflakes + pyflakes.test.test_undefined_names: pyflakes + pylint: pylint + pylint.checkers: pylint + pylint.checkers.async: pylint + pylint.checkers.base: pylint + pylint.checkers.base.basic_checker: pylint + pylint.checkers.base.basic_error_checker: pylint + pylint.checkers.base.comparison_checker: pylint + pylint.checkers.base.docstring_checker: pylint + pylint.checkers.base.name_checker: pylint + pylint.checkers.base.name_checker.checker: pylint + pylint.checkers.base.name_checker.naming_style: pylint + pylint.checkers.base.pass_checker: pylint + pylint.checkers.base_checker: pylint + pylint.checkers.classes: pylint + pylint.checkers.classes.class_checker: pylint + pylint.checkers.classes.special_methods_checker: pylint + pylint.checkers.deprecated: pylint + pylint.checkers.design_analysis: pylint + pylint.checkers.dunder_methods: pylint + pylint.checkers.ellipsis_checker: pylint + pylint.checkers.exceptions: pylint + pylint.checkers.format: pylint + pylint.checkers.imports: pylint + pylint.checkers.lambda_expressions: pylint + pylint.checkers.logging: pylint + pylint.checkers.mapreduce_checker: pylint + pylint.checkers.method_args: pylint + pylint.checkers.misc: pylint + pylint.checkers.modified_iterating_checker: pylint + pylint.checkers.newstyle: pylint + pylint.checkers.non_ascii_names: pylint + pylint.checkers.raw_metrics: pylint + pylint.checkers.refactoring: pylint + pylint.checkers.refactoring.implicit_booleaness_checker: pylint + pylint.checkers.refactoring.not_checker: pylint + pylint.checkers.refactoring.recommendation_checker: pylint + pylint.checkers.refactoring.refactoring_checker: pylint + pylint.checkers.similar: pylint + pylint.checkers.spelling: pylint + pylint.checkers.stdlib: pylint + pylint.checkers.strings: pylint + pylint.checkers.threading_checker: pylint + pylint.checkers.typecheck: pylint + pylint.checkers.unicode: pylint + pylint.checkers.unsupported_version: pylint + pylint.checkers.utils: pylint + pylint.checkers.variables: pylint + pylint.config: pylint + pylint.config.argument: pylint + pylint.config.arguments_manager: pylint + pylint.config.arguments_provider: pylint + pylint.config.callback_actions: pylint + pylint.config.config_file_parser: pylint + pylint.config.config_initialization: pylint + pylint.config.configuration_mixin: pylint + pylint.config.deprecation_actions: pylint + pylint.config.environment_variable: pylint + pylint.config.exceptions: pylint + pylint.config.find_default_config_files: pylint + pylint.config.help_formatter: pylint + pylint.config.option: pylint + pylint.config.option_manager_mixin: pylint + pylint.config.option_parser: pylint + pylint.config.options_provider_mixin: pylint + pylint.config.utils: pylint + pylint.constants: pylint + pylint.epylint: pylint + pylint.exceptions: pylint + pylint.extensions: pylint + pylint.extensions.bad_builtin: pylint + pylint.extensions.broad_try_clause: pylint + pylint.extensions.check_elif: pylint + pylint.extensions.code_style: pylint + pylint.extensions.comparetozero: pylint + pylint.extensions.comparison_placement: pylint + pylint.extensions.confusing_elif: pylint + pylint.extensions.consider_ternary_expression: pylint + pylint.extensions.docparams: pylint + pylint.extensions.docstyle: pylint + pylint.extensions.empty_comment: pylint + pylint.extensions.emptystring: pylint + pylint.extensions.eq_without_hash: pylint + pylint.extensions.for_any_all: pylint + pylint.extensions.mccabe: pylint + pylint.extensions.no_self_use: pylint + pylint.extensions.overlapping_exceptions: pylint + pylint.extensions.private_import: pylint + pylint.extensions.redefined_loop_name: pylint + pylint.extensions.redefined_variable_type: pylint + pylint.extensions.set_membership: pylint + pylint.extensions.typing: pylint + pylint.extensions.while_used: pylint + pylint.graph: pylint + pylint.interfaces: pylint + pylint.lint: pylint + pylint.lint.base_options: pylint + pylint.lint.caching: pylint + pylint.lint.expand_modules: pylint + pylint.lint.message_state_handler: pylint + pylint.lint.parallel: pylint + pylint.lint.pylinter: pylint + pylint.lint.report_functions: pylint + pylint + pylint.lint.utils: pylint + pylint.message: pylint + pylint.message.message: pylint + pylint.message.message_definition: pylint + pylint.message.message_definition_store: pylint + pylint.message.message_id_store: pylint + pylint.pyreverse: pylint + pylint.pyreverse.diadefslib: pylint + pylint.pyreverse.diagrams: pylint + pylint.pyreverse.dot_printer: pylint + pylint.pyreverse.inspector: pylint + pylint.pyreverse.main: pylint + pylint.pyreverse.mermaidjs_printer: pylint + pylint.pyreverse.plantuml_printer: pylint + pylint.pyreverse.printer: pylint + pylint.pyreverse.printer_factory: pylint + pylint.pyreverse.utils: pylint + pylint.pyreverse.vcg_printer: pylint + pylint.pyreverse.writer: pylint + pylint.reporters: pylint + pylint.reporters.base_reporter: pylint + pylint.reporters.collecting_reporter: pylint + pylint.reporters.json_reporter: pylint + pylint.reporters.multi_reporter: pylint + pylint.reporters.reports_handler_mix_in: pylint + pylint.reporters.text: pylint + pylint.reporters.ureports: pylint + pylint.reporters.ureports.base_writer: pylint + pylint.reporters.ureports.nodes: pylint + pylint.reporters.ureports.text_writer: pylint + pylint.testutils: pylint + pylint.testutils.checker_test_case: pylint + pylint.testutils.configuration_test: pylint + pylint.testutils.constants: pylint + pylint.testutils.decorator: pylint + pylint.testutils.functional: pylint + pylint.testutils.functional.find_functional_tests: pylint + pylint.testutils.functional.lint_module_output_update: pylint + pylint.testutils.functional.test_file: pylint + pylint.testutils.functional_test_file: pylint + pylint.testutils.get_test_info: pylint + pylint.testutils.global_test_linter: pylint + pylint.testutils.lint_module_test: pylint + pylint.testutils.output_line: pylint + pylint.testutils.pyreverse: pylint + pylint.testutils.reporter_for_tests: pylint + pylint.testutils.tokenize_str: pylint + pylint.testutils.unittest_linter: pylint + pylint.testutils.utils: pylint + pylint.typing: pylint + pylint.utils: pylint + pylint.utils.ast_walker: pylint + pylint + pylint.utils.file_state: pylint + pylint.utils.linterstats: pylint + pylint.utils.pragma_parser: pylint + pylint.utils.utils: pylint + pypika: pypika_tortoise + pypika_tortoise + pypika.dialects: pypika_tortoise + pypika.dialects.mssql: pypika_tortoise + pypika.dialects.mysql: pypika_tortoise + pypika_tortoise + pypika.dialects.postgresql: pypika_tortoise + pypika.dialects.sqlite: pypika_tortoise + pypika.enums: pypika_tortoise + pypika.functions: pypika_tortoise + pypika.pseudocolumns: pypika_tortoise + pypika.queries: pypika_tortoise + pypika.terms: pypika_tortoise + pypika.utils: pypika_tortoise + pytz: pytz + pytz.exceptions: pytz + pytz.lazy: pytz + pytz.reference: pytz + pytz.tzfile: pytz + pytz.tzinfo: pytz + rfc3986: rfc3986 + rfc3986.abnf_regexp: rfc3986 + rfc3986.api: rfc3986 + rfc3986.builder: rfc3986 + rfc3986.compat: rfc3986 + rfc3986.exceptions: rfc3986 + rfc3986.iri: rfc3986 + rfc3986.misc: rfc3986 + rfc3986.normalizers: rfc3986 + rfc3986.parseresult: rfc3986 + rfc3986.uri: rfc3986 + rfc3986.validators: rfc3986 + setuptools: setuptools + setuptools.archive_util: setuptools + setuptools.build_meta: setuptools + setuptools.command: setuptools + setuptools.command.alias: setuptools + setuptools.command.bdist_egg: setuptools + setuptools.command.bdist_rpm: setuptools + setuptools.command.build_clib: setuptools + setuptools.command.build_ext: setuptools + setuptools.command.build_py: setuptools + setuptools.command.develop: setuptools + setuptools.command.dist_info: setuptools + setuptools.command.easy_install: setuptools + setuptools.command.egg_info: setuptools + setuptools.command.install: setuptools + setuptools.command.install_egg_info: setuptools + setuptools.command.install_lib: setuptools + setuptools.command.install_scripts: setuptools + setuptools.command.py36compat: setuptools + setuptools.command.register: setuptools + setuptools.command.rotate: setuptools + setuptools.command.saveopts: setuptools + setuptools.command.sdist: setuptools + setuptools.command.setopt: setuptools + setuptools.command.test: setuptools + setuptools.command.upload: setuptools + setuptools.command.upload_docs: setuptools + setuptools.config: setuptools + setuptools.dep_util: setuptools + setuptools.depends: setuptools + setuptools.dist: setuptools + setuptools.errors: setuptools + setuptools.extension: setuptools + setuptools.extern: setuptools + setuptools.glob: setuptools + setuptools.installer: setuptools + setuptools.launch: setuptools + setuptools.monkey: setuptools + setuptools.msvc: setuptools + setuptools.namespaces: setuptools + setuptools.package_index: setuptools + setuptools.py34compat: setuptools + setuptools.sandbox: setuptools + setuptools.unicode_utils: setuptools + setuptools.version: setuptools + setuptools.wheel: setuptools + setuptools.windows_support: setuptools + shellingham: shellingham + shellingham.nt: shellingham + shellingham.posix: shellingham + shellingham.posix.proc: shellingham + shellingham + six: six + sniffio: sniffio + soupsieve: soupsieve + soupsieve.css_match: soupsieve + soupsieve.css_parser: soupsieve + soupsieve.css_types: soupsieve + soupsieve.pretty: soupsieve + soupsieve.util: soupsieve + starlette: starlette + starlette.applications: starlette + starlette.authentication: starlette + starlette.background: starlette + starlette.concurrency: starlette + starlette.config: starlette + starlette.convertors: starlette + starlette.datastructures: starlette + starlette.endpoints: starlette + starlette.exceptions: starlette + starlette.formparsers: starlette + starlette.middleware: starlette + starlette.middleware.authentication: starlette + starlette.middleware.base: starlette + starlette.middleware.cors: starlette + starlette.middleware.errors: starlette + starlette.middleware.exceptions: starlette + starlette.middleware.gzip: starlette + starlette.middleware.httpsredirect: starlette + starlette.middleware.sessions: starlette + starlette.middleware.trustedhost: starlette + starlette.middleware.wsgi: starlette + starlette.requests: starlette + starlette.responses: starlette + starlette.routing: starlette + starlette.schemas: starlette + starlette.staticfiles: starlette + starlette.status: starlette + starlette.templating: starlette + starlette.testclient: starlette + starlette.types: starlette + starlette.websockets: starlette + temporalio: temporalio + temporalio.activity: temporalio + temporalio.api: temporalio + temporalio.api.batch: temporalio + temporalio.api.batch.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.batch.v1.message_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.cluster: temporalio + temporalio.api.cluster.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.cluster.v1.message_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.cluster.v1.message_pb2_grpc: temporalio + temporalio.api.command: temporalio + temporalio.api.command.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.command.v1.message_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.common: temporalio + temporalio.api.common.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.common.v1.grpc_status_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.common.v1.message_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.dependencies: temporalio + temporalio.api.dependencies.gogoproto: temporalio + temporalio.api.dependencies.gogoproto.gogo_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.enums: temporalio + temporalio.api.enums.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.enums.v1.batch_operation_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.enums.v1.command_type_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.enums.v1.common_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.enums.v1.event_type_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.enums.v1.failed_cause_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.enums.v1.interaction_type_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.enums.v1.namespace_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.enums.v1.query_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.enums.v1.reset_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.enums.v1.schedule_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.enums.v1.task_queue_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.enums.v1.update_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.enums.v1.workflow_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.errordetails: temporalio + temporalio.api.errordetails.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.errordetails.v1.message_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.failure: temporalio + temporalio.api.failure.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.failure.v1.message_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.filter: temporalio + temporalio.api.filter.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.filter.v1.message_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.history: temporalio + temporalio.api.history.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.history.v1.message_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.interaction: temporalio + temporalio.api.interaction.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.interaction.v1.message_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.namespace: temporalio + temporalio.api.namespace.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.namespace.v1.message_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.operatorservice: temporalio + temporalio.api.operatorservice.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.operatorservice.v1.request_response_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.operatorservice.v1.request_response_pb2_grpc: temporalio + temporalio.api.operatorservice.v1.service_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.operatorservice.v1.service_pb2_grpc: temporalio + temporalio.api.query: temporalio + temporalio.api.query.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.query.v1.message_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.replication: temporalio + temporalio.api.replication.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.replication.v1.message_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.schedule: temporalio + temporalio.api.schedule.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.schedule.v1.message_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.taskqueue: temporalio + temporalio.api.taskqueue.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.taskqueue.v1.message_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.testservice: temporalio + temporalio.api.testservice.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.testservice.v1.request_response_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.testservice.v1.request_response_pb2_grpc: temporalio + temporalio.api.testservice.v1.service_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.testservice.v1.service_pb2_grpc: temporalio + temporalio.api.update: temporalio + temporalio.api.update.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.update.v1.message_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.version: temporalio + temporalio.api.version.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.version.v1.message_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.workflow: temporalio + temporalio.api.workflow.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.workflow.v1.message_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.workflowservice: temporalio + temporalio.api.workflowservice.v1: temporalio + temporalio.api.workflowservice.v1.request_response_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.workflowservice.v1.request_response_pb2_grpc: temporalio + temporalio.api.workflowservice.v1.service_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.api.workflowservice.v1.service_pb2_grpc: temporalio + temporalio.bridge: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.client: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.activity_result: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.activity_result.activity_result_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.activity_task: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.activity_task.activity_task_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.bridge: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.bridge.bridge_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.child_workflow: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.child_workflow.child_workflow_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.common: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.common.common_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.core_interface_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.core_interface_pb2_grpc: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.external_data: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.external_data.external_data_pb2: temporalio + temporalio + temporalio + temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.workflow_activation: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.workflow_activation.workflow_activation_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.workflow_commands: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.workflow_commands.workflow_commands_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.workflow_completion: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.proto.workflow_completion.workflow_completion_pb2: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.runtime: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.temporal_sdk_bridge: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.testing: temporalio + temporalio.bridge.worker: temporalio + temporalio.client: temporalio + temporalio.common: temporalio + temporalio.contrib: temporalio + temporalio.contrib.opentelemetry: temporalio + temporalio.converter: temporalio + temporalio.exceptions: temporalio + temporalio.runtime: temporalio + temporalio.service: temporalio + temporalio.testing: temporalio + temporalio.types: temporalio + temporalio.worker: temporalio + temporalio.worker.workflow_sandbox: temporalio + temporalio.workflow: temporalio + test_autoflake: autoflake + toml: toml + toml.decoder: toml + toml.encoder: toml + toml.ordered: toml + toml + tomli: tomli + tomlkit: tomlkit + tomlkit.api: tomlkit + tomlkit.container: tomlkit + tomlkit.exceptions: tomlkit + tomlkit.items: tomlkit + tomlkit.parser: tomlkit + tomlkit.source: tomlkit + tomlkit.toml_char: tomlkit + tomlkit.toml_document: tomlkit + tomlkit.toml_file: tomlkit + tortoise: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.asyncpg: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.asyncpg.client: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.asyncpg.executor: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.asyncpg.schema_generator: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.base: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.base.client: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.base.config_generator: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.base.executor: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.base.schema_generator: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.base_postgres: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.base_postgres.client: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.base_postgres.executor: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.base_postgres.schema_generator: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.mssql: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.mssql.client: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.mssql.executor: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.mssql.schema_generator: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.mysql: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.mysql.client: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.mysql.executor: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.mysql.schema_generator: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.odbc: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.odbc.client: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.odbc.executor: tortoise_orm + tortoise_orm + tortoise_orm + tortoise_orm + tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.psycopg: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.psycopg.client: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.psycopg.executor: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.psycopg.schema_generator: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.sqlite: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.sqlite.client: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.sqlite.executor: tortoise_orm + tortoise.backends.sqlite.schema_generator: tortoise_orm + tortoise.connection: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.aiohttp: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.blacksheep: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.fastapi: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.mysql: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.mysql.fields: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.mysql.functions: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.mysql.indexes: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.mysql.json_functions: tortoise_orm + tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.postgres: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.postgres.fields: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.postgres.functions: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.postgres.indexes: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.postgres.json_functions: tortoise_orm + tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.pydantic: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.pydantic.base: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.pydantic.creator: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.pydantic.utils: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.pylint: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.quart: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.sanic: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.sqlite: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.sqlite.functions: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.starlette: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.test: tortoise_orm + tortoise.contrib.test.condition: tortoise_orm + tortoise.converters: tortoise_orm + tortoise.exceptions: tortoise_orm + tortoise.expressions: tortoise_orm + tortoise.fields: tortoise_orm + tortoise.fields.base: tortoise_orm + tortoise_orm + tortoise.fields.relational: tortoise_orm + tortoise.filters: tortoise_orm + tortoise.functions: tortoise_orm + tortoise.indexes: tortoise_orm + tortoise.log: tortoise_orm + tortoise.manager: tortoise_orm + tortoise.models: tortoise_orm + tortoise.query_utils: tortoise_orm + tortoise.queryset: tortoise_orm + tortoise.router: tortoise_orm + tortoise.signals: tortoise_orm + tortoise.timezone: tortoise_orm + tortoise.transactions: tortoise_orm + tortoise.utils: tortoise_orm + tortoise.validators: tortoise_orm + typer: typer + typer.colors: typer + typer.completion: typer + typer.core: typer + typer.main: typer + typer.models: typer + typer.params: typer + typer.rich_utils: typer + typer.testing: typer + typer.utils: typer + typing_extensions: typing_extensions + wrapt: wrapt + wrapt.arguments: wrapt + wrapt.decorators: wrapt + wrapt.importer: wrapt + wrapt.wrappers: wrapt + wsproto: wsproto + wsproto.connection: wsproto + wsproto + wsproto.extensions: wsproto + wsproto.frame_protocol: wsproto + wsproto.handshake: wsproto + wsproto.typing: wsproto + wsproto.utilities: wsproto + yaml: PyYAML + yaml.composer: PyYAML + yaml.constructor: PyYAML + yaml.cyaml: PyYAML + yaml.dumper: PyYAML + yaml.emitter: PyYAML + yaml.error: PyYAML + PyYAML + yaml.loader: PyYAML + yaml.nodes: PyYAML + yaml.parser: PyYAML + yaml.reader: PyYAML + yaml.representer: PyYAML + yaml.resolver: PyYAML + yaml.scanner: PyYAML + yaml.serializer: PyYAML + yaml.tokens: PyYAML + yapf: yapf + yapf.third_party: yapf + yapf.third_party.yapf_diff: yapf + yapf.third_party.yapf_diff.yapf_diff: yapf + yapf.yapflib: yapf + yapf.yapflib.blank_line_calculator: yapf + yapf.yapflib.comment_splicer: yapf + yapf.yapflib.continuation_splicer: yapf + yapf.yapflib.errors: yapf + yapf.yapflib.file_resources: yapf + yapf.yapflib.format_decision_state: yapf + yapf.yapflib.format_token: yapf + yapf.yapflib.identify_container: yapf + yapf.yapflib.line_joiner: yapf + yapf.yapflib.logical_line: yapf + yapf.yapflib.object_state: yapf + yapf.yapflib.py3compat: yapf + yapf.yapflib.pytree_unwrapper: yapf + yapf.yapflib.pytree_utils: yapf + yapf.yapflib.pytree_visitor: yapf + yapf.yapflib.reformatter: yapf + yapf.yapflib.split_penalty: yapf + yapf + yapf.yapflib.subtype_assigner: yapf + yapf.yapflib.subtypes: yapf + yapf.yapflib.verifier: yapf + yapf.yapflib.yapf_api: yapf + yapftests: yapf + yapftests.blank_line_calculator_test: yapf + yapftests.comment_splicer_test: yapf + yapftests.file_resources_test: yapf + yapftests.format_decision_state_test: yapf + yapftests.format_token_test: yapf + yapftests.line_joiner_test: yapf + yapftests.logical_line_test: yapf + yapftests.main_test: yapf + yapftests.pytree_unwrapper_test: yapf + yapftests.pytree_utils_test: yapf + yapftests.pytree_visitor_test: yapf + yapftests.reformatter_basic_test: yapf + yapftests.reformatter_buganizer_test: yapf + yapftests.reformatter_facebook_test: yapf + yapftests.reformatter_pep8_test: yapf + yapftests.reformatter_python3_test: yapf + yapftests.reformatter_style_config_test: yapf + yapftests.reformatter_verify_test: yapf + yapftests.split_penalty_test: yapf + yapftests.style_test: yapf + yapftests.subtype_assigner_test: yapf + yapftests.utils: yapf + yapftests.yapf_test: yapf + yapftests.yapf_test_helper: yapf + yarl: yarl + pip_repository: + name: pypi +integrity: 6adcf30189668fa8123faef9b05219d91bf45a1950bc648c64a3c84e829b117d diff --git a/package.json b/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5429c3f --- /dev/null +++ b/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{ + "name": "distro-tools", + "version": "1.0.0", + "description": "", + "main": "index.js", + "scripts": { + "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" + }, + "keywords": [], + "author": "", + "license": "BSD-3-Clause", + "dependencies": { + "@carbon/themes": "^11.16.0", + "@carbon/web-components": "^1.23.0", + "carbon-components": "^10.58.3", + "esbuild-sass-plugin": "^2.4.5", + "lit-element": "^3.2.2", + "lit-html": "^2.6.1" + } +} diff --git a/pnpm-lock.yaml b/pnpm-lock.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a1dd1c --- /dev/null +++ b/pnpm-lock.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,587 @@ +lockfileVersion: 5.4 + +specifiers: + '@carbon/themes': ^11.16.0 + '@carbon/web-components': ^1.23.0 + carbon-components: ^10.58.3 + esbuild-sass-plugin: ^2.4.5 + lit-element: ^3.2.2 + lit-html: ^2.6.1 + +dependencies: + '@carbon/themes': 11.16.0 + '@carbon/web-components': 1.23.0 + carbon-components: 10.58.3 + esbuild-sass-plugin: 2.4.5 + lit-element: 3.2.2 + lit-html: 2.6.1 + +packages: + + /@babel/runtime/7.20.13: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-gt3PKXs0DBoL9xCvOIIZ2NEqAGZqHjAnmVbfQtB620V0uReIQutpel14KcneZuer7UioY8ALKZ7iocavvzTNFA==} + engines: {node: '>=6.9.0'} + dependencies: + regenerator-runtime: 0.13.11 + dev: false + + /@carbon/colors/11.12.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-rN/e6EXgS1RM8C/K0qQ/4/zE+En8iMGDE9u6BNLQ9ig2V2KTYncCdhItJW0rAbL7tt8xeP0UrACijS/XCqsm6w==} + dev: false + + /@carbon/grid/11.11.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-07U2cC5lgvy7gWveUtE0wuYUxu6Dndglnajy1FJAeV7BEd2t6cgU/t7AOaL8RhoXPjE7tarN5tnZImw5nmzQYQ==} + dependencies: + '@carbon/layout': 11.11.0 + dev: false + + 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sha512-dK28KsVS9pR9YEYCQ5t61imLf1DbcwdykCLcIQX7B1Ak8YZZHYdNEkkcmuiXpbn6Tfd/Rtn1i+5BiJmREN6kKQ==} + dependencies: + '@babel/runtime': 7.20.13 + carbon-components: 10.58.3 + flatpickr: 4.6.13 + lit-element: 2.5.1 + lit-html: 1.4.1 + lodash-es: 4.17.21 + dev: false + + /@esbuild/android-arm/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5GT+kcs2WVGjVs7+boataCkO5Fg0y4kCjzkB5bAip7H4jfnOS3dA6KPiww9W1OEKTKeAcUVhdZGvgI65OXmUnw==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm] + os: [android] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /@esbuild/linux-loong64/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-L4jVKS82XVhw2nvzLg/19ClLWg0y27ulRwuP7lcyL6AbUWB5aPglXY3M21mauDQMDfRLs8cQmeT03r/+X3cZYQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [loong64] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /@lit-labs/ssr-dom-shim/1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ic93MBXfApIFTrup4a70M/+ddD8xdt2zxxj9sRwHQzhS9ag/syqkD8JPdTXsc1gUy2K8TTirhlCqyTEM/sifNw==} + dev: false + + /@lit/reactive-element/1.6.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-va15kYZr7KZNNPZdxONGQzpUr+4sxVu7V/VG7a8mRfPPXUyhEYj5RzXCQmGrlP3tAh0L3HHm5AjBMFYRqlM9SA==} + dependencies: + '@lit-labs/ssr-dom-shim': 1.0.0 + dev: false + + /@types/trusted-types/2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-F5DIZ36YVLE+PN+Zwws4kJogq47hNgX3Nx6WyDJ3kcplxyke3XIzB8uK5n/Lpm1HBsbGzd6nmGehL8cPekP+Tg==} + dev: false + + /anymatch/3.1.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KMReFUr0B4t+D+OBkjR3KYqvocp2XaSzO55UcB6mgQMd3KbcE+mWTyvVV7D/zsdEbNnV6acZUutkiHQXvTr1Rw==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + dependencies: + normalize-path: 3.0.0 + picomatch: 2.3.1 + dev: false + + /binary-extensions/2.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jDctJ/IVQbZoJykoeHbhXpOlNBqGNcwXJKJog42E5HDPUwQTSdjCHdihjj0DlnheQ7blbT6dHOafNAiS8ooQKA==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dev: false + + /braces/3.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-b8um+L1RzM3WDSzvhm6gIz1yfTbBt6YTlcEKAvsmqCZZFw46z626lVj9j1yEPW33H5H+lBQpZMP1k8l+78Ha0A==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dependencies: + fill-range: 7.0.1 + dev: false + + /carbon-components/10.58.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RjTnrWCGStsIZ7nErw97AZI9sQWxQ8oIgo3QMdV0FWFcpTOECA4I9Dy4WPpRRdSMBcQpLetTxqjDGourM4u8Tw==} + requiresBuild: true + dependencies: + '@carbon/telemetry': 0.1.0 + flatpickr: 4.6.1 + lodash.debounce: 4.0.8 + warning: 3.0.0 + dev: false + + /chokidar/3.5.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Dr3sfKRP6oTcjf2JmUmFJfeVMvXBdegxB0iVQ5eb2V10uFJUCAS8OByZdVAyVb8xXNz3GjjTgj9kLWsZTqE6kw==} + engines: {node: '>= 8.10.0'} + dependencies: + anymatch: 3.1.3 + braces: 3.0.2 + glob-parent: 5.1.2 + is-binary-path: 2.1.0 + is-glob: 4.0.3 + normalize-path: 3.0.0 + readdirp: 3.6.0 + optionalDependencies: + fsevents: 2.3.2 + dev: false + + /color-convert/2.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RRECPsj7iu/xb5oKYcsFHSppFNnsj/52OVTRKb4zP5onXwVF3zVmmToNcOfGC+CRDpfK/U584fMg38ZHCaElKQ==} + engines: {node: '>=7.0.0'} + dependencies: + color-name: 1.1.4 + dev: false + + /color-name/1.1.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dOy+3AuW3a2wNbZHIuMZpTcgjGuLU/uBL/ubcZF9OXbDo8ff4O8yVp5Bf0efS8uEoYo5q4Fx7dY9OgQGXgAsQA==} + dev: false + + /color-string/1.9.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-shrVawQFojnZv6xM40anx4CkoDP+fZsw/ZerEMsW/pyzsRbElpsL/DBVW7q3ExxwusdNXI3lXpuhEZkzs8p5Eg==} + dependencies: + color-name: 1.1.4 + simple-swizzle: 0.2.2 + dev: false + + /color/4.2.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-1rXeuUUiGGrykh+CeBdu5Ie7OJwinCgQY0bc7GCRxy5xVHy+moaqkpL/jqQq0MtQOeYcrqEz4abc5f0KtU7W4A==} + engines: {node: '>=12.5.0'} + dependencies: + color-convert: 2.0.1 + color-string: 1.9.1 + dev: false + + /esbuild-android-64/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-wnpt3OXRhcjfIDSZu9bnzT4/TNTDsOUvip0foZOUBG7QbSt//w3QV4FInVJxNhKc/ErhUxc5z4QjHtMi7/TbgA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [android] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-android-arm64/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-G4xu89B8FCzav9XU8EjsXacCKSG2FT7wW9J6hOc18soEHJdtWu03L3TQDGf0geNxfLTtxENKBzMSq9LlbjS8OQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [android] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-darwin-64/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2WAvs95uPnVJPuYKP0Eqx+Dl/jaYseZEUUT1sjg97TJa4oBtbAKnPnl3b5M9l51/nbx7+QAEtuummJZW0sBEmg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [darwin] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-darwin-arm64/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-tKPSxcTJ5OmNb1btVikATJ8NftlyNlc8BVNtyT/UAr62JFOhwHlnoPrhYWz09akBLHI9nElFVfWSTSRsrZiDUA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [darwin] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-freebsd-64/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-TT3uBUxkteAjR1QbsmvSsjpKjOX6UkCstr8nMr+q7zi3NuZ1oIpa8U41Y8I8dJH2fJgdC3Dj3CXO5biLQpfdZA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [freebsd] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-freebsd-arm64/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-R/oVr+X3Tkh+S0+tL41wRMbdWtpWB8hEAMsOXDumSSa6qJR89U0S/PpLXrGF7Wk/JykfpWNokERUpCeHDl47wA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [freebsd] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-linux-32/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lphF3HiCSYtaa9p1DtXndiQEeQDKPl9eN/XNoBf2amEghugNuqXNZA/ZovthNE2aa4EN43WroO0B85xVSjYkbg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [ia32] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-linux-64/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hNSeP97IviD7oxLKFuii5sDPJ+QHeiFTFLoLm7NZQligur8poNOWGIgpQ7Qf8Balb69hptMZzyOBIPtY09GZYw==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-linux-arm/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-UH779gstRblS4aoS2qpMl3wjg7U0j+ygu3GjIeTonCcN79ZvpPee12Qun3vcdxX+37O5LFxz39XeW2I9bybMVA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-linux-arm64/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-54qr8kg/6ilcxd+0V3h9rjT4qmjc0CccMVWrjOEM/pEcUzt8X62HfBSeZfT2ECpM7104mk4yfQXkosY8Quptug==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-linux-mips64le/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Mk6Ppwzzz3YbMl/ZZL2P0q1tnYqh/trYZ1VfNP47C31yT0K8t9s7Z077QrDA/guU60tGNp2GOwCQnp+DYv7bxQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [mips64el] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-linux-ppc64le/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-b0XkN4pL9WUulPTa/VKHx2wLCgvIAbgwABGnKMY19WhKZPT+8BxhZdqz6EgkqCLld7X5qiCY2F/bfpUUlnFZ9w==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [ppc64] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-linux-riscv64/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ba2COaoF5wL6VLZWn04k+ACZjZ6NYniMSQStodFKH/Pu6RxzQqzsmjR1t9QC89VYJxBeyVPTaHuBMCejl3O/xg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [riscv64] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-linux-s390x/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VbpGuXEl5FCs1wDVp93O8UIzl3ZrglgnSQ+Hu79g7hZu6te6/YHgVJxCM2SqfIila0J3k0csfnf8VD2W7u2kzQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [s390x] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-netbsd-64/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-98ukeCdvdX7wr1vUYQzKo4kQ0N2p27H7I11maINv73fVEXt2kyh4K4m9f35U1K43Xc2QGXlzAw0K9yoU7JUjOg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [netbsd] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-openbsd-64/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-yK5NCcH31Uae076AyQAXeJzt/vxIo9+omZRKj1pauhk3ITuADzuOx5N2fdHrAKPxN+zH3w96uFKlY7yIn490xQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [openbsd] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-sass-plugin/2.4.5: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-di2hLaIwhRXe513uaPPxv+5bjynxAgrS8R+u38lbBfvp1g1xOki4ACXV2aXip2CRPGTbAVDySSxujd9iArFV0w==} + dependencies: + esbuild: 0.15.18 + resolve: 1.22.1 + sass: 1.57.1 + dev: false + + /esbuild-sunos-64/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-On22LLFlBeLNj/YF3FT+cXcyKPEI263nflYlAhz5crxtp3yRG1Ugfr7ITyxmCmjm4vbN/dGrb/B7w7U8yJR9yw==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [sunos] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-windows-32/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-o+eyLu2MjVny/nt+E0uPnBxYuJHBvho8vWsC2lV61A7wwTWC3jkN2w36jtA+yv1UgYkHRihPuQsL23hsCYGcOQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [ia32] + os: [win32] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-windows-64/0.15.18: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qinug1iTTaIIrCorAUjR0fcBk24fjzEedFYhhispP8Oc7SFvs+XeW3YpAKiKp8dRpizl4YYAhxMjlftAMJiaUw==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [win32] + requiresBuild: true + dev: false + optional: true + + /esbuild-windows-arm64/0.15.18: + 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'>=8.6'} + dev: false + + /readdirp/3.6.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-hOS089on8RduqdbhvQ5Z37A0ESjsqz6qnRcffsMU3495FuTdqSm+7bhJ29JvIOsBDEEnan5DPu9t3To9VRlMzA==} + engines: {node: '>=8.10.0'} + dependencies: + picomatch: 2.3.1 + dev: false + + /regenerator-runtime/0.13.11: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kY1AZVr2Ra+t+piVaJ4gxaFaReZVH40AKNo7UCX6W+dEwBo/2oZJzqfuN1qLq1oL45o56cPaTXELwrTh8Fpggg==} + dev: false + + /resolve/1.22.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nBpuuYuY5jFsli/JIs1oldw6fOQCBioohqWZg/2hiaOybXOft4lonv85uDOKXdf8rhyK159cxU5cDcK/NKk8zw==} + hasBin: true + dependencies: + is-core-module: 2.11.0 + path-parse: 1.0.7 + supports-preserve-symlinks-flag: 1.0.0 + dev: false + + /sass/1.57.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-O2+LwLS79op7GI0xZ8fqzF7X2m/m8WFfI02dHOdsK5R2ECeS5F62zrwg/relM1rjSLy7Vd/DiMNIvPrQGsA0jw==} + engines: {node: '>=12.0.0'} + hasBin: true + dependencies: + chokidar: 3.5.3 + immutable: 4.2.2 + source-map-js: 1.0.2 + dev: false + + /simple-swizzle/0.2.2: + 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via pylint +async-timeout==4.0.2 \ + --hash=sha256:2163e1640ddb52b7a8c80d0a67a08587e5d245cc9c553a74a847056bc2976b15 \ + --hash=sha256:8ca1e4fcf50d07413d66d1a5e416e42cfdf5851c981d679a09851a6853383b3c + # via aiohttp +asyncpg==0.27.0 \ + --hash=sha256:16ba8ec2e85d586b4a12bcd03e8d29e3d99e832764d6a1d0b8c27dbbe4a2569d \ + --hash=sha256:18f77e8e71e826ba2d0c3ba6764930776719ae2b225ca07e014590545928b576 \ + --hash=sha256:1b6499de06fe035cf2fa932ec5617ed3f37d4ebbf663b655922e105a484a6af9 \ + --hash=sha256:20b596d8d074f6f695c13ffb8646d0b6bb1ab570ba7b0cfd349b921ff03cfc1e \ + --hash=sha256:2232ebae9796d4600a7819fc383da78ab51b32a092795f4555575fc934c1c89d \ + --hash=sha256:4750f5cf49ed48a6e49c6e5aed390eee367694636c2dcfaf4a273ca832c5c43c \ + --hash=sha256:4bb366ae34af5b5cabc3ac6a5347dfb6013af38c68af8452f27968d49085ecc0 \ + --hash=sha256:5710cb0937f696ce303f5eed6d272e3f057339bb4139378ccecafa9ee923a71c \ + --hash=sha256:609054a1f47292a905582a1cfcca51a6f3f30ab9d822448693e66fdddde27920 \ + 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--hash=sha256:9df0d07e8948a1c3ffa3b6e2d7e6e63d9fb457c5da5b961ed63106594780cc7e \ + --hash=sha256:b3dc5ef7d33858f297ac0d06cc73862f01e4f2e74025ec3eff347ce0bc60baf5 + # via -r ./requirements.txt +pypika-tortoise==0.1.6 \ + --hash=sha256:2d68bbb7e377673743cff42aa1059f3a80228d411fbcae591e4465e173109fd8 \ + --hash=sha256:d802868f479a708e3263724c7b5719a26ad79399b2a70cea065f4a4cadbebf36 + # via tortoise-orm +python-dateutil==2.8.2 \ + --hash=sha256:0123cacc1627ae19ddf3c27a5de5bd67ee4586fbdd6440d9748f8abb483d3e86 \ + --hash=sha256:961d03dc3453ebbc59dbdea9e4e11c5651520a876d0f4db161e8674aae935da9 + # via + # openapi-python-client + # temporalio +python-multipart==0.0.5 \ + --hash=sha256:f7bb5f611fc600d15fa47b3974c8aa16e93724513b49b5f95c81e6624c83fa43 + # via -r ./requirements.txt +pytz==2022.7.1 \ + --hash=sha256:01a0681c4b9684a28304615eba55d1ab31ae00bf68ec157ec3708a8182dbbcd0 \ + --hash=sha256:78f4f37d8198e0627c5f1143240bb0206b8691d8d7ac6d78fee88b78733f8c4a + # via tortoise-orm +pyyaml==6.0 \ + --hash=sha256:01b45c0191e6d66c470b6cf1b9531a771a83c1c4208272ead47a3ae4f2f603bf \ + --hash=sha256:0283c35a6a9fbf047493e3a0ce8d79ef5030852c51e9d911a27badfde0605293 \ + --hash=sha256:055d937d65826939cb044fc8c9b08889e8c743fdc6a32b33e2390f66013e449b \ + --hash=sha256:07751360502caac1c067a8132d150cf3d61339af5691fe9e87803040dbc5db57 \ + --hash=sha256:0b4624f379dab24d3725ffde76559cff63d9ec94e1736b556dacdfebe5ab6d4b \ + --hash=sha256:0ce82d761c532fe4ec3f87fc45688bdd3a4c1dc5e0b4a19814b9009a29baefd4 \ + --hash=sha256:1e4747bc279b4f613a09eb64bba2ba602d8a6664c6ce6396a4d0cd413a50ce07 \ + --hash=sha256:213c60cd50106436cc818accf5baa1aba61c0189ff610f64f4a3e8c6726218ba \ + --hash=sha256:231710d57adfd809ef5d34183b8ed1eeae3f76459c18fb4a0b373ad56bedcdd9 \ + --hash=sha256:277a0ef2981ca40581a47093e9e2d13b3f1fbbeffae064c1d21bfceba2030287 \ + --hash=sha256:2cd5df3de48857ed0544b34e2d40e9fac445930039f3cfe4bcc592a1f836d513 \ + --hash=sha256:40527857252b61eacd1d9af500c3337ba8deb8fc298940291486c465c8b46ec0 \ + 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--hash=sha256:823bc5fb5c34d60f285b624e7264f4dda254bc803a3774a147bf99c0e3004a28 + # via openapi-python-client +six==1.16.0 \ + --hash=sha256:1e61c37477a1626458e36f7b1d82aa5c9b094fa4802892072e49de9c60c4c926 \ + --hash=sha256:8abb2f1d86890a2dfb989f9a77cfcfd3e47c2a354b01111771326f8aa26e0254 + # via + # python-dateutil + # python-multipart +sniffio==1.3.0 \ + --hash=sha256:e60305c5e5d314f5389259b7f22aaa33d8f7dee49763119234af3755c55b9101 \ + --hash=sha256:eecefdce1e5bbfb7ad2eeaabf7c1eeb404d7757c379bd1f7e5cce9d8bf425384 + # via + # anyio + # httpcore + # httpx +soupsieve==2.3.2.post1 \ + --hash=sha256:3b2503d3c7084a42b1ebd08116e5f81aadfaea95863628c80a3b774a11b7c759 \ + --hash=sha256:fc53893b3da2c33de295667a0e19f078c14bf86544af307354de5fcf12a3f30d + # via beautifulsoup4 +starlette==0.22.0 \ + --hash=sha256:b092cbc365bea34dd6840b42861bdabb2f507f8671e642e8272d2442e08ea4ff \ + --hash=sha256:b5eda991ad5f0ee5d8ce4c4540202a573bb6691ecd0c712262d0bc85cf8f2c50 + # via fastapi +temporalio==1.0.0 \ + --hash=sha256:06126178cbb98d44667914ac57876f24fc3e3532384374cae8b38a6ac59ad8fe \ + --hash=sha256:4d17e953e93241162133cd6e9581bc8a3804a6e2e3aee8ac3c1d503536d7d8c9 \ + --hash=sha256:5efbdad3e409b2f2169c34167a5219ca9abd6ebd694fc52ae974f04b2d7c8d79 \ + --hash=sha256:7c18030d63f178c6c6d958d26c136e77888b7bd1d6db67b129de1bea9a1bd463 \ + --hash=sha256:7c82a875c3db9ab2c8492ddc01498dbb2636cad34cf8bc985a6f0f17bd627f99 \ + --hash=sha256:b2454ef6b68335a554adca1e4f14831b5c3ea33ef8adb25742dd91652bd38a82 + # via -r ./requirements.txt +toml==0.10.2 \ + --hash=sha256:806143ae5bfb6a3c6e736a764057db0e6a0e05e338b5630894a5f779cabb4f9b \ + --hash=sha256:b3bda1d108d5dd99f4a20d24d9c348e91c4db7ab1b749200bded2f839ccbe68f + # via hypercorn +tomli==2.0.1 \ + --hash=sha256:939de3e7a6161af0c887ef91b7d41a53e7c5a1ca976325f429cb46ea9bc30ecc \ + --hash=sha256:de526c12914f0c550d15924c62d72abc48d6fe7364aa87328337a31007fe8a4f + # via + # autoflake + # black + # pylint +tomlkit==0.11.6 \ + --hash=sha256:07de26b0d8cfc18f871aec595fda24d95b08fef89d147caa861939f37230bf4b \ + --hash=sha256:71b952e5721688937fb02cf9d354dbcf0785066149d2855e44531ebdd2b65d73 + # via pylint +tortoise-orm[asyncpg]==0.19.2 \ + --hash=sha256:a99b8c9f42d5cd49493c70471b5c9a5df8ecf49cc624f2f41b9dc75bba993ac5 \ + --hash=sha256:bff4d79abfca7fb805972bb2438e8e0cd2e6590bc2cfd7593a803518a027bbf0 + # via -r ./requirements.txt +typer==0.7.0 \ + --hash=sha256:b5e704f4e48ec263de1c0b3a2387cd405a13767d2f907f44c1a08cbad96f606d \ + --hash=sha256:ff797846578a9f2a201b53442aedeb543319466870fbe1c701eab66dd7681165 + # via openapi-python-client +types-protobuf== \ + --hash=sha256:ab2d315ba82246b83d28f8797c98dc0fe1dd5cfd187909e56faf87239aedaae3 \ + --hash=sha256:ba27443c592bbec1629dd69494a24c84461c63f0d3b7d648ce258aaae9680965 + # via temporalio +typing-extensions==4.4.0 \ + --hash=sha256:1511434bb92bf8dd198c12b1cc812e800d4181cfcb867674e0f8279cc93087aa \ + --hash=sha256:16fa4864408f655d35ec496218b85f79b3437c829e93320c7c9215ccfd92489e + # via + # aiosqlite + # astroid + # black + # dataclass-wizard + # pydantic + # pylint + # starlette + # temporalio +wrapt==1.14.1 \ + --hash=sha256:00b6d4ea20a906c0ca56d84f93065b398ab74b927a7a3dbd470f6fc503f95dc3 \ + --hash=sha256:01c205616a89d09827986bc4e859bcabd64f5a0662a7fe95e0d359424e0e071b \ + --hash=sha256:02b41b633c6261feff8ddd8d11c711df6842aba629fdd3da10249a53211a72c4 \ + --hash=sha256:07f7a7d0f388028b2df1d916e94bbb40624c59b48ecc6cbc232546706fac74c2 \ + --hash=sha256:11871514607b15cfeb87c547a49bca19fde402f32e2b1c24a632506c0a756656 \ + --hash=sha256:1b376b3f4896e7930f1f772ac4b064ac12598d1c38d04907e696cc4d794b43d3 \ + --hash=sha256:21ac0156c4b089b330b7666db40feee30a5d52634cc4560e1905d6529a3897ff \ + --hash=sha256:257fd78c513e0fb5cdbe058c27a0624c9884e735bbd131935fd49e9fe719d310 \ + --hash=sha256:2b39d38039a1fdad98c87279b48bc5dce2c0ca0d73483b12cb72aa9609278e8a \ + 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