import datetime import re from dataclasses import dataclass from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from temporalio import activity from tortoise.transactions import in_transaction from apollo.db import SupportedProduct, SupportedProductsRhMirror, SupportedProductsRpmRepomd, SupportedProductsRpmRhOverride, SupportedProductsRhBlock from apollo.db import RedHatAdvisory, Advisory, AdvisoryAffectedProduct, AdvisoryCVE, AdvisoryFix, AdvisoryPackage from apollo.rpmworker import repomd from common.logger import Logger RHEL_CONTAINER_RE = re.compile(r"rhel(?:\d|)\/") @dataclass class NewPackage: nevra: str checksum: str checksum_type: str module_context: str module_name: str module_stream: str module_version: str repo_name: str package_name: str mirror_id: int supported_product_id: int product_name: str @activity.defn async def get_supported_products_with_rh_mirrors() -> list[int]: """ Get supported product IDs that has an RH mirror configuration """ rh_mirrors = await SupportedProductsRhMirror.all().prefetch_related( "rpm_repomds", ) ret = [] for rh_mirror in rh_mirrors: if rh_mirror.supported_product_id not in ret and rh_mirror.rpm_repomds: ret.append(rh_mirror.supported_product_id) return ret async def get_matching_rh_advisories( mirror: SupportedProductsRhMirror ) -> list[RedHatAdvisory]: # First get advisories that matches the mirrored product # And also the overrides # Also exclude blocked advisories and advisories without packages advisories = await RedHatAdvisory.filter( affected_products__variant=mirror.match_variant, affected_products__major_version=mirror.match_major_version, affected_products__minor_version=mirror.match_minor_version, affected_products__arch=mirror.match_arch, ).order_by("red_hat_issued_at").prefetch_related( "packages", "cves", "bugzilla_tickets", ) override_ids = [] overrides = await SupportedProductsRpmRhOverride.filter(, updated_at__isnull=True, ).prefetch_related( "red_hat_advisory", "red_hat_advisory__packages", "red_hat_advisory__cves", "red_hat_advisory__bugzilla_tickets", ) for override in overrides: override_ids.append(override.red_hat_advisory_id) advisories.append(override.red_hat_advisory) blocked = await SupportedProductsRhBlock.filter( ).all() blocked_ids = [] now = for b in blocked: if b.red_hat_advisory_id in override_ids: continue delta = now - b.created_at if delta.days >= 14: blocked_ids.append(b.red_hat_advisory_id) # Remove all advisories without packages and blocked advisories final = [] for advisory in advisories: if advisory.packages and not in blocked_ids: final.append(advisory) return final async def clone_advisory( product: SupportedProduct, mirrors: list[SupportedProductsRhMirror], advisory: RedHatAdvisory, all_pkgs: list[ET.ElementTree], module_pkgs: dict, published_at: datetime.datetime, ): logger = Logger()"Cloning advisory %s to %s",, acceptable_arches = list(set([x.match_arch for x in mirrors])) acceptable_arches.extend(["src", "noarch"]) for mirror in mirrors: if mirror.match_arch == "x86_64": acceptable_arches.append("i686") break clean_advisory_nvras = {} for advisory_pkg in advisory.packages: nvra = if not in acceptable_arches: continue cleaned = repomd.clean_nvra(advisory_pkg.nevra) if cleaned not in clean_advisory_nvras: clean_advisory_nvras[cleaned] = True if not clean_advisory_nvras: "Blocking advisory %s, no packages match arches",, ) await SupportedProductsRhBlock.bulk_create( [ SupportedProductsRhBlock( **{ "supported_products_rh_mirror_id":, "red_hat_advisory_id":, } ) for mirror in mirrors ], ignore_conflicts=True, ) overrides = await SupportedProductsRpmRhOverride.filter( supported_products_rh_mirror_id__in=[ for x in mirrors],, ).all() if overrides: for override in overrides: await override.delete() return pkg_nvras = {} for pkgs in all_pkgs: for pkg in pkgs: cleaned = repomd.clean_nvra_pkg(pkg) if cleaned not in pkg_nvras: pkg_nvras[cleaned] = [pkg] else: pkg_nvras[cleaned].append(pkg) async with in_transaction(): # Create advisory name = f"{product.code.code}{'RH')}" synopsis = advisory.synopsis.replace( "Red Hat Enterprise Linux", ) synopsis = synopsis.replace("RHEL", synopsis = RHEL_CONTAINER_RE.sub("", synopsis) synopsis = synopsis.replace("rhel", synopsis = synopsis.replace("Red Hat", product.vendor) synopsis = synopsis.replace(, name) description = advisory.description.replace( "Red Hat Enterprise Linux", ) description = description.replace("RHEL", description = RHEL_CONTAINER_RE.sub("", description) description = description.replace("Red Hat", product.vendor) description = description.replace(, name) existing_advisory = await Advisory.filter(name=name).get_or_none() if not existing_advisory: new_advisory = await Advisory.create( name=name, synopsis=synopsis, description=description, kind=advisory.kind, severity=advisory.severity,, published_at=published_at, topic=advisory.topic, ) else: new_advisory = existing_advisory # Clone packages new_pkgs = [] for advisory_nvra, _ in clean_advisory_nvras.items(): if advisory_nvra not in pkg_nvras: continue pkgs_to_process = pkg_nvras[advisory_nvra] for pkg in pkgs_to_process: pkg_name = pkg.find( "{}name" ).text version_tree = pkg.find( "{}version" ) version = version_tree.attrib["ver"] release = version_tree.attrib["rel"] epoch = version_tree.attrib["epoch"] arch = pkg.find( "{}arch" ).text nevra = f"{pkg_name}-{epoch}:{version}-{release}.{arch}.rpm" source_rpm = pkg.find( "{}format" ).find("{}sourcerpm") # This means we're checking a source RPM if advisory_nvra.endswith(".src.rpm" ) or advisory_nvra.endswith(".src"): source_nvra = package_name = else: source_nvra = package_name = checksum_tree = pkg.find( "{}checksum" ) checksum = checksum_tree.text checksum_type = checksum_tree.attrib["type"] module_context = None module_name = None module_stream = None module_version = None if ".module+" in release: for module_pkg, data in module_pkgs.items(): if module_pkg == nevra.removesuffix(".rpm"): module_name = data[0] module_stream = data[1] module_version = data[2] module_context = data[3] for mirror in mirrors: if pkg.attrib["mirror_id"] != str( continue new_pkgs.append( NewPackage( nevra=nevra, checksum=checksum, checksum_type=checksum_type, module_context=module_context, module_name=module_name, module_stream=module_stream, module_version=module_version, repo_name=pkg.attrib["repo_name"], package_name=package_name,, supported_product_id=mirror.supported_product_id,, ) ) if not new_pkgs: "Blocking advisory %s, no packages",, ) if not existing_advisory: await new_advisory.delete() await SupportedProductsRhBlock.bulk_create( [ SupportedProductsRhBlock( **{ "supported_products_rh_mirror_id":, "red_hat_advisory_id":, } ) for mirror in mirrors ], ignore_conflicts=True, ) overrides = await SupportedProductsRpmRhOverride.filter( supported_products_rh_mirror_id__in=[ for x in mirrors],, ).all() if overrides: for override in overrides: await override.delete() return await AdvisoryPackage.bulk_create( [ AdvisoryPackage( **{ "advisory_id":, "nevra": pkg.nevra, "checksum": pkg.checksum, "checksum_type": pkg.checksum_type, "module_context": pkg.module_context, "module_name": pkg.module_name, "module_stream": pkg.module_stream, "module_version": pkg.module_version, "repo_name": pkg.repo_name, "package_name": pkg.package_name, "supported_products_rh_mirror_id": pkg.mirror_id, "supported_product_id": pkg.supported_product_id, "product_name": pkg.product_name, } ) for pkg in new_pkgs ], ignore_conflicts=True, ) # Clone CVEs if advisory.cves: await AdvisoryCVE.bulk_create( [ AdvisoryCVE( **{ "advisory_id":, "cve": cve.cve, "cvss3_scoring_vector": cve.cvss3_scoring_vector, "cvss3_base_score": cve.cvss3_base_score, "cwe": cve.cwe, } ) for cve in advisory.cves ], ignore_conflicts=True, ) # Clone fixes if advisory.bugzilla_tickets: await AdvisoryFix.bulk_create( [ AdvisoryFix( **{ "advisory_id":, "ticket_id": fix.bugzilla_bug_id, "source": f"{fix.bugzilla_bug_id}", "description": fix.description, } ) for fix in advisory.bugzilla_tickets ], ignore_conflicts=True, ) # Add affected products await AdvisoryAffectedProduct.bulk_create( [ AdvisoryAffectedProduct( **{ "advisory_id":, "variant":, "name":, "major_version": mirror.match_major_version, "minor_version": mirror.match_minor_version, "arch": mirror.match_arch, "supported_product_id": mirror.supported_product_id, } ) for mirror in mirrors ], ignore_conflicts=True, ) # Check if topic is empty, if so construct it if not new_advisory.topic: package_names = list(set([p.package_name for p in new_pkgs])) affected_products = list( set( [ f"{} {mirror.match_major_version}" for mirror in mirrors ] ) ) topic = f"""An update is available for {', '.join(package_names)}. This update affects {', '.join(affected_products)}. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability from the CVE list""" new_advisory.topic = topic await # Block advisory from being attempted to be mirrored again await SupportedProductsRhBlock.bulk_create( [ SupportedProductsRhBlock( **{ "supported_products_rh_mirror_id":, "red_hat_advisory_id":, } ) for mirror in mirrors ], ignore_conflicts=True, ) # Set update_at to now for any overrides for advisory await SupportedProductsRpmRhOverride.filter(, supported_products_rh_mirror_id__in=[ for x in mirrors], ).update(updated_at=datetime.datetime.utcnow()) async def process_repomd( mirror: SupportedProductsRhMirror, rpm_repomd: SupportedProductsRpmRepomd, advisories: list[RedHatAdvisory], ): logger = Logger() all_pkgs = [] urls_to_fetch = [ rpm_repomd.url, rpm_repomd.debug_url, rpm_repomd.source_url ] module_packages = {} for url in urls_to_fetch:"Fetching %s", url) repomd_xml = await repomd.download_xml(url) primary_xml = await repomd.get_data_from_repomd( url, "primary", repomd_xml ) pkgs = primary_xml.findall( "{}package" ) all_pkgs.extend(pkgs) module_yaml_data = await repomd.get_data_from_repomd( url, "modules", repomd_xml, is_yaml=True, ) if module_yaml_data:"Found modules.yaml") for module_data in module_yaml_data: if module_data.get("document") != "modulemd": continue data = module_data.get("data") if not data.get("artifacts"): continue for nevra in data.get("artifacts").get("rpms"): module_packages[nevra] = ( data.get("name"), data.get("stream"), data.get("version"), data.get("context"), ) ret = {} pkg_nvras = {} for pkg in all_pkgs: cleaned = repomd.clean_nvra_pkg(pkg) if cleaned not in pkg_nvras: pkg_nvras[cleaned] = pkg check_pkgs = [] # Now check against advisories, and see if we're matching any # If we match, that means we can start creating the supporting # mirror advisories for advisory in advisories: clean_advisory_nvras = {} for advisory_pkg in advisory.packages: cleaned = repomd.clean_nvra(advisory_pkg.nevra) if cleaned not in clean_advisory_nvras: clean_advisory_nvras[cleaned] = True if not clean_advisory_nvras: continue did_match_any = False for nevra, _ in clean_advisory_nvras.items(): if nevra in pkg_nvras: pkg = pkg_nvras[nevra] # Set repo name as an attribute to packages pkg.set("repo_name", rpm_repomd.repo_name) pkg.set("mirror_id", str( check_pkgs.append(pkg) did_match_any = True if did_match_any: ret.update( { { "advisory": advisory, "packages": [check_pkgs], "module_packages": module_packages, } } ) return ret @activity.defn async def match_rh_repos(supported_product_id: int) -> None: """ Process the repomd files for the supported product """ logger = Logger() supported_product = await SupportedProduct.filter( id=supported_product_id ).first().prefetch_related("rh_mirrors", "rh_mirrors__rpm_repomds", "code") all_advisories = {} for mirror in supported_product.rh_mirrors:"Processing mirror: %s", advisories = await get_matching_rh_advisories(mirror) for rpm_repomd in mirror.rpm_repomds: if rpm_repomd.arch != mirror.match_arch: continue advisory_map = await process_repomd(mirror, rpm_repomd, advisories) if advisory_map: published_at = None if rpm_repomd.production: published_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow() for advisory_name, obj in advisory_map.items(): if advisory_name in all_advisories: all_advisories[advisory_name]["packages"].extend( obj["packages"] ) all_advisories[advisory_name]["mirrors"].append(mirror) for key, val in obj["module_packages"].items(): all_advisories[advisory_name]["module_packages"][ key] = val else: new_obj = dict(obj) new_obj["published_at"] = published_at new_obj["mirrors"] = [mirror] all_advisories.update({advisory_name: new_obj}) for advisory_name, obj in all_advisories.items(): await clone_advisory( supported_product, list(set(obj["mirrors"])), obj["advisory"], obj["packages"], obj["module_packages"], obj["published_at"], ) @activity.defn async def block_remaining_rh_advisories(supported_product_id: int) -> None: supported_product = await SupportedProduct.filter( id=supported_product_id ).first().prefetch_related("rh_mirrors") for mirror in supported_product.rh_mirrors: mirrors = await SupportedProductsRhMirror.filter( supported_product_id=supported_product_id ) for mirror in mirrors: advisories = await get_matching_rh_advisories(mirror) await SupportedProductsRhBlock.bulk_create( [ SupportedProductsRhBlock( **{ "supported_products_rh_mirror_id":, "red_hat_advsiory_id":, } ) for advisory in advisories ], ignore_conflicts=True )