# pylint: disable=invalid-name """ This module provides a Python interface to the Red Hat Errata API. """ from __future__ import annotations from enum import Enum from dataclasses import dataclass from urllib.parse import quote import aiohttp from dataclass_wizard import JSONWizard from yarl import URL DEFAULT_URL = "https://access.redhat.com/hydra/rest/search/kcs" class DocumentKind(str, Enum): """ The kind of document. """ ERRATA = "Errata" class Distro(str, Enum): """ The distribution. """ RHEL = "Red Hat Enterprise Linux" class Architecture(str, Enum): """ The architecture. """ X86_64 = "x86_64" AARCH64 = "aarch64" PPC64 = "ppc64" PPC64LE = "ppc64le" S390X = "s390x" @dataclass class PortalProduct: """ Red Hat advisory product """ variant: str name: str major_version: int minor_version: int arch: str @dataclass class Advisory(JSONWizard): """ An advisory. """ documentKind: str = None uri: str = None view_uri: str = None language: str = None id: str = None portal_description: str = None abstract: str = None allTitle: str = None sortTitle: str = None portal_title: list[str] = None lastModifiedDate: str = None displayDate: str = None portal_advisory_type: str = None portal_synopsis: str = None portal_severity: str = None portal_type: str = None portal_package: list[str] = None portal_CVE: list[str] = None portal_BZ: list[str] = None portal_publication_date: str = None portal_requires_subscription: str = None portal_product_names: list[str] = None title: str = None portal_child_ids: list[str] = None portal_product_filter: list[str] = None boostProduct: str = None boostVersion: int | list[str] = None detectedProducts: list[str] = None caseCount: int = None caseCount_365: int = None timestamp: str = None body: list[str] = None _version_: int = None __products: list[PortalProduct] = None def get_products(self) -> list[PortalProduct]: if self.__products: return self.__products self.__products = [] for product in self.portal_product_filter: try: if product.startswith("Red Hat Enterprise Linux"): variant, name, version, arch = product.split("|") major_version = version if "." in version: version_split = version.split(".") major_version = int(version_split[0]) minor_version = int(version_split[1]) else: major_version = int(version) minor_version = None self.__products.append( PortalProduct(variant, name, major_version, minor_version, arch) ) except ValueError: pass return self.__products def affects_rhel_version_arch( self, major_version: int, minor_version: int | None, arch: Architecture ) -> bool: """ Returns whether this advisory affects the given RHEL version and architecture. """ for product in self.get_products(): is_variant = product.variant == "Red Hat Enterprise Linux" is_major_version = product.major_version == major_version is_minor_version = product.minor_version == minor_version is_arch = product.arch == arch.value if is_variant and is_major_version and is_minor_version and is_arch: return True return False class API: """ The Red Hat Errata API. """ url = None def __init__(self, url=DEFAULT_URL): if not url: url = DEFAULT_URL self.url = url async def search( self, kind: DocumentKind = DocumentKind.ERRATA, sort_asc: bool = False, rows: int = 10, query: str = "*:*", distro: str = "Red%5C+Hat%5C+Enterprise%5C+Linux%7C%2A%7C%2A%7C%2A", detected_product: str = "rhel", from_date: str = None, ) -> list[Advisory]: params = "" # Set query params += f"q={query}" # Set rows params += f"&rows={rows}" # Set sorting sorting = ( "portal_publication_date+asc" if sort_asc else "portal_publication_date+desc" ) params += f"&sort={sorting}" # Set start params += "&start=0" # Set distribution params += f"&fq=portal_product_filter:{distro}" # Set from-to if from_date: params += ( f"&fq=portal_publication_date%3A%5B{quote(from_date)}%20TO%20NOW%5D" ) # Set document kind params += f"&fq=documentKind:{kind.value}" # Set detected product if detected_product: params += f"&fq=detectedProducts:{detected_product}" async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get( URL(f"{self.url}?{params}", encoded=True), headers={ "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0" }, ) as response: body = await response.json() if response.status != 200: raise Exception((await response.text())) elif body.get("response", {}).get("numFound", 0) == 0: return [] advisory_list = list(body["response"]["docs"]) return Advisory.from_list(advisory_list)