#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import argparse import asyncio import logging import hashlib import gzip from dataclasses import dataclass import time from urllib.parse import quote from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import aiohttp logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger("apollo_tree") NS = { "": "http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/repo", "rpm": "http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/rpm" } @dataclass class Repository: base_repomd: str = None source_repomd: str = None debug_repomd: str = None arch: str = None async def scan_path( base_path: str, fmt: str, ignore_repos: list[str], ignore_arches: list[str], ): """ Scan base path for repositories The format string can contain $reponame and $arch When we reach $reponame, that means we have found a repository Follow the path further into the tree until $arch is found That determines the architecture of the repository """ repos = {} # First we need to find the root. # Construct root by prepending base_path and all parts until $reponame # Then we can walk the tree from there root = base_path parts = fmt.split("/") repo_first = True if "$reponame" in parts: for part in parts: parts.pop(0) if part == "$reponame": break if part == "$arch": repo_first = False break root = os.path.join(root, part) logger.info("Found root: %s", root) # Walk the base path for directory in os.listdir(root): current_parts = parts if repo_first: repo_name = directory if repo_name in ignore_repos: logger.info("Ignoring repo: %s", repo_name) continue logger.info("Found repo: %s", repo_name) else: arch = directory if arch in ignore_arches: logger.info("Ignoring arch: %s", arch) continue logger.info("Found arch: %s", arch) repo_base = os.path.join(root, directory) if repo_first: repos[repo_name] = [] # Construct repo base until we reach $arch if "$arch" in current_parts: for part in current_parts: if (part == "$arch" and repo_first) or part == "$reponame": break repo_base = os.path.join(repo_base, part) current_parts.pop(0) logger.warning("Searching for arches in %s", repo_base) if not os.path.isdir(repo_base): logger.warning("Path is not a directory: %s, skipping", repo_base) continue # All dirs in repo_base is an architecture for arch_ in os.listdir(repo_base): if repo_first: arch = arch_ else: repo_name = arch_ # Now append each combination + rest of parts as repo_info if repo_first: if arch in ignore_arches: logger.info("Ignoring arch: %s", arch) continue logger.info("Found arch: %s", arch) else: if repo_name in ignore_repos: logger.info("Ignoring repo: %s", repo_name) continue logger.info("Found repo: %s", repo_name) if repo_first: found_path = f"{repo_base}/{arch}/{'/'.join(current_parts[1:])}" else: found_path = f"{repo_base}/{repo_name}/{'/'.join(current_parts[1:])}" # Verify that the path exists if not os.path.exists(found_path): logger.warning("Path does not exist: %s, skipping", found_path) continue repo = { "name": repo_name, "arch": arch, "found_path": found_path, } if repo_name not in repos: repos[repo_name] = [] repos[repo_name].append(repo) return repos async def fetch_updateinfo_from_apollo( repo: dict, product_name: str, api_base: str = None, ) -> str: pname_arch = product_name.replace("$arch", repo["arch"]) if not api_base: api_base = "https://apollo.build.resf.org/api/v3/updateinfo" api_url = f"{api_base}/{quote(pname_arch)}/{quote(repo['name'])}/updateinfo.xml" api_url += f"?req_arch={repo['arch']}" logger.info("Fetching updateinfo from %s", api_url) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(api_url) as resp: if resp.status != 200 and resp.status != 404: logger.warning( "Failed to fetch updateinfo from %s, skipping", api_url ) return None if resp.status != 200: raise Exception(f"Failed to fetch updateinfo from {api_url}") return await resp.text() async def gzip_updateinfo(updateinfo: str) -> dict: # Gzip updateinfo, get both open and closed size as # well as the sha256sum for both # First get the sha256sum and size of the open updateinfo sha256sum = hashlib.sha256(updateinfo.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() size = len(updateinfo) # Then gzip it and get hash and size gzipped = gzip.compress(updateinfo.encode("utf-8"), mtime=0) gzipped_sha256sum = hashlib.sha256(gzipped).hexdigest() gzipped_size = len(gzipped) return { "sha256sum": sha256sum, "size": size, "gzipped_sha256sum": gzipped_sha256sum, "gzipped_size": gzipped_size, "gzipped": gzipped, } async def write_updateinfo_to_file( repomd_xml_path: str, updateinfo: dict ) -> str: # Write updateinfo to file repomd_dir = os.path.dirname(repomd_xml_path) gzipped_sum = updateinfo["gzipped_sha256sum"] updateinfo_path = os.path.join( repomd_dir, f"{gzipped_sum}-updateinfo.xml.gz" ) with open(updateinfo_path, "wb") as f: f.write(updateinfo["gzipped"]) return updateinfo_path async def update_repomd_xml(repomd_xml_path: str, updateinfo: dict): # Update repomd.xml with new updateinfo gzipped_sum = updateinfo["gzipped_sha256sum"] updateinfo_path = f"{gzipped_sum}-updateinfo.xml.gz" # Parse repomd.xml ET.register_namespace("", NS[""]) repomd_xml = ET.parse(repomd_xml_path).getroot() # Iterate over data and find type="updateinfo" and delete it existing_updateinfo_path = None for data in repomd_xml.findall("data", NS): data_type = data.attrib["type"] if not data_type: logger.warning("No type found in data, skipping") continue if data_type == "updateinfo": # Get the location of the updateinfo file location = data.find("location", NS) location_href = location.attrib["href"] existing_updateinfo_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(repomd_xml_path, "../..", location_href) ) # Delete the data element repomd_xml.remove(data) break # Create new data element and set type to updateinfo data = ET.Element("data") data.set("type", "updateinfo") # Add checksum, open-checksum, location, timestamp, size and open-size checksum = ET.SubElement(data, "checksum") checksum.set("type", "sha256") checksum.text = updateinfo["gzipped_sha256sum"] open_checksum = ET.SubElement(data, "open-checksum") open_checksum.set("type", "sha256") open_checksum.text = updateinfo["sha256sum"] location = ET.SubElement(data, "location") location.set("href", f"repodata/{updateinfo_path}") timestamp = ET.SubElement(data, "timestamp") timestamp.text = str(int(time.time())) size = ET.SubElement(data, "size") size.text = str(updateinfo["gzipped_size"]) open_size = ET.SubElement(data, "open-size") open_size.text = str(updateinfo["size"]) # Add data to repomd.xml repomd_xml.append(data) # Create string ET.indent(repomd_xml) xml_str = ET.tostring( repomd_xml, xml_declaration=True, encoding="utf-8", short_empty_elements=True, ) # Prepend declaration with double quotes xml_str = xml_str.decode("utf-8") xml_str = xml_str.replace("'", "\"") xml_str = xml_str.replace("utf-8", "UTF-8") # "Fix" closing tags to not have a space xml_str = xml_str.replace(" />", "/>") # Add xmlns:rpm xml_str = xml_str.replace( "repo\">", f"repo\" xmlns:rpm=\"{NS['rpm']}\">", ) # Write to repomd.xml logger.info("Writing to %s", repomd_xml_path) with open(repomd_xml_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(xml_str) # Delete old updateinfo file if not the same as the new one if existing_updateinfo_path: updinfo_base = os.path.basename(existing_updateinfo_path) if updinfo_base != updateinfo_path: try: logger.info("Deleting %s", existing_updateinfo_path) os.remove(existing_updateinfo_path) except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning("File %s not found", existing_updateinfo_path) async def run_apollo_tree( base_format: str, manual: bool, auto_scan: bool, path: str, ignore: list[str], ignore_arch: list[str], product_name: str, ): if manual: raise Exception("Manual mode not implemented yet") if auto_scan: repos = await scan_path( path, base_format, ignore, ignore_arch, ) for _, repo_variants in repos.items(): for repo in repo_variants: updateinfo = await fetch_updateinfo_from_apollo( repo, product_name, ) if not updateinfo: logger.warning("No updateinfo found for %s", repo["name"]) continue gzipped = await gzip_updateinfo(updateinfo) await write_updateinfo_to_file( repo["found_path"], gzipped, ) await update_repomd_xml( repo["found_path"], gzipped, ) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="apollo_tree", description="Apollo updateinfo.xml publisher (Local file tree)", epilog="(C) 2023 Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation, Inc.", ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--base-format", default="$reponame/$arch/os/repodata/repomd.xml", help="Format for main repo.xml file", ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--manual", action="store_true", help="Manual mode", ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--repos", nargs="+", action="append", default=[], help="Repositories to publish (manual mode), format: :", ) parser.add_argument( "-a", "--auto-scan", default=True, action="store_true", help="Automatically scan for repos", ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--path", help="Default path to scan for repos", ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--ignore", nargs="+", action="append", default=[], help="Repos to ignore in auto-scan mode", ) parser.add_argument( "-x", "--ignore-arch", nargs="+", action="append", default=[], help="Arches to ignore in auto-scan mode", ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--product-name", required=True, help="Product name", ) p_args = parser.parse_args() if p_args.auto_scan and p_args.manual: parser.error("Cannot use --auto-scan and --manual together") if p_args.manual and not p_args.repos: parser.error("Must specify repos to publish in manual mode") if p_args.auto_scan and not p_args.path: parser.error("Must specify path to scan for repos in auto-scan mode") asyncio.run( run_apollo_tree( p_args.base_format, p_args.manual, p_args.auto_scan, p_args.path, [y for x in p_args.ignore for y in x], [y for x in p_args.ignore_arch for y in x], p_args.product_name, ) )