import gzip import lzma import re from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from urllib.parse import urlparse from os import path import aiohttp import yaml NVRA_RE = re.compile( r"^(\S+)-([\w~%.+]+)-(\w+(?:\.[\w~%+]+)+?)(?:\.(\w+))?(?:\.rpm)?$" ) NEVRA_RE = re.compile( r"^(\S+)-(?:(\d)+:)([\w~%.+]+)-(\w+(?:\.[\w~%+]+)+?)(?:\.(\w+))?(?:\.rpm)?$" ) EPOCH_RE = re.compile(r"(\d+):") DIST_RE = re.compile(r"(\.el\d(?:_\d|))") MODULE_DIST_RE = re.compile(r"\.module.+$") def clean_nvra_pkg(matching_pkg: ET.Element) -> str: name = matching_pkg.find("{}name").text version = matching_pkg.find( "{}version" ).attrib["ver"] release = matching_pkg.find( "{}version" ).attrib["rel"] arch = matching_pkg.find("{}arch").text clean_release = MODULE_DIST_RE.sub("", DIST_RE.sub("", release)) cleaned = f"{name}-{version}-{clean_release}.{arch}" if ".module+" in release: cleaned = f"module.{cleaned}" return cleaned def clean_nvra(nvra_raw: str) -> str: nvra = name = version = release = arch = clean_release = MODULE_DIST_RE.sub("", DIST_RE.sub("", release)) cleaned = f"{name}-{version}-{clean_release}.{arch}" if ".module+" in release: cleaned = f"module.{cleaned}" return cleaned async def download_xml( url: str, gz: bool = False, xz: bool = False ) -> ET.Element: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url) as resp: if resp.status != 200: raise Exception(f"Failed to get {url}: {resp.status}") # Do an in memory gzip decompression if gz is set if gz: return ET.fromstring( gzip.decompress(await"utf-8") ) elif xz: return ET.fromstring( lzma.decompress(await"utf-8") ) return ET.fromstring(await resp.text()) async def download_yaml(url: str, gz: bool = False, xz: bool = False) -> any: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url) as resp: if resp.status != 200: raise Exception(f"Failed to get {url}: {resp.status}") # Do an in memory gzip decompression if gz is set if gz: return yaml.full_load_all( gzip.decompress(await"utf-8") ) elif xz: return yaml.full_load_all( lzma.decompress(await"utf-8") ) return yaml.full_load_all(await resp.text()) async def get_data_from_repomd( url: str, data_type: str, el: ET.Element, is_yaml=False, ): # There is a top-most repomd element in repomd # Under there is revision and multiple data elements # We want the data element with type="data_type" # Under that is location with href # That href is the location of the data for data in el.findall("{}data"): if data.attrib["type"] == data_type: location = data.find( "{}location" ) parsed_url = urlparse(url) new_path = path.abspath( path.join(parsed_url.path, "../..", location.attrib["href"]) ) data_url = parsed_url._replace(path=new_path).geturl() if is_yaml: return await download_yaml( data_url, gz=data_url.endswith(".gz"), xz=data_url.endswith(".xz"), ) return await download_xml( data_url, gz=data_url.endswith(".gz"), xz=data_url.endswith(".xz"), ) return None