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synced 2025-01-03 15:50:56 +00:00
332 lines
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local stage = std.extVar('stage');
local origUser = std.extVar('user');
local domainUser = std.extVar('domain_user');
local ociRegistry = std.extVar('oci_registry');
local ociRegistryRepo = std.extVar('oci_registry_repo');
local registry_secret = std.extVar('registry_secret');
local user = if domainUser != 'user-orig' then domainUser else origUser;
local stageNoDash = std.strReplace(stage, '-', '');
local kubernetes = import 'ci/kubernetes.jsonnet';
local db = import 'ci/db.jsonnet';
local mappings = import 'ci/mappings.jsonnet';
local utils = import 'ci/utils.jsonnet';
local labels = {
labels: db.label() + kubernetes.istio_labels(),
local metadata = {
name: info.name,
namespace: if stageNoDash == 'dev' then '%s-dev' % user else if std.objectHas(info, 'namespace') then info.namespace else info.name,
local fixed = kubernetes.fix_metadata(metadata);
local vshost(srv) = '%s-service.%s.svc.cluster.local' % [srv.name, fixed.namespace];
local infolabels = if info.backend then labels else { labels: kubernetes.istio_labels() };
local dbname = (if std.objectHas(info, 'dbname') then info.dbname else info.name);
local env = if std.objectHas(info, 'env') then info.env else [];
local sa_name = '%s-%s-serviceaccount' % [stageNoDash, fixed.name];
local extra_info = {
service_account_name: sa_name,
local envs = [stageNoDash];
local services = if std.objectHas(info, 'services') then info.services else
[{ name: '%s-%s-%s' % [metadata.name, port.name, env], port: port.containerPort, portName: port.name, expose: if std.objectHas(port, 'expose') then port.expose else false } for env in envs for port in info.ports];
local nssa = '001-ns-sa.yaml';
local migrate = '002-migrate.yaml';
local deployment = '003-deployment.yaml';
local svcVsDr = '004-svc-vs-dr.yaml';
local custom = '005-custom.yaml';
local legacyDb = if std.objectHas(info, 'legacyDb') then info.legacyDb else false;
local dbPassEnv = {
valueFrom: !utils.local_image,
value: if utils.local_image then 'postgres',
secret: if !utils.local_image then {
name: '%s-database-password' % db.staged_name(dbname),
key: 'password',
local shouldSecureEndpoint(srv) = if mappings.get_env_from_svc(srv.name) == 'prod' && mappings.is_external(srv.name) then false
else if mappings.should_expose_all(srv.name) then false
else if utils.local_image then false
else if !std.objectHas(srv, 'expose') || !srv.expose then false
else true;
local imagePullSecrets = if registry_secret != 'none' then [registry_secret] else [];
[nssa]: std.manifestYamlStream([
kubernetes.define_namespace(metadata.namespace, infolabels),
kubernetes.define_service_account(metadata {
name: '%s-%s' % [stageNoDash, fixed.name],
} + if std.objectHas(info, 'service_account_options') then info.service_account_options else {},
[if std.objectHas(info, 'migrate') && info.migrate == true then migrate else null]:
kubernetes.define_service_account(metadata {
name: 'init-db-%s-%s' % [fixed.name, stageNoDash],
kubernetes.define_role_binding(metadata, metadata.name + '-role', [{
kind: 'ServiceAccount',
name: 'init-db-%s-%s-serviceaccount' % [fixed.name, stageNoDash],
namespace: metadata.namespace,
kubernetes.define_cluster_role_binding(metadata, metadata.name + '-clusterrole', [{
kind: 'ServiceAccount',
name: 'init-db-%s-%s-serviceaccount' % [fixed.name, stageNoDash],
namespace: metadata.namespace,
metadata {
name: 'init-db-%s-%s' % [fixed.name, stageNoDash],
apiGroups: [''],
resources: ['secrets'],
verbs: ['create', 'get'],
metadata {
name: 'init-db-%s-%s' % [fixed.name, stageNoDash],
apiGroups: [''],
resources: ['secrets'],
verbs: ['create', 'get'],
metadata {
name: 'init-db-%s-%s' % [fixed.name, stageNoDash],
'init-db-%s-%s-role' % [fixed.name, stageNoDash],
kind: 'ServiceAccount',
name: 'init-db-%s-%s-serviceaccount' % [fixed.name, stageNoDash],
namespace: fixed.namespace,
metadata {
name: 'init-db-%s-%s' % [fixed.name, stageNoDash],
'init-db-%s-%s-clusterrole' % [fixed.name, stageNoDash],
kind: 'ServiceAccount',
name: 'init-db-%s-%s-serviceaccount' % [fixed.name, stageNoDash],
namespace: fixed.namespace,
if !legacyDb then kubernetes.define_job(metadata { name: 'request-cert' }, kubernetes.request_cdb_certs('initdb%s' % stageNoDash) + {
serviceAccount: '%s-%s-serviceaccount' % [stageNoDash, fixed.name],
if info.migrate == true && dbname != '' then kubernetes.define_job(metadata { name: info.name + '-migrate' }, {
image: if std.objectHas(info, 'migrate_image') && info.migrate_image != null then info.migrate_image else info.image,
tag: if std.objectHas(info, 'migrate_tag') && info.migrate_tag != null then info.migrate_tag else info.tag,
command: if std.objectHas(info, 'migrate_command') && info.migrate_command != null then info.migrate_command else ['/bin/sh'],
serviceAccount: 'init-db-%s-%s-serviceaccount' % [fixed.name, stageNoDash],
imagePullSecrets: imagePullSecrets,
args: if std.objectHas(info, 'migrate_args') && info.migrate_args != null then info.migrate_args else [
'export REAL_DSN=`echo $%s | sed -e "s/REPLACEME/${DATABASE_PASSWORD}/g"%s`; /usr/bin/migrate -source file:///migrations -database $REAL_DSN up' % [info.dsn.name, if legacyDb then '' else ' | sed -e "s/postgresql/cockroachdb/g"'],
volumes: (if std.objectHas(info, 'volumes') then info.volumes(metadata) else []) + (if !legacyDb then kubernetes.request_cdb_certs_volumes() else []),
initContainers: [
if !legacyDb then kubernetes.request_cdb_certs('%s%s' % [metadata.name, stageNoDash]) + {
serviceAccount: '%s-%s-serviceaccount' % [stageNoDash, fixed.name],
name: 'initdb',
image: 'quay.io/peridot/initdb:v0.1.4',
command: ['/bin/sh'],
args: ['-c', '/bundle/initdb*'],
volumes: if !legacyDb then kubernetes.request_cdb_certs_volumes(),
env: [
value: db.staged_name(dbname),
value: 'true',
value: if legacyDb then db.dsn_legacy('postgres', true) else db.dsn('initdb'),
env: [
annotations: {
'sidecar.istio.io/inject': 'false',
}) else {},
[deployment]: std.manifestYamlStream([
replicas: if std.objectHas(info, 'replicas') then info.replicas else 1,
image: info.image,
tag: info.tag,
command: if std.objectHas(info, 'command') then [info.command] else null,
fsGroup: if std.objectHas(info, 'fsGroup') then info.fsGroup else null,
fsUser: if std.objectHas(info, 'fsUser') then info.fsUser else null,
imagePullSecrets: imagePullSecrets,
labels: db.label(),
annotations: if std.objectHas(info, 'annotations') then info.annotations,
initContainers: if !legacyDb && info.backend then [kubernetes.request_cdb_certs('%s%s' % [metadata.name, stageNoDash]) + {
serviceAccount: '%s-%s-serviceaccount' % [stageNoDash, fixed.name],
volumes: (if std.objectHas(info, 'volumes') then info.volumes(metadata) else []) + (if !legacyDb then kubernetes.request_cdb_certs_volumes() else []),
ports: std.map(function(x) x { expose: null, external: null }, info.ports),
health: if std.objectHas(info, 'health') then info.health,
env: env + (if dbname != '' && info.backend then ([dbPassEnv]) else []) + [
value: 'spiffe://cluster.local/ns/%s/sa/%s-%s-serviceaccount' % [fixed.namespace, stageNoDash, fixed.name],
] + [
if std.objectHas(srv, 'expose') && srv.expose then {
name: '%s_PUBLIC_URL' % [std.asciiUpper(std.strReplace(std.strReplace(srv.name, stage, ''), '-', '_'))],
value: 'https://%s' % mappings.get(srv.name, user),
} else null,
for srv in services],
limits: if std.objectHas(info, 'limits') then info.limits,
requests: if std.objectHas(info, 'requests') then info.requests,
args: if std.objectHas(info, 'args') then info.args else [],
serviceAccount: '%s-%s-serviceaccount' % [stageNoDash, fixed.name],
[kubernetes.define_service(metadata { name: srv.name }, srv.port, srv.port, portName=srv.portName, selector=metadata.name, env=mappings.get_env_from_svc(srv.name)) for srv in services] +
[kubernetes.define_virtual_service(metadata { name: srv.name + '-internal' }, {
hosts: [vshost(srv)],
gateways: [],
http: [
route: [{
destination: {
host: vshost(srv),
subset: mappings.get_env_from_svc(srv.name),
port: {
number: srv.port,
} + (if std.objectHas(info, 'internal_route_options') then info.internal_route_options else {})],
},) for srv in services] +
[if std.objectHas(srv, 'expose') && srv.expose then kubernetes.define_virtual_service(
metadata {
name: srv.name,
annotations: {
'external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/target': if mappings.is_external(srv.name) then 'ingress.build.resf.org' else 'ingress-internal.build.resf.org',
hosts: [mappings.get(srv.name, user)],
gateways: if mappings.is_external(srv.name) then ['istio-system/base-gateway-public'] else ['istio-system/base-gateway-confidential'],
http: [
route: [{
destination: {
host: vshost(srv),
subset: mappings.get_env_from_svc(srv.name),
port: {
number: srv.port,
} + (if std.objectHas(info, 'external_route_options') then info.external_route_options else {})],
) else null for srv in services] +
apiVersion: 'security.istio.io/v1beta1',
kind: 'RequestAuthentication',
metadata: metadata {
name: srv.name,
spec: {
selector: {
matchLabels: {
app: metadata.name,
env: mappings.get_env_from_svc(srv.name),
// todo(mustafa): Introduce ObsidianProxy to support BeyondCorp
jwtRules: if shouldSecureEndpoint(srv) then [{
issuer: 'https://cloud.google.com/iap',
jwksUri: 'https://www.gstatic.com/iap/verify/public_key-jwk',
fromHeaders: [{ name: 'x-goog-iap-jwt-assertion' }],
}] else [],
} for srv in services] +
apiVersion: 'security.istio.io/v1beta1',
kind: 'AuthorizationPolicy',
metadata: metadata {
name: srv.name,
spec: {
selector: {
matchLabels: {
app: metadata.name,
env: mappings.get_env_from_svc(srv.name),
action: 'ALLOW',
rules: [(if shouldSecureEndpoint(srv) then {
from: [],
} else {}) + {
to: [{
operation: {
ports: [std.toString(srv.port)]
} for srv in services] +
[kubernetes.define_destination_rule(metadata { name: srv.name }, {
host: vshost(srv),
trafficPolicy: {
tls: {
subsets: [
name: mappings.get_env_from_svc(srv.name),
labels: {
app: metadata.name,
env: mappings.get_env_from_svc(srv.name),
},) for srv in services]
[if std.objectHas(info, 'custom_job_items') then custom else null]:
std.manifestYamlStream(if std.objectHas(info, 'custom_job_items') then info.custom_job_items(metadata, extra_info) else [{}]),