2022-07-07 20:11:50 +00:00
{ { / * vim : set filetype = mustache : * / } }
{ { / *
Expand the name of the chart.
{ { - define "temporal.name" - } }
{ { - default . Chart . Name . Values . nameOverride | trunc 6 3 | trimSuffix "-" - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { / *
Create a default fully qualified app name.
We truncate at 63 chars because some Kubernetes name fields are limited to this (by the DNS naming spec).
If release name contains chart name it will be used as a full name.
{ { - define "temporal.fullname" - } }
{ { - if . Values . fullnameOverride - } }
{ { - . Values . fullnameOverride | trunc 6 3 | trimSuffix "-" - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - $name : = default . Chart . Name . Values . nameOverride - } }
{ { - if contains $name . Release . Name - } }
{ { - . Release . Name | trunc 6 3 | trimSuffix "-" - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - printf "%s-%s" . Release . Name $name | trunc 6 3 | trimSuffix "-" - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { / *
Create chart name and version as used by the chart label.
{ { - define "temporal.chart" - } }
{ { - printf "%s-%s" . Chart . Name . Chart . Version | replace "+" "_" | trunc 6 3 | trimSuffix "-" - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { / *
Create the name of the service account
{ { - define "temporal.serviceAccountName" - } }
{ { default ( include "temporal.fullname" . ) . Values . serviceAccount . name } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { / *
Define the service account as needed
{ { - define "temporal.serviceAccount" - } }
{ { - if . Values . serviceAccount . create - } }
serviceAccountName: { { include "temporal.serviceAccountName" . } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { / *
Create a default fully qualified component name from the full app name and a component name.
We truncate the full name at 63 - 1 (last dash) - len(component name) chars because some Kubernetes name fields are limited to this (by the DNS naming spec)
and we want to make sure that the component is included in the name.
{ { - define "temporal.componentname" - } }
{ { - $global : = index . 0 - } }
{ { - $component : = index . 1 | trimPrefix "-" - } }
{ { - printf "%s-%s" ( include "temporal.fullname" $global | trunc ( sub 6 2 ( len $component ) | int ) | trimSuffix "-" ) $component | trimSuffix "-" - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { / *
Call nested templates.
Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/52024583/3027614
{ { - define "call-nested" } }
{ { - $dot : = index . 0 } }
{ { - $subchart : = index . 1 } }
{ { - $template : = index . 2 } }
{ { - include $template ( dict "Chart" ( dict "Name" $subchart ) "Values" ( index $dot.Values $subchart ) "Release" $dot.Release "Capabilities" $dot.Capabilities ) } }
{ { - end } }
{ { - define "temporal.frontend.grpcPort" - } }
{ { - if $ . Values . server . frontend . service . port - } }
{ { - $ . Values . server . frontend . service . port - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - 7 2 3 3 - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.frontend.membershipPort" - } }
{ { - if $ . Values . server . frontend . service . membershipPort - } }
{ { - $ . Values . server . frontend . service . membershipPort - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - 6 9 3 3 - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.history.grpcPort" - } }
{ { - if $ . Values . server . history . service . port - } }
{ { - $ . Values . server . history . service . port - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - 7 2 3 4 - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.history.membershipPort" - } }
{ { - if $ . Values . server . history . service . membershipPort - } }
{ { - $ . Values . server . history . service . membershipPort - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - 6 9 3 4 - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.matching.grpcPort" - } }
{ { - if $ . Values . server . matching . service . port - } }
{ { - $ . Values . server . matching . service . port - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - 7 2 3 5 - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.matching.membershipPort" - } }
{ { - if $ . Values . server . matching . service . membershipPort - } }
{ { - $ . Values . server . matching . service . membershipPort - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - 6 9 3 5 - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.worker.grpcPort" - } }
{ { - if $ . Values . server . worker . service . port - } }
{ { - $ . Values . server . worker . service . port - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - 7 2 3 9 - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.worker.membershipPort" - } }
{ { - if $ . Values . server . worker . service . membershipPort - } }
{ { - $ . Values . server . worker . service . membershipPort - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - 6 9 3 9 - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.persistence.schema" - } }
{ { - if eq . "default" - } }
{ { - print "temporal" - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - print . - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.persistence.driver" - } }
{ { - $global : = index . 0 - } }
{ { - $store : = index . 1 - } }
{ { - $storeConfig : = index $global.Values.server.config.persistence $store - } }
{ { - if $storeConfig.driver - } }
{ { - $storeConfig.driver - } }
{ { - else if $global.Values.cassandra.enabled - } }
{ { - print "cassandra" - } }
{ { - else if $global.Values.mysql.enabled - } }
{ { - print "sql" - } }
{ { - else if $global.Values.postgresql.enabled - } }
{ { - print "sql" - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - required ( printf "Please specify persistence driver for %s store" $store ) $storeConfig.driver - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.persistence.cassandra.hosts" - } }
{ { - $global : = index . 0 - } }
{ { - $store : = index . 1 - } }
{ { - $storeConfig : = index $global.Values.server.config.persistence $store - } }
{ { - if $storeConfig.cassandra.hosts - } }
{ { - $storeConfig.cassandra.hosts | join "," - } }
{ { - else if and $global.Values.cassandra.enabled ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "cassandra" ) - } }
{ { - include "cassandra.hosts" $global - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - required ( printf "Please specify cassandra hosts for %s store" $store ) $storeConfig.cassandra.hosts - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.persistence.cassandra.port" - } }
{ { - $global : = index . 0 - } }
{ { - $store : = index . 1 - } }
{ { - $storeConfig : = index $global.Values.server.config.persistence $store - } }
{ { - if $storeConfig.cassandra.port - } }
{ { - $storeConfig.cassandra.port - } }
{ { - else if and $global.Values.cassandra.enabled ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "cassandra" ) - } }
{ { - $global.Values.cassandra.config.ports.cql - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - required ( printf "Please specify cassandra port for %s store" $store ) $storeConfig.cassandra.port - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.persistence.cassandra.secretName" - } }
{ { - $global : = index . 0 - } }
{ { - $store : = index . 1 - } }
{ { - $storeConfig : = index $global.Values.server.config.persistence $store - } }
{ { - if $storeConfig.cassandra.existingSecret - } }
{ { - $storeConfig.cassandra.existingSecret - } }
{ { - else if $storeConfig.cassandra.password - } }
{ { - include "temporal.componentname" ( list $global ( printf "%s-store" $store ) ) - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { / * Cassandra password is optional , but we will create an empty secret for it * / } }
{ { - include "temporal.componentname" ( list $global ( printf "%s-store" $store ) ) - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.persistence.cassandra.secretKey" - } }
{ { - $global : = index . 0 - } }
{ { - $store : = index . 1 - } }
{ { - $storeConfig : = index $global.Values.server.config.persistence $store - } }
{ { / * Cassandra password is optional , but we will create an empty secret for it * / } }
{ { - print "password" - } }
{ { - end - } }
2024-03-11 19:20:43 +00:00
{ { - define "temporal.persistence.sql.database" - } }
{ { - $global : = index . 0 - } }
{ { - $store : = index . 1 - } }
{ { - $storeConfig : = index $global.Values.server.config.persistence $store - } }
{ { - if $storeConfig.sql.database - } }
{ { - $storeConfig.sql.database - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - required ( printf "Please specify database for %s store" $store ) - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
2022-07-07 20:11:50 +00:00
{ { - define "temporal.persistence.sql.driver" - } }
{ { - $global : = index . 0 - } }
{ { - $store : = index . 1 - } }
{ { - $storeConfig : = index $global.Values.server.config.persistence $store - } }
{ { - if $storeConfig.sql.driver - } }
{ { - $storeConfig.sql.driver - } }
{ { - else if $global.Values.mysql.enabled - } }
{ { - print "mysql" - } }
{ { - else if $global.Values.postgresql.enabled - } }
{ { - print "postgres" - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - required ( printf "Please specify sql driver for %s store" $store ) $storeConfig.sql.host - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.persistence.sql.host" - } }
{ { - $global : = index . 0 - } }
{ { - $store : = index . 1 - } }
{ { - $storeConfig : = index $global.Values.server.config.persistence $store - } }
{ { - if $storeConfig.sql.host - } }
{ { - $storeConfig.sql.host - } }
2024-03-11 19:20:43 +00:00
{ { - else if and $global.Values.mysql.enabled ( and ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "sql" ) ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.sql.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "mysql8" ) ) - } }
2022-07-07 20:11:50 +00:00
{ { - include "mysql.host" $global - } }
2024-03-11 19:20:43 +00:00
{ { - else if and $global.Values.postgresql.enabled ( and ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "sql" ) ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.sql.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "postgres12" ) ) - } }
2022-07-07 20:11:50 +00:00
{ { - include "postgresql.host" $global - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - required ( printf "Please specify sql host for %s store" $store ) $storeConfig.sql.host - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.persistence.sql.port" - } }
{ { - $global : = index . 0 - } }
{ { - $store : = index . 1 - } }
{ { - $storeConfig : = index $global.Values.server.config.persistence $store - } }
{ { - if $storeConfig.sql.port - } }
{ { - $storeConfig.sql.port - } }
2024-03-11 19:20:43 +00:00
{ { - else if and $global.Values.mysql.enabled ( and ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "sql" ) ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.sql.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "mysql8" ) ) - } }
2022-07-07 20:11:50 +00:00
{ { - $global.Values.mysql.service.port - } }
2024-03-11 19:20:43 +00:00
{ { - else if and $global.Values.postgresql.enabled ( and ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "sql" ) ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.sql.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "postgres12" ) ) - } }
2022-07-07 20:11:50 +00:00
{ { - $global.Values.postgresql.service.port - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - required ( printf "Please specify sql port for %s store" $store ) $storeConfig.sql.port - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.persistence.sql.user" - } }
{ { - $global : = index . 0 - } }
{ { - $store : = index . 1 - } }
{ { - $storeConfig : = index $global.Values.server.config.persistence $store - } }
{ { - if $storeConfig.sql.user - } }
{ { - $storeConfig.sql.user - } }
2024-03-11 19:20:43 +00:00
{ { - else if and $global.Values.mysql.enabled ( and ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "sql" ) ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.sql.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "mysql8" ) ) - } }
2022-07-07 20:11:50 +00:00
{ { - $global.Values.mysql.mysqlUser - } }
2024-03-11 19:20:43 +00:00
{ { - else if and $global.Values.postgresql.enabled ( and ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "sql" ) ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.sql.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "postgres12" ) ) - } }
2022-07-07 20:11:50 +00:00
{ { - $global.Values.postgresql.postgresqlUser - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - required ( printf "Please specify sql user for %s store" $store ) $storeConfig.sql.user - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.persistence.sql.password" - } }
{ { - $global : = index . 0 - } }
{ { - $store : = index . 1 - } }
{ { - $storeConfig : = index $global.Values.server.config.persistence $store - } }
{ { - if $storeConfig.sql.password - } }
{ { - $storeConfig.sql.password - } }
2024-03-11 19:20:43 +00:00
{ { - else if and $global.Values.mysql.enabled ( and ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "sql" ) ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.sql.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "mysql8" ) ) - } }
2022-07-07 20:11:50 +00:00
{ { - if or $global.Values.schema.setup.enabled $global.Values.schema.update.enabled - } }
{ { - required "Please specify password for MySQL chart" $global.Values.mysql.mysqlPassword - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - $global.Values.mysql.mysqlPassword - } }
{ { - end - } }
2024-03-11 19:20:43 +00:00
{ { - else if and $global.Values.postgresql.enabled ( and ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "sql" ) ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.sql.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "postgres12" ) ) - } }
2022-07-07 20:11:50 +00:00
{ { - if or $global.Values.schema.setup.enabled $global.Values.schema.update.enabled - } }
{ { - required "Please specify password for PostgreSQL chart" $global.Values.postgresql.postgresqlPassword - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - $global.Values.postgresql.postgresqlPassword - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - required ( printf "Please specify sql password for %s store" $store ) $storeConfig.sql.password - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.persistence.sql.secretName" - } }
{ { - $global : = index . 0 - } }
{ { - $store : = index . 1 - } }
{ { - $storeConfig : = index $global.Values.server.config.persistence $store - } }
{ { - if $storeConfig.sql.existingSecret - } }
{ { - $storeConfig.sql.existingSecret - } }
{ { - else if $storeConfig.sql.password - } }
{ { - include "temporal.componentname" ( list $global ( printf "%s-store" $store ) ) - } }
2024-03-11 19:20:43 +00:00
{ { - else if and $global.Values.mysql.enabled ( and ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "sql" ) ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.sql.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "mysql8" ) ) - } }
2022-07-07 20:11:50 +00:00
{ { - include "call-nested" ( list $global "mysql" "mysql.secretName" ) - } }
2024-03-11 19:20:43 +00:00
{ { - else if and $global.Values.postgresql.enabled ( and ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "sql" ) ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.sql.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "postgres12" ) ) - } }
2022-07-07 20:11:50 +00:00
{ { - include "call-nested" ( list $global "postgresql" "postgresql.secretName" ) - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - required ( printf "Please specify sql password or existing secret for %s store" $store ) $storeConfig.sql.existingSecret - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.persistence.sql.secretKey" - } }
{ { - $global : = index . 0 - } }
{ { - $store : = index . 1 - } }
{ { - $storeConfig : = index $global.Values.server.config.persistence $store - } }
{ { - if or $storeConfig.sql.existingSecret $storeConfig.sql.password - } }
{ { - print "password" - } }
2024-03-11 19:20:43 +00:00
{ { - else if and $global.Values.mysql.enabled ( and ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "sql" ) ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.sql.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "mysql8" ) ) - } }
2022-07-07 20:11:50 +00:00
{ { - print "mysql-password" - } }
2024-03-11 19:20:43 +00:00
{ { - else if and $global.Values.postgresql.enabled ( and ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "sql" ) ( eq ( include "temporal.persistence.sql.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) "postgres12" ) ) - } }
2022-07-07 20:11:50 +00:00
{ { - print "postgresql-password" - } }
{ { - else - } }
{ { - fail ( printf "Please specify sql password or existing secret for %s store" $store ) - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.persistence.secretName" - } }
{ { - $global : = index . 0 - } }
{ { - $store : = index . 1 - } }
{ { - include ( printf "temporal.persistence.%s.secretName" ( include "temporal.persistence.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) ) ( list $global $store ) - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { - define "temporal.persistence.secretKey" - } }
{ { - $global : = index . 0 - } }
{ { - $store : = index . 1 - } }
{ { - include ( printf "temporal.persistence.%s.secretKey" ( include "temporal.persistence.driver" ( list $global $store ) ) ) ( list $global $store ) - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { / *
All Cassandra hosts.
{ { - define "cassandra.hosts" - } }
{ { - range $i : = ( until ( int . Values . cassandra . config . cluster_size ) ) } }
{ { - $cassandraName : = include "call-nested" ( list $ "cassandra" "cassandra.fullname" ) - } }
{ { - printf "%s.%s.svc.cluster.local," $cassandraName $ . Release . Namespace - } }
{ { - end } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { / *
The first Cassandra host in the stateful set.
{ { - define "cassandra.host" - } }
{ { - $cassandraName : = include "call-nested" ( list . "cassandra" "cassandra.fullname" ) - } }
{ { - printf "%s.%s.svc.cluster.local" $cassandraName . Release . Namespace - } }
{ { - end - } }
{ { / *
Based on Bitnami charts method
Renders a value that contains template.
{ { include "common.tplvalues.render" ( dict "value" . Values . path . to . the . Value "context" $ ) } }
{ { - define "common.tplvalues.render" - } }
{ { - if typeIs "string" . value } }
{ { - tpl . value . context } }
{ { - else } }
{ { - tpl ( . value | toYaml ) . context } }
{ { - end } }
{ { - end - } }