
172 lines
4.2 KiB
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2022-07-07 20:11:50 +00:00
package decor
import (
// FmtAsSpeed adds "/s" to the end of the input formatter. To be
// used with SizeB1000 or SizeB1024 types, for example:
// fmt.Printf("%.1f", FmtAsSpeed(SizeB1024(2048)))
func FmtAsSpeed(input fmt.Formatter) fmt.Formatter {
return &speedFormatter{input}
type speedFormatter struct {
func (self *speedFormatter) Format(st fmt.State, verb rune) {
self.Formatter.Format(st, verb)
io.WriteString(st, "/s")
// EwmaSpeed exponential-weighted-moving-average based speed decorator.
// For this decorator to work correctly you have to measure each
// iteration's duration and pass it to the
// *Bar.DecoratorEwmaUpdate(time.Duration) method after each increment.
func EwmaSpeed(unit int, format string, age float64, wcc ...WC) Decorator {
var average ewma.MovingAverage
if age == 0 {
average = ewma.NewMovingAverage()
} else {
average = ewma.NewMovingAverage(age)
return MovingAverageSpeed(unit, format, NewThreadSafeMovingAverage(average), wcc...)
// MovingAverageSpeed decorator relies on MovingAverage implementation
// to calculate its average.
// `unit` one of [0|UnitKiB|UnitKB] zero for no unit
// `format` printf compatible verb for value, like "%f" or "%d"
// `average` MovingAverage implementation
// `wcc` optional WC config
// format examples:
// unit=UnitKiB, format="%.1f" output: "1.0MiB/s"
// unit=UnitKiB, format="% .1f" output: "1.0 MiB/s"
// unit=UnitKB, format="%.1f" output: "1.0MB/s"
// unit=UnitKB, format="% .1f" output: "1.0 MB/s"
func MovingAverageSpeed(unit int, format string, average ewma.MovingAverage, wcc ...WC) Decorator {
if format == "" {
format = "%.0f"
d := &movingAverageSpeed{
WC: initWC(wcc...),
average: average,
producer: chooseSpeedProducer(unit, format),
return d
type movingAverageSpeed struct {
producer func(float64) string
average ewma.MovingAverage
msg string
func (d *movingAverageSpeed) Decor(s Statistics) string {
if !s.Completed {
var speed float64
if v := d.average.Value(); v > 0 {
speed = 1 / v
d.msg = d.producer(speed * 1e9)
return d.FormatMsg(d.msg)
func (d *movingAverageSpeed) EwmaUpdate(n int64, dur time.Duration) {
durPerByte := float64(dur) / float64(n)
if math.IsInf(durPerByte, 0) || math.IsNaN(durPerByte) {
// AverageSpeed decorator with dynamic unit measure adjustment. It's
// a wrapper of NewAverageSpeed.
func AverageSpeed(unit int, format string, wcc ...WC) Decorator {
return NewAverageSpeed(unit, format, time.Now(), wcc...)
// NewAverageSpeed decorator with dynamic unit measure adjustment and
// user provided start time.
// `unit` one of [0|UnitKiB|UnitKB] zero for no unit
// `format` printf compatible verb for value, like "%f" or "%d"
// `startTime` start time
// `wcc` optional WC config
// format examples:
// unit=UnitKiB, format="%.1f" output: "1.0MiB/s"
// unit=UnitKiB, format="% .1f" output: "1.0 MiB/s"
// unit=UnitKB, format="%.1f" output: "1.0MB/s"
// unit=UnitKB, format="% .1f" output: "1.0 MB/s"
func NewAverageSpeed(unit int, format string, startTime time.Time, wcc ...WC) Decorator {
if format == "" {
format = "%.0f"
d := &averageSpeed{
WC: initWC(wcc...),
startTime: startTime,
producer: chooseSpeedProducer(unit, format),
return d
type averageSpeed struct {
startTime time.Time
producer func(float64) string
msg string
func (d *averageSpeed) Decor(s Statistics) string {
if !s.Completed {
speed := float64(s.Current) / float64(time.Since(d.startTime))
d.msg = d.producer(speed * 1e9)
return d.FormatMsg(d.msg)
func (d *averageSpeed) AverageAdjust(startTime time.Time) {
d.startTime = startTime
func chooseSpeedProducer(unit int, format string) func(float64) string {
switch unit {
case UnitKiB:
return func(speed float64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(format, FmtAsSpeed(SizeB1024(math.Round(speed))))
case UnitKB:
return func(speed float64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(format, FmtAsSpeed(SizeB1000(math.Round(speed))))
return func(speed float64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(format, speed)