mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 08:58:30 +00:00
Add support for lookaside rpm import, introduce CLI and machine-to-machine callers support
Signed-off-by: Mustafa Gezen <mustafa@ctrliq.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ go_rules_dependencies()
nogo = "@peridot//:nogo",
version = "1.17.7",
version = "1.18.3",
@ -164,10 +164,10 @@ go_repositories()
# --start protoc_gen_validate--
name = "com_envoyproxy_protoc_gen_validate",
sha256 = "51ba05210a1a2940530455e01c010daa26d504f4b14855a452716772ea39090c",
strip_prefix = "protoc-gen-validate-0.6.3",
sha256 = "4c692c62e16c168049bca2b2972b0a25222870cf53e61be30b50d761e58728bd",
strip_prefix = "protoc-gen-validate-0.6.7",
urls = [
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ require (
k8s.io/api v0.22.1
k8s.io/apimachinery v0.22.1
k8s.io/client-go v0.22.1
openapi.peridot.resf.org/peridotopenapi v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000 // indirect
peridot.resf.org/common v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000
peridot.resf.org/obsidian/pb v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000
peridot.resf.org/peridot/keykeeper/pb v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000
@ -65,7 +66,10 @@ require (
// Manual replace
replace github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go v3.2.0+incompatible => github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 v4.4.2
replace (
github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go v3.2.0+incompatible => github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 v4.4.2
openapi.peridot.resf.org/peridotopenapi => ./bazel-bin/peridot/proto/v1/client_go
// sync-replace-start
replace (
@ -849,6 +849,7 @@ golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20190604053449-0f29369cfe45/go.mod h1:gOpvHmFTYa4Iltr
golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20191202225959-858c2ad4c8b6/go.mod h1:gOpvHmFTYa4IltrdGE7lF6nIHvwfUNPOp7c8zoXwtLw=
golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20200107190931-bf48bf16ab8d/go.mod h1:gOpvHmFTYa4IltrdGE7lF6nIHvwfUNPOp7c8zoXwtLw=
golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20200902213428-5d25da1a8d43/go.mod h1:KelEdhl1UZF7XfJ4dDtk6s++YSgaE7mD/BuKKDLBl4A=
golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20210218202405-ba52d332ba99/go.mod h1:KelEdhl1UZF7XfJ4dDtk6s++YSgaE7mD/BuKKDLBl4A=
golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20210819190943-2bc19b11175f h1:Qmd2pbz05z7z6lm0DrgQVVPuBm92jqujBKMHMOlOQEw=
golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20210819190943-2bc19b11175f/go.mod h1:KelEdhl1UZF7XfJ4dDtk6s++YSgaE7mD/BuKKDLBl4A=
golang.org/x/sync v0.0.0-20180314180146-1d60e4601c6f/go.mod h1:RxMgew5VJxzue5/jJTE5uejpjVlOe/izrB70Jof72aM=
@ -64,11 +64,16 @@ func init() {
pf := root.PersistentFlags()
pf.String("target.db", "", "target db to initialize")
pf.Bool("skip", false, "Whether to skip InitDB without removing it as an init container")
utils.AddFlags(pf, cnf)
func mn(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
if viper.GetBool("skip") {
ctx := context.TODO()
targetDB := viper.GetString("target.db")
@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ func callbackForwarder(callbackURL string) string {
// this section contained a callback forwarder, but cannot be published
// todo(mustafa): evaluate other ways to make it easier for dev
if env == "dev" || env == "" {
if fwd := os.Getenv("OBSIDIAN_CALLBACK_FORWARDER"); fwd != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", fwd, callbackURL)
return callbackURL
return callbackURL
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ go_library(
@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ func (c *Controller) BuildWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, req *peridotpb.SubmitBu
return nil, err
subtask, err := c.db.GetTask(uploadSRPMResult.Subtask.ID.String(), project.ID.String())
subtask, err := c.db.GetTask(uploadSRPMResult.Subtask.ID.String(), utils.Pointer(project.ID.String()))
if err != nil {
setInternalError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, err
@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ func (c *Controller) BuildWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, req *peridotpb.SubmitBu
if result.Skip {
subtask, err := c.db.GetTask(result.Subtask.ID.String(), project.ID.String())
subtask, err := c.db.GetTask(result.Subtask.ID.String(), utils.Pointer(project.ID.String()))
if err != nil {
ret.err = fmt.Errorf("failed to get task: %s", err)
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ import (
peridotpb "peridot.resf.org/peridot/pb"
@ -78,6 +79,19 @@ func archToGoArch(arch string) string {
return arch
func goArchToArch(arch string) string {
switch arch {
case "arm64":
return "aarch64"
case "ppc64le":
return "ppc64le"
case "s390x":
return "s390x"
return "x86_64"
func (c *Controller) genNameWorker(buildID, purpose string) string {
return strings.ReplaceAll(fmt.Sprintf("pb-%s-%s", buildID, purpose), "_", "-")
@ -89,13 +103,20 @@ func (c *Controller) genNameWorker(buildID, purpose string) string {
func (c *Controller) provisionWorker(ctx workflow.Context, req *ProvisionWorkerRequest) (string, func(), error) {
queue := c.mainQueue
var project *models.Project
if req.ProjectId != "" {
projects, err := c.db.ListProjects(&peridotpb.ProjectFilters{
Id: wrapperspb.String(req.ProjectId),
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("could not list projects: %v", err)
project := projects[0]
project = &projects[0]
} else {
project = &models.Project{
Archs: []string{goArchToArch(runtime.GOARCH)},
// Normalize arch string
imageArch := req.Arch
@ -149,7 +170,7 @@ func (c *Controller) provisionWorker(ctx workflow.Context, req *ProvisionWorkerR
ctx = workflow.WithChildOptions(ctx, workflow.ChildWorkflowOptions{
TaskQueue: queue,
err = workflow.ExecuteChildWorkflow(ctx, c.ProvisionWorkerWorkflow, req, queue, imageArch).Get(ctx, &podName)
err := workflow.ExecuteChildWorkflow(ctx, c.ProvisionWorkerWorkflow, req, queue, imageArch).Get(ctx, &podName)
if err != nil {
var applicationErr *temporal.ApplicationError
if errors.As(err, &applicationErr) {
@ -181,7 +202,11 @@ func (c *Controller) provisionWorker(ctx workflow.Context, req *ProvisionWorkerR
func (c *Controller) ProvisionWorkerWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, req *ProvisionWorkerRequest, queue string, imageArch string) (string, error) {
var task models.Task
taskSideEffect := workflow.SideEffect(ctx, func(ctx workflow.Context) interface{} {
task, err := c.db.CreateTask(nil, "noarch", peridotpb.TaskType_TASK_TYPE_WORKER_PROVISION, &req.ProjectId, &req.TaskId)
var projectId *string
if req.ProjectId != "" {
projectId = &req.ProjectId
task, err := c.db.CreateTask(nil, "noarch", peridotpb.TaskType_TASK_TYPE_WORKER_PROVISION, projectId, &req.TaskId)
if err != nil {
return nil
@ -192,7 +217,7 @@ func (c *Controller) ProvisionWorkerWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, req *Provisio
if err != nil {
return "", err
if !task.ProjectId.Valid {
if task.ID.String() == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("could not create task")
@ -234,7 +259,11 @@ func (c *Controller) ProvisionWorkerWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, req *Provisio
func (c *Controller) DestroyWorkerWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, req *ProvisionWorkerRequest) error {
var task models.Task
taskSideEffect := workflow.SideEffect(ctx, func(ctx workflow.Context) interface{} {
task, err := c.db.CreateTask(nil, "noarch", peridotpb.TaskType_TASK_TYPE_WORKER_DESTROY, &req.ProjectId, &req.TaskId)
var projectId *string
if req.ProjectId != "" {
projectId = &req.ProjectId
task, err := c.db.CreateTask(nil, "noarch", peridotpb.TaskType_TASK_TYPE_WORKER_DESTROY, projectId, &req.TaskId)
if err != nil {
return nil
@ -245,7 +274,7 @@ func (c *Controller) DestroyWorkerWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, req *ProvisionW
if err != nil {
return err
if !task.ProjectId.Valid {
if task.ID.String() == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("could not create task")
@ -570,6 +599,10 @@ func (c *Controller) CreateK8sPodActivity(ctx context.Context, req *ProvisionWor
Name: "BYC_NS",
Value: os.Getenv("BYC_NS"),
Value: os.Getenv("BYC_FORCE_NS"),
Value: os.Getenv("LOCALSTACK_ENDPOINT"),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
// Copyright (c) All respective contributors to the Peridot Project. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Ctrl IQ, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
// may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
// specific prior written permission.
package workflow
import (
peridotpb "peridot.resf.org/peridot/pb"
func (c *Controller) LookasideFileUploadWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, req *peridotpb.LookasideFileUploadRequest, task *models.Task) (*peridotpb.LookasideFileUploadTask, error) {
ret := &peridotpb.LookasideFileUploadTask{}
deferTask, errorDetails, err := c.commonCreateTask(task, ret)
defer deferTask()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
task.Status = peridotpb.TaskStatus_TASK_STATUS_FAILED
uploadTaskQueue, cleanupWorker, err := c.provisionWorker(ctx, &ProvisionWorkerRequest{
TaskId: task.ID.String(),
ParentTaskId: task.ParentTaskId,
Purpose: "lookaside",
Arch: "noarch",
if err != nil {
setInternalError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, err
defer cleanupWorker()
uploadCtx := workflow.WithActivityOptions(ctx, workflow.ActivityOptions{
StartToCloseTimeout: time.Hour,
HeartbeatTimeout: 20 * time.Second,
TaskQueue: uploadTaskQueue,
RetryPolicy: &temporal.RetryPolicy{
MaximumAttempts: 1,
err = workflow.ExecuteActivity(uploadCtx, c.LookasideFileUploadActivity, req, task.ID.String()).Get(ctx, ret)
if err != nil {
setActivityError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, err
task.Status = peridotpb.TaskStatus_TASK_STATUS_SUCCEEDED
return ret, nil
func (c *Controller) LookasideFileUploadActivity(ctx context.Context, req *peridotpb.LookasideFileUploadRequest, taskID string) (*peridotpb.LookasideFileUploadTask, error) {
go func() {
for {
time.Sleep(4 * time.Second)
base64DecodedFile, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.File)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hasher := sha256.New()
_, err = hasher.Write(base64DecodedFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sha256Sum := hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil))
exists, err := c.storage.Exists(sha256Sum)
if err != nil {
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "NotFound") {
return nil, err
if exists {
return &peridotpb.LookasideFileUploadTask{
Digest: sha256Sum,
}, nil
_, err = c.storage.PutObjectBytes(sha256Sum, base64DecodedFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &peridotpb.LookasideFileUploadTask{
Digest: sha256Sum,
}, nil
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ import (
yumrepofspb "peridot.resf.org/peridot/yumrepofs/pb"
@ -61,6 +62,11 @@ type RpmImportActivityTaskStage1 struct {
Build *models.Build
type RpmImportUploadWrapper struct {
Upload *UploadActivityResult
TaskID string
func (c *Controller) RpmImportWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, req *peridotpb.RpmImportRequest, task *models.Task) (*peridotpb.RpmImportTask, error) {
var ret peridotpb.RpmImportTask
deferTask, errorDetails, err := c.commonCreateTask(task, &ret)
@ -93,7 +99,7 @@ func (c *Controller) RpmImportWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, req *peridotpb.RpmI
MaximumAttempts: 1,
err = workflow.ExecuteActivity(importCtx, c.RpmImportActivity, req, task.ID.String()).Get(ctx, &importRes)
err = workflow.ExecuteActivity(importCtx, c.RpmImportActivity, req, task.ID.String(), false).Get(ctx, &importRes)
if err != nil {
setActivityError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, err
@ -149,7 +155,139 @@ func (c *Controller) RpmImportWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, req *peridotpb.RpmI
return &ret, nil
func (c *Controller) RpmImportActivity(ctx context.Context, req *peridotpb.RpmImportRequest, taskID string) (*RpmImportActivityTaskStage1, error) {
func (c *Controller) RpmLookasideBatchImportWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, req *peridotpb.RpmLookasideBatchImportRequest, task *models.Task) (*peridotpb.RpmLookasideBatchImportTask, error) {
var ret peridotpb.RpmLookasideBatchImportTask
deferTask, errorDetails, err := c.commonCreateTask(task, &ret)
defer deferTask()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
task.Status = peridotpb.TaskStatus_TASK_STATUS_FAILED
importTaskQueue, cleanupWorker, err := c.provisionWorker(ctx, &ProvisionWorkerRequest{
TaskId: task.ID.String(),
ParentTaskId: task.ParentTaskId,
Purpose: "batchrpmimport",
Arch: "noarch",
ProjectId: req.ProjectId,
if err != nil {
setInternalError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, err
defer cleanupWorker()
taskID := task.ID.String()
var importResults []*RpmImportActivityTaskStage1
var taskIDs []string
taskIDBuildMap := map[string]*RpmImportActivityTaskStage1{}
for _, blob := range req.LookasideBlobs {
var archTask models.Task
archTaskEffect := workflow.SideEffect(ctx, func(ctx workflow.Context) interface{} {
newTask, err := c.db.CreateTask(nil, "noarch", peridotpb.TaskType_TASK_TYPE_RPM_IMPORT, &req.ProjectId, &taskID)
if err != nil {
return &models.Task{}
_ = c.db.SetTaskStatus(newTask.ID.String(), peridotpb.TaskStatus_TASK_STATUS_RUNNING)
return newTask
err := archTaskEffect.Get(&archTask)
if err != nil || !archTask.ProjectId.Valid {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create rpm task: %s", err)
taskIDs = append(taskIDs, archTask.ID.String())
var importRes RpmImportActivityTaskStage1
importCtx := workflow.WithActivityOptions(ctx, workflow.ActivityOptions{
StartToCloseTimeout: time.Hour,
HeartbeatTimeout: 20 * time.Second,
TaskQueue: importTaskQueue,
RetryPolicy: &temporal.RetryPolicy{
MaximumAttempts: 1,
blobReq := &peridotpb.RpmImportRequest{
ProjectId: req.ProjectId,
Rpms: blob,
ForceOverride: req.ForceOverride,
err = workflow.ExecuteActivity(importCtx, c.RpmImportActivity, blobReq, archTask.ID.String(), true).Get(ctx, &importRes)
if err != nil {
setActivityError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, err
importResults = append(importResults, &importRes)
taskIDBuildMap[archTask.ID.String()] = &importRes
var res []*RpmImportUploadWrapper
for _, importTaskID := range taskIDs {
uploadArchCtx := workflow.WithActivityOptions(ctx, workflow.ActivityOptions{
ScheduleToStartTimeout: 12 * time.Hour,
StartToCloseTimeout: 24 * time.Hour,
HeartbeatTimeout: 2 * time.Minute,
TaskQueue: importTaskQueue,
var interimRes []*UploadActivityResult
err = workflow.ExecuteActivity(uploadArchCtx, c.UploadArchActivity, req.ProjectId, importTaskID).Get(ctx, &interimRes)
if err != nil {
setActivityError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, err
for _, ires := range interimRes {
res = append(res, &RpmImportUploadWrapper{
Upload: ires,
TaskID: importTaskID,
for _, result := range res {
stage1 := taskIDBuildMap[result.TaskID]
if stage1 == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find task %s", result.TaskID)
err = c.db.AttachTaskToBuild(stage1.Build.ID.String(), result.Upload.Subtask.ID.String())
if err != nil {
err = status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "could not attach task to build: %v", err)
setInternalError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, err
if result.Upload.Skip {
yumrepoCtx := workflow.WithChildOptions(ctx, workflow.ChildWorkflowOptions{
TaskQueue: "yumrepofs",
updateRepoRequest := &UpdateRepoRequest{
ProjectID: req.ProjectId,
BuildIDs: []string{},
Delete: false,
TaskID: &taskID,
NoDeletePrevious: true,
for _, importRes := range importResults {
updateRepoRequest.BuildIDs = append(updateRepoRequest.BuildIDs, importRes.Build.ID.String())
updateRepoTask := &yumrepofspb.UpdateRepoTask{}
err = workflow.ExecuteChildWorkflow(yumrepoCtx, c.RepoUpdaterWorkflow, updateRepoRequest).Get(yumrepoCtx, updateRepoTask)
if err != nil {
setActivityError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, err
task.Status = peridotpb.TaskStatus_TASK_STATUS_SUCCEEDED
ret.RepoChanges = updateRepoTask
return &ret, nil
func (c *Controller) RpmImportActivity(ctx context.Context, req *peridotpb.RpmImportRequest, taskID string, setTaskStatus bool) (*RpmImportActivityTaskStage1, error) {
go func() {
for {
@ -164,9 +302,12 @@ func (c *Controller) RpmImportActivity(ctx context.Context, req *peridotpb.RpmIm
var rpms []*rpm.Package
rpmBufs := map[string][]byte{}
if strings.HasSuffix(req.Rpms, ".tar") {
c.log.Infof("Reading tar: %s", req.Rpms)
rpmBufs := map[string][]byte{}
tr := tar.NewReader(&buf)
for {
hdr, err := tr.Next()
@ -183,7 +324,6 @@ func (c *Controller) RpmImportActivity(ctx context.Context, req *peridotpb.RpmIm
c.log.Infof("Detected RPM: %s", hdr.Name)
rpmBufs[hdr.Name] = nBuf.Bytes()
var rpms []*rpm.Package
for _, b := range rpmBufs {
p, err := rpm.Read(bytes.NewBuffer(b))
if err != nil {
@ -191,16 +331,38 @@ func (c *Controller) RpmImportActivity(ctx context.Context, req *peridotpb.RpmIm
rpms = append(rpms, p)
} else {
c.log.Infof("Reading RPM: %s", req.Rpms)
p, err := rpm.Read(&buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rpms = append(rpms, p)
realName := p.String() + ".rpm"
if p.SourceRPM() == "" && p.Architecture() == "i686" {
realName = strings.ReplaceAll(realName, ".i686", ".src")
rpmBufs[realName] = bts
var nvr string
for _, rpmObj := range rpms {
realNvr := rpmObj.String()
if rpmObj.SourceRPM() == "" && rpmObj.Architecture() == "i686" {
realNvr = strings.ReplaceAll(realNvr, ".i686", ".src")
if nvr == "" {
nvr = rpmObj.SourceRPM()
if nvr == "" && rpmObj.Architecture() == "i686" {
nvr = realNvr
if nvr != rpmObj.SourceRPM() {
} else {
if nvr != rpmObj.SourceRPM() && nvr != fmt.Sprintf("%s.rpm", realNvr) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("only include RPMs from one package")
if !rpmutils.NVR().MatchString(nvr) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid SNVR: %s", nvr)
@ -307,6 +469,14 @@ func (c *Controller) RpmImportActivity(ctx context.Context, req *peridotpb.RpmIm
if setTaskStatus {
err = tx.SetTaskStatus(taskID, peridotpb.TaskStatus_TASK_STATUS_SUCCEEDED)
if err != nil {
err = status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "could not set task status: %v", err)
return nil, err
err = beginTx.Commit()
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "could not commit transaction: %v", err)
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ import (
peridotpb "peridot.resf.org/peridot/pb"
const (
@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ func (c *Controller) commonCreateTask(task *models.Task, taskResponse proto.Mess
c.log.Errorf("could not set task status: %v", err)
taskDb, err := c.db.GetTask(task.ID.String(), task.ProjectId.String)
taskDb, err := c.db.GetTask(task.ID.String(), utils.NullStringToPointer(task.ProjectId))
if err != nil {
c.log.Errorf("could not get task: %v", err)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary", "go_library")
name = "peridot_lib",
srcs = [
data = [
importpath = "peridot.resf.org/peridot/cmd/v1/peridot",
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
deps = [
name = "peridot",
embed = [":peridot_lib"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
// Copyright (c) All respective contributors to the Peridot Project. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Ctrl IQ, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
// may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
// specific prior written permission.
package main
import "github.com/spf13/cobra"
var build = &cobra.Command{
Use: "build",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
// Copyright (c) All respective contributors to the Peridot Project. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Ctrl IQ, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
// may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
// specific prior written permission.
package main
import (
type LookasideUploadTask struct {
Task struct {
Subtasks []struct {
Response struct {
Digest string `json:"digest"`
} `json:"response"`
} `json:"subtasks"`
} `json:"task"`
var buildRpmImport = &cobra.Command{
Use: "rpm-import [*.rpm]",
Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1),
Run: buildRpmImportMn,
var buildRpmImportForceOverride bool
func init() {
buildRpmImport.Flags().BoolVar(&buildRpmImportForceOverride, "force-override", true, "Force override even if version exists (default: true)")
func isFile(path string) bool {
if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
return false
return true
func buildRpmImportMn(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Ensure project id exists
projectId := mustGetProjectID()
_ = projectId
// Ensure all args are valid files
for _, arg := range args {
if !isFile(arg) {
log.Fatalf("%s is not a valid file", arg)
// Upload blobs to lookaside and wait for operation to finish
var operations []string
projectCl := getClient(serviceProject).(peridotopenapi.ProjectServiceApi)
for _, arg := range args {
bts, err := ioutil.ReadFile(arg)
base64EncodedBytes := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bts)
res, _, err := projectCl.LookasideFileUpload(getContext()).Body(peridotopenapi.V1LookasideFileUploadRequest{
File: &base64EncodedBytes,
log.Printf("Uploading %s to lookaside with task id %s\n", arg, res.GetTaskId())
operations = append(operations, res.GetTaskId())
log.Println("Waiting for upload tasks to finish...")
// Wait for tasks to reach success state
taskCl := getClient(serviceTask).(peridotopenapi.TaskServiceApi)
var doneOperations []string
var blobs []string
for {
didBreak := false
for _, op := range operations {
log.Printf("Waiting for %s to finish\n", op)
if len(doneOperations) == len(operations) {
didBreak = true
if utils.StrContains(op, doneOperations) {
res, resp, err := taskCl.GetTask(getContext(), "global", op).Execute()
task := res.GetTask()
if task.GetDone() {
subtask := task.GetSubtasks()[0]
if subtask.GetStatus() == peridotopenapi.SUCCEEDED {
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
var subtaskFull LookasideUploadTask
errFatal(json.Unmarshal(b, &subtaskFull))
blobs = append(blobs, subtaskFull.Task.Subtasks[0].Response.Digest)
doneOperations = append(doneOperations, op)
log.Printf("Task %s finished successfully\n", op)
} else if subtask.GetStatus() != peridotopenapi.RUNNING || subtask.GetStatus() != peridotopenapi.PENDING {
errFatal(fmt.Errorf("subtask %s failed with status %s", op, subtask.GetStatus()))
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
if didBreak {
log.Println("Upload tasks finished")
log.Println("Triggering RPM batch import")
cl := getClient(serviceBuild).(peridotopenapi.BuildServiceApi)
_, _, err := cl.RpmLookasideBatchImport(getContext(), projectId).
LookasideBlobs: &blobs,
ForceOverride: &buildRpmImportForceOverride,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
// Copyright (c) All respective contributors to the Peridot Project. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Ctrl IQ, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
// may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
// specific prior written permission.
package main
import "github.com/spf13/cobra"
var lookaside = &cobra.Command{
Use: "lookaside",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
// Copyright (c) All respective contributors to the Peridot Project. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Ctrl IQ, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
// may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
// specific prior written permission.
package main
import (
var lookasideUpload = &cobra.Command{
Use: "upload [file]",
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
Run: lookasideUploadMn,
func lookasideUploadMn(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) {
filePath := args[0]
stat, err := os.Stat(filePath)
if stat.IsDir() {
errFatal(fmt.Errorf("%s is a directory", filePath))
bts, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
base64EncodedBytes := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bts)
cl := getClient(serviceProject).(peridotopenapi.ProjectServiceApi)
_, _, err = cl.LookasideFileUpload(getContext()).Body(peridotopenapi.V1LookasideFileUploadRequest{
File: &base64EncodedBytes,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
// Copyright (c) All respective contributors to the Peridot Project. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Ctrl IQ, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
// may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
// specific prior written permission.
package main
import (
var root = &cobra.Command{
Use: "peridot",
func init() {
root.PersistentFlags().String("endpoint", "peridot-api.build.resf.org", "Peridot API endpoint")
root.PersistentFlags().String("hdr-endpoint", "hdr.build.resf.org", "RESF OIDC endpoint")
root.PersistentFlags().Bool("skip-ca-verify", false, "Whether to accept self-signed certificates")
root.PersistentFlags().String("client-id", "", "Client ID for authentication")
root.PersistentFlags().String("client-secret", "", "Client secret for authentication")
root.PersistentFlags().String("project-id", "", "Peridot project ID")
root.PersistentFlags().Bool("debug", false, "Debug mode")
viper.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer(".", "_", "-", "_"))
err := viper.BindPFlags(root.PersistentFlags())
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("could not bind pflags to viper - %s", err)
func main() {
if err := root.Execute(); err != nil {
func endpoint() string {
return viper.GetString("endpoint")
func hdrEndpoint() string {
return viper.GetString("hdr-endpoint")
func skipCaVerify() bool {
return viper.GetBool("skip-ca-verify")
func getClientId() string {
return viper.GetString("client-id")
func getClientSecret() string {
return viper.GetString("client-secret")
func mustGetProjectID() string {
ret := viper.GetString("project-id")
if ret == "" {
logrus.Fatal("project-id is required")
return ret
func debug() bool {
return viper.GetBool("debug")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
// Copyright (c) All respective contributors to the Peridot Project. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Ctrl IQ, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
// may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
// specific prior written permission.
package main
import (
type service string
const (
serviceProject = service("project")
serviceImport = service("import")
servicePackage = service("package")
serviceBuild = service("build")
serviceTask = service("task")
var (
doNotUseDirectlyClient map[service]interface{}
doNotUseDirectlyCtx context.Context
func getClient(svc service) interface{} {
if doNotUseDirectlyClient != nil {
return doNotUseDirectlyClient[svc]
doNotUseDirectlyClient = make(map[service]interface{})
tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
// We should allow users to configure this.
InsecureSkipVerify: skipCaVerify(), //nolint:gosec
apiCfg := &peridotopenapi.Configuration{
Debug: debug(),
Host: endpoint(),
Scheme: "https",
UserAgent: "peridot/0.1",
HTTPClient: &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig,
DefaultHeader: map[string]string{},
Servers: peridotopenapi.ServerConfigurations{
URL: "https://" + endpoint(),
OperationServers: map[string]peridotopenapi.ServerConfigurations{},
apiClient := peridotopenapi.NewAPIClient(apiCfg)
doNotUseDirectlyClient[serviceProject] = apiClient.ProjectServiceApi
doNotUseDirectlyClient[serviceImport] = apiClient.ImportServiceApi
doNotUseDirectlyClient[servicePackage] = apiClient.PackageServiceApi
doNotUseDirectlyClient[serviceBuild] = apiClient.BuildServiceApi
doNotUseDirectlyClient[serviceTask] = apiClient.TaskServiceApi
return doNotUseDirectlyClient[svc]
func getContext() context.Context {
if doNotUseDirectlyCtx == nil {
doNotUseDirectlyCtx = context.TODO()
oauth2Config := &clientcredentials.Config{
ClientID: getClientId(),
ClientSecret: getClientSecret(),
// We don't currently support scopes, but authorize based on SpiceDB.
// Lack of scopes does not indicate that client has full access, but
// that we're managing access server sides and scopes doesn't affect that.
Scopes: []string{},
TokenURL: fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/oauth2/token", hdrEndpoint()),
AuthStyle: oauth2.AuthStyleInHeader,
tokenSource := oauth2Config.TokenSource(doNotUseDirectlyCtx)
doNotUseDirectlyCtx = context.WithValue(doNotUseDirectlyCtx, peridotopenapi.ContextOAuth2, tokenSource)
return doNotUseDirectlyCtx
func errFatal(err error) {
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("an error occurred: %s", err.Error())
@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ func mn(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
db := serverconnector.MustAuto()
var initiatedPlugins []plugin.Plugin
if projectId != "" {
plugins, err := db.GetPluginsForProject(projectId)
if err != nil {
logrus.Fatalf("could not get plugins: %v", err)
@ -117,6 +118,7 @@ func mn(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
logrus.Fatalf("could not initiate plugins: %v", err)
keykeeperConn, err := grpc.Dial(servicecatalog.KeykeeperGrpc(), grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecure.NewCredentials()))
if err != nil {
@ -156,6 +158,9 @@ func mn(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
// RPM Import
// Lookaside
// Yumrepofs
@ -104,7 +104,9 @@ func mn(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ type Access interface {
// ListTasks returns only parent tasks
ListTasks(projectId *string, page int32, limit int32) (models.Tasks, error)
// GetTask returns a parent task as well as all it's child tasks
GetTask(id string, projectId string) (models.Tasks, error)
GetTask(id string, projectId *string) (models.Tasks, error)
// GetTaskByBuildId returns the task of a build (only parent task)
GetTaskByBuildId(buildId string) (*models.Task, error)
AttachTaskToBuild(buildId string, taskId string) error
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ func (a *Access) SetTaskMetadata(id string, metadata *anypb.Any) error {
return err
func (a *Access) GetTask(id string, projectId string) (ret models.Tasks, err error) {
func (a *Access) GetTask(id string, projectId *string) (ret models.Tasks, err error) {
err = a.query.Select(
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ func (a *Access) GetTask(id string, projectId string) (ret models.Tasks, err err
select * from tasks
id = $1
and project_id = $2
and ($2 :: uuid is null or project_id = $2 :: uuid)
union all
select t.* from tasks t
join task_query tq on tq.id = t.parent_task_id
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ go_library(
@ -567,3 +567,77 @@ func (s *Server) RpmImport(ctx context.Context, req *peridotpb.RpmImportRequest)
Done: false,
}, nil
func (s *Server) RpmLookasideBatchImport(ctx context.Context, req *peridotpb.RpmLookasideBatchImportRequest) (*peridotpb.AsyncTask, error) {
if err := req.ValidateAll(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := s.checkPermission(ctx, ObjectProject, req.ProjectId, PermissionBuild); err != nil {
return nil, err
user, err := utils.UserFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
projects, err := s.db.ListProjects(&peridotpb.ProjectFilters{
Id: wrapperspb.String(req.ProjectId),
if err != nil {
s.log.Errorf("could not list projects in RpmLookasideBatchImport: %v", err)
return nil, utils.InternalError
if len(projects) != 1 {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "project %s does not exist", req.ProjectId)
rollback := true
beginTx, err := s.db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return nil, utils.InternalError
defer func() {
if rollback {
_ = beginTx.Rollback()
tx := s.db.UseTransaction(beginTx)
task, err := tx.CreateTask(user, "noarch", peridotpb.TaskType_TASK_TYPE_RPM_LOOKASIDE_BATCH_IMPORT, &req.ProjectId, nil)
if err != nil {
s.log.Errorf("could not create build task in RpmImport: %v", err)
return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "could not create rpm import task")
taskProto, err := task.ToProto(true)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "could not marshal task: %v", err)
rollback = false
err = beginTx.Commit()
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, "could not save, try again")
_, err = s.temporal.ExecuteWorkflow(
TaskQueue: MainTaskQueue,
if err != nil {
s.log.Errorf("could not start rpm lookaside batch import workflow in RpmImport: %v", err)
return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, "could not start rpm lookaside batch import workflow")
return &peridotpb.AsyncTask{
TaskId: task.ID.String(),
Subtasks: []*peridotpb.Subtask{taskProto},
Done: false,
}, nil
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ func (s *Server) ListProjects(ctx context.Context, req *peridotpb.ListProjectsRe
projects, err := s.db.ListProjects(&peridotpb.ProjectFilters{
Ids: resources,
Ids: utils.Take[string](resources, "global"),
if err != nil {
s.log.Errorf("could not list projects: %v", err)
@ -403,3 +403,69 @@ func (s *Server) CreateHashedRepositories(ctx context.Context, req *peridotpb.Cr
Done: false,
}, nil
func (s *Server) LookasideFileUpload(ctx context.Context, req *peridotpb.LookasideFileUploadRequest) (*peridotpb.AsyncTask, error) {
if err := req.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := s.checkPermission(ctx, ObjectGlobal, ObjectIdPeridot, PermissionManage); err != nil {
return nil, err
user, err := utils.UserFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rollback := true
beginTx, err := s.db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return nil, utils.InternalError
defer func() {
if rollback {
_ = beginTx.Rollback()
tx := s.db.UseTransaction(beginTx)
task, err := tx.CreateTask(user, "noarch", peridotpb.TaskType_TASK_TYPE_LOOKASIDE_FILE_UPLOAD, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
s.log.Errorf("could not create task: %v", err)
return nil, utils.InternalError
taskProto, err := task.ToProto(false)
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "could not marshal task: %v", err)
rollback = false
err = beginTx.Commit()
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, "could not save, try again")
_, err = s.temporal.ExecuteWorkflow(
ID: task.ID.String(),
TaskQueue: MainTaskQueue,
if err != nil {
s.log.Errorf("could not start workflow: %v", err)
_ = s.db.SetTaskStatus(task.ID.String(), peridotpb.TaskStatus_TASK_STATUS_FAILED)
return nil, err
return &peridotpb.AsyncTask{
TaskId: task.ID.String(),
Subtasks: []*peridotpb.Subtask{taskProto},
Done: false,
}, nil
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import (
@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ type Server struct {
temporalWorker *builderv1.Worker
authz *authzed.Client
hydra *hydraclient.OryHydra
hydraAdmin *hydraclient.OryHydra
func NewServer(db peridotdb.Access, c client.Client) (*Server, error) {
@ -104,13 +106,22 @@ func NewServer(db peridotdb.Access, c client.Client) (*Server, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse hydra public url, error: %s", err)
hydraSDK := hydraclient.NewHTTPClientWithConfig(nil, &hydraclient.TransportConfig{
Schemes: []string{publicURL.Scheme},
Host: publicURL.Host,
BasePath: publicURL.Path,
adminURL, err := url.Parse(servicecatalog.HydraAdmin())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse hydra admin url, error: %s", err)
hydraAdminSDK := hydraclient.NewHTTPClientWithConfig(nil, &hydraclient.TransportConfig{
Schemes: []string{adminURL.Scheme},
Host: adminURL.Host,
BasePath: adminURL.Path,
return &Server{
log: logrus.New(),
db: db,
@ -118,19 +129,20 @@ func NewServer(db peridotdb.Access, c client.Client) (*Server, error) {
temporalWorker: temporalWorker,
authz: authz,
hydra: hydraSDK,
hydraAdmin: hydraAdminSDK,
}, nil
func (s *Server) interceptor(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, usi *grpc.UnaryServerInfo, handler grpc.UnaryHandler) (interface{}, error) {
n := utils.EndInterceptor
n = utils.AuthInterceptor(s.hydra, []string{}, false, n)
n = utils.AuthInterceptor(s.hydra, s.hydraAdmin, []string{}, false, n)
return n(ctx, req, usi, handler)
func (s *Server) serverInterceptor(srv interface{}, ss grpc.ServerStream, info *grpc.StreamServerInfo, handler grpc.StreamHandler) error {
n := utils.ServerEndInterceptor
n = utils.ServerAuthInterceptor(s.hydra, []string{}, false, n)
n = utils.ServerAuthInterceptor(s.hydra, s.hydraAdmin, []string{}, false, n)
return n(srv, ss, info, handler)
@ -138,6 +150,10 @@ func (s *Server) serverInterceptor(srv interface{}, ss grpc.ServerStream, info *
func (s *Server) Run() {
res := utils.NewGRPCServer(
DialOptions: []grpc.DialOption{
grpc.WithDefaultCallOptions(grpc.MaxCallRecvMsgSize(1024 * 1024 * 1024)),
ServerOptions: []grpc.ServerOption{
@ -51,9 +51,14 @@ func (s *Server) ListTasks(ctx context.Context, req *peridotpb.ListTasksRequest)
return nil, err
var projectId *string
if req.ProjectId.Value != "global" {
projectId = &req.ProjectId.Value
page := utils.MinPage(req.Page)
limit := utils.MinLimit(req.Limit)
tasks, err := s.db.ListTasks(&req.ProjectId.Value, page, limit)
tasks, err := s.db.ListTasks(projectId, page, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, utils.InternalError
@ -61,12 +66,6 @@ func (s *Server) ListTasks(ctx context.Context, req *peridotpb.ListTasksRequest)
var total int64
if len(tasks) > 0 {
total = tasks[0].Total
} else {
total, err = s.db.ImportCountInProject(req.ProjectId.Value)
if err != nil {
s.log.Errorf("could not count imports: %v", err)
return nil, utils.CouldNotRetrieveObjects
var asyncTasks []*peridotpb.AsyncTask
@ -98,7 +97,12 @@ func (s *Server) GetTask(ctx context.Context, req *peridotpb.GetTaskRequest) (*p
return nil, err
tasks, err := s.db.GetTask(req.Id, req.ProjectId.Value)
var projectId *string
if req.ProjectId.Value != "global" {
projectId = &req.ProjectId.Value
tasks, err := s.db.GetTask(req.Id, projectId)
if err != nil {
return nil, utils.InternalError
@ -135,12 +139,16 @@ func (s *Server) StreamTaskLogs(req *peridotpb.StreamTaskLogsRequest, stream per
var taskId *string = nil
var parentTaskId *string = nil
var projectId *string
if req.ProjectId != "global" {
projectId = &req.ProjectId
if req.Parent {
parentTaskId = &req.Id
} else {
taskId = &req.Id
_, err := s.db.GetTask(req.Id, req.ProjectId)
_, err := s.db.GetTask(req.Id, projectId)
if err != nil {
s.log.Errorf("error getting task: %s", err)
return utils.InternalError
@ -173,7 +181,7 @@ func (s *Server) StreamTaskLogs(req *peridotpb.StreamTaskLogsRequest, stream per
task, err := s.db.GetTask(req.Id, req.ProjectId)
task, err := s.db.GetTask(req.Id, projectId)
if err != nil {
s.log.Errorf("error getting task: %s", err)
return utils.InternalError
@ -189,11 +197,23 @@ func (s *Server) CancelTask(ctx context.Context, req *peridotpb.CancelTaskReques
if err := req.ValidateAll(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if req.ProjectId == "global" {
if err := s.checkPermission(ctx, ObjectGlobal, ObjectIdPeridot, PermissionManage); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
if err := s.checkPermission(ctx, ObjectProject, req.ProjectId, PermissionBuild); err != nil {
return nil, err
tasks, err := s.db.GetTask(req.Id, req.ProjectId)
var projectId *string
if req.ProjectId != "global" {
projectId = &req.ProjectId
tasks, err := s.db.GetTask(req.Id, projectId)
if err != nil {
return nil, utils.InternalError
@ -0,0 +1 @@
alter table tasks alter column project_id set not null;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
alter table tasks alter column project_id drop not null;
@ -70,6 +70,18 @@ openapi_generator(
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name = "client_go",
additional_properties = {
"packageName": "peridotopenapi",
"generateInterfaces": "true",
"hideGenerationTimestamp": "true",
generator = "go",
spec = ":openapi",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name = "pb",
embed = [":peridotpb_go_proto"],
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ service BuildService {
// RpmImport imports rpm files into a project
// RpmImport imports rpm files into a project (packaged into tar format)
rpc RpmImport(RpmImportRequest) returns (AsyncTask) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/projects/{project_id=*}/builds/rpm-import"
@ -76,6 +76,18 @@ service BuildService {
metadata_type: "RpmImportOperationMetadata"
// RpmLookasideBatchImport imports rpm files into a project (stored in Lookaside)
rpc RpmLookasideBatchImport(RpmLookasideBatchImportRequest) returns (AsyncTask) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/projects/{project_id=*}/builds/rpm-lookaside-batch-import"
body: "*"
option (resf.peridot.v1.task_info) = {
response_type: "RpmLookasideBatchImportTask"
metadata_type: "RpmLookasideBatchImportOperationMetadata"
message Build {
@ -342,3 +354,26 @@ message RpmImportTask {
message RpmImportOperationMetadata {
string package_name = 1;
message RpmLookasideBatchImportRequest {
string project_id = 1;
// Rpms
// Previously uploaded RPM tarball
repeated string lookaside_blobs = 2;
// Force override
// Overwrite existing RPMs even if NVRA is locked
// Useful for secure boot scenarios for example
bool force_override = 3;
message RpmLookasideBatchImportTask {
resf.peridot.yumrepofs.v1.UpdateRepoTask repo_changes = 1;
message RpmLookasideBatchImportOperationMetadata {
repeated string package_names = 1;
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ service PackageService {
// for a specific package
enum PackageType {
// Unknown value. Should never be used
// Normal packages from downstream dist-git
// The repos are imported as-is
@ -75,6 +75,13 @@ service ProjectService {
body: "*"
rpc LookasideFileUpload(LookasideFileUploadRequest) returns (resf.peridot.v1.AsyncTask) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/lookaside"
body: "*"
// Project is a contained RPM distribution
@ -291,3 +298,10 @@ message CreateHashedRepositoriesRequest {
message CreateHashedRepositoriesTask {
repeated string repo_revisions = 1;
message LookasideFileUploadRequest {
string file = 1 [(validate.rules).string.min_bytes = 1];
message LookasideFileUploadTask {
string digest = 1;
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ service TaskService {
enum TaskType {
@ -71,6 +71,8 @@ enum TaskType {
enum TaskStatus {
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ func NewServer(db db.Access) *Server {
func (s *Server) interceptor(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, usi *grpc.UnaryServerInfo, handler grpc.UnaryHandler) (interface{}, error) {
n := utils.EndInterceptor
n = utils.AuthInterceptor(s.hydra, []string{}, true, n)
n = utils.AuthInterceptor(s.hydra, nil, []string{}, true, n)
return n(ctx, req, usi, handler)
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ go_library(
@ -32,10 +32,13 @@ package utils
import (
@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ func ServerEndInterceptor(srv interface{}, ss grpc.ServerStream, _ *grpc.StreamS
return handler(srv, ss)
func checkAuth(ctx context.Context, hydraSDK *client.OryHydra) (context.Context, error) {
func checkAuth(ctx context.Context, hydraSDK *client.OryHydra, hydraAdmin *client.OryHydra) (context.Context, error) {
// fetch metadata from grpc
meta, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(ctx)
if !ok {
@ -99,6 +102,22 @@ func checkAuth(ctx context.Context, hydraSDK *client.OryHydra) (context.Context,
if err != nil {
return ctx, err
if userInfo.Payload.Sub == "" && hydraAdmin != nil {
introspect, err := hydraAdmin.Admin.IntrospectOAuth2Token(
Context: ctx,
Token: authToken[1],
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("error introspecting token: %s", err)
return ctx, status.Errorf(codes.Unauthenticated, "invalid authorization token")
userInfo.Payload.Sub = introspect.Payload.ClientID
userInfo.Payload.Name = introspect.Payload.Sub
userInfo.Payload.Email = fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", introspect.Payload.Sub, "serviceaccount.resf.org")
// supply subject and token to further requests
pairs := metadata.Pairs("x-user-id", userInfo.Payload.Sub, "x-user-name", userInfo.Payload.Name, "x-user-email", userInfo.Payload.Email, "x-auth-token", authToken[1])
@ -108,12 +127,12 @@ func checkAuth(ctx context.Context, hydraSDK *client.OryHydra) (context.Context,
// AuthInterceptor requires OAuth2 authentication for all routes except listed
func AuthInterceptor(hydraSDK *client.OryHydra, excludedMethods []string, enforce bool, next InterceptorFunc) InterceptorFunc {
func AuthInterceptor(hydraSDK *client.OryHydra, hydraAdminSDK *client.OryHydra, excludedMethods []string, enforce bool, next InterceptorFunc) InterceptorFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, usi *grpc.UnaryServerInfo, handler grpc.UnaryHandler) (interface{}, error) {
// skip authentication for excluded methods
if !StrContains(usi.FullMethod, excludedMethods) {
var err error
if ctx, err = checkAuth(ctx, hydraSDK); err != nil {
if ctx, err = checkAuth(ctx, hydraSDK, hydraAdminSDK); err != nil {
if enforce {
return nil, err
@ -132,7 +151,7 @@ type serverStream struct {
func (ss *serverStream) Context() context.Context {
return ss.ctx
func ServerAuthInterceptor(hydraSDK *client.OryHydra, excludedMethods []string, enforce bool, next ServerInterceptorFunc) ServerInterceptorFunc {
func ServerAuthInterceptor(hydraSDK *client.OryHydra, hydraAdminSDK *client.OryHydra, excludedMethods []string, enforce bool, next ServerInterceptorFunc) ServerInterceptorFunc {
return func(srv interface{}, ss grpc.ServerStream, info *grpc.StreamServerInfo, handler grpc.StreamHandler) error {
newStream := serverStream{
ServerStream: ss,
@ -142,7 +161,7 @@ func ServerAuthInterceptor(hydraSDK *client.OryHydra, excludedMethods []string,
if !StrContains(info.FullMethod, excludedMethods) {
var ctx context.Context
var err error
if ctx, err = checkAuth(ss.Context(), hydraSDK); err != nil {
if ctx, err = checkAuth(ss.Context(), hydraSDK, hydraAdminSDK); err != nil {
if enforce {
return err
@ -102,6 +102,14 @@ func NullTimeToTimestamppb(t sql.NullTime) *timestamppb.Timestamp {
return timestamppb.New(t.Time)
func NullStringToPointer(s sql.NullString) *string {
if !s.Valid {
return nil
return &s.String
func Int64(i int64) *int64 {
return &i
@ -109,3 +117,7 @@ func Int64(i int64) *int64 {
func Bool(b bool) *bool {
return &b
func Pointer[T any](t T) *T {
return &t
@ -50,3 +50,14 @@ func IntersectString(a, b []string) []string {
return c
func Take[T comparable](a []T, x T) []T {
var n []T
for _, v := range a {
if v != x {
n = append(n, v)
return n
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_library")
name = "clientcredentials",
srcs = ["clientcredentials.go"],
importmap = "peridot.resf.org/vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2/clientcredentials",
importpath = "golang.org/x/oauth2/clientcredentials",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package clientcredentials implements the OAuth2.0 "client credentials" token flow,
// also known as the "two-legged OAuth 2.0".
// This should be used when the client is acting on its own behalf or when the client
// is the resource owner. It may also be used when requesting access to protected
// resources based on an authorization previously arranged with the authorization
// server.
// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.4
package clientcredentials // import "golang.org/x/oauth2/clientcredentials"
import (
// Config describes a 2-legged OAuth2 flow, with both the
// client application information and the server's endpoint URLs.
type Config struct {
// ClientID is the application's ID.
ClientID string
// ClientSecret is the application's secret.
ClientSecret string
// TokenURL is the resource server's token endpoint
// URL. This is a constant specific to each server.
TokenURL string
// Scope specifies optional requested permissions.
Scopes []string
// EndpointParams specifies additional parameters for requests to the token endpoint.
EndpointParams url.Values
// AuthStyle optionally specifies how the endpoint wants the
// client ID & client secret sent. The zero value means to
// auto-detect.
AuthStyle oauth2.AuthStyle
// Token uses client credentials to retrieve a token.
// The provided context optionally controls which HTTP client is used. See the oauth2.HTTPClient variable.
func (c *Config) Token(ctx context.Context) (*oauth2.Token, error) {
return c.TokenSource(ctx).Token()
// Client returns an HTTP client using the provided token.
// The token will auto-refresh as necessary.
// The provided context optionally controls which HTTP client
// is returned. See the oauth2.HTTPClient variable.
// The returned Client and its Transport should not be modified.
func (c *Config) Client(ctx context.Context) *http.Client {
return oauth2.NewClient(ctx, c.TokenSource(ctx))
// TokenSource returns a TokenSource that returns t until t expires,
// automatically refreshing it as necessary using the provided context and the
// client ID and client secret.
// Most users will use Config.Client instead.
func (c *Config) TokenSource(ctx context.Context) oauth2.TokenSource {
source := &tokenSource{
ctx: ctx,
conf: c,
return oauth2.ReuseTokenSource(nil, source)
type tokenSource struct {
ctx context.Context
conf *Config
// Token refreshes the token by using a new client credentials request.
// tokens received this way do not include a refresh token
func (c *tokenSource) Token() (*oauth2.Token, error) {
v := url.Values{
"grant_type": {"client_credentials"},
if len(c.conf.Scopes) > 0 {
v.Set("scope", strings.Join(c.conf.Scopes, " "))
for k, p := range c.conf.EndpointParams {
// Allow grant_type to be overridden to allow interoperability with
// non-compliant implementations.
if _, ok := v[k]; ok && k != "grant_type" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("oauth2: cannot overwrite parameter %q", k)
v[k] = p
tk, err := internal.RetrieveToken(c.ctx, c.conf.ClientID, c.conf.ClientSecret, c.conf.TokenURL, v, internal.AuthStyle(c.conf.AuthStyle))
if err != nil {
if rErr, ok := err.(*internal.RetrieveError); ok {
return nil, (*oauth2.RetrieveError)(rErr)
return nil, err
t := &oauth2.Token{
AccessToken: tk.AccessToken,
TokenType: tk.TokenType,
RefreshToken: tk.RefreshToken,
Expiry: tk.Expiry,
return t.WithExtra(tk.Raw), nil
@ -588,6 +588,7 @@ golang.org/x/net/trace
## explicit
@ -981,6 +982,9 @@ k8s.io/client-go/util/workqueue
# k8s.io/utils v0.0.0-20210707171843-4b05e18ac7d9
# openapi.peridot.resf.org/peridotopenapi v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000 => ./bazel-bin/peridot/proto/v1/client_go
## explicit
# peridot.resf.org/common v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000 => ./bazel-bin/proto/commonpb_go_proto_/peridot.resf.org/common
## explicit
@ -1010,6 +1014,7 @@ sigs.k8s.io/structured-merge-diff/v4/value
# sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.2.0
# github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go v3.2.0+incompatible => github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 v4.4.2
# openapi.peridot.resf.org/peridotopenapi => ./bazel-bin/peridot/proto/v1/client_go
# bazel.build/protobuf => ./bazel-bin/build/bazel/protobuf/bazelbuild_go_proto_/bazel.build/protobuf
# bazel.build/remote/execution/v2 => ./bazel-bin/build/bazel/remote/execution/v2/remoteexecution_go_proto_/bazel.build/remote/execution/v2
# bazel.build/semver => ./bazel-bin/build/bazel/semver/semver_go_proto_/bazel.build/semver
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
# Folders
# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# OpenAPI Generator Ignore
# Generated by openapi-generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator
# Use this file to prevent files from being overwritten by the generator.
# The patterns follow closely to .gitignore or .dockerignore.
# As an example, the C# client generator defines ApiClient.cs.
# You can make changes and tell OpenAPI Generator to ignore just this file by uncommenting the following line:
# You can match any string of characters against a directory, file or extension with a single asterisk (*):
# The above matches foo/bar/qux and foo/baz/qux, but not foo/bar/baz/qux
# You can recursively match patterns against a directory, file or extension with a double asterisk (**):
# This matches foo/bar/qux, foo/baz/qux, and foo/bar/baz/qux
# You can also negate patterns with an exclamation (!).
# For example, you can ignore all files in a docs folder with the file extension .md:
# Then explicitly reverse the ignore rule for a single file:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
language: go
- go get -d -v .
- go build -v ./
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_library")
name = "peridotopenapi",
srcs = [
importmap = "peridot.resf.org/vendor/openapi.peridot.resf.org/peridotopenapi",
importpath = "openapi.peridot.resf.org/peridotopenapi",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = ["//vendor/golang.org/x/oauth2"],
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
# Go API client for peridotopenapi
No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
## Overview
This API client was generated by the [OpenAPI Generator](https://openapi-generator.tech) project. By using the [OpenAPI-spec](https://www.openapis.org/) from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: version not set
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen
## Installation
Install the following dependencies:
go get github.com/stretchr/testify/assert
go get golang.org/x/oauth2
go get golang.org/x/net/context
Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:
import sw "./peridotopenapi"
To use a proxy, set the environment variable `HTTP_PROXY`:
os.Setenv("HTTP_PROXY", "http://proxy_name:proxy_port")
## Configuration of Server URL
Default configuration comes with `Servers` field that contains server objects as defined in the OpenAPI specification.
### Select Server Configuration
For using other server than the one defined on index 0 set context value `sw.ContextServerIndex` of type `int`.
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextServerIndex, 1)
### Templated Server URL
Templated server URL is formatted using default variables from configuration or from context value `sw.ContextServerVariables` of type `map[string]string`.
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextServerVariables, map[string]string{
"basePath": "v2",
Note, enum values are always validated and all unused variables are silently ignored.
### URLs Configuration per Operation
Each operation can use different server URL defined using `OperationServers` map in the `Configuration`.
An operation is uniquely identifield by `"{classname}Service.{nickname}"` string.
Similar rules for overriding default operation server index and variables applies by using `sw.ContextOperationServerIndices` and `sw.ContextOperationServerVariables` context maps.
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextOperationServerIndices, map[string]int{
"{classname}Service.{nickname}": 2,
ctx = context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextOperationServerVariables, map[string]map[string]string{
"{classname}Service.{nickname}": {
"port": "8443",
## Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
*BuildServiceApi* | [**GetBuild**](docs/BuildServiceApi.md#getbuild) | **Get** /v1/projects/{projectId}/builds/{buildId} | GetBuild returns a build by its id
*BuildServiceApi* | [**GetBuildBatch**](docs/BuildServiceApi.md#getbuildbatch) | **Get** /v1/projects/{projectId}/build_batches/{buildBatchId} | GetBuildBatch returns a build batch by its id
*BuildServiceApi* | [**ListBuildBatches**](docs/BuildServiceApi.md#listbuildbatches) | **Get** /v1/projects/{projectId}/build_batches | ListBuildBatches returns all build batches
*BuildServiceApi* | [**ListBuilds**](docs/BuildServiceApi.md#listbuilds) | **Get** /v1/projects/{projectId}/builds | ListBuilds returns all builds filtered through given filters
*BuildServiceApi* | [**RpmImport**](docs/BuildServiceApi.md#rpmimport) | **Post** /v1/projects/{projectId}/builds/rpm-import | RpmImport imports rpm files into a project (packaged into tar format)
*BuildServiceApi* | [**RpmLookasideBatchImport**](docs/BuildServiceApi.md#rpmlookasidebatchimport) | **Post** /v1/projects/{projectId}/builds/rpm-lookaside-batch-import | RpmLookasideBatchImport imports rpm files into a project (stored in Lookaside)
*BuildServiceApi* | [**SubmitBuild**](docs/BuildServiceApi.md#submitbuild) | **Post** /v1/projects/{projectId}/builds | SubmitBuild builds a package scoped to a project The project has to contain an import for the specific package This method is asynchronous. Peridot uses the AsyncTask abstraction. Check out `//peridot/proto/v1:task.proto` for more information
*BuildServiceApi* | [**SubmitBuildBatch**](docs/BuildServiceApi.md#submitbuildbatch) | **Post** /v1/projects/{projectId}/build_batches | SubmitBuildBatch submits a batch of builds.
*ImportServiceApi* | [**GetImport**](docs/ImportServiceApi.md#getimport) | **Get** /v1/projects/{projectId}/imports/{importId} | GetImport gets an import by ID.
*ImportServiceApi* | [**GetImportBatch**](docs/ImportServiceApi.md#getimportbatch) | **Get** /v1/projects/{projectId}/import_batches/{importBatchId} | GetImportBatch gets an import batch by ID.
*ImportServiceApi* | [**ImportBatchRetryFailed**](docs/ImportServiceApi.md#importbatchretryfailed) | **Post** /v1/projects/{projectId}/import_batches/{importBatchId}/retry_failed | ImportBatchRetryFailed retries failed imports in a batch.
*ImportServiceApi* | [**ImportPackage**](docs/ImportServiceApi.md#importpackage) | **Post** /v1/projects/{projectId}/imports | ImportPackage imports a package scoped to a project This method is asynchronous. Peridot uses the AsyncTask abstraction. Check out `//peridot/proto/v1:task.proto` for more information TODO low-pri: Support inter-project imports
*ImportServiceApi* | [**ImportPackageBatch**](docs/ImportServiceApi.md#importpackagebatch) | **Post** /v1/projects/{projectId}/import_batches | ImportPackageBatch imports a batch of packages scoped to a project
*ImportServiceApi* | [**ListImportBatches**](docs/ImportServiceApi.md#listimportbatches) | **Get** /v1/projects/{projectId}/import_batches | ListImportBatches lists all import batches for a project.
*ImportServiceApi* | [**ListImports**](docs/ImportServiceApi.md#listimports) | **Get** /v1/projects/{projectId}/imports | ListImports lists all imports for a project.
*PackageServiceApi* | [**GetPackage**](docs/PackageServiceApi.md#getpackage) | **Get** /v1/projects/{projectId}/packages/{field}/{value} | GetPackage returns a package by its id or name
*PackageServiceApi* | [**ListPackages**](docs/PackageServiceApi.md#listpackages) | **Get** /v1/projects/{projectId}/packages | ListPackages returns all packages with filters applied
*ProjectServiceApi* | [**CreateHashedRepositories**](docs/ProjectServiceApi.md#createhashedrepositories) | **Post** /v1/projects/{projectId}/repositories/hashed |
*ProjectServiceApi* | [**CreateProject**](docs/ProjectServiceApi.md#createproject) | **Post** /v1/projects |
*ProjectServiceApi* | [**GetProject**](docs/ProjectServiceApi.md#getproject) | **Get** /v1/projects/{id} |
*ProjectServiceApi* | [**GetProjectCredentials**](docs/ProjectServiceApi.md#getprojectcredentials) | **Get** /v1/projects/{projectId}/credentials |
*ProjectServiceApi* | [**GetRepository**](docs/ProjectServiceApi.md#getrepository) | **Get** /v1/projects/{projectId}/repositories/{id} |
*ProjectServiceApi* | [**ListProjects**](docs/ProjectServiceApi.md#listprojects) | **Get** /v1/projects |
*ProjectServiceApi* | [**ListRepositories**](docs/ProjectServiceApi.md#listrepositories) | **Get** /v1/projects/{projectId}/repositories |
*ProjectServiceApi* | [**LookasideFileUpload**](docs/ProjectServiceApi.md#lookasidefileupload) | **Post** /v1/lookaside |
*ProjectServiceApi* | [**SetProjectCredentials**](docs/ProjectServiceApi.md#setprojectcredentials) | **Post** /v1/projects/{projectId}/credentials |
*ProjectServiceApi* | [**SyncCatalog**](docs/ProjectServiceApi.md#synccatalog) | **Post** /v1/projects/{projectId}/catalogsync |
*ProjectServiceApi* | [**UpdateProject**](docs/ProjectServiceApi.md#updateproject) | **Put** /v1/projects/{projectId} |
*SearchServiceApi* | [**Search**](docs/SearchServiceApi.md#search) | **Post** /v1/search |
*TaskServiceApi* | [**CancelTask**](docs/TaskServiceApi.md#canceltask) | **Post** /v1/projects/{projectId}/tasks/{id}/cancel | CancelTask cancels a task with the given ID. Only parent tasks can be cancelled and if they're in the PENDING or RUNNING state.
*TaskServiceApi* | [**GetTask**](docs/TaskServiceApi.md#gettask) | **Get** /v1/projects/{projectId}/tasks/{id} | GetTask returns a specific task with the given ID
*TaskServiceApi* | [**ListTasks**](docs/TaskServiceApi.md#listtasks) | **Get** /v1/projects/{projectId}/tasks | ListTasks returns a list of tasks from all projects List mode won't return task responses. The reason being responses being able to reach huge sizes. To get the response for a specific task, you can use GetTask, either on the specific subtask or the parent task.
*TaskServiceApi* | [**StreamTaskLogs**](docs/TaskServiceApi.md#streamtasklogs) | **Get** /v1/projects/{projectId}/tasks/{id}/logs | StreamTaskLogs streams the logs of a specific task with the given ID
## Documentation For Models
- [ApiHttpBody](docs/ApiHttpBody.md)
- [ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage](docs/ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage.md)
- [InlineObject](docs/InlineObject.md)
- [InlineObject1](docs/InlineObject1.md)
- [InlineObject2](docs/InlineObject2.md)
- [InlineObject3](docs/InlineObject3.md)
- [InlineObject4](docs/InlineObject4.md)
- [InlineObject5](docs/InlineObject5.md)
- [InlineObject6](docs/InlineObject6.md)
- [InlineObject7](docs/InlineObject7.md)
- [InlineObject8](docs/InlineObject8.md)
- [ProtobufAny](docs/ProtobufAny.md)
- [RpcStatus](docs/RpcStatus.md)
- [StreamResultOfApiHttpBody](docs/StreamResultOfApiHttpBody.md)
- [StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse](docs/StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse.md)
- [V1AsyncTask](docs/V1AsyncTask.md)
- [V1BatchFilter](docs/V1BatchFilter.md)
- [V1Build](docs/V1Build.md)
- [V1BuildBatch](docs/V1BuildBatch.md)
- [V1BuildFilters](docs/V1BuildFilters.md)
- [V1CreateProjectRequest](docs/V1CreateProjectRequest.md)
- [V1CreateProjectResponse](docs/V1CreateProjectResponse.md)
- [V1GetBuildBatchResponse](docs/V1GetBuildBatchResponse.md)
- [V1GetBuildResponse](docs/V1GetBuildResponse.md)
- [V1GetImportBatchResponse](docs/V1GetImportBatchResponse.md)
- [V1GetImportResponse](docs/V1GetImportResponse.md)
- [V1GetPackageResponse](docs/V1GetPackageResponse.md)
- [V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse](docs/V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse.md)
- [V1GetProjectResponse](docs/V1GetProjectResponse.md)
- [V1GetRepositoryResponse](docs/V1GetRepositoryResponse.md)
- [V1GetTaskResponse](docs/V1GetTaskResponse.md)
- [V1Import](docs/V1Import.md)
- [V1ImportBatch](docs/V1ImportBatch.md)
- [V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse](docs/V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse.md)
- [V1ImportPackageBatchResponse](docs/V1ImportPackageBatchResponse.md)
- [V1ImportPackageRequest](docs/V1ImportPackageRequest.md)
- [V1ImportRevision](docs/V1ImportRevision.md)
- [V1ListBuildBatchesResponse](docs/V1ListBuildBatchesResponse.md)
- [V1ListBuildsResponse](docs/V1ListBuildsResponse.md)
- [V1ListImportBatchesResponse](docs/V1ListImportBatchesResponse.md)
- [V1ListImportsResponse](docs/V1ListImportsResponse.md)
- [V1ListPackagesResponse](docs/V1ListPackagesResponse.md)
- [V1ListProjectsResponse](docs/V1ListProjectsResponse.md)
- [V1ListRepositoriesResponse](docs/V1ListRepositoriesResponse.md)
- [V1ListTasksResponse](docs/V1ListTasksResponse.md)
- [V1LookasideFileUploadRequest](docs/V1LookasideFileUploadRequest.md)
- [V1Package](docs/V1Package.md)
- [V1PackageFilters](docs/V1PackageFilters.md)
- [V1PackageType](docs/V1PackageType.md)
- [V1Project](docs/V1Project.md)
- [V1Repository](docs/V1Repository.md)
- [V1SearchRequest](docs/V1SearchRequest.md)
- [V1SearchResponse](docs/V1SearchResponse.md)
- [V1SetProjectCredentialsResponse](docs/V1SetProjectCredentialsResponse.md)
- [V1SubmitBuildBatchResponse](docs/V1SubmitBuildBatchResponse.md)
- [V1SubmitBuildRequest](docs/V1SubmitBuildRequest.md)
- [V1Subtask](docs/V1Subtask.md)
- [V1TaskStatus](docs/V1TaskStatus.md)
- [V1TaskType](docs/V1TaskType.md)
- [V1UpdateProjectResponse](docs/V1UpdateProjectResponse.md)
- [V1VersionRelease](docs/V1VersionRelease.md)
## Documentation For Authorization
Endpoints do not require authorization.
## Documentation for Utility Methods
Due to the fact that model structure members are all pointers, this package contains
a number of utility functions to easily obtain pointers to values of basic types.
Each of these functions takes a value of the given basic type and returns a pointer to it:
* `PtrBool`
* `PtrInt`
* `PtrInt32`
* `PtrInt64`
* `PtrFloat`
* `PtrFloat32`
* `PtrFloat64`
* `PtrString`
* `PtrTime`
## Author
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
_context "context"
_ioutil "io/ioutil"
_nethttp "net/http"
_neturl "net/url"
// Linger please
var (
_ _context.Context
type PackageServiceApi interface {
* GetPackage GetPackage returns a package by its id or name
* @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param projectId
* @param field
* @param value
* @return ApiGetPackageRequest
GetPackage(ctx _context.Context, projectId string, field string, value string) ApiGetPackageRequest
* GetPackageExecute executes the request
* @return V1GetPackageResponse
GetPackageExecute(r ApiGetPackageRequest) (V1GetPackageResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)
* ListPackages ListPackages returns all packages with filters applied
* @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param projectId Project ID that should be queried
* @return ApiListPackagesRequest
ListPackages(ctx _context.Context, projectId string) ApiListPackagesRequest
* ListPackagesExecute executes the request
* @return V1ListPackagesResponse
ListPackagesExecute(r ApiListPackagesRequest) (V1ListPackagesResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)
// PackageServiceApiService PackageServiceApi service
type PackageServiceApiService service
type ApiGetPackageRequest struct {
ctx _context.Context
ApiService PackageServiceApi
projectId string
field string
value string
func (r ApiGetPackageRequest) Execute() (V1GetPackageResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error) {
return r.ApiService.GetPackageExecute(r)
* GetPackage GetPackage returns a package by its id or name
* @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param projectId
* @param field
* @param value
* @return ApiGetPackageRequest
func (a *PackageServiceApiService) GetPackage(ctx _context.Context, projectId string, field string, value string) ApiGetPackageRequest {
return ApiGetPackageRequest{
ApiService: a,
ctx: ctx,
projectId: projectId,
field: field,
value: value,
* Execute executes the request
* @return V1GetPackageResponse
func (a *PackageServiceApiService) GetPackageExecute(r ApiGetPackageRequest) (V1GetPackageResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error) {
var (
localVarHTTPMethod = _nethttp.MethodGet
localVarPostBody interface{}
localVarFormFileName string
localVarFileName string
localVarFileBytes []byte
localVarReturnValue V1GetPackageResponse
localBasePath, err := a.client.cfg.ServerURLWithContext(r.ctx, "PackageServiceApiService.GetPackage")
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, nil, GenericOpenAPIError{error: err.Error()}
localVarPath := localBasePath + "/v1/projects/{projectId}/packages/{field}/{value}"
localVarPath = strings.Replace(localVarPath, "{"+"projectId"+"}", _neturl.PathEscape(parameterToString(r.projectId, "")), -1)
localVarPath = strings.Replace(localVarPath, "{"+"field"+"}", _neturl.PathEscape(parameterToString(r.field, "")), -1)
localVarPath = strings.Replace(localVarPath, "{"+"value"+"}", _neturl.PathEscape(parameterToString(r.value, "")), -1)
localVarHeaderParams := make(map[string]string)
localVarQueryParams := _neturl.Values{}
localVarFormParams := _neturl.Values{}
// to determine the Content-Type header
localVarHTTPContentTypes := []string{}
// set Content-Type header
localVarHTTPContentType := selectHeaderContentType(localVarHTTPContentTypes)
if localVarHTTPContentType != "" {
localVarHeaderParams["Content-Type"] = localVarHTTPContentType
// to determine the Accept header
localVarHTTPHeaderAccepts := []string{"application/json"}
// set Accept header
localVarHTTPHeaderAccept := selectHeaderAccept(localVarHTTPHeaderAccepts)
if localVarHTTPHeaderAccept != "" {
localVarHeaderParams["Accept"] = localVarHTTPHeaderAccept
req, err := a.client.prepareRequest(r.ctx, localVarPath, localVarHTTPMethod, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarQueryParams, localVarFormParams, localVarFormFileName, localVarFileName, localVarFileBytes)
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, nil, err
localVarHTTPResponse, err := a.client.callAPI(req)
if err != nil || localVarHTTPResponse == nil {
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, err
localVarBody, err := _ioutil.ReadAll(localVarHTTPResponse.Body)
localVarHTTPResponse.Body = _ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(localVarBody))
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, err
if localVarHTTPResponse.StatusCode >= 300 {
newErr := GenericOpenAPIError{
body: localVarBody,
error: localVarHTTPResponse.Status,
var v RpcStatus
err = a.client.decode(&v, localVarBody, localVarHTTPResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
if err != nil {
newErr.error = err.Error()
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
newErr.model = v
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
err = a.client.decode(&localVarReturnValue, localVarBody, localVarHTTPResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
if err != nil {
newErr := GenericOpenAPIError{
body: localVarBody,
error: err.Error(),
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, nil
type ApiListPackagesRequest struct {
ctx _context.Context
ApiService PackageServiceApi
projectId string
page *int32
limit *int32
filtersId *string
filtersName *string
filtersModular *bool
filtersNameExact *string
filtersNoImports *bool
filtersNoBuilds *bool
func (r ApiListPackagesRequest) Page(page int32) ApiListPackagesRequest {
r.page = &page
return r
func (r ApiListPackagesRequest) Limit(limit int32) ApiListPackagesRequest {
r.limit = &limit
return r
func (r ApiListPackagesRequest) FiltersId(filtersId string) ApiListPackagesRequest {
r.filtersId = &filtersId
return r
func (r ApiListPackagesRequest) FiltersName(filtersName string) ApiListPackagesRequest {
r.filtersName = &filtersName
return r
func (r ApiListPackagesRequest) FiltersModular(filtersModular bool) ApiListPackagesRequest {
r.filtersModular = &filtersModular
return r
func (r ApiListPackagesRequest) FiltersNameExact(filtersNameExact string) ApiListPackagesRequest {
r.filtersNameExact = &filtersNameExact
return r
func (r ApiListPackagesRequest) FiltersNoImports(filtersNoImports bool) ApiListPackagesRequest {
r.filtersNoImports = &filtersNoImports
return r
func (r ApiListPackagesRequest) FiltersNoBuilds(filtersNoBuilds bool) ApiListPackagesRequest {
r.filtersNoBuilds = &filtersNoBuilds
return r
func (r ApiListPackagesRequest) Execute() (V1ListPackagesResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error) {
return r.ApiService.ListPackagesExecute(r)
* ListPackages ListPackages returns all packages with filters applied
* @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param projectId Project ID that should be queried
* @return ApiListPackagesRequest
func (a *PackageServiceApiService) ListPackages(ctx _context.Context, projectId string) ApiListPackagesRequest {
return ApiListPackagesRequest{
ApiService: a,
ctx: ctx,
projectId: projectId,
* Execute executes the request
* @return V1ListPackagesResponse
func (a *PackageServiceApiService) ListPackagesExecute(r ApiListPackagesRequest) (V1ListPackagesResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error) {
var (
localVarHTTPMethod = _nethttp.MethodGet
localVarPostBody interface{}
localVarFormFileName string
localVarFileName string
localVarFileBytes []byte
localVarReturnValue V1ListPackagesResponse
localBasePath, err := a.client.cfg.ServerURLWithContext(r.ctx, "PackageServiceApiService.ListPackages")
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, nil, GenericOpenAPIError{error: err.Error()}
localVarPath := localBasePath + "/v1/projects/{projectId}/packages"
localVarPath = strings.Replace(localVarPath, "{"+"projectId"+"}", _neturl.PathEscape(parameterToString(r.projectId, "")), -1)
localVarHeaderParams := make(map[string]string)
localVarQueryParams := _neturl.Values{}
localVarFormParams := _neturl.Values{}
if r.page != nil {
localVarQueryParams.Add("page", parameterToString(*r.page, ""))
if r.limit != nil {
localVarQueryParams.Add("limit", parameterToString(*r.limit, ""))
if r.filtersId != nil {
localVarQueryParams.Add("filters.id", parameterToString(*r.filtersId, ""))
if r.filtersName != nil {
localVarQueryParams.Add("filters.name", parameterToString(*r.filtersName, ""))
if r.filtersModular != nil {
localVarQueryParams.Add("filters.modular", parameterToString(*r.filtersModular, ""))
if r.filtersNameExact != nil {
localVarQueryParams.Add("filters.nameExact", parameterToString(*r.filtersNameExact, ""))
if r.filtersNoImports != nil {
localVarQueryParams.Add("filters.noImports", parameterToString(*r.filtersNoImports, ""))
if r.filtersNoBuilds != nil {
localVarQueryParams.Add("filters.noBuilds", parameterToString(*r.filtersNoBuilds, ""))
// to determine the Content-Type header
localVarHTTPContentTypes := []string{}
// set Content-Type header
localVarHTTPContentType := selectHeaderContentType(localVarHTTPContentTypes)
if localVarHTTPContentType != "" {
localVarHeaderParams["Content-Type"] = localVarHTTPContentType
// to determine the Accept header
localVarHTTPHeaderAccepts := []string{"application/json"}
// set Accept header
localVarHTTPHeaderAccept := selectHeaderAccept(localVarHTTPHeaderAccepts)
if localVarHTTPHeaderAccept != "" {
localVarHeaderParams["Accept"] = localVarHTTPHeaderAccept
req, err := a.client.prepareRequest(r.ctx, localVarPath, localVarHTTPMethod, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarQueryParams, localVarFormParams, localVarFormFileName, localVarFileName, localVarFileBytes)
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, nil, err
localVarHTTPResponse, err := a.client.callAPI(req)
if err != nil || localVarHTTPResponse == nil {
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, err
localVarBody, err := _ioutil.ReadAll(localVarHTTPResponse.Body)
localVarHTTPResponse.Body = _ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(localVarBody))
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, err
if localVarHTTPResponse.StatusCode >= 300 {
newErr := GenericOpenAPIError{
body: localVarBody,
error: localVarHTTPResponse.Status,
var v RpcStatus
err = a.client.decode(&v, localVarBody, localVarHTTPResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
if err != nil {
newErr.error = err.Error()
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
newErr.model = v
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
err = a.client.decode(&localVarReturnValue, localVarBody, localVarHTTPResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
if err != nil {
newErr := GenericOpenAPIError{
body: localVarBody,
error: err.Error(),
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, nil
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
_context "context"
_ioutil "io/ioutil"
_nethttp "net/http"
_neturl "net/url"
// Linger please
var (
_ _context.Context
type SearchServiceApi interface {
* Search Method for Search
* @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @return ApiSearchRequest
Search(ctx _context.Context) ApiSearchRequest
* SearchExecute executes the request
* @return StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse
SearchExecute(r ApiSearchRequest) (StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)
// SearchServiceApiService SearchServiceApi service
type SearchServiceApiService service
type ApiSearchRequest struct {
ctx _context.Context
ApiService SearchServiceApi
body *V1SearchRequest
func (r ApiSearchRequest) Body(body V1SearchRequest) ApiSearchRequest {
r.body = &body
return r
func (r ApiSearchRequest) Execute() (StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error) {
return r.ApiService.SearchExecute(r)
* Search Method for Search
* @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @return ApiSearchRequest
func (a *SearchServiceApiService) Search(ctx _context.Context) ApiSearchRequest {
return ApiSearchRequest{
ApiService: a,
ctx: ctx,
* Execute executes the request
* @return StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse
func (a *SearchServiceApiService) SearchExecute(r ApiSearchRequest) (StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error) {
var (
localVarHTTPMethod = _nethttp.MethodPost
localVarPostBody interface{}
localVarFormFileName string
localVarFileName string
localVarFileBytes []byte
localVarReturnValue StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse
localBasePath, err := a.client.cfg.ServerURLWithContext(r.ctx, "SearchServiceApiService.Search")
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, nil, GenericOpenAPIError{error: err.Error()}
localVarPath := localBasePath + "/v1/search"
localVarHeaderParams := make(map[string]string)
localVarQueryParams := _neturl.Values{}
localVarFormParams := _neturl.Values{}
if r.body == nil {
return localVarReturnValue, nil, reportError("body is required and must be specified")
// to determine the Content-Type header
localVarHTTPContentTypes := []string{"application/json"}
// set Content-Type header
localVarHTTPContentType := selectHeaderContentType(localVarHTTPContentTypes)
if localVarHTTPContentType != "" {
localVarHeaderParams["Content-Type"] = localVarHTTPContentType
// to determine the Accept header
localVarHTTPHeaderAccepts := []string{"application/json"}
// set Accept header
localVarHTTPHeaderAccept := selectHeaderAccept(localVarHTTPHeaderAccepts)
if localVarHTTPHeaderAccept != "" {
localVarHeaderParams["Accept"] = localVarHTTPHeaderAccept
// body params
localVarPostBody = r.body
req, err := a.client.prepareRequest(r.ctx, localVarPath, localVarHTTPMethod, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarQueryParams, localVarFormParams, localVarFormFileName, localVarFileName, localVarFileBytes)
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, nil, err
localVarHTTPResponse, err := a.client.callAPI(req)
if err != nil || localVarHTTPResponse == nil {
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, err
localVarBody, err := _ioutil.ReadAll(localVarHTTPResponse.Body)
localVarHTTPResponse.Body = _ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(localVarBody))
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, err
if localVarHTTPResponse.StatusCode >= 300 {
newErr := GenericOpenAPIError{
body: localVarBody,
error: localVarHTTPResponse.Status,
var v RpcStatus
err = a.client.decode(&v, localVarBody, localVarHTTPResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
if err != nil {
newErr.error = err.Error()
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
newErr.model = v
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
err = a.client.decode(&localVarReturnValue, localVarBody, localVarHTTPResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
if err != nil {
newErr := GenericOpenAPIError{
body: localVarBody,
error: err.Error(),
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
_context "context"
_ioutil "io/ioutil"
_nethttp "net/http"
_neturl "net/url"
// Linger please
var (
_ _context.Context
type TaskServiceApi interface {
* CancelTask CancelTask cancels a task with the given ID. Only parent tasks can be cancelled and if they're in the PENDING or RUNNING state.
* @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param projectId
* @param id
* @return ApiCancelTaskRequest
CancelTask(ctx _context.Context, projectId string, id string) ApiCancelTaskRequest
* CancelTaskExecute executes the request
* @return map[string]interface{}
CancelTaskExecute(r ApiCancelTaskRequest) (map[string]interface{}, *_nethttp.Response, error)
* GetTask GetTask returns a specific task with the given ID
* @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param projectId
* @param id
* @return ApiGetTaskRequest
GetTask(ctx _context.Context, projectId string, id string) ApiGetTaskRequest
* GetTaskExecute executes the request
* @return V1GetTaskResponse
GetTaskExecute(r ApiGetTaskRequest) (V1GetTaskResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)
* ListTasks ListTasks returns a list of tasks from all projects List mode won't return task responses. The reason being responses being able to reach huge sizes. To get the response for a specific task, you can use GetTask, either on the specific subtask or the parent task.
* @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param projectId
* @return ApiListTasksRequest
ListTasks(ctx _context.Context, projectId string) ApiListTasksRequest
* ListTasksExecute executes the request
* @return V1ListTasksResponse
ListTasksExecute(r ApiListTasksRequest) (V1ListTasksResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)
* StreamTaskLogs StreamTaskLogs streams the logs of a specific task with the given ID
* @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param projectId
* @param id
* @return ApiStreamTaskLogsRequest
StreamTaskLogs(ctx _context.Context, projectId string, id string) ApiStreamTaskLogsRequest
* StreamTaskLogsExecute executes the request
* @return StreamResultOfApiHttpBody
StreamTaskLogsExecute(r ApiStreamTaskLogsRequest) (StreamResultOfApiHttpBody, *_nethttp.Response, error)
// TaskServiceApiService TaskServiceApi service
type TaskServiceApiService service
type ApiCancelTaskRequest struct {
ctx _context.Context
ApiService TaskServiceApi
projectId string
id string
func (r ApiCancelTaskRequest) Execute() (map[string]interface{}, *_nethttp.Response, error) {
return r.ApiService.CancelTaskExecute(r)
* CancelTask CancelTask cancels a task with the given ID. Only parent tasks can be cancelled and if they're in the PENDING or RUNNING state.
* @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param projectId
* @param id
* @return ApiCancelTaskRequest
func (a *TaskServiceApiService) CancelTask(ctx _context.Context, projectId string, id string) ApiCancelTaskRequest {
return ApiCancelTaskRequest{
ApiService: a,
ctx: ctx,
projectId: projectId,
id: id,
* Execute executes the request
* @return map[string]interface{}
func (a *TaskServiceApiService) CancelTaskExecute(r ApiCancelTaskRequest) (map[string]interface{}, *_nethttp.Response, error) {
var (
localVarHTTPMethod = _nethttp.MethodPost
localVarPostBody interface{}
localVarFormFileName string
localVarFileName string
localVarFileBytes []byte
localVarReturnValue map[string]interface{}
localBasePath, err := a.client.cfg.ServerURLWithContext(r.ctx, "TaskServiceApiService.CancelTask")
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, nil, GenericOpenAPIError{error: err.Error()}
localVarPath := localBasePath + "/v1/projects/{projectId}/tasks/{id}/cancel"
localVarPath = strings.Replace(localVarPath, "{"+"projectId"+"}", _neturl.PathEscape(parameterToString(r.projectId, "")), -1)
localVarPath = strings.Replace(localVarPath, "{"+"id"+"}", _neturl.PathEscape(parameterToString(r.id, "")), -1)
localVarHeaderParams := make(map[string]string)
localVarQueryParams := _neturl.Values{}
localVarFormParams := _neturl.Values{}
// to determine the Content-Type header
localVarHTTPContentTypes := []string{}
// set Content-Type header
localVarHTTPContentType := selectHeaderContentType(localVarHTTPContentTypes)
if localVarHTTPContentType != "" {
localVarHeaderParams["Content-Type"] = localVarHTTPContentType
// to determine the Accept header
localVarHTTPHeaderAccepts := []string{"application/json"}
// set Accept header
localVarHTTPHeaderAccept := selectHeaderAccept(localVarHTTPHeaderAccepts)
if localVarHTTPHeaderAccept != "" {
localVarHeaderParams["Accept"] = localVarHTTPHeaderAccept
req, err := a.client.prepareRequest(r.ctx, localVarPath, localVarHTTPMethod, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarQueryParams, localVarFormParams, localVarFormFileName, localVarFileName, localVarFileBytes)
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, nil, err
localVarHTTPResponse, err := a.client.callAPI(req)
if err != nil || localVarHTTPResponse == nil {
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, err
localVarBody, err := _ioutil.ReadAll(localVarHTTPResponse.Body)
localVarHTTPResponse.Body = _ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(localVarBody))
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, err
if localVarHTTPResponse.StatusCode >= 300 {
newErr := GenericOpenAPIError{
body: localVarBody,
error: localVarHTTPResponse.Status,
var v RpcStatus
err = a.client.decode(&v, localVarBody, localVarHTTPResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
if err != nil {
newErr.error = err.Error()
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
newErr.model = v
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
err = a.client.decode(&localVarReturnValue, localVarBody, localVarHTTPResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
if err != nil {
newErr := GenericOpenAPIError{
body: localVarBody,
error: err.Error(),
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, nil
type ApiGetTaskRequest struct {
ctx _context.Context
ApiService TaskServiceApi
projectId string
id string
func (r ApiGetTaskRequest) Execute() (V1GetTaskResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error) {
return r.ApiService.GetTaskExecute(r)
* GetTask GetTask returns a specific task with the given ID
* @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param projectId
* @param id
* @return ApiGetTaskRequest
func (a *TaskServiceApiService) GetTask(ctx _context.Context, projectId string, id string) ApiGetTaskRequest {
return ApiGetTaskRequest{
ApiService: a,
ctx: ctx,
projectId: projectId,
id: id,
* Execute executes the request
* @return V1GetTaskResponse
func (a *TaskServiceApiService) GetTaskExecute(r ApiGetTaskRequest) (V1GetTaskResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error) {
var (
localVarHTTPMethod = _nethttp.MethodGet
localVarPostBody interface{}
localVarFormFileName string
localVarFileName string
localVarFileBytes []byte
localVarReturnValue V1GetTaskResponse
localBasePath, err := a.client.cfg.ServerURLWithContext(r.ctx, "TaskServiceApiService.GetTask")
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, nil, GenericOpenAPIError{error: err.Error()}
localVarPath := localBasePath + "/v1/projects/{projectId}/tasks/{id}"
localVarPath = strings.Replace(localVarPath, "{"+"projectId"+"}", _neturl.PathEscape(parameterToString(r.projectId, "")), -1)
localVarPath = strings.Replace(localVarPath, "{"+"id"+"}", _neturl.PathEscape(parameterToString(r.id, "")), -1)
localVarHeaderParams := make(map[string]string)
localVarQueryParams := _neturl.Values{}
localVarFormParams := _neturl.Values{}
// to determine the Content-Type header
localVarHTTPContentTypes := []string{}
// set Content-Type header
localVarHTTPContentType := selectHeaderContentType(localVarHTTPContentTypes)
if localVarHTTPContentType != "" {
localVarHeaderParams["Content-Type"] = localVarHTTPContentType
// to determine the Accept header
localVarHTTPHeaderAccepts := []string{"application/json"}
// set Accept header
localVarHTTPHeaderAccept := selectHeaderAccept(localVarHTTPHeaderAccepts)
if localVarHTTPHeaderAccept != "" {
localVarHeaderParams["Accept"] = localVarHTTPHeaderAccept
req, err := a.client.prepareRequest(r.ctx, localVarPath, localVarHTTPMethod, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarQueryParams, localVarFormParams, localVarFormFileName, localVarFileName, localVarFileBytes)
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, nil, err
localVarHTTPResponse, err := a.client.callAPI(req)
if err != nil || localVarHTTPResponse == nil {
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, err
localVarBody, err := _ioutil.ReadAll(localVarHTTPResponse.Body)
localVarHTTPResponse.Body = _ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(localVarBody))
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, err
if localVarHTTPResponse.StatusCode >= 300 {
newErr := GenericOpenAPIError{
body: localVarBody,
error: localVarHTTPResponse.Status,
var v RpcStatus
err = a.client.decode(&v, localVarBody, localVarHTTPResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
if err != nil {
newErr.error = err.Error()
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
newErr.model = v
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
err = a.client.decode(&localVarReturnValue, localVarBody, localVarHTTPResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
if err != nil {
newErr := GenericOpenAPIError{
body: localVarBody,
error: err.Error(),
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, nil
type ApiListTasksRequest struct {
ctx _context.Context
ApiService TaskServiceApi
projectId string
page *int32
limit *int32
func (r ApiListTasksRequest) Page(page int32) ApiListTasksRequest {
r.page = &page
return r
func (r ApiListTasksRequest) Limit(limit int32) ApiListTasksRequest {
r.limit = &limit
return r
func (r ApiListTasksRequest) Execute() (V1ListTasksResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error) {
return r.ApiService.ListTasksExecute(r)
* ListTasks ListTasks returns a list of tasks from all projects List mode won't return task responses. The reason being responses being able to reach huge sizes. To get the response for a specific task, you can use GetTask, either on the specific subtask or the parent task.
* @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param projectId
* @return ApiListTasksRequest
func (a *TaskServiceApiService) ListTasks(ctx _context.Context, projectId string) ApiListTasksRequest {
return ApiListTasksRequest{
ApiService: a,
ctx: ctx,
projectId: projectId,
* Execute executes the request
* @return V1ListTasksResponse
func (a *TaskServiceApiService) ListTasksExecute(r ApiListTasksRequest) (V1ListTasksResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error) {
var (
localVarHTTPMethod = _nethttp.MethodGet
localVarPostBody interface{}
localVarFormFileName string
localVarFileName string
localVarFileBytes []byte
localVarReturnValue V1ListTasksResponse
localBasePath, err := a.client.cfg.ServerURLWithContext(r.ctx, "TaskServiceApiService.ListTasks")
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, nil, GenericOpenAPIError{error: err.Error()}
localVarPath := localBasePath + "/v1/projects/{projectId}/tasks"
localVarPath = strings.Replace(localVarPath, "{"+"projectId"+"}", _neturl.PathEscape(parameterToString(r.projectId, "")), -1)
localVarHeaderParams := make(map[string]string)
localVarQueryParams := _neturl.Values{}
localVarFormParams := _neturl.Values{}
if r.page != nil {
localVarQueryParams.Add("page", parameterToString(*r.page, ""))
if r.limit != nil {
localVarQueryParams.Add("limit", parameterToString(*r.limit, ""))
// to determine the Content-Type header
localVarHTTPContentTypes := []string{}
// set Content-Type header
localVarHTTPContentType := selectHeaderContentType(localVarHTTPContentTypes)
if localVarHTTPContentType != "" {
localVarHeaderParams["Content-Type"] = localVarHTTPContentType
// to determine the Accept header
localVarHTTPHeaderAccepts := []string{"application/json"}
// set Accept header
localVarHTTPHeaderAccept := selectHeaderAccept(localVarHTTPHeaderAccepts)
if localVarHTTPHeaderAccept != "" {
localVarHeaderParams["Accept"] = localVarHTTPHeaderAccept
req, err := a.client.prepareRequest(r.ctx, localVarPath, localVarHTTPMethod, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarQueryParams, localVarFormParams, localVarFormFileName, localVarFileName, localVarFileBytes)
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, nil, err
localVarHTTPResponse, err := a.client.callAPI(req)
if err != nil || localVarHTTPResponse == nil {
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, err
localVarBody, err := _ioutil.ReadAll(localVarHTTPResponse.Body)
localVarHTTPResponse.Body = _ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(localVarBody))
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, err
if localVarHTTPResponse.StatusCode >= 300 {
newErr := GenericOpenAPIError{
body: localVarBody,
error: localVarHTTPResponse.Status,
var v RpcStatus
err = a.client.decode(&v, localVarBody, localVarHTTPResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
if err != nil {
newErr.error = err.Error()
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
newErr.model = v
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
err = a.client.decode(&localVarReturnValue, localVarBody, localVarHTTPResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
if err != nil {
newErr := GenericOpenAPIError{
body: localVarBody,
error: err.Error(),
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, nil
type ApiStreamTaskLogsRequest struct {
ctx _context.Context
ApiService TaskServiceApi
projectId string
id string
parent *bool
func (r ApiStreamTaskLogsRequest) Parent(parent bool) ApiStreamTaskLogsRequest {
r.parent = &parent
return r
func (r ApiStreamTaskLogsRequest) Execute() (StreamResultOfApiHttpBody, *_nethttp.Response, error) {
return r.ApiService.StreamTaskLogsExecute(r)
* StreamTaskLogs StreamTaskLogs streams the logs of a specific task with the given ID
* @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param projectId
* @param id
* @return ApiStreamTaskLogsRequest
func (a *TaskServiceApiService) StreamTaskLogs(ctx _context.Context, projectId string, id string) ApiStreamTaskLogsRequest {
return ApiStreamTaskLogsRequest{
ApiService: a,
ctx: ctx,
projectId: projectId,
id: id,
* Execute executes the request
* @return StreamResultOfApiHttpBody
func (a *TaskServiceApiService) StreamTaskLogsExecute(r ApiStreamTaskLogsRequest) (StreamResultOfApiHttpBody, *_nethttp.Response, error) {
var (
localVarHTTPMethod = _nethttp.MethodGet
localVarPostBody interface{}
localVarFormFileName string
localVarFileName string
localVarFileBytes []byte
localVarReturnValue StreamResultOfApiHttpBody
localBasePath, err := a.client.cfg.ServerURLWithContext(r.ctx, "TaskServiceApiService.StreamTaskLogs")
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, nil, GenericOpenAPIError{error: err.Error()}
localVarPath := localBasePath + "/v1/projects/{projectId}/tasks/{id}/logs"
localVarPath = strings.Replace(localVarPath, "{"+"projectId"+"}", _neturl.PathEscape(parameterToString(r.projectId, "")), -1)
localVarPath = strings.Replace(localVarPath, "{"+"id"+"}", _neturl.PathEscape(parameterToString(r.id, "")), -1)
localVarHeaderParams := make(map[string]string)
localVarQueryParams := _neturl.Values{}
localVarFormParams := _neturl.Values{}
if r.parent != nil {
localVarQueryParams.Add("parent", parameterToString(*r.parent, ""))
// to determine the Content-Type header
localVarHTTPContentTypes := []string{}
// set Content-Type header
localVarHTTPContentType := selectHeaderContentType(localVarHTTPContentTypes)
if localVarHTTPContentType != "" {
localVarHeaderParams["Content-Type"] = localVarHTTPContentType
// to determine the Accept header
localVarHTTPHeaderAccepts := []string{"application/json"}
// set Accept header
localVarHTTPHeaderAccept := selectHeaderAccept(localVarHTTPHeaderAccepts)
if localVarHTTPHeaderAccept != "" {
localVarHeaderParams["Accept"] = localVarHTTPHeaderAccept
req, err := a.client.prepareRequest(r.ctx, localVarPath, localVarHTTPMethod, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarQueryParams, localVarFormParams, localVarFormFileName, localVarFileName, localVarFileBytes)
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, nil, err
localVarHTTPResponse, err := a.client.callAPI(req)
if err != nil || localVarHTTPResponse == nil {
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, err
localVarBody, err := _ioutil.ReadAll(localVarHTTPResponse.Body)
localVarHTTPResponse.Body = _ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(localVarBody))
if err != nil {
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, err
if localVarHTTPResponse.StatusCode >= 300 {
newErr := GenericOpenAPIError{
body: localVarBody,
error: localVarHTTPResponse.Status,
var v RpcStatus
err = a.client.decode(&v, localVarBody, localVarHTTPResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
if err != nil {
newErr.error = err.Error()
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
newErr.model = v
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
err = a.client.decode(&localVarReturnValue, localVarBody, localVarHTTPResponse.Header.Get("Content-Type"))
if err != nil {
newErr := GenericOpenAPIError{
body: localVarBody,
error: err.Error(),
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, newErr
return localVarReturnValue, localVarHTTPResponse, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
var (
jsonCheck = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i:(?:application|text)/(?:vnd\.[^;]+\+)?json)`)
xmlCheck = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i:(?:application|text)/xml)`)
// APIClient manages communication with the peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto API vversion not set
// In most cases there should be only one, shared, APIClient.
type APIClient struct {
cfg *Configuration
common service // Reuse a single struct instead of allocating one for each service on the heap.
// API Services
BuildServiceApi BuildServiceApi
ImportServiceApi ImportServiceApi
PackageServiceApi PackageServiceApi
ProjectServiceApi ProjectServiceApi
SearchServiceApi SearchServiceApi
TaskServiceApi TaskServiceApi
type service struct {
client *APIClient
// NewAPIClient creates a new API client. Requires a userAgent string describing your application.
// optionally a custom http.Client to allow for advanced features such as caching.
func NewAPIClient(cfg *Configuration) *APIClient {
if cfg.HTTPClient == nil {
cfg.HTTPClient = http.DefaultClient
c := &APIClient{}
c.cfg = cfg
c.common.client = c
// API Services
c.BuildServiceApi = (*BuildServiceApiService)(&c.common)
c.ImportServiceApi = (*ImportServiceApiService)(&c.common)
c.PackageServiceApi = (*PackageServiceApiService)(&c.common)
c.ProjectServiceApi = (*ProjectServiceApiService)(&c.common)
c.SearchServiceApi = (*SearchServiceApiService)(&c.common)
c.TaskServiceApi = (*TaskServiceApiService)(&c.common)
return c
func atoi(in string) (int, error) {
return strconv.Atoi(in)
// selectHeaderContentType select a content type from the available list.
func selectHeaderContentType(contentTypes []string) string {
if len(contentTypes) == 0 {
return ""
if contains(contentTypes, "application/json") {
return "application/json"
return contentTypes[0] // use the first content type specified in 'consumes'
// selectHeaderAccept join all accept types and return
func selectHeaderAccept(accepts []string) string {
if len(accepts) == 0 {
return ""
if contains(accepts, "application/json") {
return "application/json"
return strings.Join(accepts, ",")
// contains is a case insenstive match, finding needle in a haystack
func contains(haystack []string, needle string) bool {
for _, a := range haystack {
if strings.ToLower(a) == strings.ToLower(needle) {
return true
return false
// Verify optional parameters are of the correct type.
func typeCheckParameter(obj interface{}, expected string, name string) error {
// Make sure there is an object.
if obj == nil {
return nil
// Check the type is as expected.
if reflect.TypeOf(obj).String() != expected {
return fmt.Errorf("Expected %s to be of type %s but received %s.", name, expected, reflect.TypeOf(obj).String())
return nil
// parameterToString convert interface{} parameters to string, using a delimiter if format is provided.
func parameterToString(obj interface{}, collectionFormat string) string {
var delimiter string
switch collectionFormat {
case "pipes":
delimiter = "|"
case "ssv":
delimiter = " "
case "tsv":
delimiter = "\t"
case "csv":
delimiter = ","
if reflect.TypeOf(obj).Kind() == reflect.Slice {
return strings.Trim(strings.Replace(fmt.Sprint(obj), " ", delimiter, -1), "[]")
} else if t, ok := obj.(time.Time); ok {
return t.Format(time.RFC3339)
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", obj)
// helper for converting interface{} parameters to json strings
func parameterToJson(obj interface{}) (string, error) {
jsonBuf, err := json.Marshal(obj)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(jsonBuf), err
// callAPI do the request.
func (c *APIClient) callAPI(request *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
if c.cfg.Debug {
dump, err := httputil.DumpRequestOut(request, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Printf("\n%s\n", string(dump))
resp, err := c.cfg.HTTPClient.Do(request)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
if c.cfg.Debug {
dump, err := httputil.DumpResponse(resp, true)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
log.Printf("\n%s\n", string(dump))
return resp, err
// Allow modification of underlying config for alternate implementations and testing
// Caution: modifying the configuration while live can cause data races and potentially unwanted behavior
func (c *APIClient) GetConfig() *Configuration {
return c.cfg
// prepareRequest build the request
func (c *APIClient) prepareRequest(
ctx context.Context,
path string, method string,
postBody interface{},
headerParams map[string]string,
queryParams url.Values,
formParams url.Values,
formFileName string,
fileName string,
fileBytes []byte) (localVarRequest *http.Request, err error) {
var body *bytes.Buffer
// Detect postBody type and post.
if postBody != nil {
contentType := headerParams["Content-Type"]
if contentType == "" {
contentType = detectContentType(postBody)
headerParams["Content-Type"] = contentType
body, err = setBody(postBody, contentType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// add form parameters and file if available.
if strings.HasPrefix(headerParams["Content-Type"], "multipart/form-data") && len(formParams) > 0 || (len(fileBytes) > 0 && fileName != "") {
if body != nil {
return nil, errors.New("Cannot specify postBody and multipart form at the same time.")
body = &bytes.Buffer{}
w := multipart.NewWriter(body)
for k, v := range formParams {
for _, iv := range v {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, "@") { // file
err = addFile(w, k[1:], iv)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else { // form value
w.WriteField(k, iv)
if len(fileBytes) > 0 && fileName != "" {
//_, fileNm := filepath.Split(fileName)
part, err := w.CreateFormFile(formFileName, filepath.Base(fileName))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = part.Write(fileBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Set the Boundary in the Content-Type
headerParams["Content-Type"] = w.FormDataContentType()
// Set Content-Length
headerParams["Content-Length"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", body.Len())
if strings.HasPrefix(headerParams["Content-Type"], "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") && len(formParams) > 0 {
if body != nil {
return nil, errors.New("Cannot specify postBody and x-www-form-urlencoded form at the same time.")
body = &bytes.Buffer{}
// Set Content-Length
headerParams["Content-Length"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", body.Len())
// Setup path and query parameters
url, err := url.Parse(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Override request host, if applicable
if c.cfg.Host != "" {
url.Host = c.cfg.Host
// Override request scheme, if applicable
if c.cfg.Scheme != "" {
url.Scheme = c.cfg.Scheme
// Adding Query Param
query := url.Query()
for k, v := range queryParams {
for _, iv := range v {
query.Add(k, iv)
// Encode the parameters.
url.RawQuery = query.Encode()
// Generate a new request
if body != nil {
localVarRequest, err = http.NewRequest(method, url.String(), body)
} else {
localVarRequest, err = http.NewRequest(method, url.String(), nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// add header parameters, if any
if len(headerParams) > 0 {
headers := http.Header{}
for h, v := range headerParams {
headers.Set(h, v)
localVarRequest.Header = headers
// Add the user agent to the request.
localVarRequest.Header.Add("User-Agent", c.cfg.UserAgent)
if ctx != nil {
// add context to the request
localVarRequest = localVarRequest.WithContext(ctx)
// Walk through any authentication.
// OAuth2 authentication
if tok, ok := ctx.Value(ContextOAuth2).(oauth2.TokenSource); ok {
// We were able to grab an oauth2 token from the context
var latestToken *oauth2.Token
if latestToken, err = tok.Token(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Basic HTTP Authentication
if auth, ok := ctx.Value(ContextBasicAuth).(BasicAuth); ok {
localVarRequest.SetBasicAuth(auth.UserName, auth.Password)
// AccessToken Authentication
if auth, ok := ctx.Value(ContextAccessToken).(string); ok {
localVarRequest.Header.Add("Authorization", "Bearer "+auth)
for header, value := range c.cfg.DefaultHeader {
localVarRequest.Header.Add(header, value)
return localVarRequest, nil
func (c *APIClient) decode(v interface{}, b []byte, contentType string) (err error) {
if len(b) == 0 {
return nil
if s, ok := v.(*string); ok {
*s = string(b)
return nil
if xmlCheck.MatchString(contentType) {
if err = xml.Unmarshal(b, v); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if jsonCheck.MatchString(contentType) {
if actualObj, ok := v.(interface{ GetActualInstance() interface{} }); ok { // oneOf, anyOf schemas
if unmarshalObj, ok := actualObj.(interface{ UnmarshalJSON([]byte) error }); ok { // make sure it has UnmarshalJSON defined
if err = unmarshalObj.UnmarshalJSON(b); err != nil {
return err
} else {
return errors.New("Unknown type with GetActualInstance but no unmarshalObj.UnmarshalJSON defined")
} else if err = json.Unmarshal(b, v); err != nil { // simple model
return err
return nil
return errors.New("undefined response type")
// Add a file to the multipart request
func addFile(w *multipart.Writer, fieldName, path string) error {
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
part, err := w.CreateFormFile(fieldName, filepath.Base(path))
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = io.Copy(part, file)
return err
// Prevent trying to import "fmt"
func reportError(format string, a ...interface{}) error {
return fmt.Errorf(format, a...)
// Set request body from an interface{}
func setBody(body interface{}, contentType string) (bodyBuf *bytes.Buffer, err error) {
if bodyBuf == nil {
bodyBuf = &bytes.Buffer{}
if reader, ok := body.(io.Reader); ok {
_, err = bodyBuf.ReadFrom(reader)
} else if fp, ok := body.(**os.File); ok {
_, err = bodyBuf.ReadFrom(*fp)
} else if b, ok := body.([]byte); ok {
_, err = bodyBuf.Write(b)
} else if s, ok := body.(string); ok {
_, err = bodyBuf.WriteString(s)
} else if s, ok := body.(*string); ok {
_, err = bodyBuf.WriteString(*s)
} else if jsonCheck.MatchString(contentType) {
err = json.NewEncoder(bodyBuf).Encode(body)
} else if xmlCheck.MatchString(contentType) {
err = xml.NewEncoder(bodyBuf).Encode(body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if bodyBuf.Len() == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid body type %s\n", contentType)
return nil, err
return bodyBuf, nil
// detectContentType method is used to figure out `Request.Body` content type for request header
func detectContentType(body interface{}) string {
contentType := "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
kind := reflect.TypeOf(body).Kind()
switch kind {
case reflect.Struct, reflect.Map, reflect.Ptr:
contentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
case reflect.String:
contentType = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
if b, ok := body.([]byte); ok {
contentType = http.DetectContentType(b)
} else if kind == reflect.Slice {
contentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
return contentType
// Ripped from https://github.com/gregjones/httpcache/blob/master/httpcache.go
type cacheControl map[string]string
func parseCacheControl(headers http.Header) cacheControl {
cc := cacheControl{}
ccHeader := headers.Get("Cache-Control")
for _, part := range strings.Split(ccHeader, ",") {
part = strings.Trim(part, " ")
if part == "" {
if strings.ContainsRune(part, '=') {
keyval := strings.Split(part, "=")
cc[strings.Trim(keyval[0], " ")] = strings.Trim(keyval[1], ",")
} else {
cc[part] = ""
return cc
// CacheExpires helper function to determine remaining time before repeating a request.
func CacheExpires(r *http.Response) time.Time {
// Figure out when the cache expires.
var expires time.Time
now, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, r.Header.Get("date"))
if err != nil {
return time.Now()
respCacheControl := parseCacheControl(r.Header)
if maxAge, ok := respCacheControl["max-age"]; ok {
lifetime, err := time.ParseDuration(maxAge + "s")
if err != nil {
expires = now
} else {
expires = now.Add(lifetime)
} else {
expiresHeader := r.Header.Get("Expires")
if expiresHeader != "" {
expires, err = time.Parse(time.RFC1123, expiresHeader)
if err != nil {
expires = now
return expires
func strlen(s string) int {
return utf8.RuneCountInString(s)
// GenericOpenAPIError Provides access to the body, error and model on returned errors.
type GenericOpenAPIError struct {
body []byte
error string
model interface{}
// Error returns non-empty string if there was an error.
func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Error() string {
return e.error
// Body returns the raw bytes of the response
func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Body() []byte {
return e.body
// Model returns the unpacked model of the error
func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Model() interface{} {
return e.model
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// contextKeys are used to identify the type of value in the context.
// Since these are string, it is possible to get a short description of the
// context key for logging and debugging using key.String().
type contextKey string
func (c contextKey) String() string {
return "auth " + string(c)
var (
// ContextOAuth2 takes an oauth2.TokenSource as authentication for the request.
ContextOAuth2 = contextKey("token")
// ContextBasicAuth takes BasicAuth as authentication for the request.
ContextBasicAuth = contextKey("basic")
// ContextAccessToken takes a string oauth2 access token as authentication for the request.
ContextAccessToken = contextKey("accesstoken")
// ContextAPIKeys takes a string apikey as authentication for the request
ContextAPIKeys = contextKey("apiKeys")
// ContextHttpSignatureAuth takes HttpSignatureAuth as authentication for the request.
ContextHttpSignatureAuth = contextKey("httpsignature")
// ContextServerIndex uses a server configuration from the index.
ContextServerIndex = contextKey("serverIndex")
// ContextOperationServerIndices uses a server configuration from the index mapping.
ContextOperationServerIndices = contextKey("serverOperationIndices")
// ContextServerVariables overrides a server configuration variables.
ContextServerVariables = contextKey("serverVariables")
// ContextOperationServerVariables overrides a server configuration variables using operation specific values.
ContextOperationServerVariables = contextKey("serverOperationVariables")
// BasicAuth provides basic http authentication to a request passed via context using ContextBasicAuth
type BasicAuth struct {
UserName string `json:"userName,omitempty"`
Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
// APIKey provides API key based authentication to a request passed via context using ContextAPIKey
type APIKey struct {
Key string
Prefix string
// ServerVariable stores the information about a server variable
type ServerVariable struct {
Description string
DefaultValue string
EnumValues []string
// ServerConfiguration stores the information about a server
type ServerConfiguration struct {
URL string
Description string
Variables map[string]ServerVariable
// ServerConfigurations stores multiple ServerConfiguration items
type ServerConfigurations []ServerConfiguration
// Configuration stores the configuration of the API client
type Configuration struct {
Host string `json:"host,omitempty"`
Scheme string `json:"scheme,omitempty"`
DefaultHeader map[string]string `json:"defaultHeader,omitempty"`
UserAgent string `json:"userAgent,omitempty"`
Debug bool `json:"debug,omitempty"`
Servers ServerConfigurations
OperationServers map[string]ServerConfigurations
HTTPClient *http.Client
// NewConfiguration returns a new Configuration object
func NewConfiguration() *Configuration {
cfg := &Configuration{
DefaultHeader: make(map[string]string),
UserAgent: "OpenAPI-Generator/1.0.0/go",
Debug: false,
Servers: ServerConfigurations{
URL: "",
Description: "No description provided",
OperationServers: map[string]ServerConfigurations{
return cfg
// AddDefaultHeader adds a new HTTP header to the default header in the request
func (c *Configuration) AddDefaultHeader(key string, value string) {
c.DefaultHeader[key] = value
// URL formats template on a index using given variables
func (sc ServerConfigurations) URL(index int, variables map[string]string) (string, error) {
if index < 0 || len(sc) <= index {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Index %v out of range %v", index, len(sc)-1)
server := sc[index]
url := server.URL
// go through variables and replace placeholders
for name, variable := range server.Variables {
if value, ok := variables[name]; ok {
found := bool(len(variable.EnumValues) == 0)
for _, enumValue := range variable.EnumValues {
if value == enumValue {
found = true
if !found {
return "", fmt.Errorf("The variable %s in the server URL has invalid value %v. Must be %v", name, value, variable.EnumValues)
url = strings.Replace(url, "{"+name+"}", value, -1)
} else {
url = strings.Replace(url, "{"+name+"}", variable.DefaultValue, -1)
return url, nil
// ServerURL returns URL based on server settings
func (c *Configuration) ServerURL(index int, variables map[string]string) (string, error) {
return c.Servers.URL(index, variables)
func getServerIndex(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
si := ctx.Value(ContextServerIndex)
if si != nil {
if index, ok := si.(int); ok {
return index, nil
return 0, reportError("Invalid type %T should be int", si)
return 0, nil
func getServerOperationIndex(ctx context.Context, endpoint string) (int, error) {
osi := ctx.Value(ContextOperationServerIndices)
if osi != nil {
if operationIndices, ok := osi.(map[string]int); !ok {
return 0, reportError("Invalid type %T should be map[string]int", osi)
} else {
index, ok := operationIndices[endpoint]
if ok {
return index, nil
return getServerIndex(ctx)
func getServerVariables(ctx context.Context) (map[string]string, error) {
sv := ctx.Value(ContextServerVariables)
if sv != nil {
if variables, ok := sv.(map[string]string); ok {
return variables, nil
return nil, reportError("ctx value of ContextServerVariables has invalid type %T should be map[string]string", sv)
return nil, nil
func getServerOperationVariables(ctx context.Context, endpoint string) (map[string]string, error) {
osv := ctx.Value(ContextOperationServerVariables)
if osv != nil {
if operationVariables, ok := osv.(map[string]map[string]string); !ok {
return nil, reportError("ctx value of ContextOperationServerVariables has invalid type %T should be map[string]map[string]string", osv)
} else {
variables, ok := operationVariables[endpoint]
if ok {
return variables, nil
return getServerVariables(ctx)
// ServerURLWithContext returns a new server URL given an endpoint
func (c *Configuration) ServerURLWithContext(ctx context.Context, endpoint string) (string, error) {
sc, ok := c.OperationServers[endpoint]
if !ok {
sc = c.Servers
if ctx == nil {
return sc.URL(0, nil)
index, err := getServerOperationIndex(ctx, endpoint)
if err != nil {
return "", err
variables, err := getServerOperationVariables(ctx, endpoint)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return sc.URL(index, variables)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# ref: https://help.github.com/articles/adding-an-existing-project-to-github-using-the-command-line/
# Usage example: /bin/sh ./git_push.sh wing328 openapi-pestore-perl "minor update" "gitlab.com"
if [ "$git_host" = "" ]; then
echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$git_host to $git_host"
if [ "$git_user_id" = "" ]; then
echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$git_user_id to $git_user_id"
if [ "$git_repo_id" = "" ]; then
echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$git_repo_id to $git_repo_id"
if [ "$release_note" = "" ]; then
release_note="Minor update"
echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$release_note to $release_note"
# Initialize the local directory as a Git repository
git init
# Adds the files in the local repository and stages them for commit.
git add .
# Commits the tracked changes and prepares them to be pushed to a remote repository.
git commit -m "$release_note"
# Sets the new remote
git_remote=`git remote`
if [ "$git_remote" = "" ]; then # git remote not defined
if [ "$GIT_TOKEN" = "" ]; then
echo "[INFO] \$GIT_TOKEN (environment variable) is not set. Using the git credential in your environment."
git remote add origin https://${git_host}/${git_user_id}/${git_repo_id}.git
git remote add origin https://${git_user_id}:${GIT_TOKEN}@${git_host}/${git_user_id}/${git_repo_id}.git
git pull origin master
# Pushes (Forces) the changes in the local repository up to the remote repository
echo "Git pushing to https://${git_host}/${git_user_id}/${git_repo_id}.git"
git push origin master 2>&1 | grep -v 'To https'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID
go 1.13
require (
golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20210218202405-ba52d332ba99
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
cloud.google.com/go v0.34.0/go.mod h1:aQUYkXzVsufM+DwF1aE+0xfcU+56JwCaLick0ClmMTw=
github.com/golang/protobuf v1.2.0 h1:P3YflyNX/ehuJFLhxviNdFxQPkGK5cDcApsge1SqnvM=
github.com/golang/protobuf v1.2.0/go.mod h1:6lQm79b+lXiMfvg/cZm0SGofjICqVBUtrP5yJMmIC1U=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20180724234803-3673e40ba225/go.mod h1:mL1N/T3taQHkDXs73rZJwtUhF3w3ftmwwsq0BUmARs4=
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golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20190604053449-0f29369cfe45 h1:SVwTIAaPC2U/AvvLNZ2a7OVsmBpC8L5BlwK1whH3hm0=
golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.0.0-20190604053449-0f29369cfe45/go.mod h1:gOpvHmFTYa4IltrdGE7lF6nIHvwfUNPOp7c8zoXwtLw=
golang.org/x/sync v0.0.0-20181221193216-37e7f081c4d4 h1:YUO/7uOKsKeq9UokNS62b8FYywz3ker1l1vDZRCRefw=
golang.org/x/sync v0.0.0-20181221193216-37e7f081c4d4/go.mod h1:RxMgew5VJxzue5/jJTE5uejpjVlOe/izrB70Jof72aM=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ=
google.golang.org/appengine v1.4.0 h1:/wp5JvzpHIxhs/dumFmF7BXTf3Z+dd4uXta4kVyO508=
google.golang.org/appengine v1.4.0/go.mod h1:xpcJRLb0r/rnEns0DIKYYv+WjYCduHsrkT7/EB5XEv4=
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// ApiHttpBody Message that represents an arbitrary HTTP body. It should only be used for payload formats that can't be represented as JSON, such as raw binary or an HTML page. This message can be used both in streaming and non-streaming API methods in the request as well as the response. It can be used as a top-level request field, which is convenient if one wants to extract parameters from either the URL or HTTP template into the request fields and also want access to the raw HTTP body. Example: message GetResourceRequest { // A unique request id. string request_id = 1; // The raw HTTP body is bound to this field. google.api.HttpBody http_body = 2; } service ResourceService { rpc GetResource(GetResourceRequest) returns (google.api.HttpBody); rpc UpdateResource(google.api.HttpBody) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); } Example with streaming methods: service CaldavService { rpc GetCalendar(stream google.api.HttpBody) returns (stream google.api.HttpBody); rpc UpdateCalendar(stream google.api.HttpBody) returns (stream google.api.HttpBody); } Use of this type only changes how the request and response bodies are handled, all other features will continue to work unchanged.
type ApiHttpBody struct {
// The HTTP Content-Type header value specifying the content type of the body.
ContentType *string `json:"contentType,omitempty"`
// The HTTP request/response body as raw binary.
Data *string `json:"data,omitempty"`
// Application specific response metadata. Must be set in the first response for streaming APIs.
Extensions *[]ProtobufAny `json:"extensions,omitempty"`
// NewApiHttpBody instantiates a new ApiHttpBody object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewApiHttpBody() *ApiHttpBody {
this := ApiHttpBody{}
return &this
// NewApiHttpBodyWithDefaults instantiates a new ApiHttpBody object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewApiHttpBodyWithDefaults() *ApiHttpBody {
this := ApiHttpBody{}
return &this
// GetContentType returns the ContentType field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *ApiHttpBody) GetContentType() string {
if o == nil || o.ContentType == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.ContentType
// GetContentTypeOk returns a tuple with the ContentType field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *ApiHttpBody) GetContentTypeOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.ContentType == nil {
return nil, false
return o.ContentType, true
// HasContentType returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *ApiHttpBody) HasContentType() bool {
if o != nil && o.ContentType != nil {
return true
return false
// SetContentType gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ContentType field.
func (o *ApiHttpBody) SetContentType(v string) {
o.ContentType = &v
// GetData returns the Data field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *ApiHttpBody) GetData() string {
if o == nil || o.Data == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Data
// GetDataOk returns a tuple with the Data field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *ApiHttpBody) GetDataOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Data == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Data, true
// HasData returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *ApiHttpBody) HasData() bool {
if o != nil && o.Data != nil {
return true
return false
// SetData gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Data field.
func (o *ApiHttpBody) SetData(v string) {
o.Data = &v
// GetExtensions returns the Extensions field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *ApiHttpBody) GetExtensions() []ProtobufAny {
if o == nil || o.Extensions == nil {
var ret []ProtobufAny
return ret
return *o.Extensions
// GetExtensionsOk returns a tuple with the Extensions field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *ApiHttpBody) GetExtensionsOk() (*[]ProtobufAny, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Extensions == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Extensions, true
// HasExtensions returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *ApiHttpBody) HasExtensions() bool {
if o != nil && o.Extensions != nil {
return true
return false
// SetExtensions gets a reference to the given []ProtobufAny and assigns it to the Extensions field.
func (o *ApiHttpBody) SetExtensions(v []ProtobufAny) {
o.Extensions = &v
func (o ApiHttpBody) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.ContentType != nil {
toSerialize["contentType"] = o.ContentType
if o.Data != nil {
toSerialize["data"] = o.Data
if o.Extensions != nil {
toSerialize["extensions"] = o.Extensions
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableApiHttpBody struct {
value *ApiHttpBody
isSet bool
func (v NullableApiHttpBody) Get() *ApiHttpBody {
return v.value
func (v *NullableApiHttpBody) Set(val *ApiHttpBody) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableApiHttpBody) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableApiHttpBody) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableApiHttpBody(val *ApiHttpBody) *NullableApiHttpBody {
return &NullableApiHttpBody{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableApiHttpBody) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableApiHttpBody) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage struct for ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage
type ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage struct {
PackageName *string `json:"packageName,omitempty"`
PackageId *string `json:"packageId,omitempty"`
Vre *V1VersionRelease `json:"vre,omitempty"`
SetInactive *bool `json:"setInactive,omitempty"`
// NewImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage instantiates a new ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage() *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage {
this := ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage{}
return &this
// NewImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackageWithDefaults instantiates a new ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackageWithDefaults() *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage {
this := ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage{}
return &this
// GetPackageName returns the PackageName field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) GetPackageName() string {
if o == nil || o.PackageName == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.PackageName
// GetPackageNameOk returns a tuple with the PackageName field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) GetPackageNameOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.PackageName == nil {
return nil, false
return o.PackageName, true
// HasPackageName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) HasPackageName() bool {
if o != nil && o.PackageName != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPackageName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the PackageName field.
func (o *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) SetPackageName(v string) {
o.PackageName = &v
// GetPackageId returns the PackageId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) GetPackageId() string {
if o == nil || o.PackageId == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.PackageId
// GetPackageIdOk returns a tuple with the PackageId field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) GetPackageIdOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.PackageId == nil {
return nil, false
return o.PackageId, true
// HasPackageId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) HasPackageId() bool {
if o != nil && o.PackageId != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPackageId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the PackageId field.
func (o *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) SetPackageId(v string) {
o.PackageId = &v
// GetVre returns the Vre field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) GetVre() V1VersionRelease {
if o == nil || o.Vre == nil {
var ret V1VersionRelease
return ret
return *o.Vre
// GetVreOk returns a tuple with the Vre field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) GetVreOk() (*V1VersionRelease, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Vre == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Vre, true
// HasVre returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) HasVre() bool {
if o != nil && o.Vre != nil {
return true
return false
// SetVre gets a reference to the given V1VersionRelease and assigns it to the Vre field.
func (o *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) SetVre(v V1VersionRelease) {
o.Vre = &v
// GetSetInactive returns the SetInactive field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) GetSetInactive() bool {
if o == nil || o.SetInactive == nil {
var ret bool
return ret
return *o.SetInactive
// GetSetInactiveOk returns a tuple with the SetInactive field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) GetSetInactiveOk() (*bool, bool) {
if o == nil || o.SetInactive == nil {
return nil, false
return o.SetInactive, true
// HasSetInactive returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) HasSetInactive() bool {
if o != nil && o.SetInactive != nil {
return true
return false
// SetSetInactive gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the SetInactive field.
func (o *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) SetSetInactive(v bool) {
o.SetInactive = &v
func (o ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.PackageName != nil {
toSerialize["packageName"] = o.PackageName
if o.PackageId != nil {
toSerialize["packageId"] = o.PackageId
if o.Vre != nil {
toSerialize["vre"] = o.Vre
if o.SetInactive != nil {
toSerialize["setInactive"] = o.SetInactive
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage struct {
value *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage
isSet bool
func (v NullableImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) Get() *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage {
return v.value
func (v *NullableImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) Set(val *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage(val *ImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) *NullableImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage {
return &NullableImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableImportPackageRequestIsTheRequestMessageForImportServiceImportPackage) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// InlineObject struct for InlineObject
type InlineObject struct {
Project *V1Project `json:"project,omitempty"`
// NewInlineObject instantiates a new InlineObject object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewInlineObject() *InlineObject {
this := InlineObject{}
return &this
// NewInlineObjectWithDefaults instantiates a new InlineObject object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewInlineObjectWithDefaults() *InlineObject {
this := InlineObject{}
return &this
// GetProject returns the Project field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject) GetProject() V1Project {
if o == nil || o.Project == nil {
var ret V1Project
return ret
return *o.Project
// GetProjectOk returns a tuple with the Project field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject) GetProjectOk() (*V1Project, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Project == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Project, true
// HasProject returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject) HasProject() bool {
if o != nil && o.Project != nil {
return true
return false
// SetProject gets a reference to the given V1Project and assigns it to the Project field.
func (o *InlineObject) SetProject(v V1Project) {
o.Project = &v
func (o InlineObject) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Project != nil {
toSerialize["project"] = o.Project
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableInlineObject struct {
value *InlineObject
isSet bool
func (v NullableInlineObject) Get() *InlineObject {
return v.value
func (v *NullableInlineObject) Set(val *InlineObject) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableInlineObject) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableInlineObject) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableInlineObject(val *InlineObject) *NullableInlineObject {
return &NullableInlineObject{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableInlineObject) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableInlineObject) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// InlineObject1 struct for InlineObject1
type InlineObject1 struct {
Builds *[]V1SubmitBuildRequest `json:"builds,omitempty"`
// NewInlineObject1 instantiates a new InlineObject1 object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewInlineObject1() *InlineObject1 {
this := InlineObject1{}
return &this
// NewInlineObject1WithDefaults instantiates a new InlineObject1 object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewInlineObject1WithDefaults() *InlineObject1 {
this := InlineObject1{}
return &this
// GetBuilds returns the Builds field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject1) GetBuilds() []V1SubmitBuildRequest {
if o == nil || o.Builds == nil {
var ret []V1SubmitBuildRequest
return ret
return *o.Builds
// GetBuildsOk returns a tuple with the Builds field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject1) GetBuildsOk() (*[]V1SubmitBuildRequest, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Builds == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Builds, true
// HasBuilds returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject1) HasBuilds() bool {
if o != nil && o.Builds != nil {
return true
return false
// SetBuilds gets a reference to the given []V1SubmitBuildRequest and assigns it to the Builds field.
func (o *InlineObject1) SetBuilds(v []V1SubmitBuildRequest) {
o.Builds = &v
func (o InlineObject1) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Builds != nil {
toSerialize["builds"] = o.Builds
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableInlineObject1 struct {
value *InlineObject1
isSet bool
func (v NullableInlineObject1) Get() *InlineObject1 {
return v.value
func (v *NullableInlineObject1) Set(val *InlineObject1) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableInlineObject1) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableInlineObject1) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableInlineObject1(val *InlineObject1) *NullableInlineObject1 {
return &NullableInlineObject1{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableInlineObject1) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableInlineObject1) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// InlineObject2 struct for InlineObject2
type InlineObject2 struct {
PackageName *string `json:"packageName,omitempty"`
PackageId *string `json:"packageId,omitempty"`
ScmHash *string `json:"scmHash,omitempty"`
DisableChecks *bool `json:"disableChecks,omitempty"`
Branches *[]string `json:"branches,omitempty"`
ModuleVariant *bool `json:"moduleVariant,omitempty"`
SideNvrs *[]string `json:"sideNvrs,omitempty"`
SetInactive *bool `json:"setInactive,omitempty"`
// NewInlineObject2 instantiates a new InlineObject2 object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewInlineObject2() *InlineObject2 {
this := InlineObject2{}
return &this
// NewInlineObject2WithDefaults instantiates a new InlineObject2 object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewInlineObject2WithDefaults() *InlineObject2 {
this := InlineObject2{}
return &this
// GetPackageName returns the PackageName field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject2) GetPackageName() string {
if o == nil || o.PackageName == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.PackageName
// GetPackageNameOk returns a tuple with the PackageName field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject2) GetPackageNameOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.PackageName == nil {
return nil, false
return o.PackageName, true
// HasPackageName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject2) HasPackageName() bool {
if o != nil && o.PackageName != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPackageName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the PackageName field.
func (o *InlineObject2) SetPackageName(v string) {
o.PackageName = &v
// GetPackageId returns the PackageId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject2) GetPackageId() string {
if o == nil || o.PackageId == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.PackageId
// GetPackageIdOk returns a tuple with the PackageId field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject2) GetPackageIdOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.PackageId == nil {
return nil, false
return o.PackageId, true
// HasPackageId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject2) HasPackageId() bool {
if o != nil && o.PackageId != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPackageId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the PackageId field.
func (o *InlineObject2) SetPackageId(v string) {
o.PackageId = &v
// GetScmHash returns the ScmHash field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject2) GetScmHash() string {
if o == nil || o.ScmHash == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.ScmHash
// GetScmHashOk returns a tuple with the ScmHash field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject2) GetScmHashOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.ScmHash == nil {
return nil, false
return o.ScmHash, true
// HasScmHash returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject2) HasScmHash() bool {
if o != nil && o.ScmHash != nil {
return true
return false
// SetScmHash gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ScmHash field.
func (o *InlineObject2) SetScmHash(v string) {
o.ScmHash = &v
// GetDisableChecks returns the DisableChecks field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject2) GetDisableChecks() bool {
if o == nil || o.DisableChecks == nil {
var ret bool
return ret
return *o.DisableChecks
// GetDisableChecksOk returns a tuple with the DisableChecks field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject2) GetDisableChecksOk() (*bool, bool) {
if o == nil || o.DisableChecks == nil {
return nil, false
return o.DisableChecks, true
// HasDisableChecks returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject2) HasDisableChecks() bool {
if o != nil && o.DisableChecks != nil {
return true
return false
// SetDisableChecks gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the DisableChecks field.
func (o *InlineObject2) SetDisableChecks(v bool) {
o.DisableChecks = &v
// GetBranches returns the Branches field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject2) GetBranches() []string {
if o == nil || o.Branches == nil {
var ret []string
return ret
return *o.Branches
// GetBranchesOk returns a tuple with the Branches field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject2) GetBranchesOk() (*[]string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Branches == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Branches, true
// HasBranches returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject2) HasBranches() bool {
if o != nil && o.Branches != nil {
return true
return false
// SetBranches gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the Branches field.
func (o *InlineObject2) SetBranches(v []string) {
o.Branches = &v
// GetModuleVariant returns the ModuleVariant field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject2) GetModuleVariant() bool {
if o == nil || o.ModuleVariant == nil {
var ret bool
return ret
return *o.ModuleVariant
// GetModuleVariantOk returns a tuple with the ModuleVariant field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject2) GetModuleVariantOk() (*bool, bool) {
if o == nil || o.ModuleVariant == nil {
return nil, false
return o.ModuleVariant, true
// HasModuleVariant returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject2) HasModuleVariant() bool {
if o != nil && o.ModuleVariant != nil {
return true
return false
// SetModuleVariant gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the ModuleVariant field.
func (o *InlineObject2) SetModuleVariant(v bool) {
o.ModuleVariant = &v
// GetSideNvrs returns the SideNvrs field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject2) GetSideNvrs() []string {
if o == nil || o.SideNvrs == nil {
var ret []string
return ret
return *o.SideNvrs
// GetSideNvrsOk returns a tuple with the SideNvrs field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject2) GetSideNvrsOk() (*[]string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.SideNvrs == nil {
return nil, false
return o.SideNvrs, true
// HasSideNvrs returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject2) HasSideNvrs() bool {
if o != nil && o.SideNvrs != nil {
return true
return false
// SetSideNvrs gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the SideNvrs field.
func (o *InlineObject2) SetSideNvrs(v []string) {
o.SideNvrs = &v
// GetSetInactive returns the SetInactive field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject2) GetSetInactive() bool {
if o == nil || o.SetInactive == nil {
var ret bool
return ret
return *o.SetInactive
// GetSetInactiveOk returns a tuple with the SetInactive field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject2) GetSetInactiveOk() (*bool, bool) {
if o == nil || o.SetInactive == nil {
return nil, false
return o.SetInactive, true
// HasSetInactive returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject2) HasSetInactive() bool {
if o != nil && o.SetInactive != nil {
return true
return false
// SetSetInactive gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the SetInactive field.
func (o *InlineObject2) SetSetInactive(v bool) {
o.SetInactive = &v
func (o InlineObject2) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.PackageName != nil {
toSerialize["packageName"] = o.PackageName
if o.PackageId != nil {
toSerialize["packageId"] = o.PackageId
if o.ScmHash != nil {
toSerialize["scmHash"] = o.ScmHash
if o.DisableChecks != nil {
toSerialize["disableChecks"] = o.DisableChecks
if o.Branches != nil {
toSerialize["branches"] = o.Branches
if o.ModuleVariant != nil {
toSerialize["moduleVariant"] = o.ModuleVariant
if o.SideNvrs != nil {
toSerialize["sideNvrs"] = o.SideNvrs
if o.SetInactive != nil {
toSerialize["setInactive"] = o.SetInactive
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableInlineObject2 struct {
value *InlineObject2
isSet bool
func (v NullableInlineObject2) Get() *InlineObject2 {
return v.value
func (v *NullableInlineObject2) Set(val *InlineObject2) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableInlineObject2) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableInlineObject2) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableInlineObject2(val *InlineObject2) *NullableInlineObject2 {
return &NullableInlineObject2{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableInlineObject2) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableInlineObject2) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// InlineObject3 struct for InlineObject3
type InlineObject3 struct {
// Previously uploaded RPM tarball
Rpms *string `json:"rpms,omitempty"`
// Overwrite existing RPMs even if NVRA is locked Useful for secure boot scenarios for example
ForceOverride *bool `json:"forceOverride,omitempty"`
// NewInlineObject3 instantiates a new InlineObject3 object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewInlineObject3() *InlineObject3 {
this := InlineObject3{}
return &this
// NewInlineObject3WithDefaults instantiates a new InlineObject3 object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewInlineObject3WithDefaults() *InlineObject3 {
this := InlineObject3{}
return &this
// GetRpms returns the Rpms field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject3) GetRpms() string {
if o == nil || o.Rpms == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Rpms
// GetRpmsOk returns a tuple with the Rpms field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject3) GetRpmsOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Rpms == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Rpms, true
// HasRpms returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject3) HasRpms() bool {
if o != nil && o.Rpms != nil {
return true
return false
// SetRpms gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Rpms field.
func (o *InlineObject3) SetRpms(v string) {
o.Rpms = &v
// GetForceOverride returns the ForceOverride field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject3) GetForceOverride() bool {
if o == nil || o.ForceOverride == nil {
var ret bool
return ret
return *o.ForceOverride
// GetForceOverrideOk returns a tuple with the ForceOverride field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject3) GetForceOverrideOk() (*bool, bool) {
if o == nil || o.ForceOverride == nil {
return nil, false
return o.ForceOverride, true
// HasForceOverride returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject3) HasForceOverride() bool {
if o != nil && o.ForceOverride != nil {
return true
return false
// SetForceOverride gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the ForceOverride field.
func (o *InlineObject3) SetForceOverride(v bool) {
o.ForceOverride = &v
func (o InlineObject3) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Rpms != nil {
toSerialize["rpms"] = o.Rpms
if o.ForceOverride != nil {
toSerialize["forceOverride"] = o.ForceOverride
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableInlineObject3 struct {
value *InlineObject3
isSet bool
func (v NullableInlineObject3) Get() *InlineObject3 {
return v.value
func (v *NullableInlineObject3) Set(val *InlineObject3) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableInlineObject3) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableInlineObject3) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableInlineObject3(val *InlineObject3) *NullableInlineObject3 {
return &NullableInlineObject3{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableInlineObject3) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableInlineObject3) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// InlineObject4 struct for InlineObject4
type InlineObject4 struct {
// Previously uploaded RPM tarball
LookasideBlobs *[]string `json:"lookasideBlobs,omitempty"`
// Overwrite existing RPMs even if NVRA is locked Useful for secure boot scenarios for example
ForceOverride *bool `json:"forceOverride,omitempty"`
// NewInlineObject4 instantiates a new InlineObject4 object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewInlineObject4() *InlineObject4 {
this := InlineObject4{}
return &this
// NewInlineObject4WithDefaults instantiates a new InlineObject4 object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewInlineObject4WithDefaults() *InlineObject4 {
this := InlineObject4{}
return &this
// GetLookasideBlobs returns the LookasideBlobs field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject4) GetLookasideBlobs() []string {
if o == nil || o.LookasideBlobs == nil {
var ret []string
return ret
return *o.LookasideBlobs
// GetLookasideBlobsOk returns a tuple with the LookasideBlobs field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject4) GetLookasideBlobsOk() (*[]string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.LookasideBlobs == nil {
return nil, false
return o.LookasideBlobs, true
// HasLookasideBlobs returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject4) HasLookasideBlobs() bool {
if o != nil && o.LookasideBlobs != nil {
return true
return false
// SetLookasideBlobs gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the LookasideBlobs field.
func (o *InlineObject4) SetLookasideBlobs(v []string) {
o.LookasideBlobs = &v
// GetForceOverride returns the ForceOverride field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject4) GetForceOverride() bool {
if o == nil || o.ForceOverride == nil {
var ret bool
return ret
return *o.ForceOverride
// GetForceOverrideOk returns a tuple with the ForceOverride field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject4) GetForceOverrideOk() (*bool, bool) {
if o == nil || o.ForceOverride == nil {
return nil, false
return o.ForceOverride, true
// HasForceOverride returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject4) HasForceOverride() bool {
if o != nil && o.ForceOverride != nil {
return true
return false
// SetForceOverride gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the ForceOverride field.
func (o *InlineObject4) SetForceOverride(v bool) {
o.ForceOverride = &v
func (o InlineObject4) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.LookasideBlobs != nil {
toSerialize["lookasideBlobs"] = o.LookasideBlobs
if o.ForceOverride != nil {
toSerialize["forceOverride"] = o.ForceOverride
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableInlineObject4 struct {
value *InlineObject4
isSet bool
func (v NullableInlineObject4) Get() *InlineObject4 {
return v.value
func (v *NullableInlineObject4) Set(val *InlineObject4) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableInlineObject4) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableInlineObject4) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableInlineObject4(val *InlineObject4) *NullableInlineObject4 {
return &NullableInlineObject4{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableInlineObject4) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableInlineObject4) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// InlineObject5 struct for InlineObject5
type InlineObject5 struct {
ScmUrl *string `json:"scmUrl,omitempty"`
Branch *string `json:"branch,omitempty"`
// NewInlineObject5 instantiates a new InlineObject5 object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewInlineObject5() *InlineObject5 {
this := InlineObject5{}
return &this
// NewInlineObject5WithDefaults instantiates a new InlineObject5 object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewInlineObject5WithDefaults() *InlineObject5 {
this := InlineObject5{}
return &this
// GetScmUrl returns the ScmUrl field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject5) GetScmUrl() string {
if o == nil || o.ScmUrl == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.ScmUrl
// GetScmUrlOk returns a tuple with the ScmUrl field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject5) GetScmUrlOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.ScmUrl == nil {
return nil, false
return o.ScmUrl, true
// HasScmUrl returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject5) HasScmUrl() bool {
if o != nil && o.ScmUrl != nil {
return true
return false
// SetScmUrl gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ScmUrl field.
func (o *InlineObject5) SetScmUrl(v string) {
o.ScmUrl = &v
// GetBranch returns the Branch field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject5) GetBranch() string {
if o == nil || o.Branch == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Branch
// GetBranchOk returns a tuple with the Branch field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject5) GetBranchOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Branch == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Branch, true
// HasBranch returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject5) HasBranch() bool {
if o != nil && o.Branch != nil {
return true
return false
// SetBranch gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Branch field.
func (o *InlineObject5) SetBranch(v string) {
o.Branch = &v
func (o InlineObject5) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.ScmUrl != nil {
toSerialize["scmUrl"] = o.ScmUrl
if o.Branch != nil {
toSerialize["branch"] = o.Branch
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableInlineObject5 struct {
value *InlineObject5
isSet bool
func (v NullableInlineObject5) Get() *InlineObject5 {
return v.value
func (v *NullableInlineObject5) Set(val *InlineObject5) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableInlineObject5) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableInlineObject5) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableInlineObject5(val *InlineObject5) *NullableInlineObject5 {
return &NullableInlineObject5{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableInlineObject5) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableInlineObject5) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// InlineObject6 struct for InlineObject6
type InlineObject6 struct {
GitlabUsername *string `json:"gitlabUsername,omitempty"`
GitlabPassword *string `json:"gitlabPassword,omitempty"`
// NewInlineObject6 instantiates a new InlineObject6 object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewInlineObject6() *InlineObject6 {
this := InlineObject6{}
return &this
// NewInlineObject6WithDefaults instantiates a new InlineObject6 object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewInlineObject6WithDefaults() *InlineObject6 {
this := InlineObject6{}
return &this
// GetGitlabUsername returns the GitlabUsername field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject6) GetGitlabUsername() string {
if o == nil || o.GitlabUsername == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.GitlabUsername
// GetGitlabUsernameOk returns a tuple with the GitlabUsername field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject6) GetGitlabUsernameOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.GitlabUsername == nil {
return nil, false
return o.GitlabUsername, true
// HasGitlabUsername returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject6) HasGitlabUsername() bool {
if o != nil && o.GitlabUsername != nil {
return true
return false
// SetGitlabUsername gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the GitlabUsername field.
func (o *InlineObject6) SetGitlabUsername(v string) {
o.GitlabUsername = &v
// GetGitlabPassword returns the GitlabPassword field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject6) GetGitlabPassword() string {
if o == nil || o.GitlabPassword == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.GitlabPassword
// GetGitlabPasswordOk returns a tuple with the GitlabPassword field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject6) GetGitlabPasswordOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.GitlabPassword == nil {
return nil, false
return o.GitlabPassword, true
// HasGitlabPassword returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject6) HasGitlabPassword() bool {
if o != nil && o.GitlabPassword != nil {
return true
return false
// SetGitlabPassword gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the GitlabPassword field.
func (o *InlineObject6) SetGitlabPassword(v string) {
o.GitlabPassword = &v
func (o InlineObject6) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.GitlabUsername != nil {
toSerialize["gitlabUsername"] = o.GitlabUsername
if o.GitlabPassword != nil {
toSerialize["gitlabPassword"] = o.GitlabPassword
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableInlineObject6 struct {
value *InlineObject6
isSet bool
func (v NullableInlineObject6) Get() *InlineObject6 {
return v.value
func (v *NullableInlineObject6) Set(val *InlineObject6) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableInlineObject6) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableInlineObject6) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableInlineObject6(val *InlineObject6) *NullableInlineObject6 {
return &NullableInlineObject6{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableInlineObject6) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableInlineObject6) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// InlineObject7 struct for InlineObject7
type InlineObject7 struct {
Imports *[]V1ImportPackageRequest `json:"imports,omitempty"`
// NewInlineObject7 instantiates a new InlineObject7 object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewInlineObject7() *InlineObject7 {
this := InlineObject7{}
return &this
// NewInlineObject7WithDefaults instantiates a new InlineObject7 object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewInlineObject7WithDefaults() *InlineObject7 {
this := InlineObject7{}
return &this
// GetImports returns the Imports field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject7) GetImports() []V1ImportPackageRequest {
if o == nil || o.Imports == nil {
var ret []V1ImportPackageRequest
return ret
return *o.Imports
// GetImportsOk returns a tuple with the Imports field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject7) GetImportsOk() (*[]V1ImportPackageRequest, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Imports == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Imports, true
// HasImports returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject7) HasImports() bool {
if o != nil && o.Imports != nil {
return true
return false
// SetImports gets a reference to the given []V1ImportPackageRequest and assigns it to the Imports field.
func (o *InlineObject7) SetImports(v []V1ImportPackageRequest) {
o.Imports = &v
func (o InlineObject7) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Imports != nil {
toSerialize["imports"] = o.Imports
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableInlineObject7 struct {
value *InlineObject7
isSet bool
func (v NullableInlineObject7) Get() *InlineObject7 {
return v.value
func (v *NullableInlineObject7) Set(val *InlineObject7) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableInlineObject7) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableInlineObject7) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableInlineObject7(val *InlineObject7) *NullableInlineObject7 {
return &NullableInlineObject7{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableInlineObject7) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableInlineObject7) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// InlineObject8 struct for InlineObject8
type InlineObject8 struct {
Repositories *[]string `json:"repositories,omitempty"`
// NewInlineObject8 instantiates a new InlineObject8 object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewInlineObject8() *InlineObject8 {
this := InlineObject8{}
return &this
// NewInlineObject8WithDefaults instantiates a new InlineObject8 object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewInlineObject8WithDefaults() *InlineObject8 {
this := InlineObject8{}
return &this
// GetRepositories returns the Repositories field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *InlineObject8) GetRepositories() []string {
if o == nil || o.Repositories == nil {
var ret []string
return ret
return *o.Repositories
// GetRepositoriesOk returns a tuple with the Repositories field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *InlineObject8) GetRepositoriesOk() (*[]string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Repositories == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Repositories, true
// HasRepositories returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *InlineObject8) HasRepositories() bool {
if o != nil && o.Repositories != nil {
return true
return false
// SetRepositories gets a reference to the given []string and assigns it to the Repositories field.
func (o *InlineObject8) SetRepositories(v []string) {
o.Repositories = &v
func (o InlineObject8) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Repositories != nil {
toSerialize["repositories"] = o.Repositories
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableInlineObject8 struct {
value *InlineObject8
isSet bool
func (v NullableInlineObject8) Get() *InlineObject8 {
return v.value
func (v *NullableInlineObject8) Set(val *InlineObject8) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableInlineObject8) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableInlineObject8) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableInlineObject8(val *InlineObject8) *NullableInlineObject8 {
return &NullableInlineObject8{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableInlineObject8) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableInlineObject8) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// ProtobufAny `Any` contains an arbitrary serialized protocol buffer message along with a URL that describes the type of the serialized message. Protobuf library provides support to pack/unpack Any values in the form of utility functions or additional generated methods of the Any type. Example 1: Pack and unpack a message in C++. Foo foo = ...; Any any; any.PackFrom(foo); ... if (any.UnpackTo(&foo)) { ... } Example 2: Pack and unpack a message in Java. Foo foo = ...; Any any = Any.pack(foo); ... if (any.is(Foo.class)) { foo = any.unpack(Foo.class); } Example 3: Pack and unpack a message in Python. foo = Foo(...) any = Any() any.Pack(foo) ... if any.Is(Foo.DESCRIPTOR): any.Unpack(foo) ... Example 4: Pack and unpack a message in Go foo := &pb.Foo{...} any, err := anypb.New(foo) if err != nil { ... } ... foo := &pb.Foo{} if err := any.UnmarshalTo(foo); err != nil { ... } The pack methods provided by protobuf library will by default use 'type.googleapis.com/full.type.name' as the type URL and the unpack methods only use the fully qualified type name after the last '/' in the type URL, for example \"foo.bar.com/x/y.z\" will yield type name \"y.z\". JSON ==== The JSON representation of an `Any` value uses the regular representation of the deserialized, embedded message, with an additional field `@type` which contains the type URL. Example: package google.profile; message Person { string first_name = 1; string last_name = 2; } { \"@type\": \"type.googleapis.com/google.profile.Person\", \"firstName\": <string>, \"lastName\": <string> } If the embedded message type is well-known and has a custom JSON representation, that representation will be embedded adding a field `value` which holds the custom JSON in addition to the `@type` field. Example (for message [google.protobuf.Duration][]): { \"@type\": \"type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.Duration\", \"value\": \"1.212s\" }
type ProtobufAny struct {
// A URL/resource name that uniquely identifies the type of the serialized protocol buffer message. This string must contain at least one \"/\" character. The last segment of the URL's path must represent the fully qualified name of the type (as in `path/google.protobuf.Duration`). The name should be in a canonical form (e.g., leading \".\" is not accepted). In practice, teams usually precompile into the binary all types that they expect it to use in the context of Any. However, for URLs which use the scheme `http`, `https`, or no scheme, one can optionally set up a type server that maps type URLs to message definitions as follows: * If no scheme is provided, `https` is assumed. * An HTTP GET on the URL must yield a [google.protobuf.Type][] value in binary format, or produce an error. * Applications are allowed to cache lookup results based on the URL, or have them precompiled into a binary to avoid any lookup. Therefore, binary compatibility needs to be preserved on changes to types. (Use versioned type names to manage breaking changes.) Note: this functionality is not currently available in the official protobuf release, and it is not used for type URLs beginning with type.googleapis.com. Schemes other than `http`, `https` (or the empty scheme) might be used with implementation specific semantics.
Type *string `json:"@type,omitempty"`
// NewProtobufAny instantiates a new ProtobufAny object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewProtobufAny() *ProtobufAny {
this := ProtobufAny{}
return &this
// NewProtobufAnyWithDefaults instantiates a new ProtobufAny object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewProtobufAnyWithDefaults() *ProtobufAny {
this := ProtobufAny{}
return &this
// GetType returns the Type field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *ProtobufAny) GetType() string {
if o == nil || o.Type == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Type
// GetTypeOk returns a tuple with the Type field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *ProtobufAny) GetTypeOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Type == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Type, true
// HasType returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *ProtobufAny) HasType() bool {
if o != nil && o.Type != nil {
return true
return false
// SetType gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Type field.
func (o *ProtobufAny) SetType(v string) {
o.Type = &v
func (o ProtobufAny) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Type != nil {
toSerialize["@type"] = o.Type
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableProtobufAny struct {
value *ProtobufAny
isSet bool
func (v NullableProtobufAny) Get() *ProtobufAny {
return v.value
func (v *NullableProtobufAny) Set(val *ProtobufAny) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableProtobufAny) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableProtobufAny) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableProtobufAny(val *ProtobufAny) *NullableProtobufAny {
return &NullableProtobufAny{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableProtobufAny) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableProtobufAny) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// RpcStatus struct for RpcStatus
type RpcStatus struct {
Code *int32 `json:"code,omitempty"`
Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"`
Details *[]ProtobufAny `json:"details,omitempty"`
// NewRpcStatus instantiates a new RpcStatus object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewRpcStatus() *RpcStatus {
this := RpcStatus{}
return &this
// NewRpcStatusWithDefaults instantiates a new RpcStatus object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewRpcStatusWithDefaults() *RpcStatus {
this := RpcStatus{}
return &this
// GetCode returns the Code field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *RpcStatus) GetCode() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Code == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Code
// GetCodeOk returns a tuple with the Code field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *RpcStatus) GetCodeOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Code == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Code, true
// HasCode returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *RpcStatus) HasCode() bool {
if o != nil && o.Code != nil {
return true
return false
// SetCode gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Code field.
func (o *RpcStatus) SetCode(v int32) {
o.Code = &v
// GetMessage returns the Message field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *RpcStatus) GetMessage() string {
if o == nil || o.Message == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Message
// GetMessageOk returns a tuple with the Message field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *RpcStatus) GetMessageOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Message == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Message, true
// HasMessage returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *RpcStatus) HasMessage() bool {
if o != nil && o.Message != nil {
return true
return false
// SetMessage gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Message field.
func (o *RpcStatus) SetMessage(v string) {
o.Message = &v
// GetDetails returns the Details field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *RpcStatus) GetDetails() []ProtobufAny {
if o == nil || o.Details == nil {
var ret []ProtobufAny
return ret
return *o.Details
// GetDetailsOk returns a tuple with the Details field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *RpcStatus) GetDetailsOk() (*[]ProtobufAny, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Details == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Details, true
// HasDetails returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *RpcStatus) HasDetails() bool {
if o != nil && o.Details != nil {
return true
return false
// SetDetails gets a reference to the given []ProtobufAny and assigns it to the Details field.
func (o *RpcStatus) SetDetails(v []ProtobufAny) {
o.Details = &v
func (o RpcStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Code != nil {
toSerialize["code"] = o.Code
if o.Message != nil {
toSerialize["message"] = o.Message
if o.Details != nil {
toSerialize["details"] = o.Details
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableRpcStatus struct {
value *RpcStatus
isSet bool
func (v NullableRpcStatus) Get() *RpcStatus {
return v.value
func (v *NullableRpcStatus) Set(val *RpcStatus) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableRpcStatus) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableRpcStatus) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableRpcStatus(val *RpcStatus) *NullableRpcStatus {
return &NullableRpcStatus{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableRpcStatus) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableRpcStatus) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// StreamResultOfApiHttpBody struct for StreamResultOfApiHttpBody
type StreamResultOfApiHttpBody struct {
Result *ApiHttpBody `json:"result,omitempty"`
Error *RpcStatus `json:"error,omitempty"`
// NewStreamResultOfApiHttpBody instantiates a new StreamResultOfApiHttpBody object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewStreamResultOfApiHttpBody() *StreamResultOfApiHttpBody {
this := StreamResultOfApiHttpBody{}
return &this
// NewStreamResultOfApiHttpBodyWithDefaults instantiates a new StreamResultOfApiHttpBody object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewStreamResultOfApiHttpBodyWithDefaults() *StreamResultOfApiHttpBody {
this := StreamResultOfApiHttpBody{}
return &this
// GetResult returns the Result field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *StreamResultOfApiHttpBody) GetResult() ApiHttpBody {
if o == nil || o.Result == nil {
var ret ApiHttpBody
return ret
return *o.Result
// GetResultOk returns a tuple with the Result field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *StreamResultOfApiHttpBody) GetResultOk() (*ApiHttpBody, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Result == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Result, true
// HasResult returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *StreamResultOfApiHttpBody) HasResult() bool {
if o != nil && o.Result != nil {
return true
return false
// SetResult gets a reference to the given ApiHttpBody and assigns it to the Result field.
func (o *StreamResultOfApiHttpBody) SetResult(v ApiHttpBody) {
o.Result = &v
// GetError returns the Error field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *StreamResultOfApiHttpBody) GetError() RpcStatus {
if o == nil || o.Error == nil {
var ret RpcStatus
return ret
return *o.Error
// GetErrorOk returns a tuple with the Error field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *StreamResultOfApiHttpBody) GetErrorOk() (*RpcStatus, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Error == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Error, true
// HasError returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *StreamResultOfApiHttpBody) HasError() bool {
if o != nil && o.Error != nil {
return true
return false
// SetError gets a reference to the given RpcStatus and assigns it to the Error field.
func (o *StreamResultOfApiHttpBody) SetError(v RpcStatus) {
o.Error = &v
func (o StreamResultOfApiHttpBody) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Result != nil {
toSerialize["result"] = o.Result
if o.Error != nil {
toSerialize["error"] = o.Error
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableStreamResultOfApiHttpBody struct {
value *StreamResultOfApiHttpBody
isSet bool
func (v NullableStreamResultOfApiHttpBody) Get() *StreamResultOfApiHttpBody {
return v.value
func (v *NullableStreamResultOfApiHttpBody) Set(val *StreamResultOfApiHttpBody) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableStreamResultOfApiHttpBody) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableStreamResultOfApiHttpBody) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableStreamResultOfApiHttpBody(val *StreamResultOfApiHttpBody) *NullableStreamResultOfApiHttpBody {
return &NullableStreamResultOfApiHttpBody{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableStreamResultOfApiHttpBody) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableStreamResultOfApiHttpBody) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse struct for StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse
type StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse struct {
Result *V1SearchResponse `json:"result,omitempty"`
Error *RpcStatus `json:"error,omitempty"`
// NewStreamResultOfV1SearchResponse instantiates a new StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewStreamResultOfV1SearchResponse() *StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse {
this := StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse{}
return &this
// NewStreamResultOfV1SearchResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewStreamResultOfV1SearchResponseWithDefaults() *StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse {
this := StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse{}
return &this
// GetResult returns the Result field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse) GetResult() V1SearchResponse {
if o == nil || o.Result == nil {
var ret V1SearchResponse
return ret
return *o.Result
// GetResultOk returns a tuple with the Result field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse) GetResultOk() (*V1SearchResponse, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Result == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Result, true
// HasResult returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse) HasResult() bool {
if o != nil && o.Result != nil {
return true
return false
// SetResult gets a reference to the given V1SearchResponse and assigns it to the Result field.
func (o *StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse) SetResult(v V1SearchResponse) {
o.Result = &v
// GetError returns the Error field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse) GetError() RpcStatus {
if o == nil || o.Error == nil {
var ret RpcStatus
return ret
return *o.Error
// GetErrorOk returns a tuple with the Error field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse) GetErrorOk() (*RpcStatus, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Error == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Error, true
// HasError returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse) HasError() bool {
if o != nil && o.Error != nil {
return true
return false
// SetError gets a reference to the given RpcStatus and assigns it to the Error field.
func (o *StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse) SetError(v RpcStatus) {
o.Error = &v
func (o StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Result != nil {
toSerialize["result"] = o.Result
if o.Error != nil {
toSerialize["error"] = o.Error
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableStreamResultOfV1SearchResponse struct {
value *StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse
isSet bool
func (v NullableStreamResultOfV1SearchResponse) Get() *StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse {
return v.value
func (v *NullableStreamResultOfV1SearchResponse) Set(val *StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableStreamResultOfV1SearchResponse) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableStreamResultOfV1SearchResponse) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableStreamResultOfV1SearchResponse(val *StreamResultOfV1SearchResponse) *NullableStreamResultOfV1SearchResponse {
return &NullableStreamResultOfV1SearchResponse{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableStreamResultOfV1SearchResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableStreamResultOfV1SearchResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1AsyncTask AsyncTask represents a collection of subunits of tasks that wholly works towards a specific goal.
type V1AsyncTask struct {
TaskId *string `json:"taskId,omitempty"`
Subtasks *[]V1Subtask `json:"subtasks,omitempty"`
Done *bool `json:"done,omitempty"`
// NewV1AsyncTask instantiates a new V1AsyncTask object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1AsyncTask() *V1AsyncTask {
this := V1AsyncTask{}
return &this
// NewV1AsyncTaskWithDefaults instantiates a new V1AsyncTask object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1AsyncTaskWithDefaults() *V1AsyncTask {
this := V1AsyncTask{}
return &this
// GetTaskId returns the TaskId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1AsyncTask) GetTaskId() string {
if o == nil || o.TaskId == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.TaskId
// GetTaskIdOk returns a tuple with the TaskId field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1AsyncTask) GetTaskIdOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.TaskId == nil {
return nil, false
return o.TaskId, true
// HasTaskId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1AsyncTask) HasTaskId() bool {
if o != nil && o.TaskId != nil {
return true
return false
// SetTaskId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TaskId field.
func (o *V1AsyncTask) SetTaskId(v string) {
o.TaskId = &v
// GetSubtasks returns the Subtasks field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1AsyncTask) GetSubtasks() []V1Subtask {
if o == nil || o.Subtasks == nil {
var ret []V1Subtask
return ret
return *o.Subtasks
// GetSubtasksOk returns a tuple with the Subtasks field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1AsyncTask) GetSubtasksOk() (*[]V1Subtask, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Subtasks == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Subtasks, true
// HasSubtasks returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1AsyncTask) HasSubtasks() bool {
if o != nil && o.Subtasks != nil {
return true
return false
// SetSubtasks gets a reference to the given []V1Subtask and assigns it to the Subtasks field.
func (o *V1AsyncTask) SetSubtasks(v []V1Subtask) {
o.Subtasks = &v
// GetDone returns the Done field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1AsyncTask) GetDone() bool {
if o == nil || o.Done == nil {
var ret bool
return ret
return *o.Done
// GetDoneOk returns a tuple with the Done field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1AsyncTask) GetDoneOk() (*bool, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Done == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Done, true
// HasDone returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1AsyncTask) HasDone() bool {
if o != nil && o.Done != nil {
return true
return false
// SetDone gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the Done field.
func (o *V1AsyncTask) SetDone(v bool) {
o.Done = &v
func (o V1AsyncTask) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.TaskId != nil {
toSerialize["taskId"] = o.TaskId
if o.Subtasks != nil {
toSerialize["subtasks"] = o.Subtasks
if o.Done != nil {
toSerialize["done"] = o.Done
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1AsyncTask struct {
value *V1AsyncTask
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1AsyncTask) Get() *V1AsyncTask {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1AsyncTask) Set(val *V1AsyncTask) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1AsyncTask) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1AsyncTask) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1AsyncTask(val *V1AsyncTask) *NullableV1AsyncTask {
return &NullableV1AsyncTask{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1AsyncTask) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1AsyncTask) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1BatchFilter struct for V1BatchFilter
type V1BatchFilter struct {
Status *V1TaskStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
// NewV1BatchFilter instantiates a new V1BatchFilter object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1BatchFilter() *V1BatchFilter {
this := V1BatchFilter{}
var status V1TaskStatus = UNSPECIFIED
this.Status = &status
return &this
// NewV1BatchFilterWithDefaults instantiates a new V1BatchFilter object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1BatchFilterWithDefaults() *V1BatchFilter {
this := V1BatchFilter{}
var status V1TaskStatus = UNSPECIFIED
this.Status = &status
return &this
// GetStatus returns the Status field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1BatchFilter) GetStatus() V1TaskStatus {
if o == nil || o.Status == nil {
var ret V1TaskStatus
return ret
return *o.Status
// GetStatusOk returns a tuple with the Status field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1BatchFilter) GetStatusOk() (*V1TaskStatus, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Status == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Status, true
// HasStatus returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1BatchFilter) HasStatus() bool {
if o != nil && o.Status != nil {
return true
return false
// SetStatus gets a reference to the given V1TaskStatus and assigns it to the Status field.
func (o *V1BatchFilter) SetStatus(v V1TaskStatus) {
o.Status = &v
func (o V1BatchFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Status != nil {
toSerialize["status"] = o.Status
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1BatchFilter struct {
value *V1BatchFilter
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1BatchFilter) Get() *V1BatchFilter {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1BatchFilter) Set(val *V1BatchFilter) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1BatchFilter) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1BatchFilter) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1BatchFilter(val *V1BatchFilter) *NullableV1BatchFilter {
return &NullableV1BatchFilter{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1BatchFilter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1BatchFilter) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1Build struct for V1Build
type V1Build struct {
Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt,omitempty"`
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
ImportRevisions *[]V1ImportRevision `json:"importRevisions,omitempty"`
TaskId *string `json:"taskId,omitempty"`
Status *V1TaskStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
// NewV1Build instantiates a new V1Build object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1Build() *V1Build {
this := V1Build{}
var status V1TaskStatus = UNSPECIFIED
this.Status = &status
return &this
// NewV1BuildWithDefaults instantiates a new V1Build object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1BuildWithDefaults() *V1Build {
this := V1Build{}
var status V1TaskStatus = UNSPECIFIED
this.Status = &status
return &this
// GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1Build) GetId() string {
if o == nil || o.Id == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Id
// GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1Build) GetIdOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Id == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Id, true
// HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1Build) HasId() bool {
if o != nil && o.Id != nil {
return true
return false
// SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.
func (o *V1Build) SetId(v string) {
o.Id = &v
// GetCreatedAt returns the CreatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1Build) GetCreatedAt() time.Time {
if o == nil || o.CreatedAt == nil {
var ret time.Time
return ret
return *o.CreatedAt
// GetCreatedAtOk returns a tuple with the CreatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1Build) GetCreatedAtOk() (*time.Time, bool) {
if o == nil || o.CreatedAt == nil {
return nil, false
return o.CreatedAt, true
// HasCreatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1Build) HasCreatedAt() bool {
if o != nil && o.CreatedAt != nil {
return true
return false
// SetCreatedAt gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the CreatedAt field.
func (o *V1Build) SetCreatedAt(v time.Time) {
o.CreatedAt = &v
// GetName returns the Name field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1Build) GetName() string {
if o == nil || o.Name == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Name
// GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1Build) GetNameOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Name == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Name, true
// HasName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1Build) HasName() bool {
if o != nil && o.Name != nil {
return true
return false
// SetName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Name field.
func (o *V1Build) SetName(v string) {
o.Name = &v
// GetImportRevisions returns the ImportRevisions field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1Build) GetImportRevisions() []V1ImportRevision {
if o == nil || o.ImportRevisions == nil {
var ret []V1ImportRevision
return ret
return *o.ImportRevisions
// GetImportRevisionsOk returns a tuple with the ImportRevisions field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1Build) GetImportRevisionsOk() (*[]V1ImportRevision, bool) {
if o == nil || o.ImportRevisions == nil {
return nil, false
return o.ImportRevisions, true
// HasImportRevisions returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1Build) HasImportRevisions() bool {
if o != nil && o.ImportRevisions != nil {
return true
return false
// SetImportRevisions gets a reference to the given []V1ImportRevision and assigns it to the ImportRevisions field.
func (o *V1Build) SetImportRevisions(v []V1ImportRevision) {
o.ImportRevisions = &v
// GetTaskId returns the TaskId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1Build) GetTaskId() string {
if o == nil || o.TaskId == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.TaskId
// GetTaskIdOk returns a tuple with the TaskId field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1Build) GetTaskIdOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.TaskId == nil {
return nil, false
return o.TaskId, true
// HasTaskId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1Build) HasTaskId() bool {
if o != nil && o.TaskId != nil {
return true
return false
// SetTaskId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TaskId field.
func (o *V1Build) SetTaskId(v string) {
o.TaskId = &v
// GetStatus returns the Status field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1Build) GetStatus() V1TaskStatus {
if o == nil || o.Status == nil {
var ret V1TaskStatus
return ret
return *o.Status
// GetStatusOk returns a tuple with the Status field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1Build) GetStatusOk() (*V1TaskStatus, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Status == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Status, true
// HasStatus returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1Build) HasStatus() bool {
if o != nil && o.Status != nil {
return true
return false
// SetStatus gets a reference to the given V1TaskStatus and assigns it to the Status field.
func (o *V1Build) SetStatus(v V1TaskStatus) {
o.Status = &v
func (o V1Build) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Id != nil {
toSerialize["id"] = o.Id
if o.CreatedAt != nil {
toSerialize["createdAt"] = o.CreatedAt
if o.Name != nil {
toSerialize["name"] = o.Name
if o.ImportRevisions != nil {
toSerialize["importRevisions"] = o.ImportRevisions
if o.TaskId != nil {
toSerialize["taskId"] = o.TaskId
if o.Status != nil {
toSerialize["status"] = o.Status
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1Build struct {
value *V1Build
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1Build) Get() *V1Build {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1Build) Set(val *V1Build) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1Build) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1Build) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1Build(val *V1Build) *NullableV1Build {
return &NullableV1Build{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1Build) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1Build) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1BuildBatch struct for V1BuildBatch
type V1BuildBatch struct {
Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt,omitempty"`
Count *int32 `json:"count,omitempty"`
Pending *int32 `json:"pending,omitempty"`
Running *int32 `json:"running,omitempty"`
Succeeded *int32 `json:"succeeded,omitempty"`
Failed *int32 `json:"failed,omitempty"`
Canceled *int32 `json:"canceled,omitempty"`
// NewV1BuildBatch instantiates a new V1BuildBatch object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1BuildBatch() *V1BuildBatch {
this := V1BuildBatch{}
return &this
// NewV1BuildBatchWithDefaults instantiates a new V1BuildBatch object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1BuildBatchWithDefaults() *V1BuildBatch {
this := V1BuildBatch{}
return &this
// GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) GetId() string {
if o == nil || o.Id == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Id
// GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) GetIdOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Id == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Id, true
// HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) HasId() bool {
if o != nil && o.Id != nil {
return true
return false
// SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) SetId(v string) {
o.Id = &v
// GetCreatedAt returns the CreatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) GetCreatedAt() time.Time {
if o == nil || o.CreatedAt == nil {
var ret time.Time
return ret
return *o.CreatedAt
// GetCreatedAtOk returns a tuple with the CreatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) GetCreatedAtOk() (*time.Time, bool) {
if o == nil || o.CreatedAt == nil {
return nil, false
return o.CreatedAt, true
// HasCreatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) HasCreatedAt() bool {
if o != nil && o.CreatedAt != nil {
return true
return false
// SetCreatedAt gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the CreatedAt field.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) SetCreatedAt(v time.Time) {
o.CreatedAt = &v
// GetCount returns the Count field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) GetCount() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Count == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Count
// GetCountOk returns a tuple with the Count field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) GetCountOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Count == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Count, true
// HasCount returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) HasCount() bool {
if o != nil && o.Count != nil {
return true
return false
// SetCount gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Count field.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) SetCount(v int32) {
o.Count = &v
// GetPending returns the Pending field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) GetPending() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Pending == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Pending
// GetPendingOk returns a tuple with the Pending field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) GetPendingOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Pending == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Pending, true
// HasPending returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) HasPending() bool {
if o != nil && o.Pending != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPending gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Pending field.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) SetPending(v int32) {
o.Pending = &v
// GetRunning returns the Running field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) GetRunning() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Running == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Running
// GetRunningOk returns a tuple with the Running field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) GetRunningOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Running == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Running, true
// HasRunning returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) HasRunning() bool {
if o != nil && o.Running != nil {
return true
return false
// SetRunning gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Running field.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) SetRunning(v int32) {
o.Running = &v
// GetSucceeded returns the Succeeded field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) GetSucceeded() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Succeeded == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Succeeded
// GetSucceededOk returns a tuple with the Succeeded field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) GetSucceededOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Succeeded == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Succeeded, true
// HasSucceeded returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) HasSucceeded() bool {
if o != nil && o.Succeeded != nil {
return true
return false
// SetSucceeded gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Succeeded field.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) SetSucceeded(v int32) {
o.Succeeded = &v
// GetFailed returns the Failed field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) GetFailed() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Failed == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Failed
// GetFailedOk returns a tuple with the Failed field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) GetFailedOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Failed == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Failed, true
// HasFailed returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) HasFailed() bool {
if o != nil && o.Failed != nil {
return true
return false
// SetFailed gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Failed field.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) SetFailed(v int32) {
o.Failed = &v
// GetCanceled returns the Canceled field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) GetCanceled() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Canceled == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Canceled
// GetCanceledOk returns a tuple with the Canceled field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) GetCanceledOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Canceled == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Canceled, true
// HasCanceled returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) HasCanceled() bool {
if o != nil && o.Canceled != nil {
return true
return false
// SetCanceled gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Canceled field.
func (o *V1BuildBatch) SetCanceled(v int32) {
o.Canceled = &v
func (o V1BuildBatch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Id != nil {
toSerialize["id"] = o.Id
if o.CreatedAt != nil {
toSerialize["createdAt"] = o.CreatedAt
if o.Count != nil {
toSerialize["count"] = o.Count
if o.Pending != nil {
toSerialize["pending"] = o.Pending
if o.Running != nil {
toSerialize["running"] = o.Running
if o.Succeeded != nil {
toSerialize["succeeded"] = o.Succeeded
if o.Failed != nil {
toSerialize["failed"] = o.Failed
if o.Canceled != nil {
toSerialize["canceled"] = o.Canceled
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1BuildBatch struct {
value *V1BuildBatch
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1BuildBatch) Get() *V1BuildBatch {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1BuildBatch) Set(val *V1BuildBatch) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1BuildBatch) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1BuildBatch) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1BuildBatch(val *V1BuildBatch) *NullableV1BuildBatch {
return &NullableV1BuildBatch{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1BuildBatch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1BuildBatch) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1BuildFilters struct for V1BuildFilters
type V1BuildFilters struct {
Status *V1TaskStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
// NewV1BuildFilters instantiates a new V1BuildFilters object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1BuildFilters() *V1BuildFilters {
this := V1BuildFilters{}
var status V1TaskStatus = UNSPECIFIED
this.Status = &status
return &this
// NewV1BuildFiltersWithDefaults instantiates a new V1BuildFilters object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1BuildFiltersWithDefaults() *V1BuildFilters {
this := V1BuildFilters{}
var status V1TaskStatus = UNSPECIFIED
this.Status = &status
return &this
// GetStatus returns the Status field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1BuildFilters) GetStatus() V1TaskStatus {
if o == nil || o.Status == nil {
var ret V1TaskStatus
return ret
return *o.Status
// GetStatusOk returns a tuple with the Status field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1BuildFilters) GetStatusOk() (*V1TaskStatus, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Status == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Status, true
// HasStatus returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1BuildFilters) HasStatus() bool {
if o != nil && o.Status != nil {
return true
return false
// SetStatus gets a reference to the given V1TaskStatus and assigns it to the Status field.
func (o *V1BuildFilters) SetStatus(v V1TaskStatus) {
o.Status = &v
func (o V1BuildFilters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Status != nil {
toSerialize["status"] = o.Status
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1BuildFilters struct {
value *V1BuildFilters
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1BuildFilters) Get() *V1BuildFilters {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1BuildFilters) Set(val *V1BuildFilters) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1BuildFilters) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1BuildFilters) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1BuildFilters(val *V1BuildFilters) *NullableV1BuildFilters {
return &NullableV1BuildFilters{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1BuildFilters) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1BuildFilters) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1CreateProjectRequest struct for V1CreateProjectRequest
type V1CreateProjectRequest struct {
Project *V1Project `json:"project,omitempty"`
// NewV1CreateProjectRequest instantiates a new V1CreateProjectRequest object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1CreateProjectRequest() *V1CreateProjectRequest {
this := V1CreateProjectRequest{}
return &this
// NewV1CreateProjectRequestWithDefaults instantiates a new V1CreateProjectRequest object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1CreateProjectRequestWithDefaults() *V1CreateProjectRequest {
this := V1CreateProjectRequest{}
return &this
// GetProject returns the Project field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1CreateProjectRequest) GetProject() V1Project {
if o == nil || o.Project == nil {
var ret V1Project
return ret
return *o.Project
// GetProjectOk returns a tuple with the Project field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1CreateProjectRequest) GetProjectOk() (*V1Project, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Project == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Project, true
// HasProject returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1CreateProjectRequest) HasProject() bool {
if o != nil && o.Project != nil {
return true
return false
// SetProject gets a reference to the given V1Project and assigns it to the Project field.
func (o *V1CreateProjectRequest) SetProject(v V1Project) {
o.Project = &v
func (o V1CreateProjectRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Project != nil {
toSerialize["project"] = o.Project
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1CreateProjectRequest struct {
value *V1CreateProjectRequest
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1CreateProjectRequest) Get() *V1CreateProjectRequest {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1CreateProjectRequest) Set(val *V1CreateProjectRequest) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1CreateProjectRequest) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1CreateProjectRequest) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1CreateProjectRequest(val *V1CreateProjectRequest) *NullableV1CreateProjectRequest {
return &NullableV1CreateProjectRequest{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1CreateProjectRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1CreateProjectRequest) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1CreateProjectResponse struct for V1CreateProjectResponse
type V1CreateProjectResponse struct {
Project *V1Project `json:"project,omitempty"`
// NewV1CreateProjectResponse instantiates a new V1CreateProjectResponse object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1CreateProjectResponse() *V1CreateProjectResponse {
this := V1CreateProjectResponse{}
return &this
// NewV1CreateProjectResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new V1CreateProjectResponse object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1CreateProjectResponseWithDefaults() *V1CreateProjectResponse {
this := V1CreateProjectResponse{}
return &this
// GetProject returns the Project field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1CreateProjectResponse) GetProject() V1Project {
if o == nil || o.Project == nil {
var ret V1Project
return ret
return *o.Project
// GetProjectOk returns a tuple with the Project field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1CreateProjectResponse) GetProjectOk() (*V1Project, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Project == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Project, true
// HasProject returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1CreateProjectResponse) HasProject() bool {
if o != nil && o.Project != nil {
return true
return false
// SetProject gets a reference to the given V1Project and assigns it to the Project field.
func (o *V1CreateProjectResponse) SetProject(v V1Project) {
o.Project = &v
func (o V1CreateProjectResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Project != nil {
toSerialize["project"] = o.Project
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1CreateProjectResponse struct {
value *V1CreateProjectResponse
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1CreateProjectResponse) Get() *V1CreateProjectResponse {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1CreateProjectResponse) Set(val *V1CreateProjectResponse) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1CreateProjectResponse) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1CreateProjectResponse) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1CreateProjectResponse(val *V1CreateProjectResponse) *NullableV1CreateProjectResponse {
return &NullableV1CreateProjectResponse{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1CreateProjectResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1CreateProjectResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1GetBuildBatchResponse struct for V1GetBuildBatchResponse
type V1GetBuildBatchResponse struct {
Builds *[]V1Build `json:"builds,omitempty"`
Pending *int32 `json:"pending,omitempty"`
Running *int32 `json:"running,omitempty"`
Succeeded *int32 `json:"succeeded,omitempty"`
Failed *int32 `json:"failed,omitempty"`
Canceled *int32 `json:"canceled,omitempty"`
Total *string `json:"total,omitempty"`
Size *int32 `json:"size,omitempty"`
Page *int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
// NewV1GetBuildBatchResponse instantiates a new V1GetBuildBatchResponse object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1GetBuildBatchResponse() *V1GetBuildBatchResponse {
this := V1GetBuildBatchResponse{}
return &this
// NewV1GetBuildBatchResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new V1GetBuildBatchResponse object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1GetBuildBatchResponseWithDefaults() *V1GetBuildBatchResponse {
this := V1GetBuildBatchResponse{}
return &this
// GetBuilds returns the Builds field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) GetBuilds() []V1Build {
if o == nil || o.Builds == nil {
var ret []V1Build
return ret
return *o.Builds
// GetBuildsOk returns a tuple with the Builds field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) GetBuildsOk() (*[]V1Build, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Builds == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Builds, true
// HasBuilds returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) HasBuilds() bool {
if o != nil && o.Builds != nil {
return true
return false
// SetBuilds gets a reference to the given []V1Build and assigns it to the Builds field.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) SetBuilds(v []V1Build) {
o.Builds = &v
// GetPending returns the Pending field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) GetPending() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Pending == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Pending
// GetPendingOk returns a tuple with the Pending field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) GetPendingOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Pending == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Pending, true
// HasPending returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) HasPending() bool {
if o != nil && o.Pending != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPending gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Pending field.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) SetPending(v int32) {
o.Pending = &v
// GetRunning returns the Running field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) GetRunning() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Running == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Running
// GetRunningOk returns a tuple with the Running field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) GetRunningOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Running == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Running, true
// HasRunning returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) HasRunning() bool {
if o != nil && o.Running != nil {
return true
return false
// SetRunning gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Running field.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) SetRunning(v int32) {
o.Running = &v
// GetSucceeded returns the Succeeded field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) GetSucceeded() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Succeeded == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Succeeded
// GetSucceededOk returns a tuple with the Succeeded field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) GetSucceededOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Succeeded == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Succeeded, true
// HasSucceeded returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) HasSucceeded() bool {
if o != nil && o.Succeeded != nil {
return true
return false
// SetSucceeded gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Succeeded field.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) SetSucceeded(v int32) {
o.Succeeded = &v
// GetFailed returns the Failed field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) GetFailed() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Failed == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Failed
// GetFailedOk returns a tuple with the Failed field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) GetFailedOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Failed == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Failed, true
// HasFailed returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) HasFailed() bool {
if o != nil && o.Failed != nil {
return true
return false
// SetFailed gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Failed field.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) SetFailed(v int32) {
o.Failed = &v
// GetCanceled returns the Canceled field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) GetCanceled() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Canceled == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Canceled
// GetCanceledOk returns a tuple with the Canceled field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) GetCanceledOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Canceled == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Canceled, true
// HasCanceled returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) HasCanceled() bool {
if o != nil && o.Canceled != nil {
return true
return false
// SetCanceled gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Canceled field.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) SetCanceled(v int32) {
o.Canceled = &v
// GetTotal returns the Total field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) GetTotal() string {
if o == nil || o.Total == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Total
// GetTotalOk returns a tuple with the Total field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) GetTotalOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Total == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Total, true
// HasTotal returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) HasTotal() bool {
if o != nil && o.Total != nil {
return true
return false
// SetTotal gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Total field.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) SetTotal(v string) {
o.Total = &v
// GetSize returns the Size field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) GetSize() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Size == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Size
// GetSizeOk returns a tuple with the Size field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) GetSizeOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Size == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Size, true
// HasSize returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) HasSize() bool {
if o != nil && o.Size != nil {
return true
return false
// SetSize gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Size field.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) SetSize(v int32) {
o.Size = &v
// GetPage returns the Page field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) GetPage() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Page == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Page
// GetPageOk returns a tuple with the Page field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) GetPageOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Page == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Page, true
// HasPage returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) HasPage() bool {
if o != nil && o.Page != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPage gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Page field.
func (o *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) SetPage(v int32) {
o.Page = &v
func (o V1GetBuildBatchResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Builds != nil {
toSerialize["builds"] = o.Builds
if o.Pending != nil {
toSerialize["pending"] = o.Pending
if o.Running != nil {
toSerialize["running"] = o.Running
if o.Succeeded != nil {
toSerialize["succeeded"] = o.Succeeded
if o.Failed != nil {
toSerialize["failed"] = o.Failed
if o.Canceled != nil {
toSerialize["canceled"] = o.Canceled
if o.Total != nil {
toSerialize["total"] = o.Total
if o.Size != nil {
toSerialize["size"] = o.Size
if o.Page != nil {
toSerialize["page"] = o.Page
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1GetBuildBatchResponse struct {
value *V1GetBuildBatchResponse
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1GetBuildBatchResponse) Get() *V1GetBuildBatchResponse {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1GetBuildBatchResponse) Set(val *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1GetBuildBatchResponse) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1GetBuildBatchResponse) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1GetBuildBatchResponse(val *V1GetBuildBatchResponse) *NullableV1GetBuildBatchResponse {
return &NullableV1GetBuildBatchResponse{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1GetBuildBatchResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1GetBuildBatchResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1GetBuildResponse struct for V1GetBuildResponse
type V1GetBuildResponse struct {
Build *V1Build `json:"build,omitempty"`
// NewV1GetBuildResponse instantiates a new V1GetBuildResponse object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1GetBuildResponse() *V1GetBuildResponse {
this := V1GetBuildResponse{}
return &this
// NewV1GetBuildResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new V1GetBuildResponse object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1GetBuildResponseWithDefaults() *V1GetBuildResponse {
this := V1GetBuildResponse{}
return &this
// GetBuild returns the Build field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetBuildResponse) GetBuild() V1Build {
if o == nil || o.Build == nil {
var ret V1Build
return ret
return *o.Build
// GetBuildOk returns a tuple with the Build field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildResponse) GetBuildOk() (*V1Build, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Build == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Build, true
// HasBuild returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetBuildResponse) HasBuild() bool {
if o != nil && o.Build != nil {
return true
return false
// SetBuild gets a reference to the given V1Build and assigns it to the Build field.
func (o *V1GetBuildResponse) SetBuild(v V1Build) {
o.Build = &v
func (o V1GetBuildResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Build != nil {
toSerialize["build"] = o.Build
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1GetBuildResponse struct {
value *V1GetBuildResponse
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1GetBuildResponse) Get() *V1GetBuildResponse {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1GetBuildResponse) Set(val *V1GetBuildResponse) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1GetBuildResponse) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1GetBuildResponse) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1GetBuildResponse(val *V1GetBuildResponse) *NullableV1GetBuildResponse {
return &NullableV1GetBuildResponse{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1GetBuildResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1GetBuildResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1GetImportBatchResponse struct for V1GetImportBatchResponse
type V1GetImportBatchResponse struct {
Imports *[]V1Import `json:"imports,omitempty"`
Pending *int32 `json:"pending,omitempty"`
Running *int32 `json:"running,omitempty"`
Succeeded *int32 `json:"succeeded,omitempty"`
Failed *int32 `json:"failed,omitempty"`
Canceled *int32 `json:"canceled,omitempty"`
Total *string `json:"total,omitempty"`
Size *int32 `json:"size,omitempty"`
Page *int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
// NewV1GetImportBatchResponse instantiates a new V1GetImportBatchResponse object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1GetImportBatchResponse() *V1GetImportBatchResponse {
this := V1GetImportBatchResponse{}
return &this
// NewV1GetImportBatchResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new V1GetImportBatchResponse object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1GetImportBatchResponseWithDefaults() *V1GetImportBatchResponse {
this := V1GetImportBatchResponse{}
return &this
// GetImports returns the Imports field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) GetImports() []V1Import {
if o == nil || o.Imports == nil {
var ret []V1Import
return ret
return *o.Imports
// GetImportsOk returns a tuple with the Imports field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) GetImportsOk() (*[]V1Import, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Imports == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Imports, true
// HasImports returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) HasImports() bool {
if o != nil && o.Imports != nil {
return true
return false
// SetImports gets a reference to the given []V1Import and assigns it to the Imports field.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) SetImports(v []V1Import) {
o.Imports = &v
// GetPending returns the Pending field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) GetPending() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Pending == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Pending
// GetPendingOk returns a tuple with the Pending field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) GetPendingOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Pending == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Pending, true
// HasPending returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) HasPending() bool {
if o != nil && o.Pending != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPending gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Pending field.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) SetPending(v int32) {
o.Pending = &v
// GetRunning returns the Running field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) GetRunning() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Running == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Running
// GetRunningOk returns a tuple with the Running field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) GetRunningOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Running == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Running, true
// HasRunning returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) HasRunning() bool {
if o != nil && o.Running != nil {
return true
return false
// SetRunning gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Running field.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) SetRunning(v int32) {
o.Running = &v
// GetSucceeded returns the Succeeded field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) GetSucceeded() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Succeeded == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Succeeded
// GetSucceededOk returns a tuple with the Succeeded field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) GetSucceededOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Succeeded == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Succeeded, true
// HasSucceeded returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) HasSucceeded() bool {
if o != nil && o.Succeeded != nil {
return true
return false
// SetSucceeded gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Succeeded field.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) SetSucceeded(v int32) {
o.Succeeded = &v
// GetFailed returns the Failed field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) GetFailed() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Failed == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Failed
// GetFailedOk returns a tuple with the Failed field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) GetFailedOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Failed == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Failed, true
// HasFailed returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) HasFailed() bool {
if o != nil && o.Failed != nil {
return true
return false
// SetFailed gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Failed field.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) SetFailed(v int32) {
o.Failed = &v
// GetCanceled returns the Canceled field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) GetCanceled() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Canceled == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Canceled
// GetCanceledOk returns a tuple with the Canceled field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) GetCanceledOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Canceled == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Canceled, true
// HasCanceled returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) HasCanceled() bool {
if o != nil && o.Canceled != nil {
return true
return false
// SetCanceled gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Canceled field.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) SetCanceled(v int32) {
o.Canceled = &v
// GetTotal returns the Total field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) GetTotal() string {
if o == nil || o.Total == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Total
// GetTotalOk returns a tuple with the Total field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) GetTotalOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Total == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Total, true
// HasTotal returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) HasTotal() bool {
if o != nil && o.Total != nil {
return true
return false
// SetTotal gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Total field.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) SetTotal(v string) {
o.Total = &v
// GetSize returns the Size field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) GetSize() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Size == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Size
// GetSizeOk returns a tuple with the Size field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) GetSizeOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Size == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Size, true
// HasSize returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) HasSize() bool {
if o != nil && o.Size != nil {
return true
return false
// SetSize gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Size field.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) SetSize(v int32) {
o.Size = &v
// GetPage returns the Page field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) GetPage() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Page == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Page
// GetPageOk returns a tuple with the Page field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) GetPageOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Page == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Page, true
// HasPage returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) HasPage() bool {
if o != nil && o.Page != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPage gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Page field.
func (o *V1GetImportBatchResponse) SetPage(v int32) {
o.Page = &v
func (o V1GetImportBatchResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Imports != nil {
toSerialize["imports"] = o.Imports
if o.Pending != nil {
toSerialize["pending"] = o.Pending
if o.Running != nil {
toSerialize["running"] = o.Running
if o.Succeeded != nil {
toSerialize["succeeded"] = o.Succeeded
if o.Failed != nil {
toSerialize["failed"] = o.Failed
if o.Canceled != nil {
toSerialize["canceled"] = o.Canceled
if o.Total != nil {
toSerialize["total"] = o.Total
if o.Size != nil {
toSerialize["size"] = o.Size
if o.Page != nil {
toSerialize["page"] = o.Page
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1GetImportBatchResponse struct {
value *V1GetImportBatchResponse
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1GetImportBatchResponse) Get() *V1GetImportBatchResponse {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1GetImportBatchResponse) Set(val *V1GetImportBatchResponse) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1GetImportBatchResponse) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1GetImportBatchResponse) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1GetImportBatchResponse(val *V1GetImportBatchResponse) *NullableV1GetImportBatchResponse {
return &NullableV1GetImportBatchResponse{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1GetImportBatchResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1GetImportBatchResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1GetImportResponse struct for V1GetImportResponse
type V1GetImportResponse struct {
Import *V1Import `json:"import,omitempty"`
// NewV1GetImportResponse instantiates a new V1GetImportResponse object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1GetImportResponse() *V1GetImportResponse {
this := V1GetImportResponse{}
return &this
// NewV1GetImportResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new V1GetImportResponse object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1GetImportResponseWithDefaults() *V1GetImportResponse {
this := V1GetImportResponse{}
return &this
// GetImport returns the Import field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetImportResponse) GetImport() V1Import {
if o == nil || o.Import == nil {
var ret V1Import
return ret
return *o.Import
// GetImportOk returns a tuple with the Import field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportResponse) GetImportOk() (*V1Import, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Import == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Import, true
// HasImport returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetImportResponse) HasImport() bool {
if o != nil && o.Import != nil {
return true
return false
// SetImport gets a reference to the given V1Import and assigns it to the Import field.
func (o *V1GetImportResponse) SetImport(v V1Import) {
o.Import = &v
func (o V1GetImportResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Import != nil {
toSerialize["import"] = o.Import
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1GetImportResponse struct {
value *V1GetImportResponse
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1GetImportResponse) Get() *V1GetImportResponse {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1GetImportResponse) Set(val *V1GetImportResponse) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1GetImportResponse) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1GetImportResponse) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1GetImportResponse(val *V1GetImportResponse) *NullableV1GetImportResponse {
return &NullableV1GetImportResponse{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1GetImportResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1GetImportResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1GetPackageResponse struct for V1GetPackageResponse
type V1GetPackageResponse struct {
Package *V1Package `json:"package,omitempty"`
// NewV1GetPackageResponse instantiates a new V1GetPackageResponse object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1GetPackageResponse() *V1GetPackageResponse {
this := V1GetPackageResponse{}
return &this
// NewV1GetPackageResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new V1GetPackageResponse object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1GetPackageResponseWithDefaults() *V1GetPackageResponse {
this := V1GetPackageResponse{}
return &this
// GetPackage returns the Package field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetPackageResponse) GetPackage() V1Package {
if o == nil || o.Package == nil {
var ret V1Package
return ret
return *o.Package
// GetPackageOk returns a tuple with the Package field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetPackageResponse) GetPackageOk() (*V1Package, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Package == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Package, true
// HasPackage returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetPackageResponse) HasPackage() bool {
if o != nil && o.Package != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPackage gets a reference to the given V1Package and assigns it to the Package field.
func (o *V1GetPackageResponse) SetPackage(v V1Package) {
o.Package = &v
func (o V1GetPackageResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Package != nil {
toSerialize["package"] = o.Package
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1GetPackageResponse struct {
value *V1GetPackageResponse
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1GetPackageResponse) Get() *V1GetPackageResponse {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1GetPackageResponse) Set(val *V1GetPackageResponse) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1GetPackageResponse) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1GetPackageResponse) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1GetPackageResponse(val *V1GetPackageResponse) *NullableV1GetPackageResponse {
return &NullableV1GetPackageResponse{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1GetPackageResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1GetPackageResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse struct for V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse
type V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse struct {
GitlabUsername *string `json:"gitlabUsername,omitempty"`
// NewV1GetProjectCredentialsResponse instantiates a new V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1GetProjectCredentialsResponse() *V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse {
this := V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse{}
return &this
// NewV1GetProjectCredentialsResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1GetProjectCredentialsResponseWithDefaults() *V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse {
this := V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse{}
return &this
// GetGitlabUsername returns the GitlabUsername field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse) GetGitlabUsername() string {
if o == nil || o.GitlabUsername == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.GitlabUsername
// GetGitlabUsernameOk returns a tuple with the GitlabUsername field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse) GetGitlabUsernameOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.GitlabUsername == nil {
return nil, false
return o.GitlabUsername, true
// HasGitlabUsername returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse) HasGitlabUsername() bool {
if o != nil && o.GitlabUsername != nil {
return true
return false
// SetGitlabUsername gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the GitlabUsername field.
func (o *V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse) SetGitlabUsername(v string) {
o.GitlabUsername = &v
func (o V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.GitlabUsername != nil {
toSerialize["gitlabUsername"] = o.GitlabUsername
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1GetProjectCredentialsResponse struct {
value *V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1GetProjectCredentialsResponse) Get() *V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1GetProjectCredentialsResponse) Set(val *V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1GetProjectCredentialsResponse) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1GetProjectCredentialsResponse) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1GetProjectCredentialsResponse(val *V1GetProjectCredentialsResponse) *NullableV1GetProjectCredentialsResponse {
return &NullableV1GetProjectCredentialsResponse{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1GetProjectCredentialsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1GetProjectCredentialsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1GetProjectResponse struct for V1GetProjectResponse
type V1GetProjectResponse struct {
Project *V1Project `json:"project,omitempty"`
// NewV1GetProjectResponse instantiates a new V1GetProjectResponse object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1GetProjectResponse() *V1GetProjectResponse {
this := V1GetProjectResponse{}
return &this
// NewV1GetProjectResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new V1GetProjectResponse object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1GetProjectResponseWithDefaults() *V1GetProjectResponse {
this := V1GetProjectResponse{}
return &this
// GetProject returns the Project field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetProjectResponse) GetProject() V1Project {
if o == nil || o.Project == nil {
var ret V1Project
return ret
return *o.Project
// GetProjectOk returns a tuple with the Project field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetProjectResponse) GetProjectOk() (*V1Project, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Project == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Project, true
// HasProject returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetProjectResponse) HasProject() bool {
if o != nil && o.Project != nil {
return true
return false
// SetProject gets a reference to the given V1Project and assigns it to the Project field.
func (o *V1GetProjectResponse) SetProject(v V1Project) {
o.Project = &v
func (o V1GetProjectResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Project != nil {
toSerialize["project"] = o.Project
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1GetProjectResponse struct {
value *V1GetProjectResponse
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1GetProjectResponse) Get() *V1GetProjectResponse {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1GetProjectResponse) Set(val *V1GetProjectResponse) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1GetProjectResponse) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1GetProjectResponse) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1GetProjectResponse(val *V1GetProjectResponse) *NullableV1GetProjectResponse {
return &NullableV1GetProjectResponse{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1GetProjectResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1GetProjectResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1GetRepositoryResponse struct for V1GetRepositoryResponse
type V1GetRepositoryResponse struct {
Repository *V1Repository `json:"repository,omitempty"`
// NewV1GetRepositoryResponse instantiates a new V1GetRepositoryResponse object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1GetRepositoryResponse() *V1GetRepositoryResponse {
this := V1GetRepositoryResponse{}
return &this
// NewV1GetRepositoryResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new V1GetRepositoryResponse object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1GetRepositoryResponseWithDefaults() *V1GetRepositoryResponse {
this := V1GetRepositoryResponse{}
return &this
// GetRepository returns the Repository field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetRepositoryResponse) GetRepository() V1Repository {
if o == nil || o.Repository == nil {
var ret V1Repository
return ret
return *o.Repository
// GetRepositoryOk returns a tuple with the Repository field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetRepositoryResponse) GetRepositoryOk() (*V1Repository, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Repository == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Repository, true
// HasRepository returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetRepositoryResponse) HasRepository() bool {
if o != nil && o.Repository != nil {
return true
return false
// SetRepository gets a reference to the given V1Repository and assigns it to the Repository field.
func (o *V1GetRepositoryResponse) SetRepository(v V1Repository) {
o.Repository = &v
func (o V1GetRepositoryResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Repository != nil {
toSerialize["repository"] = o.Repository
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1GetRepositoryResponse struct {
value *V1GetRepositoryResponse
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1GetRepositoryResponse) Get() *V1GetRepositoryResponse {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1GetRepositoryResponse) Set(val *V1GetRepositoryResponse) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1GetRepositoryResponse) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1GetRepositoryResponse) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1GetRepositoryResponse(val *V1GetRepositoryResponse) *NullableV1GetRepositoryResponse {
return &NullableV1GetRepositoryResponse{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1GetRepositoryResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1GetRepositoryResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1GetTaskResponse struct for V1GetTaskResponse
type V1GetTaskResponse struct {
Task *V1AsyncTask `json:"task,omitempty"`
// NewV1GetTaskResponse instantiates a new V1GetTaskResponse object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1GetTaskResponse() *V1GetTaskResponse {
this := V1GetTaskResponse{}
return &this
// NewV1GetTaskResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new V1GetTaskResponse object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1GetTaskResponseWithDefaults() *V1GetTaskResponse {
this := V1GetTaskResponse{}
return &this
// GetTask returns the Task field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1GetTaskResponse) GetTask() V1AsyncTask {
if o == nil || o.Task == nil {
var ret V1AsyncTask
return ret
return *o.Task
// GetTaskOk returns a tuple with the Task field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1GetTaskResponse) GetTaskOk() (*V1AsyncTask, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Task == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Task, true
// HasTask returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1GetTaskResponse) HasTask() bool {
if o != nil && o.Task != nil {
return true
return false
// SetTask gets a reference to the given V1AsyncTask and assigns it to the Task field.
func (o *V1GetTaskResponse) SetTask(v V1AsyncTask) {
o.Task = &v
func (o V1GetTaskResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Task != nil {
toSerialize["task"] = o.Task
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1GetTaskResponse struct {
value *V1GetTaskResponse
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1GetTaskResponse) Get() *V1GetTaskResponse {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1GetTaskResponse) Set(val *V1GetTaskResponse) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1GetTaskResponse) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1GetTaskResponse) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1GetTaskResponse(val *V1GetTaskResponse) *NullableV1GetTaskResponse {
return &NullableV1GetTaskResponse{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1GetTaskResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1GetTaskResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1Import struct for V1Import
type V1Import struct {
Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt,omitempty"`
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
TaskId *string `json:"taskId,omitempty"`
Status *V1TaskStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
Revisions *[]V1ImportRevision `json:"revisions,omitempty"`
// NewV1Import instantiates a new V1Import object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1Import() *V1Import {
this := V1Import{}
var status V1TaskStatus = UNSPECIFIED
this.Status = &status
return &this
// NewV1ImportWithDefaults instantiates a new V1Import object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1ImportWithDefaults() *V1Import {
this := V1Import{}
var status V1TaskStatus = UNSPECIFIED
this.Status = &status
return &this
// GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1Import) GetId() string {
if o == nil || o.Id == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Id
// GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1Import) GetIdOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Id == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Id, true
// HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1Import) HasId() bool {
if o != nil && o.Id != nil {
return true
return false
// SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.
func (o *V1Import) SetId(v string) {
o.Id = &v
// GetCreatedAt returns the CreatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1Import) GetCreatedAt() time.Time {
if o == nil || o.CreatedAt == nil {
var ret time.Time
return ret
return *o.CreatedAt
// GetCreatedAtOk returns a tuple with the CreatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1Import) GetCreatedAtOk() (*time.Time, bool) {
if o == nil || o.CreatedAt == nil {
return nil, false
return o.CreatedAt, true
// HasCreatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1Import) HasCreatedAt() bool {
if o != nil && o.CreatedAt != nil {
return true
return false
// SetCreatedAt gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the CreatedAt field.
func (o *V1Import) SetCreatedAt(v time.Time) {
o.CreatedAt = &v
// GetName returns the Name field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1Import) GetName() string {
if o == nil || o.Name == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Name
// GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1Import) GetNameOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Name == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Name, true
// HasName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1Import) HasName() bool {
if o != nil && o.Name != nil {
return true
return false
// SetName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Name field.
func (o *V1Import) SetName(v string) {
o.Name = &v
// GetTaskId returns the TaskId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1Import) GetTaskId() string {
if o == nil || o.TaskId == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.TaskId
// GetTaskIdOk returns a tuple with the TaskId field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1Import) GetTaskIdOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.TaskId == nil {
return nil, false
return o.TaskId, true
// HasTaskId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1Import) HasTaskId() bool {
if o != nil && o.TaskId != nil {
return true
return false
// SetTaskId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the TaskId field.
func (o *V1Import) SetTaskId(v string) {
o.TaskId = &v
// GetStatus returns the Status field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1Import) GetStatus() V1TaskStatus {
if o == nil || o.Status == nil {
var ret V1TaskStatus
return ret
return *o.Status
// GetStatusOk returns a tuple with the Status field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1Import) GetStatusOk() (*V1TaskStatus, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Status == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Status, true
// HasStatus returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1Import) HasStatus() bool {
if o != nil && o.Status != nil {
return true
return false
// SetStatus gets a reference to the given V1TaskStatus and assigns it to the Status field.
func (o *V1Import) SetStatus(v V1TaskStatus) {
o.Status = &v
// GetRevisions returns the Revisions field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1Import) GetRevisions() []V1ImportRevision {
if o == nil || o.Revisions == nil {
var ret []V1ImportRevision
return ret
return *o.Revisions
// GetRevisionsOk returns a tuple with the Revisions field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1Import) GetRevisionsOk() (*[]V1ImportRevision, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Revisions == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Revisions, true
// HasRevisions returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1Import) HasRevisions() bool {
if o != nil && o.Revisions != nil {
return true
return false
// SetRevisions gets a reference to the given []V1ImportRevision and assigns it to the Revisions field.
func (o *V1Import) SetRevisions(v []V1ImportRevision) {
o.Revisions = &v
func (o V1Import) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Id != nil {
toSerialize["id"] = o.Id
if o.CreatedAt != nil {
toSerialize["createdAt"] = o.CreatedAt
if o.Name != nil {
toSerialize["name"] = o.Name
if o.TaskId != nil {
toSerialize["taskId"] = o.TaskId
if o.Status != nil {
toSerialize["status"] = o.Status
if o.Revisions != nil {
toSerialize["revisions"] = o.Revisions
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1Import struct {
value *V1Import
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1Import) Get() *V1Import {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1Import) Set(val *V1Import) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1Import) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1Import) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1Import(val *V1Import) *NullableV1Import {
return &NullableV1Import{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1Import) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1Import) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1ImportBatch struct for V1ImportBatch
type V1ImportBatch struct {
Id *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt,omitempty"`
Count *int32 `json:"count,omitempty"`
Pending *int32 `json:"pending,omitempty"`
Running *int32 `json:"running,omitempty"`
Succeeded *int32 `json:"succeeded,omitempty"`
Failed *int32 `json:"failed,omitempty"`
Canceled *int32 `json:"canceled,omitempty"`
// NewV1ImportBatch instantiates a new V1ImportBatch object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1ImportBatch() *V1ImportBatch {
this := V1ImportBatch{}
return &this
// NewV1ImportBatchWithDefaults instantiates a new V1ImportBatch object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1ImportBatchWithDefaults() *V1ImportBatch {
this := V1ImportBatch{}
return &this
// GetId returns the Id field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) GetId() string {
if o == nil || o.Id == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Id
// GetIdOk returns a tuple with the Id field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) GetIdOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Id == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Id, true
// HasId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) HasId() bool {
if o != nil && o.Id != nil {
return true
return false
// SetId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Id field.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) SetId(v string) {
o.Id = &v
// GetCreatedAt returns the CreatedAt field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) GetCreatedAt() time.Time {
if o == nil || o.CreatedAt == nil {
var ret time.Time
return ret
return *o.CreatedAt
// GetCreatedAtOk returns a tuple with the CreatedAt field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) GetCreatedAtOk() (*time.Time, bool) {
if o == nil || o.CreatedAt == nil {
return nil, false
return o.CreatedAt, true
// HasCreatedAt returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) HasCreatedAt() bool {
if o != nil && o.CreatedAt != nil {
return true
return false
// SetCreatedAt gets a reference to the given time.Time and assigns it to the CreatedAt field.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) SetCreatedAt(v time.Time) {
o.CreatedAt = &v
// GetCount returns the Count field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) GetCount() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Count == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Count
// GetCountOk returns a tuple with the Count field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) GetCountOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Count == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Count, true
// HasCount returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) HasCount() bool {
if o != nil && o.Count != nil {
return true
return false
// SetCount gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Count field.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) SetCount(v int32) {
o.Count = &v
// GetPending returns the Pending field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) GetPending() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Pending == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Pending
// GetPendingOk returns a tuple with the Pending field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) GetPendingOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Pending == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Pending, true
// HasPending returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) HasPending() bool {
if o != nil && o.Pending != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPending gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Pending field.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) SetPending(v int32) {
o.Pending = &v
// GetRunning returns the Running field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) GetRunning() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Running == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Running
// GetRunningOk returns a tuple with the Running field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) GetRunningOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Running == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Running, true
// HasRunning returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) HasRunning() bool {
if o != nil && o.Running != nil {
return true
return false
// SetRunning gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Running field.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) SetRunning(v int32) {
o.Running = &v
// GetSucceeded returns the Succeeded field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) GetSucceeded() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Succeeded == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Succeeded
// GetSucceededOk returns a tuple with the Succeeded field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) GetSucceededOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Succeeded == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Succeeded, true
// HasSucceeded returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) HasSucceeded() bool {
if o != nil && o.Succeeded != nil {
return true
return false
// SetSucceeded gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Succeeded field.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) SetSucceeded(v int32) {
o.Succeeded = &v
// GetFailed returns the Failed field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) GetFailed() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Failed == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Failed
// GetFailedOk returns a tuple with the Failed field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) GetFailedOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Failed == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Failed, true
// HasFailed returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) HasFailed() bool {
if o != nil && o.Failed != nil {
return true
return false
// SetFailed gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Failed field.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) SetFailed(v int32) {
o.Failed = &v
// GetCanceled returns the Canceled field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) GetCanceled() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Canceled == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Canceled
// GetCanceledOk returns a tuple with the Canceled field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) GetCanceledOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Canceled == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Canceled, true
// HasCanceled returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) HasCanceled() bool {
if o != nil && o.Canceled != nil {
return true
return false
// SetCanceled gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Canceled field.
func (o *V1ImportBatch) SetCanceled(v int32) {
o.Canceled = &v
func (o V1ImportBatch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Id != nil {
toSerialize["id"] = o.Id
if o.CreatedAt != nil {
toSerialize["createdAt"] = o.CreatedAt
if o.Count != nil {
toSerialize["count"] = o.Count
if o.Pending != nil {
toSerialize["pending"] = o.Pending
if o.Running != nil {
toSerialize["running"] = o.Running
if o.Succeeded != nil {
toSerialize["succeeded"] = o.Succeeded
if o.Failed != nil {
toSerialize["failed"] = o.Failed
if o.Canceled != nil {
toSerialize["canceled"] = o.Canceled
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1ImportBatch struct {
value *V1ImportBatch
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1ImportBatch) Get() *V1ImportBatch {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1ImportBatch) Set(val *V1ImportBatch) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1ImportBatch) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1ImportBatch) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1ImportBatch(val *V1ImportBatch) *NullableV1ImportBatch {
return &NullableV1ImportBatch{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1ImportBatch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1ImportBatch) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse struct for V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse
type V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse struct {
ImportBatchId *string `json:"importBatchId,omitempty"`
// NewV1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse instantiates a new V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse() *V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse {
this := V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse{}
return &this
// NewV1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponseWithDefaults() *V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse {
this := V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse{}
return &this
// GetImportBatchId returns the ImportBatchId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse) GetImportBatchId() string {
if o == nil || o.ImportBatchId == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.ImportBatchId
// GetImportBatchIdOk returns a tuple with the ImportBatchId field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse) GetImportBatchIdOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.ImportBatchId == nil {
return nil, false
return o.ImportBatchId, true
// HasImportBatchId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse) HasImportBatchId() bool {
if o != nil && o.ImportBatchId != nil {
return true
return false
// SetImportBatchId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ImportBatchId field.
func (o *V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse) SetImportBatchId(v string) {
o.ImportBatchId = &v
func (o V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.ImportBatchId != nil {
toSerialize["importBatchId"] = o.ImportBatchId
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse struct {
value *V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse) Get() *V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse) Set(val *V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse(val *V1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse) *NullableV1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse {
return &NullableV1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1ImportBatchRetryFailedResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1ImportPackageBatchResponse struct for V1ImportPackageBatchResponse
type V1ImportPackageBatchResponse struct {
ImportBatchId *string `json:"importBatchId,omitempty"`
// NewV1ImportPackageBatchResponse instantiates a new V1ImportPackageBatchResponse object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1ImportPackageBatchResponse() *V1ImportPackageBatchResponse {
this := V1ImportPackageBatchResponse{}
return &this
// NewV1ImportPackageBatchResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new V1ImportPackageBatchResponse object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1ImportPackageBatchResponseWithDefaults() *V1ImportPackageBatchResponse {
this := V1ImportPackageBatchResponse{}
return &this
// GetImportBatchId returns the ImportBatchId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportPackageBatchResponse) GetImportBatchId() string {
if o == nil || o.ImportBatchId == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.ImportBatchId
// GetImportBatchIdOk returns a tuple with the ImportBatchId field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportPackageBatchResponse) GetImportBatchIdOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.ImportBatchId == nil {
return nil, false
return o.ImportBatchId, true
// HasImportBatchId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportPackageBatchResponse) HasImportBatchId() bool {
if o != nil && o.ImportBatchId != nil {
return true
return false
// SetImportBatchId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ImportBatchId field.
func (o *V1ImportPackageBatchResponse) SetImportBatchId(v string) {
o.ImportBatchId = &v
func (o V1ImportPackageBatchResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.ImportBatchId != nil {
toSerialize["importBatchId"] = o.ImportBatchId
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1ImportPackageBatchResponse struct {
value *V1ImportPackageBatchResponse
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1ImportPackageBatchResponse) Get() *V1ImportPackageBatchResponse {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1ImportPackageBatchResponse) Set(val *V1ImportPackageBatchResponse) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1ImportPackageBatchResponse) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1ImportPackageBatchResponse) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1ImportPackageBatchResponse(val *V1ImportPackageBatchResponse) *NullableV1ImportPackageBatchResponse {
return &NullableV1ImportPackageBatchResponse{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1ImportPackageBatchResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1ImportPackageBatchResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1ImportPackageRequest struct for V1ImportPackageRequest
type V1ImportPackageRequest struct {
// Project ID that we want this import to be assigned to All import requests need a project id, however after the initial import, sharing the VRE in an inter-project way is possible.
ProjectId *string `json:"projectId,omitempty"`
PackageName *string `json:"packageName,omitempty"`
PackageId *string `json:"packageId,omitempty"`
Vre *V1VersionRelease `json:"vre,omitempty"`
SetInactive *bool `json:"setInactive,omitempty"`
// NewV1ImportPackageRequest instantiates a new V1ImportPackageRequest object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1ImportPackageRequest() *V1ImportPackageRequest {
this := V1ImportPackageRequest{}
return &this
// NewV1ImportPackageRequestWithDefaults instantiates a new V1ImportPackageRequest object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1ImportPackageRequestWithDefaults() *V1ImportPackageRequest {
this := V1ImportPackageRequest{}
return &this
// GetProjectId returns the ProjectId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) GetProjectId() string {
if o == nil || o.ProjectId == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.ProjectId
// GetProjectIdOk returns a tuple with the ProjectId field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) GetProjectIdOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.ProjectId == nil {
return nil, false
return o.ProjectId, true
// HasProjectId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) HasProjectId() bool {
if o != nil && o.ProjectId != nil {
return true
return false
// SetProjectId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ProjectId field.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) SetProjectId(v string) {
o.ProjectId = &v
// GetPackageName returns the PackageName field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) GetPackageName() string {
if o == nil || o.PackageName == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.PackageName
// GetPackageNameOk returns a tuple with the PackageName field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) GetPackageNameOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.PackageName == nil {
return nil, false
return o.PackageName, true
// HasPackageName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) HasPackageName() bool {
if o != nil && o.PackageName != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPackageName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the PackageName field.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) SetPackageName(v string) {
o.PackageName = &v
// GetPackageId returns the PackageId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) GetPackageId() string {
if o == nil || o.PackageId == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.PackageId
// GetPackageIdOk returns a tuple with the PackageId field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) GetPackageIdOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.PackageId == nil {
return nil, false
return o.PackageId, true
// HasPackageId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) HasPackageId() bool {
if o != nil && o.PackageId != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPackageId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the PackageId field.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) SetPackageId(v string) {
o.PackageId = &v
// GetVre returns the Vre field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) GetVre() V1VersionRelease {
if o == nil || o.Vre == nil {
var ret V1VersionRelease
return ret
return *o.Vre
// GetVreOk returns a tuple with the Vre field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) GetVreOk() (*V1VersionRelease, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Vre == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Vre, true
// HasVre returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) HasVre() bool {
if o != nil && o.Vre != nil {
return true
return false
// SetVre gets a reference to the given V1VersionRelease and assigns it to the Vre field.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) SetVre(v V1VersionRelease) {
o.Vre = &v
// GetSetInactive returns the SetInactive field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) GetSetInactive() bool {
if o == nil || o.SetInactive == nil {
var ret bool
return ret
return *o.SetInactive
// GetSetInactiveOk returns a tuple with the SetInactive field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) GetSetInactiveOk() (*bool, bool) {
if o == nil || o.SetInactive == nil {
return nil, false
return o.SetInactive, true
// HasSetInactive returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) HasSetInactive() bool {
if o != nil && o.SetInactive != nil {
return true
return false
// SetSetInactive gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the SetInactive field.
func (o *V1ImportPackageRequest) SetSetInactive(v bool) {
o.SetInactive = &v
func (o V1ImportPackageRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.ProjectId != nil {
toSerialize["projectId"] = o.ProjectId
if o.PackageName != nil {
toSerialize["packageName"] = o.PackageName
if o.PackageId != nil {
toSerialize["packageId"] = o.PackageId
if o.Vre != nil {
toSerialize["vre"] = o.Vre
if o.SetInactive != nil {
toSerialize["setInactive"] = o.SetInactive
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1ImportPackageRequest struct {
value *V1ImportPackageRequest
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1ImportPackageRequest) Get() *V1ImportPackageRequest {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1ImportPackageRequest) Set(val *V1ImportPackageRequest) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1ImportPackageRequest) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1ImportPackageRequest) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1ImportPackageRequest(val *V1ImportPackageRequest) *NullableV1ImportPackageRequest {
return &NullableV1ImportPackageRequest{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1ImportPackageRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1ImportPackageRequest) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1ImportRevision ImportRevision is SCM metadata as well as versioning information of a specific import element.
type V1ImportRevision struct {
ScmHash *string `json:"scmHash,omitempty"`
ScmBranchName *string `json:"scmBranchName,omitempty"`
Vre *V1VersionRelease `json:"vre,omitempty"`
Module *bool `json:"module,omitempty"`
ModuleStream *bool `json:"moduleStream,omitempty"`
ScmUrl *string `json:"scmUrl,omitempty"`
PackageVersionId *string `json:"packageVersionId,omitempty"`
// NewV1ImportRevision instantiates a new V1ImportRevision object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1ImportRevision() *V1ImportRevision {
this := V1ImportRevision{}
return &this
// NewV1ImportRevisionWithDefaults instantiates a new V1ImportRevision object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1ImportRevisionWithDefaults() *V1ImportRevision {
this := V1ImportRevision{}
return &this
// GetScmHash returns the ScmHash field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) GetScmHash() string {
if o == nil || o.ScmHash == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.ScmHash
// GetScmHashOk returns a tuple with the ScmHash field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) GetScmHashOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.ScmHash == nil {
return nil, false
return o.ScmHash, true
// HasScmHash returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) HasScmHash() bool {
if o != nil && o.ScmHash != nil {
return true
return false
// SetScmHash gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ScmHash field.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) SetScmHash(v string) {
o.ScmHash = &v
// GetScmBranchName returns the ScmBranchName field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) GetScmBranchName() string {
if o == nil || o.ScmBranchName == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.ScmBranchName
// GetScmBranchNameOk returns a tuple with the ScmBranchName field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) GetScmBranchNameOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.ScmBranchName == nil {
return nil, false
return o.ScmBranchName, true
// HasScmBranchName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) HasScmBranchName() bool {
if o != nil && o.ScmBranchName != nil {
return true
return false
// SetScmBranchName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ScmBranchName field.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) SetScmBranchName(v string) {
o.ScmBranchName = &v
// GetVre returns the Vre field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) GetVre() V1VersionRelease {
if o == nil || o.Vre == nil {
var ret V1VersionRelease
return ret
return *o.Vre
// GetVreOk returns a tuple with the Vre field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) GetVreOk() (*V1VersionRelease, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Vre == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Vre, true
// HasVre returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) HasVre() bool {
if o != nil && o.Vre != nil {
return true
return false
// SetVre gets a reference to the given V1VersionRelease and assigns it to the Vre field.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) SetVre(v V1VersionRelease) {
o.Vre = &v
// GetModule returns the Module field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) GetModule() bool {
if o == nil || o.Module == nil {
var ret bool
return ret
return *o.Module
// GetModuleOk returns a tuple with the Module field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) GetModuleOk() (*bool, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Module == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Module, true
// HasModule returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) HasModule() bool {
if o != nil && o.Module != nil {
return true
return false
// SetModule gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the Module field.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) SetModule(v bool) {
o.Module = &v
// GetModuleStream returns the ModuleStream field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) GetModuleStream() bool {
if o == nil || o.ModuleStream == nil {
var ret bool
return ret
return *o.ModuleStream
// GetModuleStreamOk returns a tuple with the ModuleStream field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) GetModuleStreamOk() (*bool, bool) {
if o == nil || o.ModuleStream == nil {
return nil, false
return o.ModuleStream, true
// HasModuleStream returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) HasModuleStream() bool {
if o != nil && o.ModuleStream != nil {
return true
return false
// SetModuleStream gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the ModuleStream field.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) SetModuleStream(v bool) {
o.ModuleStream = &v
// GetScmUrl returns the ScmUrl field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) GetScmUrl() string {
if o == nil || o.ScmUrl == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.ScmUrl
// GetScmUrlOk returns a tuple with the ScmUrl field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) GetScmUrlOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.ScmUrl == nil {
return nil, false
return o.ScmUrl, true
// HasScmUrl returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) HasScmUrl() bool {
if o != nil && o.ScmUrl != nil {
return true
return false
// SetScmUrl gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ScmUrl field.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) SetScmUrl(v string) {
o.ScmUrl = &v
// GetPackageVersionId returns the PackageVersionId field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) GetPackageVersionId() string {
if o == nil || o.PackageVersionId == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.PackageVersionId
// GetPackageVersionIdOk returns a tuple with the PackageVersionId field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) GetPackageVersionIdOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.PackageVersionId == nil {
return nil, false
return o.PackageVersionId, true
// HasPackageVersionId returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) HasPackageVersionId() bool {
if o != nil && o.PackageVersionId != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPackageVersionId gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the PackageVersionId field.
func (o *V1ImportRevision) SetPackageVersionId(v string) {
o.PackageVersionId = &v
func (o V1ImportRevision) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.ScmHash != nil {
toSerialize["scmHash"] = o.ScmHash
if o.ScmBranchName != nil {
toSerialize["scmBranchName"] = o.ScmBranchName
if o.Vre != nil {
toSerialize["vre"] = o.Vre
if o.Module != nil {
toSerialize["module"] = o.Module
if o.ModuleStream != nil {
toSerialize["moduleStream"] = o.ModuleStream
if o.ScmUrl != nil {
toSerialize["scmUrl"] = o.ScmUrl
if o.PackageVersionId != nil {
toSerialize["packageVersionId"] = o.PackageVersionId
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1ImportRevision struct {
value *V1ImportRevision
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1ImportRevision) Get() *V1ImportRevision {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1ImportRevision) Set(val *V1ImportRevision) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1ImportRevision) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1ImportRevision) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1ImportRevision(val *V1ImportRevision) *NullableV1ImportRevision {
return &NullableV1ImportRevision{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1ImportRevision) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1ImportRevision) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1ListBuildBatchesResponse struct for V1ListBuildBatchesResponse
type V1ListBuildBatchesResponse struct {
BuildBatches *[]V1BuildBatch `json:"buildBatches,omitempty"`
Total *string `json:"total,omitempty"`
Size *int32 `json:"size,omitempty"`
Page *int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
// NewV1ListBuildBatchesResponse instantiates a new V1ListBuildBatchesResponse object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1ListBuildBatchesResponse() *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse {
this := V1ListBuildBatchesResponse{}
return &this
// NewV1ListBuildBatchesResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new V1ListBuildBatchesResponse object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1ListBuildBatchesResponseWithDefaults() *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse {
this := V1ListBuildBatchesResponse{}
return &this
// GetBuildBatches returns the BuildBatches field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) GetBuildBatches() []V1BuildBatch {
if o == nil || o.BuildBatches == nil {
var ret []V1BuildBatch
return ret
return *o.BuildBatches
// GetBuildBatchesOk returns a tuple with the BuildBatches field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) GetBuildBatchesOk() (*[]V1BuildBatch, bool) {
if o == nil || o.BuildBatches == nil {
return nil, false
return o.BuildBatches, true
// HasBuildBatches returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) HasBuildBatches() bool {
if o != nil && o.BuildBatches != nil {
return true
return false
// SetBuildBatches gets a reference to the given []V1BuildBatch and assigns it to the BuildBatches field.
func (o *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) SetBuildBatches(v []V1BuildBatch) {
o.BuildBatches = &v
// GetTotal returns the Total field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) GetTotal() string {
if o == nil || o.Total == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Total
// GetTotalOk returns a tuple with the Total field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) GetTotalOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Total == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Total, true
// HasTotal returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) HasTotal() bool {
if o != nil && o.Total != nil {
return true
return false
// SetTotal gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Total field.
func (o *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) SetTotal(v string) {
o.Total = &v
// GetSize returns the Size field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) GetSize() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Size == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Size
// GetSizeOk returns a tuple with the Size field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) GetSizeOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Size == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Size, true
// HasSize returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) HasSize() bool {
if o != nil && o.Size != nil {
return true
return false
// SetSize gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Size field.
func (o *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) SetSize(v int32) {
o.Size = &v
// GetPage returns the Page field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) GetPage() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Page == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Page
// GetPageOk returns a tuple with the Page field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) GetPageOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Page == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Page, true
// HasPage returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) HasPage() bool {
if o != nil && o.Page != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPage gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Page field.
func (o *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) SetPage(v int32) {
o.Page = &v
func (o V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.BuildBatches != nil {
toSerialize["buildBatches"] = o.BuildBatches
if o.Total != nil {
toSerialize["total"] = o.Total
if o.Size != nil {
toSerialize["size"] = o.Size
if o.Page != nil {
toSerialize["page"] = o.Page
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1ListBuildBatchesResponse struct {
value *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1ListBuildBatchesResponse) Get() *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1ListBuildBatchesResponse) Set(val *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1ListBuildBatchesResponse) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1ListBuildBatchesResponse) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1ListBuildBatchesResponse(val *V1ListBuildBatchesResponse) *NullableV1ListBuildBatchesResponse {
return &NullableV1ListBuildBatchesResponse{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1ListBuildBatchesResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1ListBuildBatchesResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1ListBuildsResponse struct for V1ListBuildsResponse
type V1ListBuildsResponse struct {
Builds *[]V1Build `json:"builds,omitempty"`
Total *string `json:"total,omitempty"`
Size *int32 `json:"size,omitempty"`
Page *int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
// NewV1ListBuildsResponse instantiates a new V1ListBuildsResponse object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1ListBuildsResponse() *V1ListBuildsResponse {
this := V1ListBuildsResponse{}
return &this
// NewV1ListBuildsResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new V1ListBuildsResponse object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1ListBuildsResponseWithDefaults() *V1ListBuildsResponse {
this := V1ListBuildsResponse{}
return &this
// GetBuilds returns the Builds field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListBuildsResponse) GetBuilds() []V1Build {
if o == nil || o.Builds == nil {
var ret []V1Build
return ret
return *o.Builds
// GetBuildsOk returns a tuple with the Builds field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListBuildsResponse) GetBuildsOk() (*[]V1Build, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Builds == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Builds, true
// HasBuilds returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListBuildsResponse) HasBuilds() bool {
if o != nil && o.Builds != nil {
return true
return false
// SetBuilds gets a reference to the given []V1Build and assigns it to the Builds field.
func (o *V1ListBuildsResponse) SetBuilds(v []V1Build) {
o.Builds = &v
// GetTotal returns the Total field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListBuildsResponse) GetTotal() string {
if o == nil || o.Total == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Total
// GetTotalOk returns a tuple with the Total field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListBuildsResponse) GetTotalOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Total == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Total, true
// HasTotal returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListBuildsResponse) HasTotal() bool {
if o != nil && o.Total != nil {
return true
return false
// SetTotal gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Total field.
func (o *V1ListBuildsResponse) SetTotal(v string) {
o.Total = &v
// GetSize returns the Size field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListBuildsResponse) GetSize() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Size == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Size
// GetSizeOk returns a tuple with the Size field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListBuildsResponse) GetSizeOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Size == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Size, true
// HasSize returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListBuildsResponse) HasSize() bool {
if o != nil && o.Size != nil {
return true
return false
// SetSize gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Size field.
func (o *V1ListBuildsResponse) SetSize(v int32) {
o.Size = &v
// GetPage returns the Page field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListBuildsResponse) GetPage() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Page == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Page
// GetPageOk returns a tuple with the Page field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListBuildsResponse) GetPageOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Page == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Page, true
// HasPage returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListBuildsResponse) HasPage() bool {
if o != nil && o.Page != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPage gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Page field.
func (o *V1ListBuildsResponse) SetPage(v int32) {
o.Page = &v
func (o V1ListBuildsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Builds != nil {
toSerialize["builds"] = o.Builds
if o.Total != nil {
toSerialize["total"] = o.Total
if o.Size != nil {
toSerialize["size"] = o.Size
if o.Page != nil {
toSerialize["page"] = o.Page
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1ListBuildsResponse struct {
value *V1ListBuildsResponse
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1ListBuildsResponse) Get() *V1ListBuildsResponse {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1ListBuildsResponse) Set(val *V1ListBuildsResponse) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1ListBuildsResponse) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1ListBuildsResponse) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1ListBuildsResponse(val *V1ListBuildsResponse) *NullableV1ListBuildsResponse {
return &NullableV1ListBuildsResponse{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1ListBuildsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1ListBuildsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1ListImportBatchesResponse struct for V1ListImportBatchesResponse
type V1ListImportBatchesResponse struct {
ImportBatches *[]V1ImportBatch `json:"importBatches,omitempty"`
Total *string `json:"total,omitempty"`
Size *int32 `json:"size,omitempty"`
Page *int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
// NewV1ListImportBatchesResponse instantiates a new V1ListImportBatchesResponse object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1ListImportBatchesResponse() *V1ListImportBatchesResponse {
this := V1ListImportBatchesResponse{}
return &this
// NewV1ListImportBatchesResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new V1ListImportBatchesResponse object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1ListImportBatchesResponseWithDefaults() *V1ListImportBatchesResponse {
this := V1ListImportBatchesResponse{}
return &this
// GetImportBatches returns the ImportBatches field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListImportBatchesResponse) GetImportBatches() []V1ImportBatch {
if o == nil || o.ImportBatches == nil {
var ret []V1ImportBatch
return ret
return *o.ImportBatches
// GetImportBatchesOk returns a tuple with the ImportBatches field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListImportBatchesResponse) GetImportBatchesOk() (*[]V1ImportBatch, bool) {
if o == nil || o.ImportBatches == nil {
return nil, false
return o.ImportBatches, true
// HasImportBatches returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListImportBatchesResponse) HasImportBatches() bool {
if o != nil && o.ImportBatches != nil {
return true
return false
// SetImportBatches gets a reference to the given []V1ImportBatch and assigns it to the ImportBatches field.
func (o *V1ListImportBatchesResponse) SetImportBatches(v []V1ImportBatch) {
o.ImportBatches = &v
// GetTotal returns the Total field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListImportBatchesResponse) GetTotal() string {
if o == nil || o.Total == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Total
// GetTotalOk returns a tuple with the Total field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListImportBatchesResponse) GetTotalOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Total == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Total, true
// HasTotal returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListImportBatchesResponse) HasTotal() bool {
if o != nil && o.Total != nil {
return true
return false
// SetTotal gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Total field.
func (o *V1ListImportBatchesResponse) SetTotal(v string) {
o.Total = &v
// GetSize returns the Size field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListImportBatchesResponse) GetSize() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Size == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Size
// GetSizeOk returns a tuple with the Size field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListImportBatchesResponse) GetSizeOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Size == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Size, true
// HasSize returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListImportBatchesResponse) HasSize() bool {
if o != nil && o.Size != nil {
return true
return false
// SetSize gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Size field.
func (o *V1ListImportBatchesResponse) SetSize(v int32) {
o.Size = &v
// GetPage returns the Page field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListImportBatchesResponse) GetPage() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Page == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Page
// GetPageOk returns a tuple with the Page field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListImportBatchesResponse) GetPageOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Page == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Page, true
// HasPage returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListImportBatchesResponse) HasPage() bool {
if o != nil && o.Page != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPage gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Page field.
func (o *V1ListImportBatchesResponse) SetPage(v int32) {
o.Page = &v
func (o V1ListImportBatchesResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.ImportBatches != nil {
toSerialize["importBatches"] = o.ImportBatches
if o.Total != nil {
toSerialize["total"] = o.Total
if o.Size != nil {
toSerialize["size"] = o.Size
if o.Page != nil {
toSerialize["page"] = o.Page
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1ListImportBatchesResponse struct {
value *V1ListImportBatchesResponse
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1ListImportBatchesResponse) Get() *V1ListImportBatchesResponse {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1ListImportBatchesResponse) Set(val *V1ListImportBatchesResponse) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1ListImportBatchesResponse) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1ListImportBatchesResponse) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1ListImportBatchesResponse(val *V1ListImportBatchesResponse) *NullableV1ListImportBatchesResponse {
return &NullableV1ListImportBatchesResponse{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1ListImportBatchesResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1ListImportBatchesResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1ListImportsResponse struct for V1ListImportsResponse
type V1ListImportsResponse struct {
Imports *[]V1Import `json:"imports,omitempty"`
Total *string `json:"total,omitempty"`
Size *int32 `json:"size,omitempty"`
Page *int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
// NewV1ListImportsResponse instantiates a new V1ListImportsResponse object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1ListImportsResponse() *V1ListImportsResponse {
this := V1ListImportsResponse{}
return &this
// NewV1ListImportsResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new V1ListImportsResponse object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1ListImportsResponseWithDefaults() *V1ListImportsResponse {
this := V1ListImportsResponse{}
return &this
// GetImports returns the Imports field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListImportsResponse) GetImports() []V1Import {
if o == nil || o.Imports == nil {
var ret []V1Import
return ret
return *o.Imports
// GetImportsOk returns a tuple with the Imports field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListImportsResponse) GetImportsOk() (*[]V1Import, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Imports == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Imports, true
// HasImports returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListImportsResponse) HasImports() bool {
if o != nil && o.Imports != nil {
return true
return false
// SetImports gets a reference to the given []V1Import and assigns it to the Imports field.
func (o *V1ListImportsResponse) SetImports(v []V1Import) {
o.Imports = &v
// GetTotal returns the Total field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListImportsResponse) GetTotal() string {
if o == nil || o.Total == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Total
// GetTotalOk returns a tuple with the Total field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListImportsResponse) GetTotalOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Total == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Total, true
// HasTotal returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListImportsResponse) HasTotal() bool {
if o != nil && o.Total != nil {
return true
return false
// SetTotal gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Total field.
func (o *V1ListImportsResponse) SetTotal(v string) {
o.Total = &v
// GetSize returns the Size field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListImportsResponse) GetSize() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Size == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Size
// GetSizeOk returns a tuple with the Size field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListImportsResponse) GetSizeOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Size == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Size, true
// HasSize returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListImportsResponse) HasSize() bool {
if o != nil && o.Size != nil {
return true
return false
// SetSize gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Size field.
func (o *V1ListImportsResponse) SetSize(v int32) {
o.Size = &v
// GetPage returns the Page field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListImportsResponse) GetPage() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Page == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Page
// GetPageOk returns a tuple with the Page field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListImportsResponse) GetPageOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Page == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Page, true
// HasPage returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListImportsResponse) HasPage() bool {
if o != nil && o.Page != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPage gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Page field.
func (o *V1ListImportsResponse) SetPage(v int32) {
o.Page = &v
func (o V1ListImportsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Imports != nil {
toSerialize["imports"] = o.Imports
if o.Total != nil {
toSerialize["total"] = o.Total
if o.Size != nil {
toSerialize["size"] = o.Size
if o.Page != nil {
toSerialize["page"] = o.Page
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1ListImportsResponse struct {
value *V1ListImportsResponse
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1ListImportsResponse) Get() *V1ListImportsResponse {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1ListImportsResponse) Set(val *V1ListImportsResponse) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1ListImportsResponse) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1ListImportsResponse) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1ListImportsResponse(val *V1ListImportsResponse) *NullableV1ListImportsResponse {
return &NullableV1ListImportsResponse{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1ListImportsResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1ListImportsResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
* peridot/proto/v1/batch.proto
* No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
* API version: version not set
// Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech); DO NOT EDIT.
package peridotopenapi
import (
// V1ListPackagesResponse struct for V1ListPackagesResponse
type V1ListPackagesResponse struct {
Packages *[]V1Package `json:"packages,omitempty"`
Total *string `json:"total,omitempty"`
Size *int32 `json:"size,omitempty"`
Page *int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
// NewV1ListPackagesResponse instantiates a new V1ListPackagesResponse object
// This constructor will assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// and makes sure properties required by API are set, but the set of arguments
// will change when the set of required properties is changed
func NewV1ListPackagesResponse() *V1ListPackagesResponse {
this := V1ListPackagesResponse{}
return &this
// NewV1ListPackagesResponseWithDefaults instantiates a new V1ListPackagesResponse object
// This constructor will only assign default values to properties that have it defined,
// but it doesn't guarantee that properties required by API are set
func NewV1ListPackagesResponseWithDefaults() *V1ListPackagesResponse {
this := V1ListPackagesResponse{}
return &this
// GetPackages returns the Packages field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListPackagesResponse) GetPackages() []V1Package {
if o == nil || o.Packages == nil {
var ret []V1Package
return ret
return *o.Packages
// GetPackagesOk returns a tuple with the Packages field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListPackagesResponse) GetPackagesOk() (*[]V1Package, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Packages == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Packages, true
// HasPackages returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListPackagesResponse) HasPackages() bool {
if o != nil && o.Packages != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPackages gets a reference to the given []V1Package and assigns it to the Packages field.
func (o *V1ListPackagesResponse) SetPackages(v []V1Package) {
o.Packages = &v
// GetTotal returns the Total field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListPackagesResponse) GetTotal() string {
if o == nil || o.Total == nil {
var ret string
return ret
return *o.Total
// GetTotalOk returns a tuple with the Total field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListPackagesResponse) GetTotalOk() (*string, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Total == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Total, true
// HasTotal returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListPackagesResponse) HasTotal() bool {
if o != nil && o.Total != nil {
return true
return false
// SetTotal gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Total field.
func (o *V1ListPackagesResponse) SetTotal(v string) {
o.Total = &v
// GetSize returns the Size field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListPackagesResponse) GetSize() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Size == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Size
// GetSizeOk returns a tuple with the Size field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListPackagesResponse) GetSizeOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Size == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Size, true
// HasSize returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListPackagesResponse) HasSize() bool {
if o != nil && o.Size != nil {
return true
return false
// SetSize gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Size field.
func (o *V1ListPackagesResponse) SetSize(v int32) {
o.Size = &v
// GetPage returns the Page field value if set, zero value otherwise.
func (o *V1ListPackagesResponse) GetPage() int32 {
if o == nil || o.Page == nil {
var ret int32
return ret
return *o.Page
// GetPageOk returns a tuple with the Page field value if set, nil otherwise
// and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *V1ListPackagesResponse) GetPageOk() (*int32, bool) {
if o == nil || o.Page == nil {
return nil, false
return o.Page, true
// HasPage returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *V1ListPackagesResponse) HasPage() bool {
if o != nil && o.Page != nil {
return true
return false
// SetPage gets a reference to the given int32 and assigns it to the Page field.
func (o *V1ListPackagesResponse) SetPage(v int32) {
o.Page = &v
func (o V1ListPackagesResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
toSerialize := map[string]interface{}{}
if o.Packages != nil {
toSerialize["packages"] = o.Packages
if o.Total != nil {
toSerialize["total"] = o.Total
if o.Size != nil {
toSerialize["size"] = o.Size
if o.Page != nil {
toSerialize["page"] = o.Page
return json.Marshal(toSerialize)
type NullableV1ListPackagesResponse struct {
value *V1ListPackagesResponse
isSet bool
func (v NullableV1ListPackagesResponse) Get() *V1ListPackagesResponse {
return v.value
func (v *NullableV1ListPackagesResponse) Set(val *V1ListPackagesResponse) {
v.value = val
v.isSet = true
func (v NullableV1ListPackagesResponse) IsSet() bool {
return v.isSet
func (v *NullableV1ListPackagesResponse) Unset() {
v.value = nil
v.isSet = false
func NewNullableV1ListPackagesResponse(val *V1ListPackagesResponse) *NullableV1ListPackagesResponse {
return &NullableV1ListPackagesResponse{value: val, isSet: true}
func (v NullableV1ListPackagesResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.value)
func (v *NullableV1ListPackagesResponse) UnmarshalJSON(src []byte) error {
v.isSet = true
return json.Unmarshal(src, &v.value)
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