Apollo: Keyword search now does pagination correctly

Previously there was an outer query to further filter using CVEs and keyword, but that broke the pagination. All filtering is now moved to the inner layer and the outer layer has been removed. Also add search by advisory name.
This commit is contained in:
Mustafa Gezen 2022-11-07 14:26:17 +01:00
parent ab5ae64ef8
commit 93304aca7b
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: mustafa
GPG Key ID: DCDF010D946438C1

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@ -105,56 +105,50 @@ func (a *Access) GetAllAdvisories(filters *apollopb.AdvisoryFilters, page int32,
&advisories, &advisories,
` `
select select
q1.* a.id,
from a.created_at,
( a.year,
select a.num,
a.id, a.synopsis,
a.created_at, a.topic,
a.year, a.severity,
a.num, a.type,
a.synopsis, a.description,
a.topic, a.solution,
a.severity, a.redhat_issued_at,
a.type, a.short_code_code,
a.description, a.reboot_suggested,
a.solution, a.published_at,
a.redhat_issued_at, array_remove(array_agg(distinct p.name), NULL) as affected_products,
a.short_code_code, (select array_agg(distinct(
a.reboot_suggested, case when c.content is null then c.source_by || ':::' || c.source_link || ':::' || c.id || ':::::::::'
a.published_at, else c.source_by || ':::' || c.source_link || ':::' || c.id || ':::' || jsonb_extract_path_text(c.content, 'cvss3', 'cvss3_scoring_vector') || ':::' || jsonb_extract_path_text(c.content, 'cvss3', 'cvss3_base_score') || ':::' || jsonb_extract_path_text(c.content, 'cwe')
array_remove(array_agg(distinct p.name), NULL) as affected_products, end
(select array_agg(distinct( )) from advisory_cves ac inner join cves c on c.id = ac.cve_id where ac.advisory_id = a.id) as cves,
case when c.content is null then c.source_by || ':::' || c.source_link || ':::' || c.id || ':::::::::' (select array_agg(distinct(url)) from advisory_references where advisory_id = a.id) as references,
else c.source_by || ':::' || c.source_link || ':::' || c.id || ':::' || jsonb_extract_path_text(c.content, 'cvss3', 'cvss3_scoring_vector') || ':::' || jsonb_extract_path_text(c.content, 'cvss3', 'cvss3_base_score') || ':::' || jsonb_extract_path_text(c.content, 'cwe') case when $4 :: bool = true then array(select distinct concat(rpm, ':::', src_rpm) from build_references where affected_product_id in (select id from affected_products where advisory = 'RH' || (case when a.type=1 then 'SA' when a.type=2 then 'BA' else 'EA' end) || '-' || a.year || ':' || a.num))
end else array [] :: text[]
)) from advisory_cves ac inner join cves c on c.id = ac.cve_id where ac.advisory_id = a.id) as cves, end as build_artifacts,
(select array_agg(distinct(url)) from advisory_references where advisory_id = a.id) as references, case when $7 :: bool = true then array(select distinct(ar.name || ':::' || p.name) from advisory_rpms ar inner join products p on p.id = ar.product_id where advisory_id = a.id)
case when $4 :: bool = true then array(select distinct concat(rpm, ':::', src_rpm) from build_references where affected_product_id in (select id from affected_products where advisory = 'RH' || (case when a.type=1 then 'SA' when a.type=2 then 'BA' else 'EA' end) || '-' || a.year || ':' || a.num)) else array [] :: text[]
else array [] :: text[] end as rpms,
end as build_artifacts, count(a.*) over() as total
case when $7 :: bool = true then array(select distinct(ar.name || ':::' || p.name) from advisory_rpms ar inner join products p on p.id = ar.product_id where advisory_id = a.id) from advisories a
else array [] :: text[] inner join affected_products ap on ap.advisory = 'RH' || (case when a.type=1 then 'SA' when a.type=2 then 'BA' else 'EA' end) || '-' || a.year || ':' || a.num
end as rpms, inner join products p on ap.product_id = p.id
count(a.*) over() as total
from advisories a
inner join affected_products ap on ap.advisory = 'RH' || (case when a.type=1 then 'SA' when a.type=2 then 'BA' else 'EA' end) || '-' || a.year || ':' || a.num
inner join products p on ap.product_id = p.id
($1 :: text is null or p.name = $1 :: text)
and ($2 :: timestamp is null or a.published_at < $2 :: timestamp)
and ($3 :: timestamp is null or a.published_at > $3 :: timestamp)
and (a.published_at is not null or $4 :: bool = true)
and ($6 :: text is null or a.synopsis ilike '%' || $6 :: text || '%')
and ($9 :: numeric = 0 or a.severity = $9 :: numeric)
and ($10 :: numeric = 0 or a.type = $10 :: numeric)
group by a.id
order by a.published_at desc
limit $11 offset $12
) as q1
where where
($8 :: text is null or ((q1.synopsis ilike '%' || $8 :: text || '%') or (q1.topic ilike '%' || $8 :: text || '%') or (q1.description ilike '%' || $8 :: text || '%') or (q1.solution ilike '%' || $8 :: text || '%') or exists (select from unnest(q1.cves) e where e ilike '%' || $8 :: text || '%'))) ($1 :: text is null or p.name = $1 :: text)
and ($5 :: text is null or exists (select from unnest(q1.cves) e where e ilike '%' || $5 :: text || '%')) and ($2 :: timestamp is null or a.published_at < $2 :: timestamp)
and ($3 :: timestamp is null or a.published_at > $3 :: timestamp)
and (a.published_at is not null or $4 :: bool = true)
and ($5 :: text is null or exists (select cve_id from advisory_cves where advisory_id = a.id and cve_id ilike '%' || $5 :: text || '%'))
and ($6 :: text is null or a.synopsis ilike '%' || $6 :: text || '%')
and ($8 :: text is null or ((a.synopsis ilike '%' || $8 :: text || '%') or (a.topic ilike '%' || $8 :: text || '%') or (a.description ilike '%' || $8 :: text || '%') or (a.solution ilike '%' || $8 :: text || '%') or exists (select cve_id from advisory_cves where advisory_id = a.id and cve_id ilike '%' || $8 :: text || '%') or (a.short_code_code || (case when a.type=1 then 'SA' when a.type=2 then 'BA' else 'EA' end) || '-' || a.year || ':' || a.num ilike '%' || $8 :: text || '%')))
and ($9 :: numeric = 0 or a.severity = $9 :: numeric)
and ($10 :: numeric = 0 or a.type = $10 :: numeric)
group by a.id
order by a.published_at desc
limit $11 offset $12
`, `,
utils.StringValueToNullString(filters.Product), utils.StringValueToNullString(filters.Product),
utils.TimestampToNullTime(filters.Before), utils.TimestampToNullTime(filters.Before),