mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 02:08:29 +00:00
Module mode now correctly replaces all artifacts
There was a bug in module mode where debuginfo+src would not get replaced correctly. That is now fixed. Additional changes to module artifact detection is also made after the build merge solution was implemented. Previously src.rpms could be collapsed because of multiple src.rpms in one build, leading to non-devel artifacts being placed in devel. That is also fixed with this.
This commit is contained in:
@ -739,6 +739,12 @@ func (c *Controller) BuildWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, req *peridotpb.SubmitBu
Arch: result.Arch,
Metadata: metadata,
artifacts = append(artifacts, &peridotpb.TaskArtifact{
TaskId: result.Subtask.ID.String(),
Name: result.ObjectName,
HashSha256: result.HashSha256,
Arch: result.Arch,
@ -805,7 +811,7 @@ func (c *Controller) BuildWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, req *peridotpb.SubmitBu
submitBuildTask = peridotpb.SubmitBuildTask{
BuildId: buildID,
BuildTaskId: taskID,
BuildTaskId: task.ID.String(),
PackageName: pkg.Name,
ImportRevision: importRevision.ToProto(),
Artifacts: artifacts,
@ -824,7 +830,6 @@ func (c *Controller) BuildWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, req *peridotpb.SubmitBu
setInternalError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, err
submitBuildTask.Artifacts = nil
task.Status = peridotpb.TaskStatus_TASK_STATUS_RUNNING
@ -442,27 +442,30 @@ func (c *Controller) BuildModuleWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, req *peridotpb.Su
task.Status = peridotpb.TaskStatus_TASK_STATUS_FAILED
var buildIDs []string
for _, options := range streamBuildOptions {
yumrepoCtx := workflow.WithChildOptions(ctx, workflow.ChildWorkflowOptions{
TaskQueue: "yumrepofs",
taskID := task.ID.String()
updateRepoRequest := &UpdateRepoRequest{
ProjectID: req.ProjectId,
BuildIDs: []string{options.BuildId},
Delete: false,
TaskID: &taskID,
updateRepoTask := &yumrepofspb.UpdateRepoTask{}
err = workflow.ExecuteChildWorkflow(yumrepoCtx, c.RepoUpdaterWorkflow, updateRepoRequest).Get(ctx, updateRepoTask)
if err != nil {
setActivityError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, err
moduleBuildTask.RepoChanges.Changes = append(moduleBuildTask.RepoChanges.Changes, updateRepoTask.Changes...)
buildIDs = append(buildIDs, options.BuildId)
yumrepoCtx := workflow.WithChildOptions(ctx, workflow.ChildWorkflowOptions{
TaskQueue: "yumrepofs",
taskID := task.ID.String()
updateRepoRequest := &UpdateRepoRequest{
ProjectID: req.ProjectId,
BuildIDs: buildIDs,
Delete: false,
TaskID: &taskID,
updateRepoTask := &yumrepofspb.UpdateRepoTask{}
err = workflow.ExecuteChildWorkflow(yumrepoCtx, c.RepoUpdaterWorkflow, updateRepoRequest).Get(ctx, updateRepoTask)
if err != nil {
setActivityError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, err
moduleBuildTask.RepoChanges.Changes = append(moduleBuildTask.RepoChanges.Changes, updateRepoTask.Changes...)
task.Status = peridotpb.TaskStatus_TASK_STATUS_SUCCEEDED
return moduleBuildTask, nil
@ -637,47 +640,55 @@ func (c *Controller) BuildModuleStreamWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, req *perido
// Create an index, so we don't have to re-unmarshal later on
artifactPrimaryIndex := map[string]ArtifactIndex{}
artifacts, err := c.db.GetArtifactsForBuild(streamBuildOptions.BuildId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Pre-warm SRPM NEVRAs
srpmNevras := map[string]string{}
for _, build := range buildTask.Builds {
artifacts, err := c.db.GetArtifactsForBuild(build.BuildId)
for _, artifact := range artifacts {
if artifact.Arch != "src" {
rpmArtifactMetadata := &peridotpb.RpmArtifactMetadata{}
artifactMetadataAny := &anypb.Any{}
err = protojson.Unmarshal(artifact.Metadata.JSONText, artifactMetadataAny)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err := artifactMetadataAny.UnmarshalTo(rpmArtifactMetadata)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, artifact := range artifacts {
if artifact.Arch != "src" {
rpmArtifactMetadata := &peridotpb.RpmArtifactMetadata{}
artifactMetadataAny := &anypb.Any{}
err = protojson.Unmarshal(artifact.Metadata.JSONText, artifactMetadataAny)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err := artifactMetadataAny.UnmarshalTo(rpmArtifactMetadata)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var primary yummeta.PrimaryRoot
err = yummeta.UnmarshalPrimary(rpmArtifactMetadata.Primary, &primary)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var primary yummeta.PrimaryRoot
err = yummeta.UnmarshalPrimary(rpmArtifactMetadata.Primary, &primary)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, build := range buildTask.Builds {
if build.PackageName == primary.Packages[0].Name {
srpmNevras[build.PackageName] = composetools.GenNevraPrimaryPkg(primary.Packages[0])
srpmNevras[build.PackageName] = composetools.GenNevraPrimaryPkg(primary.Packages[0])
// Group content licenses
var licenses []string
for _, build := range buildTask.Builds {
artifacts, err := c.db.GetArtifactsForBuild(build.BuildId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var buildTaskArtifactNames []string
for _, a := range build.Artifacts {
buildTaskArtifactNames = append(buildTaskArtifactNames, a.Name)
for _, artifact := range artifacts {
if !utils.StrContains(artifact.Name, buildTaskArtifactNames) {
rpmArtifactMetadata := &peridotpb.RpmArtifactMetadata{}
artifactMetadataAny := &anypb.Any{}
err = protojson.Unmarshal(artifact.Metadata.JSONText, artifactMetadataAny)
@ -791,12 +802,23 @@ func fillInRpmArtifactsForModuleMd(md *modulemd.ModuleMd, streamBuildOptions *Mo
newMd.Data.License.Content = licenses
// Set buildrequires platform to the one used
didSetPlatform := false
platform := streamBuildOptions.Configuration.Platform
platformReq := fmt.Sprintf("el%d.%d.%d", platform.Major, platform.Minor, platform.Patch)
for _, dep := range newMd.Data.Dependencies {
if dep.BuildRequires["platform"] != nil {
platform := streamBuildOptions.Configuration.Platform
dep.BuildRequires["platform"] = []string{fmt.Sprintf("el%d.%d.%d", platform.Major, platform.Minor, platform.Patch)}
dep.BuildRequires["platform"] = []string{platformReq}
didSetPlatform = true
if !didSetPlatform {
newMd.Data.Dependencies = append(newMd.Data.Dependencies, &modulemd.Dependencies{
BuildRequires: map[string][]string{
"platform": {platformReq},
// Set arch for components
for _, component := range newMd.Data.Components.Rpms {
@ -855,7 +877,15 @@ func fillInRpmArtifactsForModuleMd(md *modulemd.ModuleMd, streamBuildOptions *Mo
collected[nevra] = pkg
for nevra, rpmObj := range collected {
// Sort collected by rpmObj.Name
var collectedNames []string
for name := range collected {
collectedNames = append(collectedNames, name)
for _, nevra := range collectedNames {
rpmObj := collected[nevra]
// Skip source RPMs for now as they're
// only added if the main RPM is included
if rpmObj.Arch == "src" {
@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ func (c *Controller) UpdateRepoActivity(ctx context.Context, req *UpdateRepoRequ
// todo(mustafa): Convert to request struct
func (c *Controller) makeRepoChanges(tx peridotdb.Access, req *UpdateRepoRequest, errorDetails *peridotpb.TaskErrorDetails, packageName string, buildId string, moduleStream *peridotpb.ModuleStream, gpgId *string, signArtifactsTasks *keykeeperpb.BatchSignArtifactsTask, cache *Cache) (*yumrepofspb.UpdateRepoTask, error) {
build, err := c.db.GetBuild(req.ProjectID, buildId)
build, err := tx.GetBuild(req.ProjectID, buildId)
if err != nil {
c.log.Errorf("error getting build: %v", err)
return nil, err
@ -970,33 +970,56 @@ func (c *Controller) makeRepoChanges(tx peridotdb.Access, req *UpdateRepoRequest
project := projects[0]
artifacts, err := c.db.GetArtifactsForBuild(buildId)
artifacts, err := tx.GetArtifactsForBuild(buildId)
if err != nil {
setInternalError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get artifacts for build: %v", err)
var currentActiveArtifacts models.TaskArtifacts
// Get currently active artifacts
latestBuilds, err := c.db.GetLatestBuildsByPackageNameAndPackageVersionID(build.PackageName, build.PackageVersionId, project.ID.String())
if err != nil {
setInternalError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get latest build ids: %v", err)
for _, latestBuild := range latestBuilds {
buildArtifacts, err := c.db.GetArtifactsForBuild(latestBuild)
var skipDeleteArtifacts []string
if moduleStream == nil {
// Get currently active artifacts
latestBuilds, err := tx.GetLatestBuildIdsByPackageName(build.PackageName, project.ID.String())
if err != nil {
setInternalError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get artifacts for build: %v", err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get latest build ids: %v", err)
currentActiveArtifacts = append(currentActiveArtifacts, buildArtifacts...)
for _, latestBuild := range latestBuilds {
buildArtifacts, err := tx.GetArtifactsForBuild(latestBuild)
if err != nil {
setInternalError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get artifacts for build: %v", err)
currentActiveArtifacts = append(currentActiveArtifacts, buildArtifacts...)
} else {
// Get currently active artifacts
latestBuilds, err := tx.GetLatestBuildsByPackageNameAndBranchName(build.PackageName, moduleStream.ImportRevision.ScmBranchName, project.ID.String())
if err != nil {
setInternalError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get latest build ids: %v", err)
for _, latestBuild := range latestBuilds {
buildArtifacts, err := tx.GetArtifactsForBuild(latestBuild)
if err != nil {
setInternalError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get artifacts for build: %v", err)
currentActiveArtifacts = append(currentActiveArtifacts, buildArtifacts...)
// Get artifacts to skip deletion
for _, artifact := range artifacts {
skipDeleteArtifacts = append(skipDeleteArtifacts, strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(artifact.Name), ".rpm"))
var repos models.Repositories
if req.ForceRepoId != "" {
var err error
repo, err := c.db.GetRepository(&req.ForceRepoId, nil, nil)
repo, err := tx.GetRepository(&req.ForceRepoId, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
setInternalError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get repo: %v", err)
@ -1004,7 +1027,7 @@ func (c *Controller) makeRepoChanges(tx peridotdb.Access, req *UpdateRepoRequest
repos = models.Repositories{*repo}
} else {
var err error
repos, err = c.db.FindRepositoriesForPackage(req.ProjectID, packageName, false)
repos, err = tx.FindRepositoriesForPackage(req.ProjectID, packageName, false)
if err != nil {
setInternalError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find repo: %v", err)
@ -1018,6 +1041,7 @@ func (c *Controller) makeRepoChanges(tx peridotdb.Access, req *UpdateRepoRequest
for _, repo := range repos {
c.log.Infof("processing repo: %v", repo.Name)
artifactArchMap, err := GenerateArchMapForArtifacts(artifacts, &project, &repo)
if err != nil {
setInternalError(errorDetails, err)
@ -1081,6 +1105,63 @@ func (c *Controller) makeRepoChanges(tx peridotdb.Access, req *UpdateRepoRequest
for arch, archArtifacts := range artifactArchMap {
c.log.Infof("processing arch %s", arch)
noDebugArch := strings.TrimSuffix(arch, "-debug")
var streamDocument *modulemd.ModuleMd
if moduleStream != nil {
var newArtifacts models.TaskArtifacts
streamDocuments := moduleStream.ModuleStreamDocuments[noDebugArch]
if streamDocuments != nil {
streamDocumentNbc, err := modulemd.Parse(streamDocuments.Streams[moduleStream.Stream])
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode modulemd: %v", err)
streamDocument = streamDocumentNbc.V2
if arch != "src" {
for _, artifact := range archArtifacts {
for _, moduleArtifact := range streamDocument.Data.Artifacts.Rpms {
moduleArtifactNoEpoch := rpmutils.Epoch().ReplaceAllString(moduleArtifact, "")
if strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(artifact.Name), ".rpm") == moduleArtifactNoEpoch {
newArtifacts = append(newArtifacts, *artifact)
artifactArchMap2, err := GenerateArchMapForArtifacts(newArtifacts, &project, &repo)
if err != nil {
setInternalError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, err
c.log.Infof("artifactArchMap2: %v", artifactArchMap2)
archArtifacts = artifactArchMap2[arch]
} else {
// Remove duplicates for src
seen := make(map[string]bool)
for _, artifact := range archArtifacts {
if !seen[artifact.Name] {
newArtifacts = append(newArtifacts, *artifact)
seen[artifact.Name] = true
artifactArchMap2, err := GenerateArchMapForArtifacts(newArtifacts, &project, &repo)
if err != nil {
setInternalError(errorDetails, err)
return nil, err
c.log.Infof("artifactArchMap2: %v", artifactArchMap2)
archArtifacts = artifactArchMap2[arch]
if strings.HasSuffix(arch, "-debug") || arch == "src" {
streamDocument = nil
changes := &yumrepofspb.RepositoryChange{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", repo.Name, arch),
AddedPackages: []string{},
@ -1104,9 +1185,15 @@ func (c *Controller) makeRepoChanges(tx peridotdb.Access, req *UpdateRepoRequest
var modulesRoot []*modulemd.ModuleMd
idArch := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", repo.ID, arch)
idArch := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", repo.Name, arch)
idArchNoDebug := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", repo.Name, noDebugArch)
var currentRevision *models.RepositoryRevision
var groupsXml string
if cache.Repos[idArchNoDebug] != nil {
if cache.Repos[idArchNoDebug].Modulemd != nil {
modulesRoot = cache.Repos[idArchNoDebug].Modulemd
if cache.Repos[idArch] != nil {
if cache.Repos[idArch].PrimaryRoot != nil {
primaryRoot = *cache.Repos[idArch].PrimaryRoot
@ -1117,17 +1204,27 @@ func (c *Controller) makeRepoChanges(tx peridotdb.Access, req *UpdateRepoRequest
if cache.Repos[idArch].OtherRoot != nil {
otherRoot = *cache.Repos[idArch].OtherRoot
if cache.Repos[idArch].Modulemd != nil {
modulesRoot = cache.Repos[idArch].Modulemd
groupsXml = cache.Repos[idArch].GroupsXml
} else {
currentRevision, err = c.db.GetLatestActiveRepositoryRevision(repo.ID.String(), arch)
var noDebugRevision *models.RepositoryRevision
currentRevision, err = tx.GetLatestActiveRepositoryRevision(repo.ID.String(), arch)
if err != nil {
if err != sql.ErrNoRows {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get latest active repository revision: %v", err)
if strings.HasSuffix(arch, "-debug") {
noDebugRevision, err = tx.GetLatestActiveRepositoryRevision(repo.ID.String(), noDebugArch)
if err != nil {
if err != sql.ErrNoRows {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get latest active repository revision: %v", err)
} else {
noDebugRevision = currentRevision
if currentRevision != nil {
if currentRevision.PrimaryXml != "" {
var primaryXmlGz []byte
@ -1171,11 +1268,14 @@ func (c *Controller) makeRepoChanges(tx peridotdb.Access, req *UpdateRepoRequest
return nil, err
if currentRevision.ModulesYaml != "" {
groupsXml = currentRevision.GroupsXml
if noDebugRevision != nil {
if noDebugRevision.ModulesYaml != "" {
var modulesYamlGz []byte
var modulesYaml []byte
err := multiErrorCheck(
b64Decode(currentRevision.ModulesYaml, &modulesYamlGz),
b64Decode(noDebugRevision.ModulesYaml, &modulesYamlGz),
decompressWithGz(modulesYamlGz, &modulesYaml),
if err != nil {
@ -1205,7 +1305,6 @@ func (c *Controller) makeRepoChanges(tx peridotdb.Access, req *UpdateRepoRequest
modulesRoot = append(modulesRoot, &*&md)
groupsXml = currentRevision.GroupsXml
@ -1219,6 +1318,7 @@ func (c *Controller) makeRepoChanges(tx peridotdb.Access, req *UpdateRepoRequest
c.log.Infof("module artifacts: %v", moduleArtifacts)
for _, artifact := range archArtifacts {
// This shouldn't happen
@ -1243,7 +1343,7 @@ func (c *Controller) makeRepoChanges(tx peridotdb.Access, req *UpdateRepoRequest
shouldAdd := true
if arch != "src" {
if arch != "src" && moduleStream == nil {
// If repo has a list for inclusion, then the artifact has to pass that first
if len(repo.IncludeFilter) > 0 {
// If the artifact isn't forced, it should be in the include list or additional multilib list
@ -1326,16 +1426,7 @@ func (c *Controller) makeRepoChanges(tx peridotdb.Access, req *UpdateRepoRequest
var pkgId *string
var primaryIndex *int
for i, primaryPackage := range primaryRoot.Packages {
// We check module entries by artifact index from a previous revision
if moduleStream != nil {
isStreamArtifact := moduleArtifacts[strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(artifact.Name), ".rpm")]
if isStreamArtifact {
ix := i
primaryIndex = &ix
pkgId = &primaryPackage.Checksum.Value
} else {
if moduleStream == nil {
// If not a module stream, search for a non-module entry
// Double check arch as well for multilib purposes
if primaryPackage.Name == name && !strings.Contains(primaryPackage.Version.Rel, ".module+") && primaryPackage.Arch == artifact.Arch {
@ -1344,6 +1435,33 @@ func (c *Controller) makeRepoChanges(tx peridotdb.Access, req *UpdateRepoRequest
pkgId = &primaryPackage.Checksum.Value
} else {
// If a module stream, search for a module entry
for _, streamArtifact := range artifacts {
var rpmName string
var rpmVersion string
var rpmRelease string
rpmBase := strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(streamArtifact.Name), ".rpm")
if rpmutils.NVRUnusualRelease().MatchString(rpmBase) {
nvr := rpmutils.NVRUnusualRelease().FindStringSubmatch(rpmBase)
rpmName = nvr[1]
rpmVersion = nvr[2]
rpmRelease = nvr[3]
} else if rpmutils.NVR().MatchString(rpmBase) {
nvr := rpmutils.NVR().FindStringSubmatch(rpmBase)
rpmName = nvr[1]
rpmVersion = nvr[2]
rpmRelease = nvr[3]
if name == rpmName && primaryPackage.Name == name && primaryPackage.Version.Ver == rpmVersion && primaryPackage.Version.Rel == rpmRelease && primaryPackage.Arch == artifact.Arch {
c.log.Infof("Found module stream package: %s", rpmBase)
ix := i
primaryIndex = &ix
pkgId = &primaryPackage.Checksum.Value
if primaryIndex != nil {
@ -1395,19 +1513,28 @@ func (c *Controller) makeRepoChanges(tx peridotdb.Access, req *UpdateRepoRequest
var nFilelists []*yummeta.FilelistsPackage
var nOther []*yummeta.OtherPackage
var deleteIds []string
if !req.NoDeletePrevious {
c.log.Infof("modified packages: %v", changes.ModifiedPackages)
c.log.Infof("added packages: %v", changes.AddedPackages)
if !req.NoDeletePrevious || moduleStream != nil {
for _, pkg := range primaryRoot.Packages {
shouldAdd := true
for _, artifact := range currentActiveArtifacts {
if filepath.Base(artifact.Name) == filepath.Base(pkg.Location.Href) && !utils.StrContains(strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(artifact.Name), ".rpm"), changes.ModifiedPackages) && !utils.StrContains(strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(artifact.Name), ".rpm"), changes.AddedPackages) {
noRpmName := strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(artifact.Name), ".rpm")
if filepath.Base(artifact.Name) == filepath.Base(pkg.Location.Href) && !utils.StrContains(noRpmName, changes.ModifiedPackages) && !utils.StrContains(noRpmName, changes.AddedPackages) && !utils.StrContains(noRpmName, skipDeleteArtifacts) {
shouldAdd = false
if !shouldAdd {
deleteIds = append(deleteIds, pkg.Checksum.Value)
for _, pkg := range primaryRoot.Packages {
if utils.StrContains(pkg.Checksum.Value, deleteIds) {
c.log.Infof("Deleting package %s-%s-%s from primary metadata", pkg.Name, pkg.Version.Ver, pkg.Version.Rel)
nPackages = append(nPackages, &*pkg)
nPackages = append(nPackages, pkg)
for _, pkg := range filelistsRoot.Packages {
if utils.StrContains(pkg.PkgId, deleteIds) {
@ -1432,31 +1559,22 @@ func (c *Controller) makeRepoChanges(tx peridotdb.Access, req *UpdateRepoRequest
otherRoot.PackageCount = len(filelistsRoot.Packages)
// Module builds needs a few more steps
if moduleStream != nil {
streamDocument := moduleStream.ModuleStreamDocuments[arch]
if streamDocument != nil {
newEntryNbc, err := modulemd.Parse(streamDocument.Streams[moduleStream.Stream])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newEntry := newEntryNbc.V2
// If a previous entry exists, we need to overwrite that
var moduleIndex *int
for i, moduleMd := range modulesRoot {
if moduleMd.Data.Name == moduleStream.Name && moduleMd.Data.Stream == moduleStream.Stream {
moduleIndex = &*&i
if moduleIndex != nil {
changes.ModifiedModules = append(changes.ModifiedModules, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", moduleStream.Name, moduleStream.Stream))
modulesRoot[*moduleIndex] = newEntry
} else {
changes.AddedModules = append(changes.AddedModules, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", moduleStream.Name, moduleStream.Stream))
modulesRoot = append(modulesRoot, newEntry)
if moduleStream != nil && streamDocument != nil {
// If a previous entry exists, we need to overwrite that
var moduleIndex *int
for i, moduleMd := range modulesRoot {
if moduleMd.Data.Name == moduleStream.Name && moduleMd.Data.Stream == moduleStream.Stream {
moduleIndex = &*&i
if moduleIndex != nil {
changes.ModifiedModules = append(changes.ModifiedModules, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", moduleStream.Name, moduleStream.Stream))
modulesRoot[*moduleIndex] = streamDocument
} else {
changes.AddedModules = append(changes.AddedModules, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", moduleStream.Name, moduleStream.Stream))
modulesRoot = append(modulesRoot, streamDocument)
nRepo := repo
@ -1471,6 +1589,9 @@ func (c *Controller) makeRepoChanges(tx peridotdb.Access, req *UpdateRepoRequest
ModuleDefaults: moduleDefaults,
GroupsXml: groupsXml,
if strings.HasSuffix(arch, "-debug") || arch == "src" {
cache.Repos[idArch].Modulemd = nil
repoTask.Changes = append(repoTask.Changes, changes)
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ type Access interface {
NVRAExists(nvra string) (bool, error)
GetBuildByPackageNameAndVersionAndRelease(name string, version string, release string, projectId string) (*models.Build, error)
GetLatestBuildIdsByPackageName(name string, projectId string) ([]string, error)
GetLatestBuildsByPackageNameAndPackageVersionID(name string, packageVersionId string, projectId string) ([]string, error)
GetLatestBuildsByPackageNameAndBranchName(name string, branchName string, projectId string) ([]string, error)
GetActiveBuildIdsByTaskArtifactGlob(taskArtifactGlob string, projectId string) ([]string, error)
GetAllBuildIdsByPackageName(name string, projectId string) ([]string, error)
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ func (a *Access) GetLatestBuildIdsByPackageName(name string, projectId string) (
return ret, nil
func (a *Access) GetLatestBuildsByPackageNameAndPackageVersionID(name string, packageVersionId string, projectId string) ([]string, error) {
func (a *Access) GetLatestBuildsByPackageNameAndBranchName(name string, branchName string, projectId string) ([]string, error) {
var ret []string
err := a.query.Select(
@ -439,18 +439,19 @@ func (a *Access) GetLatestBuildsByPackageNameAndPackageVersionID(name string, pa
inner join tasks t on t.id = b.task_id
inner join packages p on p.id = b.package_id
inner join project_package_versions ppv on ppv.package_version_id = b.package_version_id
inner join import_revisions ir on ir.package_version_id = b.package_version_id
b.project_id = $1
and p.name = $2
b.project_id = $3
and p.name = $1
and ppv.active_in_repo = true
and ppv.project_id = b.project_id
and b.package_version_id = $3
and ir.scm_branch_name = $2
and t.status = 3
order by b.created_at asc
if err != nil {
return nil, err
Reference in New Issue
Block a user