syntax = "proto3"; package resf.peridot.v1; import "peridot/proto/v1/import.proto"; import "peridot/proto/v1/build.proto"; import "peridot/proto/v1/yumrepofs/yumrepofs.proto"; option go_package = ";peridotpb"; message Dependencies { // Rpm based dependencies // This is a list of dependencies that are installed repeated string rpm = 1; } message ModulePlatform { // Major version for EL release. int32 major = 1; // Minor version for EL release. int32 minor = 2; // Patch version for EL release. int32 patch = 3; // Virtual streams for EL release. // Added to maintain compatibility with MBS (fm-orchestrator). repeated string provides = 4; // Buildroot dependencies Dependencies buildroot = 5; // Srpmroot dependencies Dependencies srpmroot = 6; } message ModuleDefaultProfile { string stream = 1; repeated string name = 2; } message ModuleDefault { string name = 1; string stream = 2; repeated ModuleDefaultProfile profile = 3; // Short-hand for streams with common profile only repeated string common_profile = 4; } message ModuleConfiguration { ModulePlatform platform = 1; repeated ModuleDefault default = 2; } message ModuleStreamDocument { map streams = 1; } message ModuleStream { string dist = 1; int64 increment = 2; string name = 3; string stream = 4; string version = 5; string context = 6; resf.peridot.v1.ImportRevision import_revision = 7; ModuleConfiguration configuration = 8; // Mapped to arch map module_stream_documents = 9; repeated resf.peridot.v1.SubmitBuildTask builds = 10; } message ModuleBuildTask { repeated ModuleStream streams = 1; // Repo changes resf.peridot.yumrepofs.v1.UpdateRepoTask repo_changes = 2; } message ModuleScm { string ref = 1; } message ModuleMetadata { string scm_hash = 1; string scm_url = 2; map rpms = 3; }