syntax = "proto3"; package resf.secparse.admin; import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; option go_package = ";secparseadminpb"; enum AffectedProductState { UnknownProductState = 0; // CVE only affects downstream UnderInvestigationDownstream = 1; // CVE affecting upstream and a fix still hasn't been issued UnderInvestigationUpstream = 2; // CVE has been fixed upstream FixedUpstream = 3; // CVE has been fixed downstream // At this stage the CVE can be included in errata FixedDownstream = 4; // CVE will NOT be fixed upstream WillNotFixUpstream = 5; // CVE will NOT be fixed downstream // This will probably never happen with Core, but may happen for SIGs WillNotFixDownstream = 6; // CVE is out of support scope OutOfSupportScope = 7; // CVE affects product and upstream is working on a fix AffectedUpstream = 8; // CVE affects product and a fix is being worked out AffectedDownstream = 9; } message AffectedProduct { int64 product_id = 1; google.protobuf.StringValue cve_id = 2; string version = 3; AffectedProductState state = 4; string package = 5; google.protobuf.StringValue advisory = 6; }