syntax = "proto3"; package resf.peridot.v1; import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; import "validate/validate.proto"; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; import "peridot/proto/v1/task.proto"; import "peridot/proto/v1/package.proto"; option go_package = ";peridotpb"; message CatalogSyncRepository { string name = 1; repeated string include_filter = 2; repeated string multilib = 3; } message CatalogSyncPackage { string name = 1 [(validate.rules).string.min_bytes = 1]; resf.peridot.v1.PackageType type = 2; repeated string module_component = 3; repeated CatalogSyncRepository repository = 4; } message GlobArch { // Regex pattern to match the architecture. // Can also be set to "*" to match all architectures. string key = 1; // Glob to match the package in the repository. repeated string glob_match = 2; } message GlobFilter { // Regex pattern to match. // Can also be set to "*" to match all strings. string repo_match = 1; repeated GlobArch arch = 2; } message CatalogSync { repeated CatalogSyncPackage package = 1; repeated string additional_multilib = 2; repeated string exclude_multilib_filter = 3; repeated GlobFilter exclude_filter = 4; repeated GlobFilter include_filter = 5; } message CatalogExtraPackageOptions { string name = 1 [(validate.rules).string.min_bytes = 1]; repeated string with = 2 [(validate.rules).repeated = {unique: true}]; repeated string without = 3 [(validate.rules).repeated = {unique: true}]; } message CatalogGroupInstallScopedPackage { string name = 1 [(validate.rules).string.min_bytes = 1]; repeated string depends_on = 2 [(validate.rules).repeated = {unique: true}]; } message CatalogGroupInstallOption { // list of all packages required to be installed in the build root per project repeated string name = 1 [(validate.rules).repeated.items.string.min_bytes = 1]; // Scoped packages allow for dynamically injecting build requirements into the build root e.g. when building SCLs repeated CatalogGroupInstallScopedPackage scoped_package = 2; } message CatalogGroupInstallOptions { CatalogGroupInstallOption srpm = 1; CatalogGroupInstallOption build = 2; } message CatalogExtraOptions { repeated CatalogExtraPackageOptions package_options = 1; } message KindCatalogSync { repeated string new_packages = 1; repeated string modified_packages = 4; repeated string new_repositories = 2; repeated string modified_repositories = 3; repeated string additional_nvr_globs = 5; } message KindCatalogExtraOptions { repeated string modified_packages = 1; } message KindCatalogGroupInstallOptions { repeated string srpm_packages = 1; repeated string build_packages = 2; repeated CatalogGroupInstallScopedPackage scoped_package = 3; } message SyncCatalogTask { KindCatalogSync catalog_sync = 1; KindCatalogExtraOptions extra_options = 2; KindCatalogGroupInstallOptions group_install_options = 4; repeated string reprocess_build_ids = 3; }