## 0.2.x ## 0.2.0 Improvements: * `NewClient` supports receiving a list of `Option`s that modify clients behavior. Initial supported options are: * `HttpClient(*http.Client)` - set custom `http.Client` to be used * `Headers(map[string]string)` - set custom headers to use in every request (kudos: @Nightapes) * `UserAgent(string)` - set User-Agent identification to be used (#6). This is a shortcut for just setting `User-Agent` custom header Deprecations: * `NewCustomClient` is deprecated in favor of `NewClient(string, ...Option)` with `HttpClient(*http.Client)` option. This method will be removed in future versions. ## 0.1.2 Improvements to parsing logic for responses: * If response struct members are in snake-case - Go struct should have member in camel-case * It is now possible to use type aliases when decoding a response (#1) * It is now possible to use pointers to fields, without getting an error (#2) ## 0.1.1 Mainly documentation and internal refactoring: * Made `Encoder` and `Decoder` into interfaces with corresponding `StdEncoder` / `StdDecoder`. * Removal of intermediate objects in `Codec` ## 0.1.0 Initial release version of XML-RPC client. * Support for all XML-RPC types both encoding and decoding. * A client implementation based on `net/rpc` for familiar interface. * No external dependencies (except testing code dependencies)