apiVersion: v2 name: temporal description: Temporal is a distributed, scalable, durable, and highly available orchestration engine to execute asynchronous long-running business logic in a scalable and resilient way. home: https://temporal.io/ keywords: - temporal - workflow - orchestration maintainers: - name: Temporal Technologies Inc. url: https://temporal.io/ sources: - https://github.com/temporalio/temporal dependencies: - name: cassandra version: "0.14.3" repository: https://charts.helm.sh/incubator enabled: false condition: cassandra.enabled - name: prometheus repository: https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts version: 15.1.3 condition: prometheus.enabled - name: elasticsearch repository: https://helm.elastic.co version: 7.16.3 condition: elasticsearch.enabled - name: grafana repository: https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts version: 5.0.10 condition: grafana.enabled # A chart can be either an 'application' or a 'library' chart. # # Application charts are a collection of templates that can be packaged into versioned archives # to be deployed. # # Library charts provide useful utilities or functions for the chart developer. They're included as # a dependency of application charts to inject those utilities and functions into the rendering # pipeline. Library charts do not define any templates and therefore cannot be deployed. type: application # This is the chart version. This version number should be incremented each time you make changes # to the chart and its templates, including the app version. version: 0.15.2 # This is the version number of the application being deployed. This version number should be # incremented each time you make changes to the application. appVersion: 1.15.2