syntax = "proto3"; package resf.peridot.v1; import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"; import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; import "google/api/httpbody.proto"; import "google/rpc/error_details.proto"; import "validate/validate.proto"; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; option go_package = ";peridotpb"; extend google.protobuf.MethodOptions { TaskInfo task_info = 9991; } service TaskService { // ListTasks returns a list of tasks from all projects // List mode won't return task responses. The reason being // responses being able to reach huge sizes. // To get the response for a specific task, you can use GetTask, // either on the specific subtask or the parent task. rpc ListTasks(ListTasksRequest) returns (ListTasksResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v1/projects/{project_id=*}/tasks" }; } // GetTask returns a specific task with the given ID rpc GetTask(GetTaskRequest) returns (GetTaskResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v1/projects/{project_id=*}/tasks/{id=*}" }; } // StreamTaskLogs streams the logs of a specific task with the given ID rpc StreamTaskLogs(StreamTaskLogsRequest) returns (stream google.api.HttpBody) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v1/projects/{project_id=*}/tasks/{id=*}/logs" }; } // CancelTask cancels a task with the given ID. // Only parent tasks can be cancelled and if they're in the PENDING or RUNNING state. rpc CancelTask(CancelTaskRequest) returns (CancelTaskResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v1/projects/{project_id=*}/tasks/{id=*}/cancel" }; } } enum TaskType { TASK_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; TASK_TYPE_IMPORT = 1; TASK_TYPE_IMPORT_SRC_GIT = 2; TASK_TYPE_IMPORT_SRC_GIT_TO_DIST_GIT = 3; TASK_TYPE_IMPORT_DOWNSTREAM = 4; TASK_TYPE_IMPORT_UPSTREAM = 5; TASK_TYPE_BUILD = 6; TASK_TYPE_BUILD_SRPM = 7; TASK_TYPE_BUILD_ARCH = 8; TASK_TYPE_BUILD_SRPM_UPLOAD = 9; TASK_TYPE_BUILD_ARCH_UPLOAD = 10; TASK_TYPE_WORKER_PROVISION = 11; TASK_TYPE_WORKER_DESTROY = 12; TASK_TYPE_YUMREPOFS_UPDATE = 13; TASK_TYPE_KEYKEEPER_SIGN_ARTIFACT = 14; TASK_TYPE_SYNC_CATALOG = 15; TASK_TYPE_RPM_IMPORT = 16; TASK_TYPE_CREATE_HASHED_REPOSITORIES = 17; TASK_TYPE_LOOKASIDE_FILE_UPLOAD = 18; TASK_TYPE_RPM_LOOKASIDE_BATCH_IMPORT = 19; } enum TaskStatus { TASK_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = 0; TASK_STATUS_PENDING = 1; TASK_STATUS_RUNNING = 2; TASK_STATUS_SUCCEEDED = 3; TASK_STATUS_FAILED = 4; TASK_STATUS_CANCELED = 5; } // Subtask is a singular subunit of an AsyncTask. // This represents a single sub-action of a wider // system of AsyncTasks message Subtask { // Architecture this task was executed in string arch = 1; // The type of task that is being executed TaskType type = 2; // Response of the task google.protobuf.Any response = 3; // Any metadata for the task // If failed, should contain TaskErrorDetails google.protobuf.Any metadata = 4; // Status of the task TaskStatus status = 5; // The parent task (which usually is the primary) google.protobuf.StringValue parent_task_id = 6; // Unique identifier of the task string id = 7; // ID of submitter google.protobuf.StringValue submitter_id = 8; // Display name of submitter google.protobuf.StringValue submitter_display_name = 9; // Email of submitter google.protobuf.StringValue submitter_email = 10; // Finished time of the task google.protobuf.Timestamp finished_at = 11; // Created time of the task google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 12; } message TaskArtifact { // The task ID this artifact belongs to string task_id = 1; // Name of artifact (this refers to object name). // To retrieve the file name, filepath.Base should // always be applied to this property. string name = 2; // SHA-256 hash of the artifact string hash_sha256 = 3; // Architecture of artifact string arch = 4; // Any extra metadata this artifact has google.protobuf.Any metadata = 5; } // AsyncTask represents a collection of subunits of tasks that wholly // works towards a specific goal. message AsyncTask { string task_id = 1; // Subtasks contains all subtasks for a given task // Usually the requested task itself is represented as a subtask. // The primary subtask is always the first in order repeated Subtask subtasks = 2; bool done = 3; } message GetTaskRequest { string id = 1 [(validate.rules).string.uuid = true]; google.protobuf.StringValue project_id = 2 [(validate.rules).message.required = true]; } message GetTaskResponse { AsyncTask task = 1; } message ListTasksRequest { google.protobuf.StringValue project_id = 1 [(validate.rules).message.required = true]; // The page to request int32 page = 2; // Maximum amount of results to return // Minimum: 1 // Maximum: 100 int32 limit = 3 [(validate.rules).int32.lte = 100]; } message ListTasksResponse { repeated AsyncTask tasks = 1; // Total packages from server int64 total = 2; // Limit from request int32 size = 3; // Current page int32 page = 4; } message StreamTaskLogsRequest { string project_id = 1; string id = 2; bool parent = 3; } message CancelTaskRequest { string project_id = 1; string id = 2; } message CancelTaskResponse {} message TaskCancelledDetails { string code = 1; string cause = 2; google.protobuf.Any extra = 3; } message ProvisionWorkerMetadata { string name = 1; string purpose = 2; string task_id = 3; } message TaskErrorDetails { google.rpc.ErrorInfo error_info = 1; oneof error_type { google.rpc.RetryInfo retry_info = 2; google.rpc.DebugInfo debug_info = 3; google.rpc.QuotaFailure quota_failure = 4; google.rpc.PreconditionFailure precondition_failure = 5; google.rpc.BadRequest bad_request = 6; google.rpc.Help help = 7; google.rpc.LocalizedMessage localized_message = 8; } } // TaskInfo is a option tag to supply information about an async task. // This is currently ignored silently, but all clients are encouraged // to implement this. message TaskInfo { // Response type is the data format that the parent task stores // about the response for the specific async/long running task. string response_type = 1; // Metadata type is the data format that the parent task stores // about the metadatra for the specific async/long running task. string metadata_type = 2; }