# Setup from scratch 1. [Install Go](https://golang.org/dl/). 1. Ensure that your `GOBIN` directory (by default `$(go env GOPATH)/bin`) is in your `PATH`. 1. Check it's working by running `go version`. * If it doesn't work, check the install location, usually `/usr/local/go`, is on your `PATH`. 1. Sign one of the [contributor license agreements](#contributor-license-agreements) below. 1. Clone the repo: `git clone https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-go` 1. Change into the checked out source: `cd google-cloud-go` 1. Fork the repo and add your fork as a secondary remote (this is necessary in order to create PRs). # Which module to release? The Go client libraries have several modules. Each module does not strictly correspond to a single library - they correspond to trees of directories. If a file needs to be released, you must release the closest ancestor module. To see all modules: ``` $ cat `find . -name go.mod` | grep module module cloud.google.com/go module cloud.google.com/go/bigtable module cloud.google.com/go/firestore module cloud.google.com/go/bigquery module cloud.google.com/go/storage module cloud.google.com/go/datastore module cloud.google.com/go/pubsub module cloud.google.com/go/spanner module cloud.google.com/go/logging ``` The `cloud.google.com/go` is the repository root module. Each other module is a submodule. So, if you need to release a change in `bigtable/bttest/inmem.go`, the closest ancestor module is `cloud.google.com/go/bigtable` - so you should release a new version of the `cloud.google.com/go/bigtable` submodule. If you need to release a change in `asset/apiv1/asset_client.go`, the closest ancestor module is `cloud.google.com/go` - so you should release a new version of the `cloud.google.com/go` repository root module. Note: releasing `cloud.google.com/go` has no impact on any of the submodules, and vice-versa. They are released entirely independently. # Test failures If there are any test failures in the Kokoro build, releases are blocked until the failures have been resolved. # How to release `cloud.google.com/go` 1. Check for failures in the [continuous Kokoro build](http://go/google-cloud-go-continuous). If there are any failures in the most recent build, address them before proceeding with the release. 1. Navigate to `~/code/gocloud/` and switch to master. 1. `git pull` 1. Run `git tag -l | grep -v beta | grep -v alpha` to see all existing releases. The current latest tag `$CV` is the largest tag. It should look something like `vX.Y.Z` (note: ignore all `LIB/vX.Y.Z` tags - these are tags for a specific library, not the module root). We'll call the current version `$CV` and the new version `$NV`. 1. On master, run `git log $CV...` to list all the changes since the last release. NOTE: You must manually visually parse out changes to submodules [1] (the `git log` is going to show you things in submodules, which are not going to be part of your release). 1. Edit `CHANGES.md` to include a summary of the changes. 1. `cd internal/version && go generate && cd -` 1. Commit the changes, push to your fork, and create a PR. 1. Wait for the PR to be reviewed and merged. Once it's merged, and without merging any other PRs in the meantime: a. Switch to master. b. `git pull` c. Tag the repo with the next version: `git tag $NV`. d. Push the tag to origin: `git push origin $NV` 2. Update [the releases page](https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-go/releases) with the new release, copying the contents of `CHANGES.md`. # How to release a submodule We have several submodules, including `cloud.google.com/go/logging`, `cloud.google.com/go/datastore`, and so on. To release a submodule: (these instructions assume we're releasing `cloud.google.com/go/datastore` - adjust accordingly) 1. Check for failures in the [continuous Kokoro build](http://go/google-cloud-go-continuous). If there are any failures in the most recent build, address them before proceeding with the release. (This applies even if the failures are in a different submodule from the one being released.) 1. Navigate to `~/code/gocloud/` and switch to master. 1. `git pull` 1. Run `git tag -l | grep datastore | grep -v beta | grep -v alpha` to see all existing releases. The current latest tag `$CV` is the largest tag. It should look something like `datastore/vX.Y.Z`. We'll call the current version `$CV` and the new version `$NV`. 1. On master, run `git log $CV.. -- datastore/` to list all the changes to the submodule directory since the last release. 1. Edit `datastore/CHANGES.md` to include a summary of the changes. 1. `cd internal/version && go generate && cd -` 1. Commit the changes, push to your fork, and create a PR. 1. Wait for the PR to be reviewed and merged. Once it's merged, and without merging any other PRs in the meantime: a. Switch to master. b. `git pull` c. Tag the repo with the next version: `git tag $NV`. d. Push the tag to origin: `git push origin $NV` 1. Update [the releases page](https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-go/releases) with the new release, copying the contents of `datastore/CHANGES.md`. # Appendix 1: This should get better as submodule tooling matures.