// Copyright (c) All respective contributors to the Peridot Project. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Ctrl IQ, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without // specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. package apollodb import ( "database/sql" "github.com/jmoiron/sqlx/types" "github.com/lib/pq" apollopb "peridot.resf.org/apollo/pb" "peridot.resf.org/utils" "time" ) // ShortCode is the DTO struct for `resf.apollo.ShortCode` type ShortCode struct { Code string `json:"code" db:"code"` Mode int8 `json:"mode" db:"mode"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt" db:"created_at"` ArchivedAt sql.NullTime `json:"archivedAt" db:"archived_at"` } // Advisory is the DTO struct for `resf.apollo.Advisory` type Advisory struct { ID int64 `db:"id"` CreatedAt *time.Time `db:"created_at"` Year int `db:"year"` Num int `db:"num"` Synopsis string `db:"synopsis"` Topic string `db:"topic"` Severity int `db:"severity"` Type int `db:"type"` Description string `db:"description"` Solution sql.NullString `db:"solution"` RedHatIssuedAt sql.NullTime `db:"redhat_issued_at"` ShortCodeCode string `db:"short_code_code"` RebootSuggested bool `db:"reboot_suggested"` PublishedAt sql.NullTime `db:"published_at"` AffectedProducts pq.StringArray `db:"affected_products"` Fixes pq.StringArray `db:"fixes"` Cves pq.StringArray `db:"cves"` CveIds pq.StringArray `db:"cve_ids"` References pq.StringArray `db:"references"` RPMs pq.StringArray `db:"rpms"` BuildArtifacts pq.StringArray `db:"build_artifacts"` // Only used for list/search queries Total int64 `json:"total" db:"total"` } // CVE is the DTO struct for `resf.apollo.CVE` type CVE struct { ID string `db:"id"` CreatedAt *time.Time `db:"created_at"` AdvisoryId sql.NullInt64 `db:"advisory_id"` ShortCode string `db:"short_code_code"` SourceBy sql.NullString `db:"source_by"` SourceLink sql.NullString `db:"source_link"` Content types.NullJSONText `db:"content"` AffectedProductId sql.NullInt64 `db:"affected_product_id"` } // AffectedProduct is the DTO struct for `resf.apollo.AffectedProduct` type AffectedProduct struct { ID int64 `db:"id"` ProductID int64 `db:"product_id"` CveID sql.NullString `db:"cve_id"` State int `db:"state"` Version string `db:"version"` Package string `db:"package"` Advisory sql.NullString `db:"advisory"` } // Product is the DTO struct for `resf.apollo.Product` type Product struct { ID int64 `db:"id"` Name string `db:"name"` CurrentFullVersion string `db:"current_full_version"` RedHatMajorVersion sql.NullInt32 `db:"redhat_major_version"` ShortCode string `db:"short_code_code"` Archs pq.StringArray `db:"archs"` MirrorFromDate sql.NullTime `json:"mirrorFromDate" db:"mirror_from_date"` RedHatProductPrefix sql.NullString `json:"redHatProductPrefix" db:"redhat_product_prefix"` Cpe sql.NullString `json:"cpe" db:"cpe"` EolAt sql.NullTime `json:"eolAt" db:"eol_at"` BuildSystem string `json:"buildSystem" db:"build_system"` BuildSystemEndpoint string `json:"buildSystemEndpoint" db:"build_system_endpoint"` KojiCompose sql.NullString `json:"kojiCompose" db:"koji_compose"` KojiModuleCompose sql.NullString `json:"kojiModuleCompose" db:"koji_module_compose"` PeridotProjectID sql.NullString `json:"peridotProjectID" db:"peridot_project_id"` } type BuildReference struct { ID int64 `db:"id"` AffectedProductId int64 `db:"affected_product_id"` Rpm string `db:"rpm"` SrcRpm string `db:"src_rpm"` CveID string `db:"cve_id"` Sha256Sum string `db:"sha256_sum"` KojiID sql.NullString `db:"koji_id"` PeridotID sql.NullString `db:"peridot_id"` } type Fix struct { ID int64 `db:"id"` Ticket sql.NullString `db:"ticket"` SourceBy sql.NullString `db:"source_by"` SourceLink sql.NullString `db:"source_link"` Description sql.NullString `db:"description"` } type AdvisoryReference struct { ID int64 `db:"advisory_reference"` URL string `db:"url"` AdvisoryId int64 `db:"advisory_id"` } type MirrorState struct { ShortCode string `db:"short_code_code"` LastSync sql.NullTime `db:"last_sync"` ErrataAfter sql.NullTime `db:"errata_after"` } type AdvisoryCVE struct { AdvisoryID int64 `db:"advisory_id"` CveID string `db:"cve_id"` } type AdvisoryFix struct { AdvisoryID int64 `db:"advisory_id"` FixID int64 `db:"fix_id"` } type IgnoredUpstreamPackage struct { ID int64 `db:"id"` ProductID int64 `db:"product_id"` Package string `db:"package"` } type RebootSuggestedPackage struct { CreatedAt *time.Time `db:"created_at"` Name string `db:"name"` } type AdvisoryRPM struct { AdvisoryID int64 `db:"advisory_id"` Name string `db:"name"` ProductID int64 `db:"product_id"` } type Access interface { GetAllShortCodes() ([]*ShortCode, error) GetShortCodeByCode(code string) (*ShortCode, error) CreateShortCode(code string, mode apollopb.ShortCode_Mode) (*ShortCode, error) GetAllAdvisories(filters *apollopb.AdvisoryFilters, page int32, limit int32) ([]*Advisory, error) // Advisory is a broad entity with lots of fields // mustafa: It is in my opinion better to accept the same struct // to create and update it. // Obviously fields like ID and CreatedAt cannot be overridden // The Create and Update methods for advisory do not return // the following fields: // - AffectedProducts // - Fixes // - Cves // - References CreateAdvisory(advisory *Advisory) (*Advisory, error) // Update cannot override the RedHatIssuedAt field for mirrored advisories UpdateAdvisory(advisory *Advisory) (*Advisory, error) GetAdvisoryByCodeAndYearAndNum(code string, year int, num int) (*Advisory, error) GetAllUnresolvedCVEs() ([]*CVE, error) GetPendingAffectedProducts() ([]*AffectedProduct, error) GetAllCVEsFixedDownstream() ([]*CVE, error) GetCVEByID(id string) (*CVE, error) GetAllCVEs() ([]*CVE, error) CreateCVE(cveId string, shortCode string, sourceBy *string, sourceLink *string, content types.NullJSONText) (*CVE, error) SetCVEContent(cveId string, content types.JSONText) error GetProductsByShortCode(code string) ([]*Product, error) GetProductByNameAndShortCode(product string, code string) (*Product, error) GetProductByID(id int64) (*Product, error) CreateProduct(name string, currentFullVersion string, redHatMajorVersion *int32, code string, archs []string) (*Product, error) GetAllAffectedProductsByCVE(cve string) ([]*AffectedProduct, error) GetAffectedProductByCVEAndPackage(cve string, pkg string) (*AffectedProduct, error) GetAffectedProductByAdvisory(advisory string) (*AffectedProduct, error) GetAffectedProductByID(id int64) (*AffectedProduct, error) CreateAffectedProduct(productId int64, cveId string, state int, version string, pkg string, advisory *string) (*AffectedProduct, error) UpdateAffectedProductStateAndPackageAndAdvisory(id int64, state int, pkg string, advisory *string) error DeleteAffectedProduct(id int64) error CreateFix(ticket string, sourceBy string, sourceLink string, description string) (int64, error) // This will return nil rather than an error if no rows are found GetMirrorState(code string) (*MirrorState, error) UpdateMirrorState(code string, lastSync *time.Time) error UpdateMirrorStateErrata(code string, lastSync *time.Time) error GetMaxLastSync() (*time.Time, error) CreateBuildReference(affectedProductId int64, rpm string, srcRpm string, cveId string, sha256Sum string, kojiId *string, peridotId *string) (*BuildReference, error) CreateAdvisoryReference(advisoryId int64, url string) error GetAllIgnoredPackagesByProductID(productID int64) ([]string, error) GetAllRebootSuggestedPackages() ([]string, error) // These add methods is treated like an upsert. They're only added if one doesn't exist AddAdvisoryFix(advisoryId int64, fixId int64) error AddAdvisoryCVE(advisoryId int64, cveId string) error AddAdvisoryRPM(advisoryId int64, name string, productID int64) error Begin() (utils.Tx, error) UseTransaction(tx utils.Tx) Access }