package rpm import ( "bufio" "fmt" "io" "os" "sort" "strings" "syscall" "time" ) // A Package is an rpm package file. type Package struct { Lead Lead Signature Header Header Header } var _ Version = &Package{} // Read reads an rpm package from r. // // When this function returns, the reader will be positioned at the start of the // package payload. Use Package.PayloadFormat and Package.PayloadCompression to // determine how to decompress and unarchive the payload. func Read(r io.Reader) (*Package, error) { lead, err := readLead(r) if err != nil { return nil, err } sig, err := readHeader(r, true) if err != nil { return nil, err } hdr, err := readHeader(r, false) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &Package{ Lead: *lead, Signature: *sig, Header: *hdr, }, nil } // Open opens an rpm package from the file system. // // Once the package headers are read, the underlying reader is closed and cannot // be used to read the package payload. To read the package payload, open the // package with os.Open and read the headers with Read. You may then use the // same reader to read the payload. func Open(name string) (*Package, error) { f, err := os.Open(name) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer f.Close() return Read(bufio.NewReader(f)) } // dependencies translates the given tag values into a slice of package // relationships such as provides, conflicts, obsoletes and requires. func (c *Package) dependencies(nevrsTagID, flagsTagID, namesTagID, versionsTagID int) []Dependency { // TODO: Implement NEVRS tags // TODO: error handling flgs := c.Header.GetTag(flagsTagID).Int64Slice() names := c.Header.GetTag(namesTagID).StringSlice() vers := c.Header.GetTag(versionsTagID).StringSlice() deps := make([]Dependency, len(names)) for i := 0; i < len(names); i++ { deps[i] = &dependency{ flags: int(flgs[i]), name: names[i], version: vers[i], } } return deps } // String returns the package identifier in the form // '[name]-[version]-[release].[architecture]'. func (c *Package) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s.%s", c.Name(), c.Version(), c.Release(), c.Architecture()) } func (c *Package) GPGSignature() GPGSignature { return c.Signature.GetTag(1002).Bytes() } // For tag definitions, see: // func (c *Package) Name() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1000).String() } func (c *Package) Version() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1001).String() } func (c *Package) Release() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1002).String() } func (c *Package) Epoch() int { return int(c.Header.GetTag(1003).Int64()) } func (c *Package) Requires() []Dependency { return c.dependencies(5041, 1048, 1049, 1050) } func (c *Package) Provides() []Dependency { return c.dependencies(5042, 1112, 1047, 1113) } func (c *Package) Conflicts() []Dependency { return c.dependencies(5044, 1053, 1054, 1055) } func (c *Package) Obsoletes() []Dependency { return c.dependencies(5043, 1114, 1090, 1115) } func (c *Package) Suggests() []Dependency { return c.dependencies(5059, 5051, 5049, 5050) } func (c *Package) Enhances() []Dependency { return c.dependencies(5061, 5057, 5055, 5056) } func (c *Package) Recommends() []Dependency { return c.dependencies(5058, 5048, 5046, 5047) } func (c *Package) Supplements() []Dependency { return c.dependencies(5060, 5051, 5052, 5053) } // Files returns file information for each file that is installed by this RPM // package. func (c *Package) Files() []FileInfo { ixs := c.Header.GetTag(1116).Int64Slice() names := c.Header.GetTag(1117).StringSlice() dirs := c.Header.GetTag(1118).StringSlice() modes := c.Header.GetTag(1030).Int64Slice() sizes := c.Header.GetTag(1028).Int64Slice() times := c.Header.GetTag(1034).Int64Slice() flags := c.Header.GetTag(1037).Int64Slice() owners := c.Header.GetTag(1039).StringSlice() groups := c.Header.GetTag(1040).StringSlice() digests := c.Header.GetTag(1035).StringSlice() linknames := c.Header.GetTag(1036).StringSlice() a := make([]FileInfo, len(names)) for i := 0; i < len(names); i++ { a[i] = FileInfo{ name: dirs[ixs[i]] + names[i], mode: fileModeFromInt64(modes[i]), size: sizes[i], modTime: time.Unix(times[i], 0), flags: flags[i], owner: owners[i], group: groups[i], digest: digests[i], linkname: linknames[i], } } return a } // fileModeFromInt64 converts the 16 bit value returned from a typical // unix/linux stat call to the bitmask that go uses to produce an os // neutral representation. It is incorrect to just cast the 16 bit // value directly to a os.FileMode. The result of stat is 4 bits to // specify the type of the object, this is a value in the range 0 to // 15, rather than a bitfield, 3 bits to note suid, sgid and sticky, // and 3 sets of 3 bits for rwx permissions for user, group and other. // An os.FileMode has the same 9 bits for permissions, but rather than // using an enum for the type it has individual bits. As a concrete // example, a block device has the 1<<26 bit set (os.ModeDevice) in // the os.FileMode, but has type 0x6000 (syscall.S_IFBLK). A regular // file is represented in os.FileMode by not having any of the bits in // os.ModeType set (i.e. is not a directory, is not a symlink, is not // a named pipe...) whilst a regular file has value syscall.S_IFREG // (0x8000) in the mode field from stat. func fileModeFromInt64(mode int64) os.FileMode { fm := os.FileMode(mode & 0777) switch mode & syscall.S_IFMT { case syscall.S_IFBLK: fm |= os.ModeDevice case syscall.S_IFCHR: fm |= os.ModeDevice | os.ModeCharDevice case syscall.S_IFDIR: fm |= os.ModeDir case syscall.S_IFIFO: fm |= os.ModeNamedPipe case syscall.S_IFLNK: fm |= os.ModeSymlink case syscall.S_IFREG: // nothing to do case syscall.S_IFSOCK: fm |= os.ModeSocket } if mode&syscall.S_ISGID != 0 { fm |= os.ModeSetgid } if mode&syscall.S_ISUID != 0 { fm |= os.ModeSetuid } if mode&syscall.S_ISVTX != 0 { fm |= os.ModeSticky } return fm } func (c *Package) Summary() string { return strings.Join(c.Header.GetTag(1004).StringSlice(), "\n") } func (c *Package) Description() string { return strings.Join(c.Header.GetTag(1005).StringSlice(), "\n") } func (c *Package) BuildTime() time.Time { return time.Unix(c.Header.GetTag(1006).Int64(), 0) } func (c *Package) BuildHost() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1007).String() } func (c *Package) InstallTime() time.Time { return time.Unix(c.Header.GetTag(1008).Int64(), 0) } // Size specifies the disk space consumed by installation of the package. func (c *Package) Size() uint64 { return uint64(c.Header.GetTag(1009).Int64()) } // ArchiveSize specifies the size of the archived payload of the package in // bytes. func (c *Package) ArchiveSize() uint64 { if i := uint64(c.Signature.GetTag(1007).Int64()); i > 0 { return i } return uint64(c.Header.GetTag(1046).Int64()) } func (c *Package) Distribution() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1010).String() } func (c *Package) Vendor() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1011).String() } func (c *Package) GIFImage() []byte { return c.Header.GetTag(1012).Bytes() } func (c *Package) XPMImage() []byte { return c.Header.GetTag(1013).Bytes() } func (c *Package) License() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1014).String() } func (c *Package) Packager() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1015).String() } func (c *Package) Groups() []string { return c.Header.GetTag(1016).StringSlice() } func (c *Package) ChangeLog() []string { return c.Header.GetTag(1017).StringSlice() } func (c *Package) Source() []string { return c.Header.GetTag(1018).StringSlice() } func (c *Package) Patch() []string { return c.Header.GetTag(1019).StringSlice() } func (c *Package) URL() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1020).String() } func (c *Package) OperatingSystem() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1021).String() } func (c *Package) Architecture() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1022).String() } func (c *Package) PreInstallScript() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1023).String() } func (c *Package) PostInstallScript() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1024).String() } func (c *Package) PreUninstallScript() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1025).String() } func (c *Package) PostUninstallScript() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1026).String() } func (c *Package) OldFilenames() []string { return c.Header.GetTag(1027).StringSlice() } func (c *Package) Icon() []byte { return c.Header.GetTag(1043).Bytes() } func (c *Package) SourceRPM() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1044).String() } func (c *Package) RPMVersion() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1064).String() } func (c *Package) Platform() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1132).String() } // PayloadFormat returns the name of the format used for the package payload. // Typically cpio. func (c *Package) PayloadFormat() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1124).String() } // PayloadCompression returns the name of the compression used for the package // payload. Typically xz. func (c *Package) PayloadCompression() string { return c.Header.GetTag(1125).String() } // Sort sorts a slice of packages lexically by name ascending and then by // version descending. Version is evaluated first by epoch, then by version // string, then by release. func Sort(x []*Package) { sort.Sort(PackageSlice(x)) } // PackageSlice implements sort.Interface for a slice of packages. Packages are // sorted lexically by name ascending and then by version descending. Version is // evaluated first by epoch, then by version string, then by release. type PackageSlice []*Package // Sort is a convenience method: x.Sort() calls sort.Sort(x). func (x PackageSlice) Sort() { sort.Sort(x) } func (x PackageSlice) Len() int { return len(x) } func (x PackageSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { a, b := x[i].Name(), x[j].Name() if a == b { return Compare(x[i], x[j]) == 1 } return a < b } func (x PackageSlice) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] } var _ sort.Interface = PackageSlice{}