// Copyright (c) All respective contributors to the Peridot Project. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Ctrl IQ, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without // specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. package apollopsql import ( "database/sql" "github.com/jmoiron/sqlx/types" apollodb "peridot.resf.org/apollo/db" apollopb "peridot.resf.org/apollo/pb" "time" "github.com/jmoiron/sqlx" "peridot.resf.org/utils" ) type Access struct { db *sqlx.DB query utils.SqlQuery } func New() *Access { pgx := utils.PgInitx() return &Access{ db: pgx, query: pgx, } } func (a *Access) GetAllShortCodes() ([]*apollodb.ShortCode, error) { var shortCodes []*apollodb.ShortCode err := a.query.Select( &shortCodes, ` select code, mode, created_at, archived_at from short_codes order by created_at desc `, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } return shortCodes, nil } func (a *Access) GetShortCodeByCode(code string) (*apollodb.ShortCode, error) { var shortCode apollodb.ShortCode err := a.query.Get(&shortCode, "select code, mode, created_at from short_codes where code = $1", code) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &shortCode, nil } func (a *Access) CreateShortCode(code string, mode apollopb.ShortCode_Mode) (*apollodb.ShortCode, error) { var shortCode apollodb.ShortCode err := a.query.Get(&shortCode, "insert into short_codes (code, mode) values ($1, $2) returning code, mode, created_at", code, int(mode)) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &shortCode, nil } func (a *Access) GetAllAdvisories(filters *apollopb.AdvisoryFilters, page int32, limit int32) ([]*apollodb.Advisory, error) { if filters == nil { filters = &apollopb.AdvisoryFilters{} } var advisories []*apollodb.Advisory err := a.query.Select( &advisories, ` select a.id, a.created_at, a.year, a.num, a.synopsis, a.topic, a.severity, a.type, a.description, a.solution, a.redhat_issued_at, a.short_code_code, a.reboot_suggested, a.published_at, array_remove(array_agg(distinct p.name), NULL) as affected_products, (select array_agg(distinct(f.ticket || ':::' || f.source_by || ':::' || f.source_link || ':::' || f.description)) from advisory_fixes adf inner join fixes f on f.id = adf.fix_id where adf.advisory_id = a.id) as fixes, (select array_agg(distinct( case when c.content is null then c.source_by || ':::' || c.source_link || ':::' || c.id || ':::::::::' else c.source_by || ':::' || c.source_link || ':::' || c.id || ':::' || jsonb_extract_path_text(c.content, 'cvss3', 'cvss3_scoring_vector') || ':::' || jsonb_extract_path_text(c.content, 'cvss3', 'cvss3_base_score') || ':::' || jsonb_extract_path_text(c.content, 'cwe') end )) from advisory_cves ac inner join cves c on c.id = ac.cve_id where ac.advisory_id = a.id) as cves, (select array_agg(distinct(url)) from advisory_references where advisory_id = a.id) as references, case when $4 :: bool = true then array(select distinct concat(rpm, ':::', src_rpm) from build_references where affected_product_id in (select id from affected_products where advisory = 'RH' || (case when a.type=1 then 'SA' when a.type=2 then 'BA' else 'EA' end) || '-' || a.year || ':' || a.num)) else array [] :: text[] end as build_artifacts, case when $7 :: bool = true then array(select distinct(ar.name || ':::' || p.name) from advisory_rpms ar inner join products p on p.id = ar.product_id where advisory_id = a.id) else array [] :: text[] end as rpms, count(a.*) over() as total from advisories a inner join affected_products ap on ap.advisory = 'RH' || (case when a.type=1 then 'SA' when a.type=2 then 'BA' else 'EA' end) || '-' || a.year || ':' || a.num inner join products p on ap.product_id = p.id where ($1 :: text is null or p.name = $1 :: text) and ($2 :: timestamp is null or a.published_at < $2 :: timestamp) and ($3 :: timestamp is null or a.published_at > $3 :: timestamp) and (a.published_at is not null or $4 :: bool = true) and ($5 :: text is null or exists (select cve_id from advisory_cves where advisory_id = a.id and cve_id ilike '%' || $5 :: text || '%')) and ($6 :: text is null or a.synopsis ilike '%' || $6 :: text || '%') and ($8 :: text is null or ((a.synopsis ilike '%' || $8 :: text || '%') or (a.topic ilike '%' || $8 :: text || '%') or (a.description ilike '%' || $8 :: text || '%') or (a.solution ilike '%' || $8 :: text || '%') or exists (select cve_id from advisory_cves where advisory_id = a.id and cve_id ilike '%' || $8 :: text || '%') or (a.short_code_code || (case when a.type=1 then 'SA' when a.type=2 then 'BA' else 'EA' end) || '-' || a.year || ':' || a.num ilike '%' || $8 :: text || '%'))) and ($9 :: numeric = 0 or a.severity = $9 :: numeric) and ($10 :: numeric = 0 or a.type = $10 :: numeric) group by a.id order by a.published_at desc limit $11 offset $12 `, utils.StringValueToNullString(filters.Product), utils.TimestampToNullTime(filters.Before), utils.TimestampToNullTime(filters.After), utils.BoolValueP(filters.IncludeUnpublished), utils.StringValueToNullString(filters.Cve), utils.StringValueToNullString(filters.Synopsis), utils.BoolValueP(filters.IncludeRpms), utils.StringValueToNullString(filters.Keyword), int32(filters.Severity), int32(filters.Type), utils.UnlimitedLimit(limit), utils.GetOffset(page, limit), ) if err != nil { return nil, err } return advisories, nil } func (a *Access) GetAdvisoryByCodeAndYearAndNum(code string, year int, num int) (*apollodb.Advisory, error) { var advisory apollodb.Advisory err := a.query.Get( &advisory, ` select a.id, a.created_at, a.year, a.num, a.synopsis, a.topic, a.severity, a.type, a.description, a.solution, a.redhat_issued_at, a.short_code_code, a.reboot_suggested, a.published_at, array_remove(array_agg(distinct p.name), NULL) as affected_products, (select array_agg(distinct(f.ticket || ':::' || f.source_by || ':::' || f.source_link || ':::' || f.description)) from advisory_fixes adf inner join fixes f on f.id = adf.fix_id where adf.advisory_id = a.id) as fixes, (select array_agg(distinct( case when c.content is null then c.source_by || ':::' || c.source_link || ':::' || c.id || ':::::::::' else c.source_by || ':::' || c.source_link || ':::' || c.id || ':::' || jsonb_extract_path_text(c.content, 'cvss3', 'cvss3_scoring_vector') || ':::' || jsonb_extract_path_text(c.content, 'cvss3', 'cvss3_base_score') || ':::' || jsonb_extract_path_text(c.content, 'cwe') end )) from advisory_cves ac inner join cves c on c.id = ac.cve_id where ac.advisory_id = a.id) as cves, (select array_agg(distinct(url)) from advisory_references where advisory_id = a.id) as references, (select array_agg(distinct(ar.name || ':::' || p.name)) from advisory_rpms ar inner join products p on p.id = ar.product_id where advisory_id = a.id) as rpms from advisories a inner join affected_products ap on ap.advisory = 'RH' || (case when a.type=1 then 'SA' when a.type=2 then 'BA' else 'EA' end) || '-' || a.year || ':' || a.num inner join products p on ap.product_id = p.id where a.year = $1 and a.num = $2 and a.short_code_code = $3 group by a.id `, year, num, code, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &advisory, nil } func (a *Access) CreateAdvisory(advisory *apollodb.Advisory) (*apollodb.Advisory, error) { var ret apollodb.Advisory var redHatIssuedAt *time.Time var publishedAt *time.Time if advisory.RedHatIssuedAt.Valid { redHatIssuedAt = &advisory.RedHatIssuedAt.Time } if advisory.PublishedAt.Valid { publishedAt = &advisory.PublishedAt.Time } err := a.query.Get( &ret, ` insert into advisories (year, num, synopsis, topic, severity, type, description, solution, redhat_issued_at, short_code_code, reboot_suggested, published_at) values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12) returning id, created_at, year, num, synopsis, topic, severity, type, description, solution, redhat_issued_at, short_code_code, reboot_suggested, published_at `, advisory.Year, advisory.Num, advisory.Synopsis, advisory.Topic, advisory.Severity, advisory.Type, advisory.Description, advisory.Solution, redHatIssuedAt, advisory.ShortCodeCode, advisory.RebootSuggested, publishedAt, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &ret, nil } func (a *Access) UpdateAdvisory(advisory *apollodb.Advisory) (*apollodb.Advisory, error) { var ret apollodb.Advisory var publishedAt *time.Time if advisory.PublishedAt.Valid { publishedAt = &advisory.PublishedAt.Time } err := a.query.Get( &ret, ` update advisories set year = $1, num = $2, synopsis = $3, topic = $4, severity = $5, type = $6, description = $7, solution = $8, short_code_code = $9, reboot_suggested = $10, published_at = $11 where id = $12 returning id, created_at, year, num, synopsis, topic, severity, type, description, solution, redhat_issued_at, short_code_code, reboot_suggested, published_at `, advisory.Year, advisory.Num, advisory.Synopsis, advisory.Topic, advisory.Severity, advisory.Type, advisory.Description, advisory.Solution, advisory.ShortCodeCode, advisory.RebootSuggested, publishedAt, advisory.ID, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &ret, nil } func (a *Access) GetAllUnresolvedCVEs() ([]*apollodb.CVE, error) { var cves []*apollodb.CVE err := a.query.Select( &cves, ` select c.id, c.created_at, c.short_code_code, c.source_by, c.source_link, c.content, ap.id as affected_product_id from cves c left join affected_products ap on ap.cve_id = c.id where (ap.state is null or ap.state in (1, 2, 8, 9)) `, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } return cves, nil } func (a *Access) GetPendingAffectedProducts() ([]*apollodb.AffectedProduct, error) { var ret []*apollodb.AffectedProduct err := a.query.Select( &ret, ` select ap.id, ap.product_id, ap.cve_id, ap.state, ap.version, ap.package, ap.advisory from affected_products ap where ap.state = 3 `, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } return ret, nil } func (a *Access) GetAllCVEsFixedDownstream() ([]*apollodb.CVE, error) { var cves []*apollodb.CVE err := a.query.Select( &cves, ` select c.id, c.created_at, c.short_code_code, c.source_by, c.source_link, c.content, ap.id as affected_product_id from cves c inner join affected_products ap on ap.cve_id = c.id where ap.state = 4 `, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } return cves, nil } func (a *Access) GetCVEByID(id string) (*apollodb.CVE, error) { var cve apollodb.CVE err := a.query.Get(&cve, "select id, created_at, short_code_code, source_by, source_link, content from cves where id = $1", id) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &cve, nil } func (a *Access) GetAllCVEs() ([]*apollodb.CVE, error) { var cves []*apollodb.CVE err := a.query.Select(&cves, "select id, created_at, short_code_code, source_by, source_link, content from cves") if err != nil { return nil, err } return cves, nil } func (a *Access) CreateCVE(cveId string, shortCode string, sourceBy *string, sourceLink *string, content types.NullJSONText) (*apollodb.CVE, error) { var cve apollodb.CVE err := a.query.Get(&cve, "insert into cves (id, short_code_code, source_by, source_link, content) values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) returning id, created_at, short_code_code, source_by, source_link, content", cveId, shortCode, sourceBy, sourceLink, content) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &cve, nil } func (a *Access) SetCVEContent(cveId string, content types.JSONText) error { _, err := a.query.Exec("update cves set content = $1 where id = $2", content, cveId) return err } func (a *Access) GetProductsByShortCode(code string) ([]*apollodb.Product, error) { var products []*apollodb.Product err := a.query.Select( &products, ` select id, name, current_full_version, redhat_major_version, short_code_code, archs, mirror_from_date, redhat_product_prefix, cpe, eol_at, build_system, build_system_endpoint, koji_compose, koji_module_compose, peridot_project_id from products where short_code_code = $1 and (eol_at < now() or eol_at is null) `, code, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } return products, nil } func (a *Access) GetProductByNameAndShortCode(name string, code string) (*apollodb.Product, error) { var product apollodb.Product err := a.query.Get( &product, ` select id, name, current_full_version, redhat_major_version, short_code_code, archs, mirror_from_date, redhat_product_prefix, cpe, eol_at, build_system, build_system_endpoint, koji_compose, koji_module_compose, peridot_project_id from products where name = $1 and short_code_code = $2 `, name, code, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &product, nil } func (a *Access) GetProductByID(id int64) (*apollodb.Product, error) { var product apollodb.Product err := a.query.Get( &product, ` select id, name, current_full_version, redhat_major_version, short_code_code, archs, mirror_from_date, redhat_product_prefix, cpe, eol_at, build_system, build_system_endpoint, koji_compose, koji_module_compose, peridot_project_id from products where id = $1 `, id, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &product, nil } func (a *Access) CreateProduct(name string, currentFullVersion string, redHatMajorVersion *int32, code string, archs []string) (*apollodb.Product, error) { var product apollodb.Product err := a.query.Get(&product, "insert into products (name, current_full_version, redhat_major_version, short_code_code, archs) values ($1, $2, $3, $4) returning id, name, current_full_version, redhat_major_version, short_code_code, archs", name, currentFullVersion, redHatMajorVersion, code, archs) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &product, nil } func (a *Access) GetAllAffectedProductsByCVE(cve string) ([]*apollodb.AffectedProduct, error) { var affectedProducts []*apollodb.AffectedProduct err := a.query.Select(&affectedProducts, "select id, product_id, cve_id, state, version, package, advisory from affected_products where cve_id = $1", cve) if err != nil { return nil, err } return affectedProducts, nil } func (a *Access) GetAffectedProductByCVEAndPackage(cve string, pkg string) (*apollodb.AffectedProduct, error) { var affectedProduct apollodb.AffectedProduct err := a.query.Get(&affectedProduct, "select id, product_id, cve_id, state, version, package, advisory from affected_products where cve_id = $1 and package = $2", cve, pkg) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &affectedProduct, nil } func (a *Access) GetAffectedProductByAdvisory(advisory string) (*apollodb.AffectedProduct, error) { var affectedProduct apollodb.AffectedProduct err := a.query.Get(&affectedProduct, "select id, product_id, cve_id, state, version, package, advisory from affected_products where advisory = $1", advisory) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &affectedProduct, nil } func (a *Access) GetAffectedProductByID(id int64) (*apollodb.AffectedProduct, error) { var affectedProduct apollodb.AffectedProduct err := a.query.Get(&affectedProduct, "select id, product_id, cve_id, state, version, package, advisory from affected_products where id = $1", id) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &affectedProduct, nil } func (a *Access) CreateAffectedProduct(productId int64, cveId string, state int, version string, pkg string, advisory *string) (*apollodb.AffectedProduct, error) { var affectedProduct apollodb.AffectedProduct err := a.query.Get(&affectedProduct, "insert into affected_products (product_id, cve_id, state, version, package, advisory) values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) returning id, product_id, cve_id, state, version, package, advisory", productId, cveId, state, version, pkg, advisory) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &affectedProduct, nil } func (a *Access) UpdateAffectedProductStateAndPackageAndAdvisory(id int64, state int, pkg string, advisory *string) error { _, err := a.query.Exec( ` update affected_products set state = $1, package = $2, advisory = $3 where id = $4 `, state, pkg, advisory, id, ) return err } func (a *Access) DeleteAffectedProduct(id int64) error { _, err := a.query.Exec( ` delete from affected_products where id = $1 `, id, ) return err } func (a *Access) CreateFix(ticket string, sourceBy string, sourceLink, description string) (int64, error) { var id int64 err := a.query.Get(&id, "insert into fixes (ticket, source_by, source_link, description) values ($1, $2, $3, $4) returning id", ticket, sourceBy, sourceLink, description) return id, err } func (a *Access) GetMirrorState(code string) (*apollodb.MirrorState, error) { var lastSync apollodb.MirrorState err := a.query.Get(&lastSync, "select short_code_code, last_sync, errata_after from mirror_state where short_code_code = $1", code) if err != nil { if err == sql.ErrNoRows { return nil, nil } return nil, err } return &lastSync, nil } func (a *Access) UpdateMirrorState(code string, lastSync *time.Time) error { _, err := a.query.Exec( ` insert into mirror_state (short_code_code, last_sync) values ($1, $2) on conflict (short_code_code) do update set last_sync = EXCLUDED.last_sync `, code, lastSync, ) return err } func (a *Access) UpdateMirrorStateErrata(code string, lastSync *time.Time) error { _, err := a.query.Exec( ` insert into mirror_state (short_code_code, errata_after) values ($1, $2) on conflict (short_code_code) do update set errata_after = EXCLUDED.errata_after `, code, lastSync, ) return err } func (a *Access) GetMaxLastSync() (*time.Time, error) { var lastSync time.Time err := a.query.Get(&lastSync, "select max(last_sync) from mirror_state") if err != nil { return nil, err } return &lastSync, nil } func (a *Access) CreateBuildReference(affectedProductId int64, rpm string, srcRpm string, cveId string, sha256Sum string, kojiId *string, peridotId *string) (*apollodb.BuildReference, error) { var buildReference apollodb.BuildReference err := a.query.Get( &buildReference, ` insert into build_references (affected_product_id, rpm, src_rpm, cve_id, sha256_sum, koji_id, peridot_id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) returning id, affected_product_id, rpm, src_rpm, cve_id, sha256_sum, koji_id, peridot_id `, affectedProductId, rpm, srcRpm, cveId, sha256Sum, kojiId, peridotId, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &buildReference, nil } func (a *Access) CreateAdvisoryReference(advisoryId int64, url string) error { _, err := a.query.Exec("insert into advisory_references (advisory_id, url) values ($1, $2)", advisoryId, url) return err } func (a *Access) GetAllIgnoredPackagesByProductID(productID int64) ([]string, error) { var packages []string err := a.query.Select(&packages, "select package from ignored_upstream_packages where product_id = $1", productID) if err != nil { return nil, err } return packages, nil } func (a *Access) GetAllRebootSuggestedPackages() ([]string, error) { var packages []string err := a.query.Select(&packages, "select name from reboot_suggested_packages") if err != nil { return nil, err } return packages, nil } func (a *Access) AddAdvisoryFix(advisoryId int64, fixId int64) error { _, err := a.query.Exec("insert into advisory_fixes (advisory_id, fix_id) values ($1, $2) on conflict do nothing", advisoryId, fixId) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func (a *Access) AddAdvisoryCVE(advisoryId int64, cveId string) error { _, err := a.query.Exec("insert into advisory_cves (advisory_id, cve_id) values ($1, $2) on conflict do nothing", advisoryId, cveId) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func (a *Access) AddAdvisoryRPM(advisoryId int64, name string, productID int64) error { _, err := a.query.Exec("insert into advisory_rpms (advisory_id, name, product_id) values ($1, $2, $3) on conflict do nothing", advisoryId, name, productID) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func (a *Access) Begin() (utils.Tx, error) { tx, err := a.db.Beginx() if err != nil { return nil, err } return tx, nil } func (a *Access) UseTransaction(tx utils.Tx) apollodb.Access { newAccess := *a newAccess.query = tx return &newAccess }