// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Package json implements serialization of JSON // as specified in RFC 4627, RFC 7159, RFC 7493, RFC 8259, and RFC 8785. // JSON is a simple data interchange format that can represent // primitive data types such as booleans, strings, and numbers, // in addition to structured data types such as objects and arrays. // // # Terminology // // This package uses the terms "encode" and "decode" for syntactic functionality // that is concerned with processing JSON based on its grammar, and // uses the terms "marshal" and "unmarshal" for semantic functionality // that determines the meaning of JSON values as Go values and vice-versa. // It aims to provide a clear distinction between functionality that // is purely concerned with encoding versus that of marshaling. // For example, one can directly encode a stream of JSON tokens without // needing to marshal a concrete Go value representing them. // Similarly, one can decode a stream of JSON tokens without // needing to unmarshal them into a concrete Go value. // // This package uses JSON terminology when discussing JSON, which may differ // from related concepts in Go or elsewhere in computing literature. // // - A JSON "object" refers to an unordered collection of name/value members. // - A JSON "array" refers to an ordered sequence of elements. // - A JSON "value" refers to either a literal (i.e., null, false, or true), // string, number, object, or array. // // See RFC 8259 for more information. // // # Specifications // // Relevant specifications include RFC 4627, RFC 7159, RFC 7493, RFC 8259, // and RFC 8785. Each RFC is generally a stricter subset of another RFC. // In increasing order of strictness: // // - RFC 4627 and RFC 7159 do not require (but recommend) the use of UTF-8 // and also do not require (but recommend) that object names be unique. // - RFC 8259 requires the use of UTF-8, // but does not require (but recommends) that object names be unique. // - RFC 7493 requires the use of UTF-8 // and also requires that object names be unique. // - RFC 8785 defines a canonical representation. It requires the use of UTF-8 // and also requires that object names be unique and in a specific ordering. // It specifies exactly how strings and numbers must be formatted. // // The primary difference between RFC 4627 and RFC 7159 is that the former // restricted top-level values to only JSON objects and arrays, while // RFC 7159 and subsequent RFCs permit top-level values to additionally be // JSON nulls, booleans, strings, or numbers. // // By default, this package operates on RFC 7493, but can be configured // to operate according to the other RFC specifications. // RFC 7493 is a stricter subset of RFC 8259 and fully compliant with it. // In particular, it makes specific choices about behavior that RFC 8259 // leaves as undefined in order to ensure greater interoperability. // // # JSON Representation of Go structs // // A Go struct is naturally represented as a JSON object, // where each Go struct field corresponds with a JSON object member. // When marshaling, all Go struct fields are recursively encoded in depth-first // order as JSON object members except those that are ignored or omitted. // When unmarshaling, JSON object members are recursively decoded // into the corresponding Go struct fields. // Object members that do not match any struct fields, // also known as “unknown members”, are ignored by default or rejected // if UnmarshalOptions.RejectUnknownMembers is specified. // // The representation of each struct field can be customized in the // "json" struct field tag, where the tag is a comma separated list of options. // As a special case, if the entire tag is `json:"-"`, // then the field is ignored with regard to its JSON representation. // // The first option is the JSON object name override for the Go struct field. // If the name is not specified, then the Go struct field name // is used as the JSON object name. JSON names containing commas or quotes, // or names identical to "" or "-", can be specified using // a single-quoted string literal, where the syntax is identical to // the Go grammar for a double-quoted string literal, // but instead uses single quotes as the delimiters. // By default, unmarshaling uses case-sensitive matching to identify // the Go struct field associated with a JSON object name. // // After the name, the following tag options are supported: // // - omitzero: When marshaling, the "omitzero" option specifies that // the struct field should be omitted if the field value is zero // as determined by the "IsZero() bool" method if present, // otherwise based on whether the field is the zero Go value. // This option has no effect when unmarshaling. // // - omitempty: When marshaling, the "omitempty" option specifies that // the struct field should be omitted if the field value would have been // encoded as a JSON null, empty string, empty object, or empty array. // This option has no effect when unmarshaling. // // - string: The "string" option specifies that // MarshalOptions.StringifyNumbers and UnmarshalOptions.StringifyNumbers // be set when marshaling or unmarshaling a struct field value. // This causes numeric types to be encoded as a JSON number // within a JSON string, and to be decoded from either a JSON number or // a JSON string containing a JSON number. // This extra level of encoding is often necessary since // many JSON parsers cannot precisely represent 64-bit integers. // // - nocase: When unmarshaling, the "nocase" option specifies that // if the JSON object name does not exactly match the JSON name // for any of the struct fields, then it attempts to match the struct field // using a case-insensitive match that also ignores dashes and underscores. // If multiple fields match, the first declared field in breadth-first order // takes precedence. This option has no effect when marshaling. // // - inline: The "inline" option specifies that // the JSON representable content of this field type is to be promoted // as if they were specified in the parent struct. // It is the JSON equivalent of Go struct embedding. // A Go embedded field is implicitly inlined unless an explicit JSON name // is specified. The inlined field must be a Go struct // (that does not implement any JSON methods), RawValue, map[string]T, // or an unnamed pointer to such types. When marshaling, // inlined fields from a pointer type are omitted if it is nil. // Inlined fields of type RawValue and map[string]T are called // “inlined fallbacks” as they can represent all possible // JSON object members not directly handled by the parent struct. // Only one inlined fallback field may be specified in a struct, // while many non-fallback fields may be specified. This option // must not be specified with any other option (including the JSON name). // // - unknown: The "unknown" option is a specialized variant // of the inlined fallback to indicate that this Go struct field // contains any number of unknown JSON object members. The field type // must be a RawValue, map[string]T, or an unnamed pointer to such types. // If MarshalOptions.DiscardUnknownMembers is specified when marshaling, // the contents of this field are ignored. // If UnmarshalOptions.RejectUnknownMembers is specified when unmarshaling, // any unknown object members are rejected regardless of whether // an inlined fallback with the "unknown" option exists. This option // must not be specified with any other option (including the JSON name). // // - format: The "format" option specifies a format flag // used to specialize the formatting of the field value. // The option is a key-value pair specified as "format:value" where // the value must be either a literal consisting of letters and numbers // (e.g., "format:RFC3339") or a single-quoted string literal // (e.g., "format:'2006-01-02'"). The interpretation of the format flag // is determined by the struct field type. // // The "omitzero" and "omitempty" options are mostly semantically identical. // The former is defined in terms of the Go type system, // while the latter in terms of the JSON type system. // Consequently they behave differently in some circumstances. // For example, only a nil slice or map is omitted under "omitzero", while // an empty slice or map is omitted under "omitempty" regardless of nilness. // The "omitzero" option is useful for types with a well-defined zero value // (e.g., netip.Addr) or have an IsZero method (e.g., time.Time). // // Every Go struct corresponds to a list of JSON representable fields // which is constructed by performing a breadth-first search over // all struct fields (excluding unexported or ignored fields), // where the search recursively descends into inlined structs. // The set of non-inlined fields in a struct must have unique JSON names. // If multiple fields all have the same JSON name, then the one // at shallowest depth takes precedence and the other fields at deeper depths // are excluded from the list of JSON representable fields. // If multiple fields at the shallowest depth have the same JSON name, // then all of those fields are excluded from the list. This is analogous to // Go visibility rules for struct field selection with embedded struct types. // // Marshaling or unmarshaling a non-empty struct // without any JSON representable fields results in a SemanticError. // Unexported fields must not have any `json` tags except for `json:"-"`. package json // requireKeyedLiterals can be embedded in a struct to require keyed literals. type requireKeyedLiterals struct{} // nonComparable can be embedded in a struct to prevent comparability. type nonComparable [0]func()